Knockout King Victim Confronted Again By Attackers


H/T CofCC.

The Black Undertow “moves around with impunity” and “intimidates people” … such is the reality of St. Louis … according to the mayor of St. Louis … who found the victim at the scene of the crime.

Note: Thank God for Martin Luther King and his principle of “non-violence,” right? This comes after a grandmother was knocked out at Chuck E Cheese on Sunday and a drive-by shooting at the MLK parade in Little Rock.

We’re still trying to go one day without African-American domestic extremists committing an extraordinary and newsworthy act of violence against White people.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You can see why this guy ended up getting victimized. There is no honor in his eyes. He has the look of a liberal about him. These people are going to go down like the dodo on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working.

  2. Landshark: It’s not the water, and it’s not just St. Louis.

    I read an article on the Amerika site last year that included the following excerpt from a sight that I seldom agree with. I questioned the accuracy of the of the numbers and learned that they were based upon the findings of Dr. J. Philippe Rushton.

    “People in the HBD-blogosphere tend to group all whites together and say that they have a median IQ of 100 with a standard deviation of 15.

    Let us divide whites into two groups.

    Group 1 is prole whites. These are all whites with IQs of 104 and less. They comprise 62% of whites.

    Group 2 is middle class and upper class whites. These are all whites with IQs of 105 and more. They comprise 38% of whites.

    The median IQ of Group 1 is 92.5 (similar to the IQ of mestizo Mexican immigrants).

    The median IQ of Group 2 is 113 (similar to the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews).

    I assume that all of my white readers come from Group 2. What do we really have in common with the stupid people from Group 1 except a similarity of appearance? (Although I guarantee you that if I photographed a hundred white people with IQs of 113 and a 100 white people with IQs of 92.5, everyone would instantly be able to identify the smart group and the stupid group.)

    Ironically, liberal HBD-denialists as well as white nationalists would group us all together. The liberal HBD-denialist would say that we are all beneficiaries of white privilege, and the reason that the whites from Group 1 don’t do well economically is because they were too lazy to go to college (ignoring the implausibility of someone with an IQ of 92.5 being able to learn college-level material).”

    You can read that entire article at:

    That goes a long way toward explaining why so many White people make easy targets for Negrophile politicians, educators and clergy.

    You can read that entire article at:

  3. Maybe someone can ask him if his attitude is due to white guilt syndrome. Honestly folks I don’t think we can save every whitey some are gonna have to be eaten as they mouth the pathology of white guilt. Too bad.

  4. Why doesn’t this guy just accidentally leak these scumbag’s names?

    They’ll all be permanently off the streets within a month or two if he did.

  5. It’s pretty heavily armed around St Louis. Grand is near enough South County and they tend to be heavily armed.

    Mayor is obviously a quisling though. Useless bastard.

  6. That is something I have noticed: you never see some badass white guy on the news as a victim of knockout king. No white man who acts like Cullen Bohannon’s character on ‘Hell on Wheels’ get jumped by thugs. It always seems to be liberal non-men who are victims of this.

  7. “You can see why this guy ended up getting victimized. There is no honor in his eyes. He has the look of a liberal about him. These people are going to go down like the dodo on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working.”

    “No honor in his eyes”? “He has the look of a liberal about him”?
    Hunter, seems that you can discern much about the man from the one or two sentences and his “yeah” and “I did” responses to the interviewer. If by “honor” you mean to say “coward”, then I agree with you. I did see fear in the man’s eyes. He has the same look of “victim” or target that I can recall seeing in a couple of high school classmates . But then again, the victim here is 52 years old and the aggressors are “teenagers” according to the video. What exactly are people expecting from a 52 year old guy (who by the way does not look the part of an aging athlete) when confronted with a group of teen thugs? In my state, a state cop is eligible to retire at age 50. Why is this, you might say? One reason is that at that age a man is no longer capable in many ways when dealing with young criminals. Reflexes going down hill, strength and agility diminished. Hell, any doctor will tell you that when you reach 40 you are long past your prime and this is when the usual age related debilities start to set in. There was a time when the military would not consider you if you were past age 26.
    In this man I see a tired, timid, aging white male with the bewildered look of a “deer in the headlights”. Will he and his ilk die the day the EBT card stops working? No doubt about it. Should he be packing a gun? Yes and he should learn to use it well but he may be a liberal as you said or he might work in a facility that would fire him in an instant if he were thought to be carrying. If, as a Southerner you know Negroes as well as you say, then you also know that they can smell fear in a victim. It may sound dramatic to say that but from my experiences with them I have always felt that they have an instinctive knowledge of psychology. His attackers saw his weakness right away and they love to attack in packs just like the animals they are.

