California: The Color of Crime


I’ve got a special present for our loyal readers in California. It is the Color of Crime in the Golden State:

In the pie chart above, we can see what California looks like, racially speaking. The pie charts below shows who commits all the crime in California:







Motor Vehicle Theft



Sex Offenses

Source: Crime in California, 2009

Occidental Dissent is reporting that Whites and Asians are paying the taxes in California whereas African-Americans and Hispanics are committing a disproportionate amount of crime in California.

This also means that White and Asian taxpayer dollars are paying for the massively overcrowded California prison system. An enormous amount of money in California is being stolen from White and Asian taxpayers for it can be squandered on idle African-American and Hispanic prisoners in jail.

Given the commitment of DWLs to Black Run America, Occidental Dissent is urging Asian Americans to lead the revolt against the Hispanicization of California.

Update: In 1967, California spent $839,631,000 on criminal justice expenditures, which includes law enforcement, prosecution, public defense, courts, and corrections.

In the previous “Color of Crime” studies, we only looked at expenditures on corrections, which is only one aspect of total spending on the criminal justice system.

In 2008, California spent $35,113,844,000 on criminal justice expenditures. The per capita rate of inmates under state supervision has soared from 107.5 in 1967 to 430.6 in 2009.

Just looking at these pie charts, we can see that African-Americans and Hispanics are committing around 65 percent of the crime in California.

If we assume there is racial parity in the total costs to California, that means at least $22,823,998,600 was squandered in 2008 just on the criminal justice sector for African-Americans and Hispanics.

The “budget gap” in California is $25.4 billion. In order to reduce the “budget gap,” $1.4 billion is being slashed on higher education spending, and the retail sales tax is being raised from 1% to 8.25% and the state personal income tax is being raised by 0.25%.

Occidental Dissent is recommending cuts in diversity to solve this problem. These cuts would have a cascading effect across the welfare state as EBT cards, TANF welfare, CHIP, Medicaid, Section 8 housing and access to emergency rooms without health insurance are taken to account.

These mandatory cuts in diversity would allow California to lower taxes and attract back the millions of White taxpayers who have fled the state.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. .

    Can the graphics people who make these charts use a grey background then a white slice for Whites, black slice for Blacks, brown for Hispanics, yellow for Asians and maybe pink for gays?

    Visual clarity and intuitiveness would enlighten us all real fast.


  2. Thanks for the stats (I think).

    AND it’s about to get a whole lot worse in California.

    Yesterday, from the Supremes:

    A prisoner reduction plan is being forced on California prison administrators that requires the state to reduce its inmate population by tens-of-thousands to ease overcrowding….Approximately 37,000 to 46,000 inmates will have to be released in order for the state to comply with the SCOTUS ruling.

    Yeah, Welcome to Alcatraz!! The entire state, that is.

    Hope you weren’t planning on spending your Summer Vacation in the Golden State…

  3. Hey Ron K. Unz, what was that about mestizos not being more criminally inclined than whites?

  4. Don’t forget, it is now common practice to count Hispanic criminals as White whenever possible. I’m not inclined to believe that Mexicans commit only one-and-a-half to three times as many violent crimes as Whites when they nearly equal our numbers.

  5. Hispanics are counted separately in California.

    In Alabama and Georgia, Hispanics are counted as White. California has the best racial statistics of any state that I have seen.

  6. I’d like to see a pie chart about the color of interracial crime: what percentage of interracial crime (murders and rapes) are committed by each race.

    It doesn’t matter to me if Blacks kill one another, and I don’t care that White men sometimes rape White women. I’m only interested in the interracial crime stats.

  7. Then they must not record all the crimes. Jose robs Armando, and Armando keeps quiet instead of calling the cops. Maria gets raped by her primo Manuel, tells her tia Anita, and Anita yells at Manuel. Or they never convict anybody, so these figures don’t include all the Hispanics who get away with crimes.
    I lived in Southern California, in the San Fernando Valley, and in the 1980s, 80% of the victims of violence, either crime or accident, were Mexican or El Salvadorean. That 80% is my own figure. I counted them myself in the Los Angeles Daily News over a period of months. You could see the city crumbling around you, sliding into Mexifornia. I’m not about to accept those low numbers for Hispanic criminality.

    • there were 12 rapes in my city in California last year,10 of them were family members raping family members,IE the Mexicans.

