Review: The Bloody Shirt

Stephen Budiansky's The Bloody Shirt: Terror After Appomattox


Stephen Budiansky’s The Bloody Shirt: Terror After Appomattox is another one of these anti-Southern revisionist screeds by Jewish historians that attempts to rewrite the history of Reconstruction from the perspective of the poor, misunderstood Yankee carpetbagger, the noble scalawag, and the emancipated free negro.

Eric Foner’s Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution was the pioneering work in this field. Nicholas Lemann’s pop history Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War focuses on the violent overthrow of Reconstruction in Mississippi, Louisiana, and South Carolina.

Budiansky’s The Bloody Shirt: Terror After Appomattox is a more breathless account of the same pivotal events in the Redemption movement. It is a story of “violence, racism, division, and heroism that sheds new light on a crucial time in America’s history.” Fortunately for us, it includes some newspaper excerpts that gives us some insight into the mindset of our ancestors, which I have been sharing here for several days now.

The Bloody Shirt is told from the perspective of the two most hated carpetbaggers in Mississippi, Gov. Adelbert Ames and Albert T. Morgan; the scalawag General James Longstreet who became a turncoat Republican and whose colored army was defeated by the White League at the Battle of Liberty Place; Prince Rivers, a free negro who became a South Carolina state legislator; and Lewis Merrill, a Union Army major engaged in exterminating the Plains Indians who was redeployed to the South to put down the Ku Klux Klan.

The verdict of Appomattox was never fully accepted in Dixie. The Yankees won the war, but they lost the peace. Slavery was abolished, the Union was saved, but negro equality and carpetbagger rule proved to be intolerable.

In the aftermath of the War Between the States, we are told there was a guerrilla war by unreconstructed Southerners that claimed the lives of some 3,000 carpetbaggers, scalawags, and negroes that supported the Republican Party, whose experiment in multiracial democracy was violently overthrown by paramilitary organizations composed of ex-Confederates like the Ku Klan Klan, the White League, the White Line, and the Red Shirts.

There was a war against BRA in the South: it was a war that was explicitly waged to overthrow multiracial democracy, and it was inspired by the unshakeable belief among the natives that Dixie was and ought to remain a “White Man’s Country.”

The book is full of moving scenes of Southern resistance to the American occupation like the White League successfully charging James Longstreet’s colored troops in New Orleans while giving the rebel yell, the impeachment of Adelbert Ames by the Redeemers, Albert T. Morgan fleeing Mississippi with his colored wife and mulatto children in tow, thousands of mounted Red Shirts overthrowing the government of South Carolina, Major Lewis Merrill’s helplessness before the insurrection in the Louisiana countryside, and the fall from grace of Prince Rivers, who ended his life sitting erect as a statue and driving a coach for White people, performing the same job that he had performed in slavery.

“On a late summer day in 1874, General Longstreet rode his horse down Chartres Street through the silent French Quarter, south to the United States Custom House on Canal Street, and could see the barricades in the streets beyond. Every wall he passed was plastered with the placards that had suddenly sprung up across the city the day before.


From their dangerously exposed spot at the head of Canal Street, the Metropolitans opened up with their Gatling gun and twelve-pounders, firing south toward the White Leaguers at the head of Poydras Street. A rail of bullets came back. From behind cotton bales and piles of freight, from behind a slow-moving freight train they sent creeping along the tracks by the levee, from windows of nearby buildings, the White Leaguers fired on Badger’s gunners, and several dropped dead in an instant. Badger leapt down from his horse to help serve the guns.

Letting out a rebel yell, two companies of White Leaguers charged the guns down the open levee.

Longstreet heard the old Confederate battle cry and turned pale. Badger fell with four bullets in him, a broken arm, and a shattered leg that would shortly have to be amputated.

The Metropolitans ran. One of the White League captains later said that it was only with the greatest difficulty that he had restrained his men from firing particularly at General Longstreet.

The best part of it all though is that the carpetbaggers like Adelbert Ames and Albert T. Morgan eventually came to be seen as unscrupulous fanatics and villains in the North itself who had lorded over and exploited a proud but defeated people in a moment of weakness. The Dunning School at Columbia University dominated studies of Reconstruction until the aftermath of WW2.

