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Take action in North Carolina

North Carolina

I have a few questions:

(1) How many of you are pissed off about the cancellation of the 2011 Amren conference?

(2) How many of you are sick and tired of the Jewish Defense Organization, Imagine2050, and One People’s Project?

(3) How many of you want to do something to retaliate against our enemies?

(4) How many of you live in North Carolina or know someone who does?

If you answered “yes” to all four questions, I have a mission for you.

There are three pending bills in the North Carolina state legislature that are of some interest to us.

(1) House Bill 36 prohibits state and local governments from entering into contract with those who employ illegal aliens.

(2) House Bill 33 is a Voter ID law which will negate sanctuary city policies in Durham and Cary.

(3) House Bill 11 would ban illegal aliens from attending all universities and community colleges in North Carolina.

Imagine2050 is opposed to these bills. They are playing defense. We are playing offense. Help us ram these bills down their throats!

If you live in North Carolina, please contact your state legislators and tell them to vote for these bills. Tell them you strongly support Voter ID reform and banning illegal aliens from North Carolina universities.

As a long term project, we need to be creating state based networks which we can tap to twist the arms of state and local lawmakers when situations such as this arise.

There is nothing stopping anyone from creating a Facebook group specifically for White Nationalists who live in North Carolina. You can always create a pseudonym account, join the Facebook group, and use it to coordinate activist efforts across your state.

Organize the masses from the comfort of your own home. It costs you nothing but time and effort.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes, good points.

    Also, be on the look out for some White local pol with some balls – a sheriff, like that great sheriff in Arizona who made the Black convicts wear pink convict uniforms and eat stale bread and who now has in there face armed patriots confronting illegal alien smugglers. Or else that Italian mayor in Hazleton PA who made his city a no go zone for illegals.

    Always be on the look out for local talent, don’t waste your time on long shot, no shot Presidential campaigns for 80 year old libertarian/constitutionalist who will supposedly “save America” and bring back the good old days of the 1950s, or is it the 1850s.

  2. Jack, I agree on Ron Paul. I could hardly believe how many otherwise rational people were writing articles that Ron Paul was winning 60% of the vote in the Republican Primaries only to have it “stolen” by rigged electronic voting machines. The fact of the matter is when I was out in public I never met anyone who had heard of Ron Paul. That’s just the way it is, he has a passionate 2% of the population who loves him and his appeal just won’t ever cross over that threshold. I question the judgment of those who just can’t see this.

  3. Speaking of Ron Paul, I know you guys aren’t real thrilled about him and his “longshot” chances, but it is a fact that our current regime is terrified of him, hence the news blackout on his campaign.

    Here is an excerpt:

    We discussed the massive federal electronic vote fraud in the fall of 2007 which was used to deny Ron Paul his victory in the Republican caucuses. (In heartland Iowa, which was FULL of RP yard signs, the voting machine manipulators actually placed him initially on election night in FIFTH place, behind the ultra-liberal, bald, Nah-Yawk-accented, ultra-liberal (pro-gay, pro-abortion) ex-mayor of NYC, Rudy Giuliani. Rudy was a man whom the heartland, as well as the rest of the country, could not stand and who flopped everywhere except, well, in Florida, where the ex-NY Jews helped him get 10% of the vote there….. but, come on, ZOG, Giuliani beat Ron Paul in Iowa????

    Malcolm describes what he said to an election-monitoring official — he was living himself with his then-wife in Iowa and knew that RP was nearly worshipped in that state — and how just minutes later, presto-change-o, so it did not look OVERLY ridiculous, they quickly popped Paul above Giuliani!


    and this is 1st part of 4-part video:

  4. Hmmmm, according to this person, Ron Paul may be more popular today than he was in 2007-8, for the following reasons:

    If you want to talk to an American, you have to understand that his primary concerns are his job, his pension and his money. He does not care about foreigners so he does not care about dying Palestinians.

    But he does care that 5 trillion dollars was stolen from the Pentagon by the Israelis and their American Zionist traitors. He does not care that millions of Iraqis and Afghans were killed by illegal wars. Tell him that Israel did 911 in order to get America to fight two losing wars and to drain us of our last few trillions.

    Americans do not like the TSA and they do not like the government spying on them and pushing them around. That is why Ron Paul is so more popular now than in 2008 especially since the dollar is about to collapse.