  8. Either these stats are wrong or Mr. Hunter you need a refresher on how to read/analysis graphs.

    You mentioned that AA’s lead in most crimes, when according to the “research” you provided Whites out numbered AA’s in most graphs (i.e. rape, assault, burglary, forgery, kidnapping, sexual assaults). s

  9. “Something to consider when debating blacks is that arguments based on arithmetic are likely to mean very little to them. I well remember a radio debate with a black about crime, in which I pointed out that blacks are more likely than whites to be charged with hate crimes. He laughed dismissively and, to my surprise, said he had the FBI hate crimes report with him (I was on air by telephone, so could not see the others on the program). He triumphantly read out that blacks committed only 22 percent of hate crimes, while whites committed more than 60 percent. After a few minutes of trying to explain that this figure proved my point — that 22 percent is greater than the proportion of blacks in the population — I gave up. A surprising number of whites have trouble understanding any kind of per capita argument; for most blacks, it might as well be quantum theory. ” — Jared Taylor, “Arguments For Our Side,” American Renaissance, June 2001.

    What I find frustrating here is that even when using stats — like those for hate crimes — that, BY DEFINITION, are loaded against whites, and where even by that loaded definition are almost certainly NOT objectively reported.

    Even then, many people involved in these debates don’t understand the fundamentals of statistics well enough to follow along.

    Doesn’t it makes sense, then, to cut those who can’t follow these basic ideas out of the discussion, and out of the decision making process?

  10. “Something to consider when debating blacks is that arguments based on arithmetic are likely to mean very little to them.”

    Or anything else involving science. Case in point: OJ.

    Could not understand the DNA argument or did not want to.

  11. Yep.

    Even though all these barrios didn’t exist in California forty years ago. They were imported from Mexico.

    The state also had the best education system in America. Now it has among the worst. California is either 49 or 50 now.

    But, you see, the schools failed them: the same schools where Asians and Whites get superior scores, where many of these problems were unknown before the inclusion of “diversity.”

  12. A surprising number of whites have trouble understanding any kind of per capita argument; for most blacks, it might as well be quantum theory. ” — Jared Taylor, “Arguments For Our Side,” American Renaissance, June 2001.

    Jared knows the data, 98-100 average IQ. What does he expect? Hell, even those with 115 IQ still have trouble.

    So it begs the question, if it isn’t working why does he still do it?

    Despite the IQ difference blacks are more like Jews. The truth is only useful if it helps them. They lie as easily as they breathe.

  13. “Something to consider when debating blacks is that arguments based on arithmetic are likely to mean very little to them.”

    Jews understand the arithmetic but ignore it to. Understanding isn’t the key. Black people operate on “is it good for black people?” so if an argument ends in a conclusion to which the answer to that question is “no” then they won’t accept the conclusion regardless of facts or logic. The aim should always be to convince white people in the audience. If there’s no white audience there’s no point arguing.

  14. People are getting upset about this blog. Or real life away from Dancing With The Stars and the Android apps. Sad. Truly.

    They always put some subhuman nigger with the pretty blondes, pisses me off. I don’t watch it regularly for that reason but Kym Johnson has one of the most incredible bodies I’ve ever seen.

  15. Under the mindless diversity catastrophe, California has plummeted from world’s seventh most prosperous economy to something like fifteenth now in a few short years.

    This is more empirical evidence that a public demographic diversification policy and the resulting welfare state burden is terrible for long term business prospects in such areas.

    Investors would be wise to watch for the growth of the diversity complex in prospective regions or cities and avoid making any serious commitments therein.

  16. We are terrorizing the libtards on Reddit every day now. Yall ought to join us.

    I just did 😉

  17. Occidental Dissent is recommending cuts in diversity to solve this problem. These cuts would have a cascading effect across the welfare state as EBT cards, TANF welfare, CHIP, Medicaid, Section 8 housing and access to emergency rooms without health insurance are taken to account.

    I grew up in the northern panhandle of West Virginia. Very little diversity. Eastern Ohio river towns, Bellaire, Bridgeport, Martins Ferry, Stubenville, et al, nicely diversified.


    Ohio welfare pays better.

    Slowly start reducing welfare payments and a state will slowly start undiversifying.

  18. Hey Ron K. Unz, what was that about mestizos not being more criminally inclined than whites?

    Realistically, Petrenko, you know jack shit about the subject. If you did know something, you’d realize that it’s not anywhere near as clear cut as WNs want to make it, and so you’d presumably shut your mouth about it (since why would you want to sound like a babbling doofus like Discard, right?).