The myth of the Lost Cause soared with D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of Nation. It soared even higher after Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With The Wind. After Northern Whites feasted their own eyes upon the poor oppressed negro in the Great Migration, he came to be seen as less of a sympathetic figure in the region.

Reconstruction came to be seen as a horrible mistake. That was the prevailing view in America right down until the Civil Rights Movement. Even the Yankees turned against the Civil War and questioned what they had been fighting for at Gettysburg as the Money Power and the Gilded Age destroyed New England.

Ulysses S. Grant’s reputation took a serious blow in the North after his presidency became notorious for corruption. The dignified and aristocratic Robert E. Lee became an American hero who fought to preserve America’s Jeffersonian agrarian traditions. Jesse James, who came to be remembered as a romantic Confederate outlaw, targeted the First National Bank of Northfield, Minnesota because of Adelbert Ames and Beast Butler’s investment in it.

If you hate and despise BRA for all the right reasons, you will probably enjoy reading this book, but not for the reasons intended by the author. The Bloody Shirt will leave you wondering how anyone but Jews could see the carpetbaggers as the good guys and Reconstruction as anything but tyranny.

Note: The Jew Kevin Levin at Civil War Memory is another one of these people. Below are some of his beloved Union black soldiers played by Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman. You can watch Robert Shaw’s martyrdom for BRA.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Dont forget Col. William Clarke Quantrell who fought under Black Flag. General Halleck gave orders to shot on sight all members of Quantrill. Quantrell was hunted down and killed, no trail, no prison. Quantrill told Southern War Cabinet that you cant win a war by fighting it being Gentlemen! With 300 men he tied down 40,000 Union Soldiers—and was most feared and hated rebel in the War!

  2. I suspect that General Longstreet would have preferred leading men like Lewis Armistead and John Bell Hood instead of U.S. Colored Troops.

  3. Does seem a bit fishy that these books on the resistance to the genocide aimed at Dixie are written by jews. Perhaps even Denise will notice this nexus and begin to ask why does this group always associate itself with genocide.

  4. That’s interesting about Longstreet. I knew he had turned to selling insurance in NOLA and was considered a scalawag by many but I didn’t know he was actually in charge of scalawag troops!

  5. NOW I know why Jesse James was in Northfield, MN- home of St. Olaf and Carleton Colleges, and the epicenter of Nordic/Norwegian culture in the US of A, by default, mostly.

    Also, it’s one of the worst bastions of every liberal, communist, socialist, leftist, faggot dung you’d ever imagine- students and faculty. Only the U of MN is worse, frankly.

    Jesse James just attained sainthood in my view, now that I know WHY he came ‘up north.’ You Betcha! Jesse is just a variant on Jesus, BTW.

    (I’ve also visited “Dred Scott Park” in Bloominton, MN. – yes, there is one, amazingly enough.)

  6. Alright, who watched Hell On Wheels last night? Hunter, I swear that show must gave been made for you! Watch it! Review it already! For anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, you will not be disappointed–and I say this as a dyed in the wool Northerner. I don’t watch that much TV these days, but this is one is really looking worthwhile.

  7. Jack Hinson might of had more kills than anyone.Just shy of 60 years of age Jack became a sniper after the union beheaded his two sons,then hung the heads on his gatepost.Jack recorded over 100 kills (Officers) on his heavy barreled .50 caliber.Many men were sent to catch Hinson but ole Jack died of old age.


    Leading up to the 2008 U.S. election, pundits wondered whether Whites, particularly in Southern states, were ready to vote for a Black president. The present paper explores how a common Southern symbol—the Confederate flag—impacted willingness to vote for Barack Obama. We predicted that exposure to the Confederate flag would activate negativity toward Blacks and result in lowered willingness to vote for Obama. As predicted, participants primed with the Confederate flag reported less willingness to vote for Obama than those primed with a neutral symbol. The flag did not affect willingness to vote for White candidates. In a second study, participants primed with the Confederate flag evaluated a hypothetical Black target more negatively than controls. These results suggest that exposure to the Confederate flag results in more negative judgments of Black targets. As such, the prevalence of this flag in the South may have contributed to a reticence for some to vote for Obama because of his race.

