Obama Goes “Full Negro”: Visiting Detroit on Labor Day

District of Corruption

Apparently, the tyrant Barack Hussein Obama thinks the White blogosphere didn’t catch the “diversity” executive order, the Pigford swindle, the Made in Canada Freedom Ride, the lawsuits against Alabama and Arizona, the reparations bill that was disguised as the “stimulus,” the amnesty for illegal aliens to appease Gutierrez and La Raza, the Norman Rockwell painting about the Klan which he just put outside the Oval Office, Michelle finally being proud of her country, the Rev. Wright fiasco, Eric “My People” Holder’s Injustice Department, etc., etc.

No, we caught every single one of those things: not for one second did we ever believe the MSM narrative that Obamamessiah was “post-racial.” The outlaw media debunked that myth during the 2008 presidential campaign.

So now listen to this:

The new approach is subtle, but it is significant to African American lawmakers who have been pressing for the change since early spring. One proposal would extend aid to communities with long-standing poverty problems. Another would help the long-term unemployed.

Both ideas would help mostly minorities, said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.), chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. In steering clear of the overt race label, he added, “it’s not as in-your-face.”

“They are paying closer attention to what’s going on in the urban core of the major cities,” Cleaver said.

Several black lawmakers said they think the White House is considering additional targeted steps to boost urban communities as part of the jobs package the president plans to release shortly after Labor Day.

How is pandering to black people a new policy? What is subtle about the Swipe Yo EBT? That has been going on for years now.

In other words, Obama isn’t even going to pretend to be an American president anymore. The HNIC of Black Run Amerika is a servant of all these “explicitly racial taxpayer shakedown groups” (coughs … “civil rights organizations”). He is the leader of the heist.

“If he comes and speaks out for black people in the middle of this, he will lose his reelection, and you know it,” said Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.). “He has to temper this in such a manner so we can get him reelected, and once he’s a lame-duck president, I think we’ll see lots of changes and lots of movement toward the black community.”

Until the 2012 election, Obamamessiah will use the full power of the federal government to make life better for his own race at the expense of all other races and nations, until he succeeds in toppling not only the whole BRA system that has endured since 1965, but possibly even the Lincoln system that has endured since 1865!

I mean … every single time Barack Hussein Obama goes to work in the White House, every single time he walks by the Lincoln bedroom, he is being haunted by the ghost of President Jefferson Davis, exactly 150 years after the formation of the Confederate States of America.

He is reminding everyone in the nation of Dixie that we can do better than the USA, that there are alternatives to Washington, that there are alternatives to BRA, that there are alternatives to Wall Street and Hollywood.

Dixie secedes from Coontown!

Update: The New York Times asks its readers: does Michigan need manufacturing?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/schoen-obama-election-perry/2011/08/26/id/408793

    Angry that Democrats are ignoring union issues, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has announced that the nation’s largest labor federation is cutting its ties with the Democratic Party and President Barack Obama heading into 2012, and instead it will set up a super PAC to pick and support its own candidates.

    Asked if this is a huge blow to Obama, Schoen responds: “Absolutely. Obama needs to get labor back and I think he’ll be courting them furiously in the weeks and months to come.”

  2. Until the 2012 election, Obamamessiah will use the full power of the federal government to make life better for his own race at the expense of all other races and nations,

    Well, I haven’t heard Obama or any of his cohorts utter so much as a peep about how “their people” are getting ethnically cleansed from certain areas of Los Angeles County. Agreed this black vs. brown business probably did start off as a gang thing, but it is quite clear to anyone with half a brain that it has gone far, far beyond that. Rather curiously, the only media figure I can think of that is bringing this issue up on a semi-regular basis is Pat Buchanan.

    Where’s Jesse Jackson leading protest marches? Though I suppose its one thing to have the courage to shake down spineless executives at Annhaueser-Busch and quite another to be fully aware what might happen to you if your “protest march” stumbled across a few stray members of, say, MS-13; you know, the Salvadoran gang that beheads people Americans can’t be bothered with beheading. Alas, Jesse has far too honed a sense of self-preservation to ever bump into that bloc of his “Rainbow Coalition,” to give credit where it is due. And the negroes who can afford it leave LA, or at any rate “historically black” LA (would this be “Black Flight?”) but the bottom of the negro barrel can’t go anywhere, except to their graves, I guess. And I can’t see that the comedy team of Michelle and Barry really gives two shits.

    until he succeeds in toppling not only the whole BRA system that has endured since 1965, but possibly even the Lincoln system that has endured since 1865!