  5. Nightowl says:
    February 12, 2011 at 2:40 am
    Jack, I agree on Ron Paul. I could hardly believe how many otherwise rational people were writing articles that Ron Paul was winning 60% of the vote in the Republican Primaries only to have it “stolen” by rigged electronic voting machines. The fact of the matter is when I was out in public I never met anyone who had heard of Ron Paul. That’s just the way it is, he has a passionate 2% of the population who loves him and his appeal just won’t ever cross over that threshold. I question the judgment of those who just can’t see this.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    I can not warn people too much about the horrible trap of falling in with the RP Constitutionalist Libertarian cult that always, always wastes time, money and hopes on hopeless Libertarian Constitutionalist presidential races or some other big office. These same types that went all out for Ron Paul’s winning less than 2% GOP primary delegates did something even worse here in Illinois:

    Pushing Black “Conservative” talk show host Alan Keyes in a head to head US Senate race against Barack Obama – that’s how Obama got elected to the US Senate and pushed right up to President. If Whites in Illinois had just ran a well known, well liked White candidate and avoided this Libertarian cult stuff, Obama would have easily lost.

    And this Ron Paul Libertarian cult is a raceless cult. Check out Ron Paul’s horrible interviews with Wolf Blitzer – Ron Paul insists with complete conviction that he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body and would be for virtually limitless (NW) immigration if the economy was better – thinks Haiti would be as prosperous as Switzerland if Haiti just enacted free market economic reforms.

    Don’t ever let one of these RP Libertarian true believers in to your home – they’ll never stop talking, never leave and there is no way to reason with them.

  6. DS says:
    February 12, 2011 at 2:36 pm
    “Americans do not like the TSA and they do not like the government spying on them and pushing them around. That is why Ron Paul is so more popular now than in 2008 especially since the dollar is about to collapse.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Hey D.S. Ron Paul is now almost 80 years old – he’s pushing the same old Libertarian true believer cult that has been consistenly rejected in Presidential politics for over 100 years by margins of 98% to 2%.

    Ron Paul has as much chance of winning the NBA slam dunk competition or the Miss Teen American beauty contest or out running 3 year old theroughbred horses at the Kentucky Derby as he does of winning the GOP Presidential nomination much less a general Presidential election. And Ron Paul and his never say die libertarian cult followers look very foolish losing so badly, they make our race look

    Losers – ready to be taken down

  7. @Jack Ryan:
    Ron Paul may indeed be a non-starter in the presidential election but the GOP better come up with someone plausible and quickly. I see NOBODY there worth a shit.

  8. maxsnafu says:
    February 12, 2011 at 6:52 pm
    @Jack Ryan:
    Ron Paul may indeed be a non-starter in the presidential election but the GOP better come up with someone plausible and quickly. I see NOBODY there worth a shit.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Fine, I completely understand your feelings, your frustrations. But, there is another option.

    Don’t participate in GOP Presidential elections, use your time and energy, your hopes and dreams on something where you can have some success, work in local politics. There is simply no reason to embrace

    LOSING – Humiliating losing, where your candidate doesn’t even win 2% – it’s done the same way, every four years, time after time, again and again. This type of activity confirms the stereotype that White Americans are old, cranks, on their way out and people shouldn’t pay attention to us – because we’re not competitive.

    In any election, in any contest, any boxing match, any sporting event, any conflict, court case or war White Americans need to be….


    We need to compete to win.

    Don’t embrace losing, don’t do really foolish, stupid things like trying to put up 80 year old White men to compete for the heavy weight boxing championship. No boxer over the age of 45 has ever competed well to win the heavy weight boxing championship.

    For the last 50 years, White Americans have been very bad, very, very bad at Presidential politics and also competing for the heavy weight boxing championship or really any boxing championships. This contributes to the widely held view that:

    White Americans can’t fight.

    And very Blacks, Mexicans, non Whites terrorize, torment White children in schools and playgrounds all over America for being pussies, cowards, sissies.

    But certain other Whites around the world are very good at boxing – folks like Joe Calzaghe or the long reigning heavy weight champion Vitali Klitscho. These white boys/men can fight, they can compete and they win – Blacks and other NW don’t mouth off in front of Joe Calzaghe, Vitali Klitschko or in front of their White fans.

    It’s the same with politics – Whites in other countries like Russia, Switzerland, Northern Italy know how to compete to win in politics, Presidential politics. These White are serious about competing to win and they win. They don’t waste their time with 80 year old Libertarian Constitutionalist with whiney voices that never win even 2%.

    Come on folks. Let’s break some bad habits. Stop embracing losing. Start competing to win.

  9. It’s really unfortunate Ron Paul is not 15 to 20 years younger because he is the only elected official in the entire country who poses a genuine threat to the American regime and power structure. He also just won the CPAC straw poll. Whatever the problems with his libertarian positions, Paul opposes the two cornerstones of Jewish power in this country — the federal reserve banking system and the neocon military/industrial war machine. That’s more than good enough for me given the alternatives.

