Gawker: 4chan Hacked Trayvon Martin


Gawker is claiming that the rumored 4chan /pol hack of Trayvon Martin’s social media accounts has been verified. Here are the images that have been circulating on Stormfront which were taken from Trayvon’s Facebook:

Note: What’s the difference between 4chan and 4chon? Can someone explain this? I was under the impression that 4chon was the racialist hangout where HAC is ridiculed sometimes.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m willing to bet that Trayvon had been burglarizing that community for months.

    Had the dad ever been busted for burglary or robbery?

  2. Well, the Miami Herald claims that he was caught with a burglary tool and women’s jewelry. There is evidence on his Facebook account that suggests he was involved in some kind of attempted break in.

  3. Avionics and stuff!

    That bullshit again? How wuz Trayvon going to explain away a 10 day suspension to the Airforce academy?

    I wuz suspended n sheet for jewelry theft and dim bagz o Mary J, gnomesayin’ honkie?
    You gotta problem widdat?

  4. 4chan is an American spinoff site of the Japanese

    It was originally created for manga/hentai/insert Japanese thing here, however it has spun off into other fields including social, politics, science, conspiracy, and general BSing. A lot of Anony types hang out on the various boards and it births a surprising number of hit memes. Its kinda like Reddit’s troubled brother: they like posting gore pics, homo-erotica for laughs, basically push the envelope. Its a no brainer that they jumped on the Trayvon case.

    Sorry but I dont know of/never heard of 4chon?…

  5. This garbage nigger doesn’t deserve the attention he is receiving. It’s getting beyond vulgar at this point. I get the feeling from watching Diane Sawyer on ABC News that she would be first in line to facedive into his casket to fellate his corpse cock.

  6. 4chan is basically all troll all the time, and yes, they’ve posted all of the passwords for Trayvon’s various social media accounts.

  7. The one thing about all this that should really alarm everyone is just how much of Trayvon’s “private” life is contained within all of this. Questions he asked to yahoo anwsers 4 years ago are being dug through.

  8. Bunch of idiots! How is this smear campaign going to justify this unarmed man being shot. This racism will be the death of some people. I am not letting anybody’s race make me unhappy. Every human being has the same color blood and every one will die eventually. Everyone has issues.

    I believe justice will be served in this case. God is not asleep and He is not wearing pajamas.

  9. >What’s the difference between 4chan and 4chon?

    iirc, 4chan used to have a political/news forum called new or /n/.
    It was overwhelmingly pro-white and countered all of the leftard bullshit on 4chan.
    4chan admin deleted /n/ because of it’s politically incorrect content that leftards disagreed with.
    /n/ was reborn as /new/ on 4chon
    I don’t have the numbers, but I think it’s doing pretty well statistically.
    4chan users wanted a news/politics forum back and /pol/ “politically incorrect” was created to lure users back from 4chon /new/ …
    of course, the new /pol/ forum is massively infested with leftards whereas previously it was overwhelmingly pro-white

    OD is often linked to on 4chon where there’s still a strong pro-white user base.

    Stop by sometime, it’s one of the few places with free speech.

    and this is /pol/

  10. It mean’s that God forbid any of us have to defend ourselves from an Orc attack, it will be discovered you used to read and comment on a website with a rebel flag that allowed commenters to use the word “nigger”. So obviously you must have called the Orc a racial slur that prompted them to attack you in your home in the middle of the night.

  11. read somewhere that the negros who spawned trayvons had to copy right his name/ image to keep others form profiting from it’s death and likeness

    not sure how true that is, and I think i read that from neil bortz

  12. It means any responsible, law abiding citizen with a CCW should also have a shovel and bag of lye to go with it…..

  13. I know. Yep that’s a problem isn’t it. In this age –It will all come out. However I’m certainly not built like Zim is. I avoid the groid. Like Flashman I would probably run first. Fight later. I’ve also lived a long enough life.

  14. “YT says:
    March 30, 2012 at 1:38 am
    It means any responsible, law abiding citizen with a CCW should also have a shovel and bag of lye to go with it…..”


  15. It means any responsible, law abiding citizen with a CCW should also have a shovel and bag of lye to go with it…..

    It’s a bag of lime, not lye, big difference. But if you want to carry lye, its your shoulder.