    If negroes have been running the country since 1965 then they’ve been doing a remarkable job of committing suicide in slow motion. What was that statistic? In 1960, 85% of the non-white population of the US was black, something like that. Presuming there’s still something with a vague resemblance to the USA in 2060, what percent of the non-white population do you think would be classified as black? I’d guess about a third, if they’re lucky. Probably less.

    PS: I’ve been reading this site for about a week now, and I grok that “BRA” is “Black Run America,” but some of the other acronyms are leaving me utterly befuddled. “SWPL?” and so on. A glossary of some sort would be nice.

    PPS: I seem to agree with 50% of what is said here, have no strong opinion either way on about 25% and violently reject the last 25%. With a percentage like that, should I make this first response my last?

  3. The only way the Caucasian race be saved is through the collapse of the empire Jew, oops, U.S. and European Union. Both are dominated by the chosen people to the devil. Two years ago I would argue that the rise of the extreme right in Europe and the U.S. was a matter of logic. The situation has deteriorated more and more in 2011 completely changed my rhetoric, is no longer just a matter of logic (as if that was not much), is a matter of time.

  4. From a legal point of view, President Obama has definitely burst the bonds of the US Constitution by his practice of legislating national policy by the extra-legal use of “waivers.” Many federal statutes allow specific exemptions to be made, presumably in the interests of specific cases or jobs or some other larger purpose.

    But this president has made waivers available to every state in the application of the robust testing regime demanded by the national educational law. This will disappear the “achievement gap” in reading, writing, and arithmetic.

    He is offering waivers to states and companies and unions from complying with his fancy new health care law.

    And now he is waiving the application of the federal immigration law for whole categories of illegal immigrants. Not administratively legalizing just yet, but definitely not prosecuting the crimes associated with illegal entry and overstay.

    Most public commentary on his waivers is about the substance of the federal law he is waiving, and no one yet has seemed to notice his over-all technique of suspending laws by large scale waivers. This was a technique favored by almost all Third World dictators, and not a few First World dictators, as far as that goes.

    It does raise interesting questions thought to be have been settled by Madison vs Marbury (1803) as to which branch of the federal government has the authority to suspend legislation for Constitutional non-compliance. In a sense, President Obama’s waivers are a claim that usurps the judiciary’s Constitutional scrutiny as well as the legislative branch’s right to make the laws.

    And it raises the question: At what point does a president’s extra-Constitutional activities cancel the government’s claim to allegiance by its citizenry?

  5. Denise – thank you for the original link you put up to Chapter’s (that’s a black street name, FYI) excellent video, re-linked above in this post. It was on another thread a few days ago and at the time I thought it was so excellent that it deserves its own post. Here it’s part of the article, so Hunter has come close.

    The great thing about this video is that there is ZERO white content. No white people in it. It’s not a while parody of a black video making fun of welfare, it’s a black video that makes fun of welfare (while at the same time telling the truth that is surpressed in most places about what EBT means to their community).

    I’ve mailed it around to a bunch of people who I don’t normally send political stuff to. After all it’s “just” an amusing video! It can’t possibly be racist to like black artists performing black music for a black audience!

  6. Elwood – “SWPL” – Stuff White People Like – from the Website. SWPL’s are Disinegunous [sic]White Liberals . DWL’S.

  7. Elwood: The bottom of the Black barrel in L.A. has been moving to section 8 housing in San Bernardino and Palmdale/Lancaster. At least they were ten years ago.

    My view about the Black “leaders” failure to address immigration is that they’re all on a short leash. They’re all rich, and they’d hate to have the sources of their income publicly examined, so they limit their social criticism to White Republicans. Their job is to manage the Blacks and deliver their votes, not to advance Blacks’ interests.

  8. Discard,

    Do you remember the article I wrote about Nashville’s gentrification several months ago?

    There is a “homicide crisis” in Nashville. Suppose you are Don Lemon or Jesse Jackson or Barack Hussein Obama. The “homicide crisis” might be going on somewhere on Mars for all they care. It doesn’t affect them.