    Fact is, whites in modern American history (70s, 80s back when they were whiter/more nordic too) have often times had crime rates (across all categories) that matched or exceeded the (non-Caribbean) hispanic rate. Go to and look at state level data for states like Oregon or Arizona that goes back to 1960. There are very few mestizo-dominated parts of the USA that exceed the statewide crime rates those states have posted. Remember Oregon was essentially all-white (very nordic, too) in that time period, and the fact that it’s statewide understates the crime level, because rural areas are typically less crime infested (on the other hand it’s possible that perhaps statewide data “makes up for” the small number of blacks in the cities, ). If mestizos are as criminally inclined as you want to believe then why isn’t there a greater disparity between whites at their worst and mestizos at their worst? It’s one thing to bring up gangs, but as Unz pointed out in resposne to a question from the audience during his debate with Richwhine, if hispanic gangs are causing a crime wave, that’s going to show up in crime stats in the form of elevated crime rates, and yet it doesn’t — crime has been falling even as the number of gangs has (supposedly) been proliferating. Those tattooed mutts are visibly arresting, no doubt, but their effect with respect to the crime debate is, more than anything else, to make people see what really isn’t there.

  19. Under the mindless diversity catastrophe, California has plummeted from world’s seventh most prosperous economy to something like fifteenth now in a few short years.

    California’s average annual growth exceeded that of the USA as a whole over the last decade. California’s per capita GDP exceeds the US average. If other countries are overtaking California then that can’t be attributed to California stalling out; it must be attributed to other countries catching up. In any case, a fall from 7th to 15th doesn’t necessarily mean much if the differences between ranking levels are small (which I know for a fact they are).

    Isn’t there a better use of your time than posting patently false or misleading arguments on WN blogs? You know, you don’t exactly enjoy a surfeit of credibility out there.

  20. “If you did know something, you’d realize that it’s not anywhere near as clear cut as WNs want to make it, and so you’d presumably shut your mouth about it”

    The simple fact that FBI Most Wanted lists in the worst imminvaded states are overwhelmingly mestizo names makes it as clearcut as anyone could possibly want to make it.
    If mestizos were really such peaceloving, gentle souls, then they certainly SHOULDN’T take almost all the most-wanted slots — particularly when they are no more than half the population.

  21. Realistically, Silver, you know jack shit. Law enforcement agencies count many Hispanic criminals as White. Check the FBI’s hate crime statistics, or the top ten wanted in Texas for starters. Those are only a couple flagrant examples. No doubt there are many more just as bad, plus less systematic or more subtle means of hiding the facts. Only a babbling Jewfus would accept crime/race stats at face value.
    Before you spew, explain how Gaspar Loya, Rene Morales of the Texas Mexican Mafia, Javier Morin, Ricardo Zuniga of the Barrio Azteca gang, Ernesto Alonzo Garcia, and Alfonzo Gomez Quiroz, are White, according to the State of Texas. Or explain why, if Hispanics are not far more criminally inclined than Whites, every last one of the 15 most wanted in California is Hispanic? Before I’ll disregard my own observations in favor of some statistics you cite, these anomalies need to be cleared up.

  22. Thanks for linking, Barb. That’s the same poster I was looking at, but I’ve no idea how to do that stuff. If the official statistics don’t square with the observed phenomena, doubt the statistics, not your own eyes.

  23. You’re very welcome, Discard.

    To make a simple link like I did, just, when you’re at a site you want to link to, go up to the address bar, highlight it by putting your cursor at the end, leftclick and hold while you drag the cursor backward all the way past the “http” part. It will highlight blue.

    When the address is highlighted, hit and hold down “control” while you hit the letter c.

    Now you’ve copied the address.

    To paste it in your post, put your cursor in your post where you want the link, and hit and hold “control” and hit the letter v. The link will appear. Depending on the software of the blog you’re on, the software may turn it blue when you post, so that readers can just click on it.
    Or if the software doesn’t turn it blue, your post’s readers can copy and paste it into their browser’s address line and click “enter” and go to your link that way.

  24. You made a great start but you should have plotted the crime rate for each race for each type of crime. For example murders per Negro and murders per White. The result is that all of the charts would show a thin sliver for Whites and Others. The rest would be half in half for Negroes and Hispanics. This pie chart would be far more dramatic.

