Boycott Thor

Boycott Thor


A coalition of White Advocates led by the CofCC is boycotting the new “Thor” movie.

For those who are unfamiliar with this story, the negro Idris Elba of HBO’s The Wire (the gangster “Stringer Bell”) has been cast as the Germanic god Heimdall in the film, which is set to be released in May 2011.

Personally, I would never watch “Thor” under any circumstances, especially a PC version that spreads nonsense about European history and mythology. We all know people in our own circle of friends who might be be tempted to watch a summer blockbuster action movie like this. We should discourage them from doing so.

I support the anti-Thor effort.

It is drawing a lot of publicity to our cause. I have seen the boycott mentioned on MSNBC several times now. If for no other reason than self interest, we should throw our weight behind this effort.

It has not escaped my attention either that this is a positive, constructive response to an identifiable problem. The Thor boycott has already succeeded in getting some publicity for the White Nationalist cause. Heathens and Christians are also working together for once instead of fighting about theology on the internet. That’s another reason to support this.

If you have a Facebook account, please take the time to join the Thor boycott groups. We are closing in on 1,000 members.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Nightowl – you are one of the few called to knowledge. A truthseeker. I think it’s innate.

    Most primates only know what TalmudVision tells ’em It’s not real if it’s not on TV. So – pick your audience….degnerate youths are gonna luv the poisoned swill the Well Poisoners sell.

    I used to run aorund yelling, “Holy Civilizational Subversion Batman! It’s the Devil Jews! (Hi Jack Ryan!)”

    I, of all people, have grown a but more subtle, in my approach. I still tel the truth. I maintain that on cannot getthroughan entire day without hearing some-one citing Hitler and the Brown Shirt Boys. I now challenge any aspersions cast on the Knnnnaaaaaazzzeeeees every single I her or encounter said slur or aspersion. I am working on a repetor of What Works Best. This varies from Schmoo to Schmoo (look it up).

    I just told a local neighbor, when he was babbling about America’s *need* to “fight evil* in the world. He start burbbling aoubt “wjhat would have happened if we didn’t fight Hitler…..oooOOoooooOOOooohhhh Skeery…” I looked at him for a long second (use silence. It unnerves people. State at the space in front of their forehead, just above their eyes, if you have a problem holding a gaze), and thne replied, “We wouldn’t be facing 90% of the problems we have now if we had sensibly minded our own business”.

    His face went blank. Circiut disrupted.

    Another pause.

    “Look, sweetie – everything you’ve heard about the Nazis is the polar opposite of what REALLY happened”

    Blank stare, only his eyes grew bigger.

    “Research the Versailles Conmvention, and wht happened there. That’s where ya start….research who did what.”

    This is what I have bene doing…

  2. The movie is based on the Jack Kirby Marvel Comics Thor – I highly recommend Kirby’s Thor from the late 1960s – all White, and having a kick ass Norse god come down to earth and take the side of regular White Americans – well, I liked it in my youth, still do.
    Jack Ryan

    Jack Kirby was a Jew and no Marvel character ever sided with regular White Americans. In the sixties most of them were written by Jew “Stan Lee” (Stanley Lieber) to promote “civil rights” and race mixing. I defy you to provide an example of a single pro-White Thor story in the entire 45 years of the comic character’s run.

  3. I plan to permanently boycott the entire so-called “entertainment industry”.

    Our worst enemies own Hollywood. Why help make them rich, while keeping ourselves poor, by buying movie tickets, cable subscriptions etc?

  4. A well-publicized White Nationalist boycott of “Thor” will almost certainly boost movie ticket sales.

    For every one WN who doesn’t buy a ticket, 1000 hipsters will jump at the chance to prove how liberal they are by doing the opposite.

    The real way to hurt Hollywood, and make it pay for its multitude of accumulated sins, is a complete boycott of the entire entertainment industry. Challenge Christians to live their beliefs. Would Jesus subsidize such filth? Loveless sex, sadistic violence and sorcery are routinely portrayed as admirable.

    Tell them its a chance to make the world a better place, and improve their own finances, at the same time. Get them to calculate how much they’ve spent on “entertainment” over the course of their lives – and how much they could have saved by using that money to instead pay down their highest interest debt.

    If you get a small number of people (WNs) to boycott one movie, it is a trifle.

    If you get a large number of people (Christians, social conservatives, white people in general) to permanently boycott the entire “entertainment industry” – well, that just might hurt the bastards!

    This is effective White advocacy: encourage your White friends and family to improve themselves, in ways which hurt the enemy who need not be named.

    Staying out of debt is another good move in this regard, as is not renting (yes, go ahead and live in grandma’s basement – and laugh all the way to the bank!), and buying real estate (100% cash!) only at the bottom of cycles (don’t save your money from the loansharks and landlords, just to give it to the speculators!)

  5. This has been an interesting thread that has wandered quite a bit.

    To get back the basic question: should this movie be boycotted? Well there are boycotts and BOYCOTTS. The former, sure. But if we’re going to have a more visible that would mean that this is a winning issue for us. Is it?