  8. Another thought: Concealed carry grants you the right to have the gun on you, but unless your state (in this guy’s case Missouri) has a “stand your ground law” to back up your right to defend yourself where ever you are, then you are in for a protracted legal battle and could very well end up in prison in any event. Here in PA it is very easy to get a carry permit (unless you have ever been arrested, naturally) -just go through the paperwork and get your permit. But unless you are attacked in your own home, you do not have a right to use “lethal force” in this state. I have a carry permit mainly to ease things if I should get stopped by police on the way to the firing range. That is the only time I have a gun on me, but then I travel in tame circles and at this time don’t feel a pressing need to have the gun on me all the time.

  9. He also lives in the hood.

    That precise part of the town is someplace I’d avoid walking around.

    Anyway, the man did produce a pepperspray can so he’s learned a lesson. They ran off when he pulled it out.

  10. The 6 year old murder. Do “CB” mothers not understand that their offspring are considered a threat by the new paramour?

    The black anchor, in that clip said this “murder stunned the community”. Bwahahaha. This is sort of murder disproportionately how many interracial marriages end.

    News Anchor MUST be yanking everyone’s chain? Right?

    Half the reason these relationships happen is because of eugenic fantasies on the part of the male! God only knows what the CB herself is thinking about. Punishing daddy for being mean? crypto-suicidal? Self loathing? All of the above.

    These marriages, on at least one level are an attempt to obliterate competing male bloodlines.

    Look at Lions in the pride when they depose the old boss. All the cubs get eaten.

  11. Hunter – that video makes me SICK. That poor little boy. That foul nigger shold have ben cut to pieces, right then and there, the SECOND he called the little boy a “racist”. I mean beaten to death, and slashed up, right then and THERE. And then his foul nigger corpse strung up in front of the courthouse, until it rots off.

    As an object lesson.

    The Mud Shark should enjoy the same fate. They should die together.

    The poor child. I hope he rests in peace, tonight. A prayer for him. We all owe him

  12. My answer to the “Amerika” article, I’m sure it’ll be censored there:

    What lower IQ whites have in common with higher IQ whites is the same thing that lower IQ Poles had in common with higher IQ Poles in 1942: they’re both members of a people who are the victims of an extermination campaign. Half-Sigma is a treasonous, racist Jew who likes to further the holocaust being waged against white America by dividing his victims by class, the better to gas chamber them both. This sort of nasty class bigotry might only be crass in normal times but in the face of the very real genocide being waged against white America today it amounts to objectively aiding and abetting that genocide, and all the rape, murder and terrorism that goes along with it.

    “then multiculturalism is invented to give those unequal people someone to feel above” Total crap. Why would the ruling class, which is waging an all out war up to and including murder and actual physical extermination against the white lower and middle classes, care if they had someone to look down upon? Get over your class bigotry and try to get your ego under control, you’re not that special. The program to liquidate Western civilization and the people who made it is the issue, class division is where cowards go to avoid confronting power, or where Nazis like Half-Sigma go to promote that liquidation.

  13. The main problem with blacks is that they bottom load society with stupid aggressive individuals.

    In a society without them, the less fortunate, dumber and weak people could be cared for properly. Indeed, there would be enough to go around. The sort of eugenics the Germans indulged in would not happen. Instead, white people are murdered, raped and mugged by a race that hates them for being white. Then the whites have to turn around and pay in three ways: Expensive prisons, damages to the victim and their families and damage to property values of all kinds.

    If they were not here there would be class tensions, but they wouldn’t be terrbly expensive to ameliorate. Instead we are stuck with an extra black population of stupids piggy backing on top of the general population of stupid.

    If you drew the bell curve with that humb of black added on top of the whites, rather than traced over and superimposed, you’d see how they distort society into a hunchback.

    Poor white people ought not be sacrificed to the Dark Gods as they are today.

  14. I’m almost 50. I’m stronger, faster and better with a gun than I’ve ever been. The notion a man shouldn’t be expected stand the line as he ages is ridiculous and counter to Western tradition.

    That race traitor who put her child at jeopardy should also face murder charges. She is as every bit a guilty as the feral negro

  15. John The Second: The truth of the matter is that stupid Whites are allowed to vote, and that is at the heart of every problem we face today.

