Somehow, I just instinctively knew in my gut that Nicholas Kristof was in Libya. I didn’t even have to bother to check my telescope or crystal ball.
Sure enough, the Pulitzer Prize winner Kristof has manifested in the streets of Tripoli, tooting his Yankee Doodle freedom horn in “solidarity” with the rebels who have ousted Qadaffi from power. Last time, I believe he was in Egypt in Tahrir Square when Obama and the Egyptian military forced Hosni Mubarak to surrender to the Cairo mobocracy that was raping Lara Logan.
Nicholas Kristof has always been one of our favorite people to watch here: we see him as an avatar of the Disingenuous White Liberal (DWL), the American Baby Boomer, the moralizing Yankee do gooder whose mind has been possessed by abstractions, the lifelong Left Coast beatnik who has a tourist’s view of the world – he is the spitting image of all of these destructive tendencies – the product of a culture that would declare a “War on Terror” and a “War on Poverty.”

Does anyone remember the time Nicholas Kristof – the Don Quixote of the New York Times – went to Haiti after the earthquake and condemned the racists who thought it was a waste of money to send a billion dollars of foreign aid there? What about the time that Kristof reported on the revolutionary potential of Haitian economics?
Far more than most other impoverished countries — particularly those in Africa — Haiti could plausibly turn itself around. It has an excellent geographic location, there are no regional wars, and it could boom if it could just export to the American market. . .
And let’s challenge the myth that because Haiti has been poor, it always will be. That kind of self-fulfilling fatalism may be the biggest threat of all to Haiti, the real pact with the devil.
In the 1960s, it was the Nicholas Kristofs of the Mainstream Media (MSM) who parachuted into Selma, Montgomery, and Birmingham to report on the “Civil Rights Movement.” They slobbered all over MLK as he flattered credulous liberal reporters and told them everything they wanted to hear about how “racism” and “segregation” were holding down black people in Alabama.
Of course none them actually stuck around to live with the consequences of the Great Society and the Voting Rights Act. Just like Don Kristof can now be found playing Yankee Doodle in Tripoli instead of Port-au-Prince or Cairo or Kinshasa or any number of the hellholes that he has passed through over the years without learning anything.
Here is Kristof’s latest headline in his Op-Ed column: “From Libya: Thank You, America.”
In July, Kristof was in Burkina Faso to boast about the surging African economy. Back in February, Kristof boldly announced: “We Are All Egyptians.” He has been everywhere from Haiti to Darfur to India.
It should be interesting to see where Egypt, Libya, Burkina Faso, South Sudan and Haiti are 10 years from now. If I were the President of the United States, I would force Nicholas Kristof to live in Black Africa a decade from now when “The Day The Global EBT Card Stops Working” is unfolding there.
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the African natives could use their indigenous culinary traditions to make themselves a Kristof sandwich, some Kristof stew, a roast Kristof, maybe even a few dozen Kristof burgers.
Seriously, Nicholas Kristof is dumber than the Crocodile Hunter, and he is writing for the New York Times. What does that say about the liberal establishment in this country? Where do you think “progressives” are leading our civilization?
There are reports of the native Libyan rebels killing black africans in Libya. Where is those black’s MLK? Maybe Mr. Kristof can take that position.
Far more than most other impoverished countries — particularly those in Africa — Haiti could plausibly turn itself around. It has an excellent geographic location, there are no regional wars, and it could boom if it could just export to the American market. . .
Sure, if Haiti was populated by first-world people, like Northern Europeans or Northeast Asians. The problem is it’s populated by low-IQ psychopathic niggers that eat mud and rape/murder each other. It’s just another failed Latin colony.
Seriously, Nicholas Kristof is dumber than the Crocodile Hunter
Yeah, but really, he’s unfortunately not. If only our political and racial enemies were dumb, instead of having a warped, malevolent intelligence.
Even if he were to the right politically he would be an HBD Sinophile, he’s married to an Asian.
He’s another example of an Asiatic-White hybrid that passes for White, he’s of Armenian descent.
There are reports of the native Libyan rebels killing black africans in Libya.
Good, but unfortunately for native Libyans they’re already part nigger. Maybe they’ll do us a favor and kill each other.
He is entertainment, I’ll bet the Romans had scribes that went amongst the barbarians then came back with lurid tales of virility for the flacid decadent Romans to lap up.
Plainly speaking idiots like Kristoff can be easily dismissed without going to lengths, because if you notice his tribe of defenders are nothing, they are personally weak.
IMO we are in the end days, political rhetoric has been reduced to “Whites are ‘racist'” or “Obama is a stupid evil nigger.”
Fantastic commentary on that most despicable of DWLs, Tricky Nick Kristof.
Is it possible that this guy – who no doubt ain’t dumb – really believes this stuff?
One Hunter Wallace is worth 1000 Nicholas Kristofs.
– crimesofthetimes.com
Actually, the “Arab Spring” is grist for our mill. Every successor regime so far has been markedly less friendly, more hostile to Israel than the one overthrown. The days of the Zionist entity are numbered, and “American” Jews know this. As they in turn become more anxious and desperate, they become more active – seizing power directly, instead of wire-pulling – and visible. Awareness of the Jewish presence and the Jewish Problem increases by the hour. Blacks? Merely the Jews degraded agents.
When I$rael falls where do you expect all those Jews will go? To the U. S. and Europe I suspect. I hope I$rael hangs in there.
CompFasc and Max: Before Israel goes down, they’ll use every one of their nukes. On us.
Who is this Scorpius?
Hilarious! Write more!