    I’d say the obvious reason / mechanism to use is for Asatru organizations to boycott the entire film on the basis that it is scareligious. The point of the ‘whiteist of the Gods being played by a black’ should be one, among many, complaints with the film.

    This is better jui-jitsu against the Hollywood/Liberal/Jewish elite because they are constantly lecturing us on the need to be sensative to multicultural minorities and weirdo religious sects. OK, time to live by your own rules, butt-boys. What? You say you’ve never heard of Asatru? Well all the more reason you shouldn’t be making prejudicial movies about it.

    Which brings up the question of whether we should stand in front of theatres, with huge groups of Asatru believers dressed in traditional garb, chanting the Sagas in Old Norse. Or handling out pamplets with titles like “Please don’t contribute to the religious intollerance and bigotry” … Or perhaps go for the full MLK style theatrics, activists chaining themselves to the doors before the theatres open, others video-taping the men in Blue hauling them away..

    It’s fun to dream.

  6. M says:
    I defy you to provide an example of a single pro-White Thor story in the entire 45 years of the comic character’s run.

    Jack Ryan replies.

    M is trolling or is completely clueless.

    The Jack Kirby Thor comics of the mid to late 1960s presented a beautiful All White Norse mythology, with the blond haired young Thor – God of Thunder cast out of Nordic Heaven – Valhalla – to live amongst regular (White) mortals – in New York City; late 1960s New York City depicted in Kirby’s Thor comics is very, very White – as is Thor’s mortal girl friend Jane Foster – Thor;

    Kirby’s blonde haired Thunder God Thor has a very G rated romance with Jane Foster, but that’s enough to cause extreme jealousy with some Norse Gods, and the beautiful, warrioress (very White) Goddess Sif comes down to earth/Midgaurd to get her White man/God.

    Kirby’s Thor isn’t of course a anti Black, anti Jewish racist – instead he personifies the noble virtues of a strong, but gentle White man/God who cares about little children, animals, right and wrong – he’s gentle, but has a vicious temper ready to smash trolls and bad people with his hammer. Thor’s hammer is a really great White man/God’s weapon.

    Here are some covers of Jack Kirby’s Marvel Comics Thor:

  7. Jack Ryan replies.

    M is trolling or is completely clueless.

    The Jack Kirby Thor comics of the mid to late 1960s presented a beautiful All White Norse mythology, with the blond haired young Thor – God of Thunder cast out of Nordic Heaven – Valhalla – to live amongst regular (White) mortals – in New York City; late 1960s New York City depicted in Kirby’s Thor comics is very, very White – as is Thor’s mortal girl friend Jane Foster.

    Kirby’s blonde haired Thunder God Thor has a very G rated romance with Jane Foster, but that’s enough to cause extreme jealousy with some Norse Gods, and the beautiful, warrior-ess (very White) Goddess Sif comes down to Earth/Midgard to get her White man/God. Kirby’s Sif is a lot like JRR Tolkien/Peter Jackson’s depiction of Eowyn – a good looking White gal that enjoys wielding a sword and taking down a Black Rider/Witch King, but also enjoys being a girl and is very interested in the best White men.

    Kirby’s Thor isn’t of course a anti Black, anti Jewish racist – instead he personifies the noble virtues of a strong, but gentle White man/God who cares about little children, animals, right and wrong – he’s gentle, but has a vicious temper ready to smash trolls and bad people with his hammer. Thor’s hammer is a really great White man/God’s weapon.

    Here are some covers of Jack Kirby’s Marvel Comics Thor:

  8. Just go on various message boards and say it’s a cheesy movie that sucks. No need to bring up race or anything silly, condemn it for the same reason Ishtar sucked. Besides, it will bomb anyway, look at that picture, who wants to see that? Brothas?

  9. There’s boycotts, and there’s free publicity.




    Free PR.

    If you read any comments on any of the articles, pertaining to the boycott, you get 3 basic reactions:

    1) (From HipsterWannabee/Jew Troll) “Who cares about Race. Gosh that’s so stupid! it’s just s story! I am So Cool I am Above Race! Look at Me! “(Thereby proving the absolute self-delusion, and woeful ignorance of the Antifa Wannabe Hipster. Jews Trolls are paid ot write that stuff. They don’t count)

    2) “Hey – it is kinda stupid to have a Black Guy in a …uhh….Swedish movie..uhh…about…like…Swedish Gods. “. That is the Voice of Reason of the Average Joe. It’s actually a rather courageous stance…given the PC Peril of the Age. This sort of Poster is immediately jumped on, and flamed, by Hispter Wannabe/Jew Trolls.

    3) One of us, with furious/hand-wringingly earnest posts, detailing….everything. IF it gets through the Censors. I’ve had osme fun on some of those sites…of course…my stuff always gets pulled, when the Mods awaken in the AM, and get to work.

    The CoCC has gotten a lot of attention, from the Controlled Press, via this boycott. Who knows what will be drawn back in, from the nets that have been cast on these Boycott Waters….

    Start *working* what we’ve got. Boycotts are al about Pub-li-ci-tee! Let’s make the Lamestreamers work for us….

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