    The BRA system was a pretty neat solution to the racial problem posed by black militancy: ghettos, welfare, violent crime, and prisons for the black underclass, affirmative action and government jobs and fair housing laws and inclusion for the black middle class, elite status for the black overclass.

    In the days of the Jim Crow South, it was still a “White man’s world.” In the “White man’s world,” the so-called “talented tenth” was responsible and forced to live among their co-ethnics.

    Now, the “talented tenth” has completely seceded from Black America to move up in the “White man’s world.” There is no economy in the black areas anymore. What is the utility of Tuskegee when Cornel West can teach at Princeton?

    This can also be seen in the White community.

    The White elite has completely abandoned both the White working class, the White lumpen proletariat, and the White middle class. It too has seceded from White America.

    So now, the White elite, the African-American elite, the Jewish elite, the Hispanic elite and so forth … it has all congealed into a single ruling class.

    This is what the “Jew-namers” don’t understand … Jews are an important and overrepresented component of the same elite, but that elite also includes the elites of all the other races … and the super elite has declared war on everyone who they perceive as being below their social status.

  9. @Scorpius

    The Jew is named so much, because he repeatedly and deliberately reeks this kind of havoc exclusively on White civilizations. I know it’s been shouted ad nauseum by every white racialist from the eloquent to the loonies since, like, forever, but it’s just the truth, however blunt. Yes, some individuals of other races, not the least our own, willingly cast off their morality and join in, but the Jew always, always starts us down this road to hell. And that’s why the Jew will always be ‘named’.

  10. Chris,

    I’ve started to believe this is some kind of “foundational myth” for White Nationalists who live in the American North.

    In this strange view of American history, Jews are responsible for all our racial problems. If only the Jews would disappear from Massachusetts and New York, then everything would be fine. It was the Jews who brainwashed us to become anti-racists through their control of the MSM.

    It has the benefit of being partially true. Jews really do try to undermine the foundations of our society. It seems like a plausible explanation.

    This is why White Nationalists cling so tenaciously to this interpretation of history. It allows them to pretend that they have been victimized by some diabolical force that can easily be expelled from our midst.

    Well, if the Jews are responsible for turning our society upside down, then explain why this is the second time it has happened in American history. It happened in the 1860s and 1870s long before most of the Jews moved here.

    Last time it happened, the North waged war against the South for 16 years (1861 to 1877) to “liberate” the negro and make him our political, economic, and social equal within the Glorious Union.

    After the War Between the States, the North voluntarily repealed its own Jim Crow laws, which is why blacks were able to move to states like Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio. This was going on simultaneously with the arrival of Franz Boas and his revolutionary Jewish brethren in the Northern states during the Gilded Age.

  11. “Caucasian is very broad, which includes Jews and other non-Europeans.”

    I agree with Denise. Jews are not Whites; Jewish authors such as Freedman, Koestler, and Sand have consistently shown that they are derived from a non-semitic tribe known as the Khazars, and/or have NO genetic, ethnic, or racial solidarity, either with Whites, or with the biblical Hebrews, sons of Adam. Neither are any of the other ‘non-Europeans’ mentioned above, technically WHite… that is, as they are determined today. And there’s the rub.

    Clearly, to be White is to be Caucasian. But what does Caucasian mean? One obvious, historical definition is recorded in all the histories of the migration of largely White tribes of some group(s) into Europe, via the Caucasian, or Dariel Pass (as it has historically been known) in the Cavcausus Mountains, in the vicinity of the Black Sea.

    Next question to be asked, then, is what tribe (or tribes?) of ‘White proto-Europeans’ can be found in history, to have caused a series of ‘migrations’ into the hinterlands of Europe, by a variety of names, (Celts, Goths, Khumri, etc.) bypassing the Asia Minor/Hellenic peninsula, entering via either Southern Spain, and/or via the Dariel Pass, about the time the indigenous Greeks (so-called) were forming Athens as a model city-state, ca. 500-700 B.C.?

    Add to that, the thought that Italian scholar Vinci has posited, that the forebears of Athens, and Hellenic culture, came from somewhere up north, (near the lands currently known as Scandinavia)
    giving geographic verisimilitude to the Homeric legends, and you have a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT picture of who the ‘Caucasians’ are… as well as who the Europeans are.

