District of Corruption
In the single most dramatic moment in American political history, John Wilkes Booth assassinates Abraham Lincoln in Ford’s Theater in Washington.
Booth leaps from the presidential box, raises his dagger over his head, and yells “Sic semper tyrannis, The South is Avenged!” Thus always to tyrants is the state motto of Virginia.
In his last speech in Washington, “Father Abraham” endorsed the idea of making “African-Americans” citizens and voters.
John Wilkes Booth was among the audience. He told a friend, “That means nigger citizenship. Now, by God, I’ll put him through. That is the last speech he will ever make.”
Three days later, Booth assassinated Lincoln and his fellow conspirators attempted to assassinate Secretary of State William Seward and Vice President Andrew Johnson. Booth was from Maryland which wanted to secede but was prevented from doing so by Union troops.
Update: The following is an excerpt from John Wilkes Booth’s diary.
“After being hunted like a dog through swamps, woods, and … chased by gun boats till I was forced to return wet, cold, and starving, with every mans hand against me, I am here in despair. And why; For doing what Brutus was honored for, what made Tell a Hero. And yet I for striking down a greater tyrant than they ever knew am looked upon as a common cuttthroat … I hoped for no gain. I knew no private wrong. I struck for my country and that alone … I do not repent the blow I struck. I may before my God but not to man.”
Perhaps one day after excising Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth from our history books we can find some room for that quote from John Wilkes Booth.
Booth may have killed Lincoln because making blacks citizens was the last straw, but the Civil War was fought because the North and the South had vastly different ideas of exactly what White Freedom meant, ideas that could not have existed side by side in a fresh land, as yet undefined. It’s unfortunate blacks were drawn into the issue and used since by our enemies to do to America what the North did to the South.
I hope if the South ever successfully secedes we are mature enough to let such different ideas of freedom exist side by side in this land, but something tells me these cultures of blood vs. spirit will forever be at battle. With violence always just below the surface. We know whites don’t like to live with violence just below the surface. We like to settle things, and move on.
Check this out:
That first article clearly shows that WHITES MUST move to rural areas, esp. where they can live off the land, and defend their territory by firearms, as the frontier once did. I asked the author of that blog to determine the RACE of the perps in each of those examples, and wonder if he will do so… for I bet that the vast majority of those criminals are ‘persons of color’ – that bullshit euphemism for niggers, to be blunt.
But the main reason for my writing today, it find out the REASON for Booth’s actions. He is a martyr, and a hero to the USA… that is, if MLK can be considered one, then so can Booth.. and Booth was much more handsome, dashing, and daring in his attack on Leviathan. St. John Wilkes Booth, ora pro nobis.
Herman Cain collapses in polls. Newt Gingrich soars.
I have followed your blog for some time, and enjoyed the blog. I have, however, been worried about the turn you have taken in the last few months.
I live in enemy territory: Massachusetts.
Furterhermore, I am not old-stock American. I am Irish Catholic, the grandson of four immigrants. My father and uncle served the country in WWII, and my two brothers and I also served in uniform, myself as a Navy officer (I like to think I did something to bring down the USSR).
Nevertheless, I used to think that we were kindred spirits. No, I am not a blogger, nor a public activist: yet , without going into details, I am in a position where I can, and do, foster our cultural heritage. It is a slow, subtle approach, but is reaping rewards.
I have deep respect for the late Confederacy, and hold the atrocities of “Reconstruction” in contempt; but what is the point of turning your blog into an advocation of an historic event that cannot be overturned?
In the 1450’s, the Turks stormed Constantinople and turned the greatest church in Christendom into a mosque. This atrocity can be overturned, because the Hagia Sophia still stands. How do you restore the late Confederacy?
Please stop wallowing in Southern self-pity, and return to the real work.
Hunter seems to be throwing caution to the wind and blaming “Honest Abe” Lincoln for most of the horrors of the Civil War and Reconstruction. There is no evidence presented here that Lincoln changed his views about Blacks, all evidence indicates Lincoln favoring forced explusion of American Blacks to Liberia or South America. This speech cited looks more like some attempt to rally dispirited Americans to try to make a go at the new union.
Again, I suggest people here reference the movie Birth of a Nation where President Lincoln is presented as a fair and hororable man who wanted to treat the White South in a positive, humane fashion – accept our Southern kinsmen as if they had never left.
This John Wilkes Booth seems to me like a radical hot head who messed things up, same as the radical hot headed Black Republicans who forced Reconstruction on the White South.