  16. The differences between 4chan and 4chon? That is a hard thing to properly explain (since it is fairly trivial) 4chan is the largest non Japanese imageboard as the largest it has many boards, one of them was the /new/ board that got the cut when Moot was raising investor’s money for Moot stated to the effect: It is not about the news as originally created for, but corrupted to be about “nigger and jews” (this is true, and it was his right to cut it to avoid scrutiny)

    4chon was a spinoff board whose sysop took advantage of a loss of a board, created his own /new/ board. Now though 4chan recreated the board as /pol/ which fulfills the name more appropriately.

    Now though the main differences are in the userbase, since it the board was moved and now split between two sites. The stereotypes are that leftists are on /pol/ and stormfronters are on /new/ (although, ironically, there is now apparently a stormfront imageboard)

  17. is a spinoff from the 4chan when the old news board was shut down ther. 4chon’s /new/ board in an interesting place chock full of national socialists, libertarians, various other types of reactionaries, and the odd leftist troll.

    Gets a bit echo chambery there, but good about getting quick links to the top of news stories people here would want to see. The ability to be almost totally anonymous is nice as well

  18. @John

    I’m glad I don’t live in the big city. I’d go nuts. Green Acres is the place to be, faaaarm living is the life for me….

    I lived in a small town not too long ago, about 300 white people and 2 Mexicans. Across the street was a corn field, behind me was a horse pasture. I moved to the city, a small city, which isn’t anything as close to a Detroit or a Chicago. I definately want to get back to the country, it’s the way to go…..

  19. apparently spike lee has apologized for tweeting the wrong address. Not apologize about trying to put zimmermans lie at risk, and as if the apology will stop some dumbass negro from harming the elderly couple

  20. Remember, people from 4chan are the ones who hacked Hal Turner and discovered he was working for the FBI, but no one really believed it at the time. That was a couple of years before he got in trouble and turned out to really be working for them. I have little doubt that what they claim is genuine.

    They do all sorts of things like that and other weird things, which are said to be done for the “lulz.” It means something like for the hell of it and for laughs. Some of it is of a serious magnitude.

  21. The 4channers also have a sort of code name for certain people of particular loose morals, extreme daring and all around outrageous and over the top behavior but who many people have as certain shady but good friends. It is /b, I think. I remember reading a description given when people wanted to know what it meant or whom it was.

    It went something like this:

    /b is the guy who bails you out of jail and gives you a bag of weed on the way home.

    /b is the guy who gets you laid.

    /b is the guy who loans you money you need it.

    /b is the guy who and then fucks your sister.

    /b is the guy who picks you up off the bar and takes you home.

    /b is the guy who kills your neighbors dog for you.

    /b is the guy who destroys the reputation and business of your former boss who fired you.

    /b is the guy who sets up a drug deal for your ex and records it so you can use it to get your kids back.

    You get the idea.

    /b is the guy who

  22. “Note: What’s the difference between 4chan and 4chon? Can someone explain this? I was under the impression that 4chon was the racialist hangout where HAC is ridiculed sometimes.” is a splinter imageboard formed by 4chan users who disdained the fact that moot (4chan’s owner) deleted the boards /new/ and /r9k/. They formed their own site where these boards were restored. After a while, and additional board called /edu/ was added.

    Since that split, moot has backtracked on his decision and restored /new/ under the name /pol/. I don’t recall whether or not he brought back /r9k/.

    In any case, 4chon community is still alive and well, with people who left 4chan after deletion of /new/ and /r9k/ staying mostly loyal to their new home. The main reason is probably the lack of censorship on 4chon.

  23. Trayvon, we hardly knew ye…and it’s all beautiful: P-O-L-A-R-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N. Can’t you just see that fat, rich, Red Hollywood Jewess Roseanne Barr lumbering naked down a street, pursued by a gang of hungry post-EBT Congoids? YKW wants Race War, and they are going to get it.

  24. PRB, thank you! I laughed. Don’t get a lot of chances these days. You’ve been on a roll lately. Keep ’em coming.

  25. Bunch of idiots! How is this smear campaign going to justify this unarmed man being shot. This racism will be the death of some people. I am not letting anybody’s race make me unhappy. Every human being has the same color blood and every one will die eventually. Everyone has issues.

    Right, we all bleed red. When aliens show up and they bleed green, there will be some psycho nutjob humans excusing everything they do and reciting the mantra, “who cares about blood color! We all inhabit the 4-dimensional space-time continuum! Only racist haters care about blood color!”

    We all bleed red – squirrels, monkeys, whales, badgers, lions, cows… Mammal solidarity! Wait, “mammal” is a social construct – worms bleed red, too! Carbon-based-life-form solidarity! No, wait, that’s RACIST!!! against silicon-based life in the Gamma Quadrant, and the artificial intelligences of the future…

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