    As an Orthodox cleric, I found this difficult to grasp at first, but since historic Orthodoxy ALSO ceases at the Cavcausus Mountains, I felt it needed to be investigated. Those are some of my conclusionson that issue.

    Next, the comment “…This is what the “Jew-namers” don’t understand … Jews are an important and overrepresented component of the same elite, but that elite also includes the elites of all the other races … and the super elite has declared war on everyone who they perceive as being below their social status…” has merit;

    But it totally ignores the THEOLOGICAL rationale for this utter disgust of the Jews, on the part of the nations of Christendom (i.e., White Europe and her satellite nations, such as OZ, NZ, Canada, and USA) for what the Church historically has called, ‘The Deicides’ (Christ killers). Only if, and via the channel of seeing Whites and Jews as two competing hominid groups, vying for the meme of ‘Chosen People’, can one understand the millennia long hatred between the two. Only one is correct, and that is what rankles the Deicides, for who can long maintain equilibrium (either emotionally or psychologically!) when you know you ‘killed God’, and yet have to deny it, via ‘any means necessary’?

    Couple that psychosis with the ability to foment hatred among the ‘goyim’ – what the Jews collectively call ALL other non-Jews (WASPS included) and you can see how THEY have used the Black, and the Mestizo to draw attention AWAY FROM THEIR OWN attempts at world domination. THAT’s the key many WN’s miss.

  12. I’ve started to believe this is some kind of “foundational myth” for White Nationalists who live in the American North.

    I typically find that these Northern malcontents are from families of recent immigrants, not traditional Yankees. Perhaps they’re desperate for meaning and belonging so they compensate by being more ideologically extreme.

    In this strange view of American history, Jews are responsible for all our racial problems. If only the Jews would disappear from Massachusetts and New York, then everything would be fine. It was the Jews who brainwashed us to become anti-racists through their control of the MSM.

    Jews had nothing to do with Latin America’s mass miscegenation, Christian Latins fully advocated it.

  13. Caucasian is very broad, which includes Jews and other non-Europeans.

    Are you Latin American, Thiago?

    yes I am, I think it’s correct to use the term Caucasian, because it has a scientific connotation of the term, unlike the white race is a cultural term. There is a biological entity called Caucasian parts of Ireland to the ends of the Himalayas. I studied anthropology, racial, physical, and came to this conclusion, that the term Caucasian is more appropriate.
    According to Cavalli Sforza (one of the greatest geneticists of fear of losing the liberal world world”for credibility”in) Europeans”and”non genetic differences between Caucasian-Europeans is very low compared with other groups. The fact is that the Middle East, North Africa, the Indian subcontinent and Latin America is a border of white or Caucasian race where it happened, and unfortunately is racial miscegenation.
    I speak because I am more or less so, by her father as far as I am pure Portuguese (if we can call a pure Portuguese), my paternal grandfather had about 14 children, all white and many with green eyes.
    On his mother’s side is another story, almost all are of mixed race, only my mother who is white, brown eyes, normal pink skin, Caucasian features in general. Inclusvie suspect that my grandfather Jose de Andrade has Sephardic descent.
    White Brazilians due to marriages based on inbred phenotype especially skin color is more like Armenian, Lebanese or Iranian Caucasoid than Europeans in general. This is my impression.

  14. Now, I did not ask to have blood black, American Indian or Jew, in small quantities, it is very likely to be, means nothing to me.
    From what I’ve read the ratio phenotype – genotype is very strong, I have more than 95% of European blood for sure. In studies in my state, Minas Gerais, the sample of white colonial heritage are more than 99% of whites. Many celebrities Brazilian mestizo has more than 96% of whites.

  15. I think Jews are white or Caucasian, but they are traitors to our race, it’s that simple.
    Jews do not mix, in Brazil they have the stereotype of being very white, with blue eyes. I live in a multiracial society, and increasingly mixed ”negrolizada” and I can tell you some things, genetics is very complex, miscegenation creates a passive people, lacking self-esteem, very unattractive and stupid, Jews ride on the back of poor Brazilian people. The Jewish supremacy is becoming increasingly evident here, they destroyed this country more than any other.
    The Caucasian race is the most diverse in the world, this is what distinguishes us from Eastern and blacks. The Jews use this against us real diversity, encourages southern Europe from northern Europeans, Europeans against non-European Caucasians.
    There are millions of whites from Morocco to northern India, many are heirs to the magnificent ancient civilizations that have appeared in these regions.
    There is hardly any difference between a Bulgarian and a Turkish eastern Thrace, a Berber and Spanish Andalusia, about an Armenian Azeri or an Iranian.
    The Arabs hate Jews, so the Jews want us to play against them, they kill us.

