“Teens” Attack In Kill-adelphia

The Black Undertow continues to practice violence in Kill-adelphia

The black “teens” have struck again in Kill-adelphia … this time they got a Vietnam veteran. It is not surprising when BRA’s proudest boast is that the Black Undertow is “free,” you know, to prowl the streets and assault and murder people.

These so-called “random assaults” in Kill-adelphia and the videos that accompany them are the real “gift that keeps on giving.” Are you in the least bit surprised that the SPLC has nothing to say about this vicious black-on-white attack?

Update: The suspects have been caught and identified. They did it “just for fun.” In the video below, you can see graphic images of the victim. This is why Eugene “Bull” Connor had to use firehoses and attack dogs against the Black Undertow in Birmingham.

Note: See also Kill-adelphia: Pennsylvania’s Holy Experiment, Kill-adelphia: Happy New Year, City of Brotherly Thugs, and Thunder From the North.

Only 2 Teens Will Be Charged In Random Attack On Vet: MyFoxPHILLY.com

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. George says:
    January 21, 2012 at 1:41 am
    Yes, its terrible, yes it happens all the time in Philly, its true no one is going to do anything about it (especially the White sheep).

    Jack Ryan replies:

    I beg to differ. Philadelphia area Whites – especially Phily Italian American Whites are some of the toughest, most racist people are planet earth. Philadelphia ex police chief, then later mayor Frank Rizo personally stopped all 1960 era Black riots in his city like the Black riots that wrecked places like Detroit, Newark, Watts etc. And Frank Rizo and his army of ex World War II vet/cops had the rare gift of public showmanship, an “in your face” style that let everyone know who was boss:

    Here’s a link to video showing some vintage Philadelphia Frank R.




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