    In Detroit’s early days of decline, trashy, stupid Whites paved the way for the niggers in many areas. I personally observed White families leave Briggs and Corktown to move to the suburbs, exurbs and beyond to get away from Bozo Whites years before the first niggers moved in. Nobody wants people like “The Wild And Wonderful Whites Of West Virginia” for neighbors.

    What’s the difference whether you get burglarized, robbed, stabbed or shot by stupid, piece-of-shit Whites or stupid, piece of shit niggers. No difference at all. So after the good Whites left, the Jew landlords bought up every rundown house in White neighborhoods and rented them to anybody who didn’t mind White Trash. That limited the potential renters to Mexicans, more White Trash and, of course, niggers.

    Class warfare is the logical follow-up to the coming racial adjustments. I’m all for a caste system and a eugenics program in the society that comes after this one ends.

    Stupid Whites make great gun fodder, but after the harsh days are over I think we should put something in their cheap beer that will sterilize them.

  16. Mr Backwards

    “What do we really have in common with the stupid people from Group 1 except a similarity of appearance?”

    The people who want their genocide, want our genocide too.

  17. Mr Backwards

    “Stupid Whites make great gun fodder, but after the harsh days are over I think we should put something in their cheap beer that will sterilize them.”

    You seem to have a genocidal hatred for white people. Is your name Tim?

  18. “I’m almost 50. I’m stronger, faster and better with a gun than I’ve ever been.”

    It’s very hard to get out of a 7 on 1 unless you’re prepared to use force that could end up being lethal. Not everyone is cut out for that and that guy is obviously not a fighter.

    For me the worst thing about white flight is all the people who can’t defend themselves left behind in a version of hell.

  19. John, that’s a good recipe for you being the last white standing.

    It’s not a good formula.

    Anyway, white people are not reproducing already. You are actually prescribing the status quo.

  20. my points is his age is no excuse.

    My guess is, if he was ready for violence, strong, fit, alert and trained he would not have been selected as a target. Negros pick easy prey. Don’t make yourself easy pray. Southron White men owe that to ourselves, our family, and our Nation/ race.

  21. Anon:

    I have a genocidal hatred for stupid people of all colors.

    The people of India finally developed their caste system after stupid people brought about the collapse of their society several times. Unfortunately, their religion prevents the upper castes from culling the lower castes, so they are still around to cause problems when pressure from The Rainbow Nations force the Indians to adopt counter-productive, suicidal policies.

    I would also like to point out that Hunter was right about that poor old victim. He was a pussy when he was young and he’s still a pussy now AND IT SHOWS.

    Niggers only go after the weak ones. Even that fuckboy was able to put two of them on the run by pulling out a can of pepper spray. Think what he could have accomplished during the initial attack if he had pulled out a Hog Leg.

    I also agree with Stonelifter: Age is no excuse.

    I’m not as fast and strong as I was 30 years ago, but at 58 I still have more fight in me than most guys have at 28. If you exercise and eat right your whole life you won’t be a weak, pathetic turd at 52.

    As for that crybaby shit about the pitfalls of defending yourself with firearms, I agree with those t-shirts in the 90’s that said: “Better to be tried before 12 than carried by 6.”

  22. “I have a genocidal hatred for stupid people of all colors.”

    Compared to me you’re stupid. bang.

    “The people of India finally developed their caste system after stupid people brought about the collapse of their society several times.”

    No they didn’t.

    “I would also like to point out that Hunter was right about that poor old victim. He was a pussy when he was young and he’s still a pussy now AND IT SHOWS.”

    tough guy.

    “Niggers only go after the weak ones.”

    No they don’t. If you’re not weak they come after you eight at a time or jump you from behind with a knife. Plus not all “niggers” are niggers. The ones who aren’t niggers won’t attack you unless you give them reason but they will if you do, same as most people.

    “I also agree with Stonelifter: Age is no excuse.”

    tough guy.

    “I’m not as fast and strong as I was 30 years ago, but at 58 I still have more fight in me than most guys have at 28. If you exercise and eat right your whole life you won’t be a weak, pathetic turd at 52.”

    When was the last time you faced down seven? If you knew what you were talking about you’d know this stuff is 95% mental.

    “As for that crybaby shit about the pitfalls of defending yourself with firearms, I agree with those t-shirts in the 90?s that said: “Better to be tried before 12 than carried by 6.””

    When you’ve done it, talk, tough guy.

    Seriously, the man gets attacked by seven and you spend all you time attacking him rather than the people doing it and you wonder why we’re in this mess.

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