  16. I agree that wish to maintain their racial integrity, be sure that I want to keep mine, but not my fault that some ancestors (including an Italian immigrant, my great grandfather) I decided to hybridize.
    Mother Nature did a favor and make me white, I have a white head, and I will do everything in my power to help them with anything you need.

  17. Thiago – Jews are Asiatics. They’ve picked up all kinds of DNA, from everything else they’ve bred with – but their “Jew genes” cluster closer together than all their other DNA markers, It’s creepy. Read Ted Sallis. They are NOT White.

  18. Mark- Jews have been all over Latin America. Form the beginning. Read up! This is one of the reasons Chavez has so much fun routinely yanking their chains.

  19. Denise,
    Asia is a very vague term, the Saami are in Europe and are half mongoloid.
    The Jews are wretches, but look white to me, but especially Jewish white dinarizado Mediterranean.
    They are our mortal enemies, I have no doubt about that, but still looked white.
    Lebanon is in Asia and looks as white as the Greek islands, is complicated.

  20. The gene term Jew does not exist, there is a very closed population.
    As I understand it would be”marker”Cohen haplogroup J, but it is actually common in many parts of the Mediterranean, Lebanon, Greece, Italy, the Iberian countries.
    The media is dominated by Jews, here in Brazil it has become fashionable to seek the”Jewish roots.”But to what extent is this true?
    I read in Wikipedia the Portuguese people that most of these genetic markers native European population is a very old stock.
    In another I read that 20% of Spaniards have Jewish blood (a sample of 1000 men).

  21. Mark- Jews have been all over Latin America. Form the beginning. Read up! This is one of the reasons Chavez has so much fun routinely yanking their chains.

    That’s a fallacious argument. Some Jews lived in Latin America so that means all of their ills were caused by Jews? No.

    Live not by lies.

    You should read up, Jews played no important role in the decisions of Spain and Portugal in how Latin America was colonized. Latins chose to miscegenate with the local Amerindian women and black slaves on their own. Everywhere the Latins went they miscegenated with the locals. They didn’t have the mass media back then and some Jew wasn’t mind-controlling them to do so.

    Genetically Ashkenazim, typically what we refer to as Jews in the West, are Southern European-West Asian hybrids, they are similar in genetic makeup to Sicilians.

    Brazil is a mess, even their “White” population is significantly mixed. Machado de Assis is celebrated as their greatest writer and he looked like Cornel West but many claim him as “White.”

    Genomic ancestry of non-related individuals in Rio de Janeiro
    Cor Number of individuals Amerindian African European
    White 107 6.7% 6.9% 86.4%
    “parda” 119 8.3% 23.6% 68.1%
    Black 109 7.3% 50.9% 41.8%

  22. Mark,
    this is a myth, it is half true, the sex drive of the Mediterranean people have disgraced their achievements wherever they have gone, unfortunately.
    But the fact is that Brazil needed to be urgently occupied by the Portuguese. The small Portuguese population had to colonize and occupy a territory much larger than yours. The same happened in Hispanic countries. Increasing the number of inhabitants in these lands became the only way to master them.
    The scarcity of white women was also a factor. While English settlers brought their families, in Latin America were the adventurers who explored and colonized the region’s wealth.
    My region received one of the largest flows of immigrants of all time in the eighteenth century with 800 thousand Portuguese immigrants, some say half of”New Christians”.

  23. Brazil is a mess, I agree in gender, number and degree.
    You must however be careful with these”studies”genetic.

    Look at these pieces I found on wikipedia about white Brazilians.
    According to a genetic study on Brazil (based on about 200 samples), the paternal side, 98% of white Brazilians Y chromosome comes from a male European ancestor, only 2% from an African ancestor and there is a complete absence of indigenous contributions. On the maternal side, 39% are European mitochondrial DNA, 33% Amerindian and African descent 28% female.

    The study was done with only 200 people, how do they choose the”white”? In Brazil it is said skin color, not race, which is why self-identification.