  9. Hell on Wheels is the pilot episode I’ve seen in a long time. Southerners are going to love it, and even Northerners will be empathetic to the lead character. The setting, the vibe, the multiple stories weaving together… really intriguing. Came as a big surprise to me, since television us otherwise such a swamp of shit these days.

  10. There are big elections tomorrow: the Ohio vote on the unions is getting all the media coverage, but there is a special election for the Iowa House and state legislative elections in Virginia and Mississippi.

    The Virginia Senate is poised to fall to Republicans. If that happens, Virginia will likely be the next state to pass immigration reform. The Democrats control the Iowa House by one seat. If they lose the special election, Republicans would control the government.

    In Mississippi, there are state elections and a Voter ID law on the ballot. If the Democrats lose control of the Mississippi House, Mississippi could pass an immigration law as early as January.

    There is also a governor race in Kentucky, but the Democrat will win there.

  11. Jews..3000 year history of nation wrecking. Letting them immigrate here in large numbers was a colossal mistake.

  12. @Discard

    It’s entirely possible, but I don’t see it just yet. I don’t want to ruin for Hunter or anyone else who hasn’t watched it yet, as the pilot may re-run tomarrow evening before the new episode. There are several storylines and characters converging, and after the events of the pilot episode, the possibility for the token IR pairing could already be established, but I don’t know yet. Wouldn’t come as a surprise of course, but it’s still early.

  13. “The Bloody Shirt will leave you wondering how anyone but Jews could see the carpetbaggers as the good guys and Reconstruction as anything but tyranny.” – Hunter Wallace

    If the following is indeed historically accurate, it would explain a lot, eh? The more elaborate publication from “” gives the references to the writer’s sources. Knowing what I have learned over the past four-five years after intensely studying the Tribe, every bit of it has the absolute ring of truth:


    GRANT, USYSSES S. 19th century American general, politician. While in command of the 13th Army Corps, headquartered at Oxford, Mississippi, he became so infuriated at Jewish camp-followers attempting to penetrate the conquered territory that he finally attempted to expel the Jews:

    ‘I have long since believed that in spite of all the vigilance that can be infused into post commanders, the special regulations of the Treasury Department have been violated, and that mostly by Jews and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied have I been of this that I instructed the commanding officers at Columbus to refuse all permits to Jews to come South, and I have frequently had them expelled from the department, but they come in with their carpet-sacks in spite of all that can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel anywhere. They will land at any woodyard on the river and make their way through the country. If not permitted to buy cotton themselves, they will act as agents for someone else, who will be at military post with a Treasury permit to receive cotton and pay for it in Treasury notes which the Jew will buy up at an agreed rate, paying gold. (Letters to C. P. Wolcott, assistant secretary of war, Washington, December 17, 1862)

    1. The Jews, as a class, violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department, and also Department orders, are hereby expelled from the Department.

    2. Within twenty-four hours from the receipt of this order by Post Commanders, they will see that all of this class of people are furnished with passes and required to leave, and anyone returning after such notification, will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners, unless furnished with permits from these headquarters.

    3. No permits will be given these people to visit headquarters for the purpose of making personal application for trade permits.

    By order of Major Gen. Grant Jno. A. Rawlings, Assistant Adjutant General (General Order Number 11, December 17, 1862)

    “The expulsion order was immediately countermanded by the general-in-chief, H. W. Halleck, in Washington. Apparently the expelled Jews had immediately contacted their kinsmen there and had pressure brought to bear.”

    The above summary and quote was from whomever compiled “What Famous Men said about the Jews” in reference to Maj. Gen. Grant’s attempts to expel (apparently predominantly) Jewish carpetbaggers from the South and his department both during and following the war only to have his noble efforts undermined by the President and whom??? It’s demonstrative of how far back in history the perniciousness, power, predation and subversiveness these timeless parasites go in capturing control of our people and our struggling emancipation from TPTB. Amazing but not altogether surprising for anyone delving into the history.

    The piece posted on Jeff Rense’s website is more detailed with the actual correspondence between Grant and other military officers.

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