The solution is for Whites in the North and South, then and now to treat each other fairly – we’re the same White people, with just some different customs/culture. And yeah, the White South does/did lots of things better – especially Southern women. Chicago White career women are the worst – I would rather face a Chicago February in jeans and a T-shirt than have to deal with most of these no fun, Chicago feminists.
How do you react to Bill O’Reilly saying that Lincoln was the greatest President in history?
I viewed a documentary about Camp Douglas (Chicago) some time back and it occurred to me that it alone could serve to damn the Unionists and Lincoln forever with the blackest of atrocities, and that against their own kind and countrymen (the war notwithstanding). The Japanese could not have been more homicidal or barbarous. To think that Lincoln knew nothing about the goings-on there is risible. He could not be excused in ANY event as he was the author of it all. That a man who could war against his own country and kind for a mere notionalism and that with such fanaticism and an imperviousness to killing on a scale unmatched before or since in this country’s history (more than all other wars combined) could be regarded as not only “great” but “greatest” by O’reilly or anyone else is to their everlasting shame.
It is my understanding that WNs want to secede from the United States and create a “White Republic.”
Well, this is what secession actually looks like: creating a new country necessarily involves breaking apart the old country and creating a new one to take its place. Naturally, the logical alternative to the United States in the South is creating an “ethnostate” for Southern Whites.
Lincoln was a liar who gave lip service to sending blacks back to Africa. He also claimed that he wasn’t an abolitionist. Then he implemented the abolitionist program with the Emancipation Proclamation.
Booth assassinated him because he endorsed the Radical program of negro citizenship. After the Confederacy was defeated, Lincoln no longer needed to pretend to be a racialist to hold onto the Border South.
Is it really so hard to believe that Lincoln was a supporter of negro equality? He armed over 100,000 black soldiers to wage war against the Confederacy.
Lincoln accomplished what he set out to do–centralization of government power at the federal level at all costs. The centralized federal government later used its power to set up BRA during the civil rights era. No centralized federal government, no BRA. It’s that simple. BRA is truly Lincoln’s legacy.
That’s something that we can all agree upon. Neocons like Bill O’Reilly think that it’s a good thing, which is why they worship Lincoln. Those of us who don’t have nothing but contempt for Lincoln.
When D.W. Griffin made “Birth of a Nation” BRA did not exist. His movie documents that early version of BRA, Reconstruction. Lincoln escaped blame for this version through his empty political rhetoric just before his death. His death allowed folks to project onto him their hopes for a more conciliatory ending to the war. Had he lived their hopes would almost certainly have been dashed to pieces.
Similarly, Lincoln’s advocacy of transportation as a solution to the negro problem cannot be taken seriously. A close study of his life reveals him as a lowlife political opportunist, who would say anything to further his interests. His personal vanity brought on the bloodiest conflict in American history. He would fit in well with the current sociopathic politicians we have today running BRA.
Deo Vindice
“Father Abraham” was more beloved than Jesus Christ in the North. Something like half of all Yankees attended his funeral procession.
Across the North, there was an epidemic of murders of Democrats and Southern sympathizers. Sherman had to restrain thousands of his troops from burning Raleigh after they heard the news that Lincoln had been assassinated.
No one knows how many Southerners were murdered by Union troops in the occupied Confederacy in 1865. There were many Northerners who wanted to hang Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis in retaliation.
Ulysses S. Grant was so embarrassed by the Radical Republicans that he threatened to resign rather than be complicit in the disgrace. It is worth noting that even Sherman turned against Reconstruction. That’s a story that we will get to eventually.
By that definition, Lee was a supporter of Negro equality. He proposed granting immediate freedom to those slaves that enlisted; freedom for their families after the war, whether they survived or not, if they “discharged their duties favorably”; the freedom and “priviledge” to reside in the South and a bounty for faithful service.
Atrocities occured on both sides. Andersonville and Wild Bill Anderson in Kansas and Missouri are but two examples.