    According to another genetic research (based on about 200 samples from new) more than 75% of Caucasians of northern, northeastern and southeastern Brazil have more than 10% Sub-Saharan African genes, and that this was also the case to southern Brazil to 49% of the Caucasian population. According to this study in the United States 11% of Caucasians have more than 10% African genes. Thus, 86% of Brazilians would have at least 10% of genes that came from Africa

    4.Um autosomal new study from 2011, also directed by Sergio Pena, but with about 1000 samples this time around the country, shows that in most parts of Brazil most Brazilians “white” have less than 10% African descent, and also shows that the “browns” are predominantly European in ancestry, European ancestry and is therefore a major component in the Brazilian population, despite a high degree of African ancestry and significant contribution native Americans. [67] Other studies autosomal (see some below) show a predominance in the European population. Some researchers have found that the average American European type has about 10% to 12% non-White.
    where are the faces of the samples on the Brazilian Caucasian? I know many people in Brazil say they are white for the sake of higher status, even know many who are visibly brown and white in the state census. Pardo towards mixed phenotype, not skin color.
    It would be more honest if it was available to the interested public, people self-declared”white”were visible, which method to identify% of ancestry was used etc …
    In this no man’s land is not needed obviously certain scientific standards.
    On one side is bad, the other is great, it’s easier to do my job when the enemy is dishonest.

  24. I saw that the most common haplogroup in Scandinavia is also very common, amazingly, in Sardinia, where the population is virtually pure Mediterranean””

  25. Mark,
    this is a myth

    Wrong. Everything I said is true and you even post data that verifies it.

    Latins just have a very different idea about race, they don’t value their women. 70-80% White is “White” to them. Not good enough.

  26. Here’s a Negro going “full Negro” in South Korea.

    Asians are beyond pathetic, a bus load of them and one black and the men do nothing.

  27. Mark – that vidoe is awful Sickening. Those rotten Asians let a vile Negro treat a woman that way.

    Thiago – Jews are where Race and selfindentification intersect. Genetically – they are a mixed – very mixed – bag. Ideologically – THEY are a Distinct People. They havealways set themselves apart, and worked to establish their own ethnic goals – to the detriminent of others. So YES -that Are a Race.

  28. Mark – that vidoe is awful Sickening. Those rotten Asians let a vile Negro treat a woman that way.

    Denise, Asians view women as property to be used as they please. A lot of “White nationalists” and swarthoids have the same view.

    I’m not surprised by their cowardice. The old woman was the only one putting up a fight.

    Jews (Ashkenazim) are not so much a race as a sub-race, predominantly Asiatic, Armenoid. Genetically they are Southern European-West Asian hybrids. Being hybrids the mixture can vary, so some appear obviously Jewish/Asiatic, and others can pass for White/European (although their behavior usually outs them).

    Hybrids are our worst enemies. They retain their non-White allegiance and grudge against us while gaining some of our abilities and intelligence. At the same time blurring evolutionary lines, and especially in the case of Asiatic-White hybrids, mestizos and hapas (haole), confusing our people and allowing them to assimilate as “White,” polluting our gene pool.

  29. I know how women are genrally treated, aroound the world, Mark. I’ve tried to tel lWhite women that their fawning and indulgence of Non-Whites is only gonna get thme beaten, raped, killed. Mostly to no avail.

    Re: Jews – exactly. This is what I mean. I know the genetics are all over the map. But They consider themselves a Peopel Apart – destined By God BY GOD – to rule over the stupid soulless cattle. Whites have been the only Race that have ever held them at bay, and thwarted their goals.

    Not anymore, though.
    Iread, somewhere, some time ago – so take it for what it’s worth – that the largest percentage of adoptive parents, in the USA, of Chinese girls, are Jews. They are raising the girls as Jews. You are a Jew FIRST little Mei Ling. They are seeding Chian with a Chinese Jew hybrid class. Jews that look Chinese. Jews are already all over China. Have been for decades. Installed Mao, and all. Schiff paid for him, too.

    The Han know the score, and the Jews are behaving themselves. But they are building, for later.I see that MLK statue as akin to that Devil’s Trident the Lubavichers have installed on the White House (Crack House) lawn – it’s a mark of territory.

    Yet my White kinfolk think racism is the worst thing EVER – and that tolerance of their extermination is ok. What does it matter? What can you do, right?