  25. BTW, you should use skin colors for each race for the pie chart, white for Whites, brown for Hispanics, Yellow for Orientals, black for Negroes etc.

  26. I wonder what the charts would look like if they used other factors instead of race such as income level, level of education, political party, age, etc. Can anyone pull those together? It’d be interesting to see.

  27. California Criminal: The same qualities that lead one to crime, which are stupidity, shortsightedness, and lack of self control, also prevent one from learning an employable skill and earning any money. Since Blacks are world-beaters in those qualities, and Hispanics are close runners-up, the charts you suggest would look pretty much the same.

  28. The white man keepin us down bra, my great-great-great-grandad wus a slave so now I gotsta supplement my gubment handouts any way I can yamean???

  29. f spouse homicides occurring from 1979 to 1981, 96.3 per cent occurred in intraracial marriages. Spouse homicides in marriages where the husband was Black and the wife was White constituted 1.4 per cent of the total, and marriages where the husband was White and the wife was Black accounted for 0.5 per cent. Spouse homicide incidence rates were 7.7 times higher in interracial marriages relative to intraracial marriages.

    White women who marry a black husband increase their chances of being a victim of spousal homicide by 12.4 times.

    In the report, “Fatal Violence among Spouses in the United States, 1976-85,” by James A. Mercy and Linda E. Saltzman, spousal homicide is examined along racial lines.

  30. just go walk the streets and visit the parks … anywhere you find blacks , if you are a white man , you will find hate and possibly violence towards you … blacks need tk get their act together fast because this whole Obama thing is an experiment , and if they don’t pull it together then the plug is gonna get pulled and we will be in for a hell of a wild ride … the question truly is, are black people genetically capable of being peaceful ? are Africans not genetically designed for violence? is that not what makes them such great entertainers ? has anyone ever heard of a black Buddhist Monk ? are Africans even capable of civilized behavior in a free and midern society ? sadly the answer is NO ! and that is scary as hell , and presents one hell of a problem ..,

  31. Most of you and Donald sterling should write a book together. All the stuff that comes out of his mouth is crap CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG.

  32. WHEN THE TOTAL POPULATION OF BLACKS IS 5.9% in the entire state while commiting an average of 30% of all crimes, THAT is a very disproportionate number to the total population. Each white offense percentage is lower than or equals the total white percentage in the whole state while each black crime percentage is higher than the total percentage of the black population in the entire state.

  33. Percentage of total black population in the state is 5.9%. Percentage of crimes commited by blacks is an average of 30%. Percentage of total white people in the state is 42.5%. Percentage is on average, lower for all crimes across the board at about 30% but much lower for violent crimes at at about 25%

  34. Are there any race stats that only cover males between 15 to 55 in California ?
    If you eliminate the females, males under 15 and the elderly over 55 from the crime stats the ratios of minority crime soar.

  35. Thank you Hunter for these stats…I have believed these statistics to be true as a radio news reporter for years. I love being able to backup what some people believe to be racial prejudice with facts!

  36. My reason for looking at this chart was to determine the crime rate in California that was caused my immigrates in the Hispanic community but as I read the comments I see that most address the African American first thing hate is a disease that only going to eat away the person who have it. So let’s take a look at the crime rate to some of you who or ignorant rape assault burglary theft motor vehicle theft forgery kidnapping and sex offender these are higher percentage in the white community than African American so I guess the African Americans in California are also playing high taxes to keep the white people in jail. But why should I be surprised white people or known for rape and violence the have KKK and also they was the one who brought in African American stole them from their county enslaved them beat them raped them and their children to Cookie you want to know if black people have the capability for peace look at your own race behaviors or learnt and this is what you all taught us to be right to steal to be violent y’all taught or ancestors and now y’all won’t to point the blame major serials killers or white people white people invented violence to make you race feel superior I pity those who or scared of someone who is different from them or feel they must put one down to feel better about yourself to John did your wife leave you for a black man and that’s why your angry sorry to hear that but according to the chart white people have higher percentage in assault than African Americans so please get your facts rights you white people brought us here forced us to slave for you beat us sold and raped our children we never asked for white people to come to our land and discrupt or lives but now that we are hear thanks to you we are Americans and if y’all don’t like it than your ancestors should have never butted their noses into our business or white people shouldnt have been so damn lazy that they needed other people black people to do their labor. Look around white people if I was y’all I would be scared because y’all are becoming the Minority group it already happen in California and it’s spreading and Tracy says it best and secured racist white people

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