About Japs: My Father fought in ww 2 as a pàratooper in Army. He never would eat in a Jap or Chinese Resturant and told me if they get in power they would make us slaves and put the whip on us. He said, beware in the future the Yellow Peril will be Real! My Father suffered real bad in WW 2 and never forgot. He was stuck on a Jap controlled Island and had to stay hid in Jungle to survive. I have heard all these people cry about Japs in Camps in WW-2. Ther idiots in Washington gave all the so called survivors of Camps 10,000 to each one! Yet all the Vietnam Vets get nothing from Agent Orange. Anyway years ago while reading a book entitled: SABOTAGE -. The Secret War Against America I read why Roosevelt and Hoover had them rounded up. The media today never says anything about this. A bunch of Japs in Los Angles, California got caught trying to poison the water reservoir with canisters of poison. As far as Lincoln, read 13 Illumnati Bloodlines by Fritz Springmier about LINCOLNS ROOTS. Oh Yeah dont forget Batan March! Chicagos main street runs for miles and all the3street owners of businesses are Japs, Koreans and Chinese! We are in dangerous times—–NEWS is a solution!
Hunter seems to be throwing caution to the wind and blaming “Honest Abe” Lincoln for most of the horrors of the Civil War and Reconstruction. There is no evidence presented here that Lincoln changed his views about Blacks, all evidence indicates Lincoln favoring forced explusion of American Blacks to Liberia or South America. This speech cited looks more like some attempt to rally dispirited Americans to try to make a go at the new union.
No, the evidence suggests that believing something Lincoln said in a speech (except as something he wanted his audience to hear) is nuts. The guy talked out of both sides of his mouth constantly. But we do know which side he fell on vis-a-vis the War of Northern Aggression…
What Svigor said…
You link doesn’t work. There is also an enormous difference between a desperate last ditch military stratagem that acknowledges the North is already arming the slaves and radical abolitionism.
Except of course that Lee had always believed that slavery would be ended, if not by the Confederacy, then certainly by the Union. Major Gen. Howell Cobb retorted, “If slaves make good soldiers, then our whole theory of slavery is wrong”. And yet that is exactly what Davis and Lee proposed, as early as Gettysburg. In moments of desperation, the leaders of the South lift up the Negro, in order to salvage White man’s country. Is this not the height of hypocrisy?
How many of these “African-Americans” fought for the Confederacy? We know that at least 100,000 of them were used to fight us. Have you seen the movie Glory?
Not really.
There was no desire whatsoever in the South to abolish slavery or make blacks into citizens. It was Lincoln who issued his Emancipation Proclamation. It was Lincoln who armed blacks and encouraged slave insurrections.
Who were the Jews behind that one? The British had resorted to the same tactic in the American Revolution. They settled thousands of these African-Americans in Nova Scotia after the war. Thousands of them surely settled in Canada to escape the Fugitive Slave Laws.
It was the British who abolished slavery in the West Indies and whose fine example of destroying White civilization in the Caribbean was such an inspiration to the Yankees. They would later throw the Rhodesians and South Africans under the bus.
As for Lincoln- I think this is the hardest idol of all the ‘idols’ of the Yankee North to pull down, and repent of.
I watched Irving Berlin’s ‘Holiday Inn’ (Berlin was a Jew, fyi) and watched ‘Der Bingle’ sing about ‘Father Abraham’ – and in blackface!
When I read what the contemporaries (both Northern and Southern) have said about Lincoln, he reminds me of a psychopath, rather than the stoic saint, the Yankee North has painted, and canonized him out to be. Why, even the Lincoln Memorial does NOT include his own words that black and white can never live together in the same land, and it took me until I was 40, before I KNEW this fact. Now, how much little do you think ‘average’ minds know of Lincoln’s duplicity and atheism? Pretty darn few, I bet….
If there was ever an inevitable war, it was the Civil War. Lincoln was a bastard and a psychopath, sure, but one thing that can be said, he didn’t run away and leave it to the next generation. Maybe we can take that lesson from him, if any.
“It was Lincoln who issued his Emancipation Proclamation. It was Lincoln who armed blacks and encouraged slave insurrections. ”
As you said, desperate men desperate measures. It was also the intention of Lee and Davis to arm and enrol slaves as sons of the Confederacy, offering them freedom, residence for their families in the South and a monetary reward. An incentive that not even Lincol offered. No mention of repatriation. The British, in contrast, established Sierra Leone for the purposes of repatriation.
White civilization in the Caribbean is an oxymoron. The English population in Jamaica maybe amounted to 2%?
“They would later throw the Rhodesians and South Africans under the bus.”
It was FDR that destroyed the British Empire supported by the unholy alliance of blacks, Jews and Southerners.
HW, thanks for refuting the eternal nonsense about Lincoln’s alleged benevolent intentions. I’d just like to add the fact that the Southern leaders who knew Lincoln were the ones who, upon his election, seceded! That fact should tell us that they clearly understood the difference between his rhetoric and his actual intentions. And thus the pattern was formed so completely by Lincoln that any American with sense knows, today, that US presidents always say one thing and do the opposite. It should be known as the Lincoln phenomena.