  30. Denise,
    I read a while ago that European Jews in particular, emerged as follows:
    An original core of the Middle East migrated to southern Europe, became a group of people in this region, it is intertwined with that group, then up the Rhine and reached the region that stretches from northern France to the west German.
    The Ashkenazi would be a mix between the original group of Palestine and the Khazars.
    The peoples of the Caucasus are very similar in physical characteristics in relation to Ashkenazi Jews, can repair.
    Are anthropologically Caucasian non-Europeans who intermingled with some southern European groups, hence the genetic similarity between Northern Italians and Jews.
    Now, culturally are not only non-whites, are openly anti-white as well as the british leftist elite is also.

  31. ”Wrong. Everything I said is true and you even post data that verifies it.

    Latins just have a very different idea about race, they don’t value their women. 70-80% White is “White” to them. Not good enough.”

    That is what the Jewish liberal media wants you to believe. For a technical issue (read strong gender imbalance in the colonial population) the Portuguese had no choice. Remember that back then there was the mobility it has today,”who has no dog, with cat hunting”, this adage can summarize the situation of white settlers in the period.
    As you noticed, by the paternal line the vast majority of genes is European. For the supposed racial harmony works and makes sense in Brazil is necessary that the story is romanticized.
    I spoke early in the sex drive of subraces Mediterranean has destroyed his conquests in North Africa, Middle East, India and Latin America.
    I would have more reason to hate them but I can not because it is unfair to judge them because of the conditions in which they lived.
    I’m not trying to protect the Brazilian people, I’m just trying to be fair.

  32. Mark,
    70% to 80% white corresponds to the Brazilian mestizos, whites at least in the phenotype are more than 90%, kicking down.

  33. Mark,
    I do not know if for you,”I sou”mestizo, the greatest enemy of the white race”(I thought it was the Jew, the sponsor of miscegenation), because I studied a lot about anthropology and race and is definitely tricky to simplify the complex issue.
    Make sure that when the gene becomes a routine, check-up on my general biological conditions and make sure that, depending on the results to sterilize me realize that I am a genetic freak, with numerous problems caused by past mistakes of my ancestor.

  34. the Portuguese had no choice.

    They didn’t get on the boat thinking that Portuguese women were waiting for them. They knew exactly what they were doing. The whole plan was exploitation, plunder, conquest and miscegenation. It was all premeditated.

  35. This is an interesting thread. i’m too sleepy to be romotely cogent enough to comment. Thank you Mark, and Thiago, for the interesting info.

    And yes – the Jew is the WORST.

  36. Mark,
    it was premeditated or not, not is you or I can say.
    What I know is that for many Americans the notion of race in Brazil is very different, I disagree. Depends on the class, cognitive ability, region and race.
    In the case of the Portuguese, when they immigrated to Brazil in the twentieth century, brought their families and the immigrant community were more endogamic, more than the Italians for example.

  37. Denise,
    I’m suspicious that Brazil will be the first country to enter the maximum level of Jewish supremacy.
    Note, the Brazilian people has already done everything that the Jews played. Through the media I have noticed a series of games of manipulation pro Jew who had not noticed before. Jews are overrepresented in soap operas, … Their plan here is to destroy the whites and reign alone with ”Gods”. News: One of the most popular singers in the country (not for me) will hold a concert in Jerusalem and will be broadcast live on the country’s largest broadcaster.

  38. Not anymore, though.
    Iread, somewhere, some time ago – so take it for what it’s worth – that the largest percentage of adoptive parents, in the USA, of Chinese girls, are Jews. They are raising the girls as Jews. You are a Jew FIRST little Mei Ling. They are seeding Chian with a Chinese Jew hybrid class. Jews that look Chinese. Jews are already all over China. Have been for decades. Installed Mao, and all. Schiff paid for him, too.

    is Jewish is a tactic, a handful of them mingle with the locals to look closer to them, then these hybrids come to influence behavior, the attitudes of these people and take strategic positions in governo.Não have no doubt that Jews are moving to East, locusts are ready to suck the wealth and labor of the peoples hosts.
    Destroy Caucasians has been an extremely difficult task for the Jews because of our complexity, as compared with the Oriental will be easy, unfortunately for them, because they are a very homogeneous population.

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