  10. “Whatever the problems with his libertarian positions, Paul opposes the two cornerstones of Jewish power in this country — the federal reserve banking system and the neocon military/industrial war machine. That’s more than good enough for me given the alternatives.”

    Ron Paul, in addition to being for an amendment ending anchor babies and enforcing existing immigration law, would end the welfare system and restore freedom of association and contract — no more WIC, HUD, Section 8, etc. Dispossession and ethnic cleansing of white people is impossible under such conditions. Mass non-white immigration is necessary but not sufficient.

  11. John says:
    Ron Paul, in addition to being for an amendment ending anchor babies and enforcing existing immigration law, would end the welfare system and restore freedom of association and contract — no more WIC, HUD, Section 8, etc. Dispossession and ethnic cleansing of white people is impossible under such conditions. Mass non-white immigration is necessary but not sufficient.

    Jack Ryan replies;

    And what will Ron Paul do when he wins the Miss Teen America beauty pageant?
    Ron Paul has as much chance of winning the Miss Teen American beauty pageant as an 80 year old Libertarian Constitutionalist man without a working male sex organ has of winning the election for President of the United States as as an 80 year old Libertarian Constitutionalist man without a working male sex organ.

    No Libertarian candidate for President of the United States has ever won even 2% of the delegates of either party – Libertarianism, economic conservatism is pure poison – guaranteed losing, defeat in Presidential elections. Why do so many White people embrace losing?

    Working class Whites, poor Whites detest libertarianism, economic conservatism – they’ll vote for half Black African mongrels before they will go for $*@&#$.

  12. Ron Paul is important not because he has a chance to win but because of how he influences discourse. Again, Paul’s ideas on ending the Fed, disengaging from the middle east, and not fighting wars for Israel are highly subversive to this regime. To the extent Paul is able to voice these ideas on the national stage, his visibility has value. Every other Republican with national visibility is in the tank for Israel.

  13. Lew says:
    February 14, 2011 at 4:41 pm
    Ron Paul is important not because he has a chance to win but because of how he influences discourse. Again, Paul’s ideas on ending the Fed, disengaging from the middle east, and not fighting wars for Israel are highly subversive to this regime. To the extent Paul is able to voice these ideas on the national stage, his visibility has value. Every other Republican with national visibility is in the tank for Israel.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Lew – the (successful) Chinese revolutionary leader Mao once said:

    “A revolution is not a dinner party”

    Meaning that a revolution is not polite, neat, non violent; serious revolutionaries need to get away from thinking that having polite discussions over dinner with well dressed, polite quests who discuss old Constitutionas and utopian economic theories will never achieve a history changing revolution.

    After 50 years of failure, more like 75 years of failure these never say die Libertarian Constitutionalists still insist on thinking and acting on the idea that the US Presidential primaries are an excellent opportunity to teach the nation, teach the world about free market economics, sound monetary programs, Constitutional law.

    The reality is that the US Presidential primaries are a horse race, where one horse with the most backing, organization wins the race – not much is achieved by the horse that comes in 2nd place, except maybe (completely powerless) position of vice president is offered to the 2nd place finisher as was done to George Bush Sr. who lost to Reagan.

    Don’t you think it would look rather foolish for Ron Paul – an 80 year old White man with a whiney voice to enter the Kentucky Derby horse race and try to out run 3 year old thoroughbred horses? It looks equally foolish for RP and his supporters to get all excited about long shot, no shot Presidential campaigns where their candidate wins less than 2% – and that is what Libertarian economic conservatives always do in Presidential campaigns – the voting public detests Libertarian, economic conservative candidates, it’s guaranteed losing.

    As for Ron Paul supposedly being the only candidate to stand up against the Israeli Lobby, speak out against Jewish Neo Conservative Wars and be a principled patriot, putting America first – please. He’s an 80 year old man and simply can’t fight and will shamelessly back down and humiliate himself and our White race when smeared as a Racist, anti Semite.

    Didn’t everyone see this pathetic TV interview of Ron Paul denying he wrote or even read his own newsletter which contained negative comments about Black rioters/looters/murderers in the LA Rodney King riots and also criticized AIPAC and the rest of the Israeli lobby.

    Here’s Ron Paul backing down and humiliating himself and our race to former AIPAC lobbyist Wolf Blitzer – the smear against Ron Paul was started by the homosexual Jew editor of the Neo Liberal rag/mag the New Republic.

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