That there are still, in 2011, Americans who judge government leaders by their rhetoric instead of their actions is mind boggling. As we are seeing here, even so-called White Nationalists do it! How goddamn naive can they be?
This continuing inability to see Lincoln for what he was has to be related to the inability of northerners to see liberalism for what it is, with mountains of evidence over a century and a half to back it up! It just has to be!
Listening to Lincoln’s promises to deport blacks to Africa is reminiscent of George W. Bush passing the Secure Fence Act or John McCain’s “build the dang fence” ad against J.D. Hayworth or Barack Hussein Obama talking about “securing the border.”
You can tell the differences between token gestures like sending a few blacks to Panama or Haiti to mollify Northern public opinion which was incensed by the Emancipation Proclamation and a genuine effort to deport negroes to Africa.
It was always the Border States and the Lower North who supported the idea of deporting blacks to Africa. Lincoln had to lie to Missouri and Kentucky to prevent them from joining the Confederacy.
What happened when the Confederacy was actually defeated? Blacks were made into American citizens. At that point, when victory was assured, the Radical program was implemented.
The Union Navy was used to starve White people to death in the Confederacy. It wasn’t used to deport blacks to Africa. The Union Army was used to enforce negro equality!
Everything that the secessionists had predicted would happen came true. The secessionists had warned Kentucky and Missouri that staying in the Union would mean nigger equality.
They got nigger equality.
Note: Even the Unionist traitor Andrew Johnson was impeached by the Radicals for vetoing their “civil rights” legislature.
The WNs in the Northern states now find themselves living under the Jewnion.
The defeat of the Confederacy and the triumph of the Lincoln system meant the importation of millions of radicalized Eastern European Jews into America. No distinction was made between revolutionary Jews from the Polish ghetto and Polish Catholics. They were all considered “White” and equal fodder to work as cheap labor in the industrial economy.
The Jews were invited to the Union where they were made into American citizens. Naturally, they excelled in the North’s system of riotous liberal democracy and laissez-faire capitalism. Northerners were already living under the thumb of the likes of the Rockefellers, Carnegies, and JP Morgans before the Jews took over.
The Jews found the perfect urbanized social milieu waiting for them where they could rise to the top of society.
So true, so true. But it’s not like slavery wasn’t Jew porn of its own kind. One thing is for sure though, maintaining reasonable culture takes more sacrifice than most of us are willing to make on our own.
I’d like to see a series on Constantinople.
>>>I watched Irving Berlin’s ‘Holiday Inn’ (Berlin was a Jew, fyi) and watched ‘Der Bingle’ sing about ‘Father Abraham’ – and in blackface!<<<
Racist cartoons- B. Bunny turns himself into a Ubangi-
No one is denying that Lincoln’s intentions were bound up in self-interest. The question is whether a Lincoln postwar administration would have better served Southern interests. Otherwise how is his veto of the Wade-Davis plan in favor of his ten percent plan understood? Simply as political expediency in a desire to appeal to Southern electors in a post war election. And what if the Confederacy was victorious? How would the Lee-Davis plan to allow free blacks to reside in the South differ from Lincoln’s intentions? It doesn’t.
The most influential Jews, like Rosenwald and Schiff did not come from radical Jewry originating in the Polish ghettos but were well-established German Jews. This was the force that Northern scientific racialists faced in there attempts to close the doors to mass immigration, both from Europe and Mexico, and in the attempts to repatriate blacks to Africa. Polish Jews radicalized blacks in the unions and led the charge for the passing of civil rights legislation in the South. This is the force the South allied with that enabled FDR to advocate for war against Germany in support of Bolshevism in Europe and the South.
“It is unclear exactly how many Freedom Riders were Jewish. According to some estimates, 25% of all the volunteers were Jewish as well as approximately 50% of the white, student Freedom Riders. Additionally, during the 1960s, nearly half of the lawyers working on Civil Rights cases in the South were Jewish. It is similarly estimated that Jews made up anywhere from one-third to two-thirds of the white volunteers who participated in the voter registration of Freedom Summer in 1964. “
Lincoln was nothing more than a cipher and a politician who was clearly operating within a Northern political context.
(1) His great idea of making blacks into voters in Louisiana was clearly a response to the demand by Radicals like Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens who were in favor of negro citizenship.
(2) His token gestures of deporting blacks to Africa was a response to disaffection and desertion from the Union Army in the Lower North over the Emancipation Proclamation.
(3) A postwar Lincoln administration would have been unable to contain the Radicals in Congress.
(4) Lincoln claimed he was not in favor of abolishing slavery in the states where it existed. Yet that is exactly what Abraham Lincoln himself accomplished as president. Douglas beat Lincoln because he was perceived as unreliable on the race question.
If Lincoln had not been assassinated, he would have still had to face the same problem which Andrew Johnson faced, which is that the abolition of slavery meant the end of the three fifths clause in apportioning representatives in Congress, and that if blacks were not made into citizens with voting rights in the South, the ex-Confedrates would have returned to Congress with far more political power than they had before the war.
Radical Reconstruction happened for a very clear reason: blacks had to be made into citizens in the South, or the victorious Republicans would have lost power to the Democrats.
Jefferson Davis hated the idea of abolition and black citizenship and a victorious Confederacy would have never tolerated abolition or black citizenship in a million years.
Insofar as the issue was even discussed, it was 100 percent entirely in response to the Emancipation Proclamation and the Union Army fielding 160,000 negro volunteers to destroy the Confederacy.
How many black Confederate soldiers actually served in the Confederate Army? None to my knowledge. It was Lincoln who inciting the slaves to rebel against their masters. Davis called it the greatest atrocity in world history.
You could make a plausible argument that some Northern racialists like Lothrop Stoddard and Carleton Putnam were focused on the race question.
It is clear though that Madison Grant and Charles Davenport were far more concerned about European immigrants, about subracial differences between Nordics and Alpines and Mediterraneans, the preservation of Western animal species like the buffalo, and the apocalyptic implications of dysgenics within the White race, which is why the sterilization laws were necessary.
Thus, you have the odd situation in the Northern states where there are dozens of sterilization laws to fight the White trash and the Immigration Act of 1924 which was designed to keep out European immigrants, but you don’t have a single anti-miscegenation law or segregation law or any effort made to repeal the 14th Amendment and 15th Amendment.
The Immigration Act of 1924 backfired in that Northern industries turned to the next logical source of cheap labor within the United States: Southern blacks who migrated en masse to the North to work in the wartime industries in the 1940s and 1950s.
The South was not “allied” with Jews. The South had always supported the Democratic Party. It just so happens that millions of Jews settled in the Northern states because Northern capitalists wanted an endless supply of cheap labor. Like African-Americans, the Jews voted Republican for decades before they switched to the Democratic Party under FDR, and even then the “Party of Lincoln” was still the party of civil rights.
The conflict between the Jews and their liberal allies in the Northern wing of the Democratic Party and White conservatives in the South split the Democratic Party at the 1948 convention. That is precisely what set in motion the collapse of the Democratic Party in the South in the 1968 election.
This is a half truth.
It is true that plenty of Northern Jews came to the South to agitate for the Civil Rights Movement. It is also true that the Northern synagogues in New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington financed the Civil Rights Movement. It is true that Northern revolutionary Jews were very active in the NAACP.
But it is also true that the entire Unitarian National Convention relocated to Selma to participate in the Selma-to-Montgomery march. They also infuriated the Southern Jews of Selma who supported Jim Crow and who opposed the boycott of their downtown businesses.
That’s a story that WNs have conveniently ignored: here in Alabama, Southern Jews had lived in small towns like Selma, Demopolis, and Camden and cities like Birmingham, Montgomery, and Mobile for generations. Southern Jews had also lived in Charleston and New Orleans for centuries.
Why then do Southerners have such a hard time grasping the Jewish Question? Because Southern Jews, the Jews with whom Southerners are most familiar, were never at the forefront of agitating for civil rights and integration.
On the contrary, the Civil Rights Movement was perceived in the South as another Yankee onslaught on Dixie. It was a return to Reconstruction. It was a great Northern invasion of fanatics. They were ALL perceived as Yankees. Yankees and Jews were seen as the same force.
That’s why the Confederate battle flag was raised over Georgia in 1955 and South Carolina in 1961. Many of these “Civil Rights Martyrs” like Jonathan Daniels and James Reeb were bona fide Yankee agitators. Some like Michael Schwerner in Mississippi were Jews.
CORE evolved out of Quaker pacifist culture. Many of the CORE activists had been involved in all kinds of nutty protests even before the Civil Rights Movement. There were lots of Whites who came to the South in the Freedom Rides. Jim Zwerg of Appleton, Wisconsin was one of the most famous. James Peck was a Northern Jew.