About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. let blacks riot. let them show the world thru cell phone videos how they should be judged by the content of their character.

  2. All white people need to arm themselves,learn how to use their weapons with confidence and get a conceled weapons permit.If you have a family member or friend who served in the US military ask them to help you with your weapons.You DO NOT have to be the victim.This is the only way when we are forced to live with the evil nigger beasts.

  3. Wow, a “pseudo-intellectual” cast! I never would have thought they would think so highly of us. I guess we need to try harder.

  4. I recommend people start drawing up enemies list. You know what they say. Never let a crisis go to waste.

  5. Don’t know if you have browsed through them but the Daily Caller also has posted a record of Trayvon Martin’s tweets going back to around the beginning of the year.

    They are in Scribd format at the bottom of the article.


    Much of it is “bitches”, “hoes” and “weed” as you can imagine.

    There were three that I noticed that touched on race however which are listed below,

    “RT @KissMeEndlessly: puss ass crackas” on page 86 of the Scribd file

    “RT @PrettyMeStarr: White People'(s) Call Police , Black People'(s) Call There Cousin” page 116

    “RT @x_highlyfavored: ‘@Slim_Nigga: I wanna experience a white girl just one time.’” page 146

    There is no way to know the context exactly of these tweets but you can see that he used a racial slur to refer to whites, puts forward the idea that blacks are more likely to take the law into their own hands, and tweeted about himself or someone else desiring to have sexual relations with a white woman on the basis of race.

    In fact in Trayvon’s tweets I think we may have actually found a basis for George Zimmerman’s whiteness in the minds of blacks.

    To the Trayvons of the world calling the police makes you white!

  6. “how they should be judged by the content of their character.”
    Except that liberals will always find some way to defend these chimpanzees, character is of little relevance to them.

  7. What the Gosh Darned Diddly Do is IHEHR???? Jayzuz Tap Dancing KeeRist – I cannot keep up with the Spawn of Soros hatchlings…

  8. God damn – I just watched that video of the white guy getting surrounded by the savages after being sucker punch knock-out-kinged, then stripped just for the sheer amusement that humiliating a stranger brings to the tiny primitive simian brain of an even-17% white admixture American african.

    Those fucking niggers are disgusting beyond belief.

    Fucking miserable, sub-human hyenas.

    Sorry, too disgusted to post anything eloquent.


    – Arturo


  9. Arturo you don’t have to apologize. I’ve been burning with that righteous hatred since seeing it. I would welcome a race war. I pray that it may be delayed only long enough for me to prepare. Africans are little more than animals.

  10. Damn it, this really vexes me. I spend considerable effort littering the Hateosphere with vile racist and anti-semtexic extremism, only to learn that the sites of tolerance are monitoring this nest of pseudo-intellectuals. Trei’vahn would be shaking his head.

  11. I’ll tell you this much — if full-scale racial warring finally does break out in this country, the things that packs of vengeance-crazed white people end up doing to whatever unfortunate niggers they get their hands on, are going to make that video clip look like childs play.

    I don’t blame you, Arturo. I don’t know who makes me angrier, the niggers or the white guy who just laid there like a punk a took it.

  12. “Denise says:
    What the Gosh Darned Diddly Do is IHEHR???? Jayzuz Tap Dancing KeeRist – I cannot keep up with the Spawn of Soros hatchlings…”

    My thoughts exactly, who the hell are they? They seem particularly obsessed with the Tea Party. Reading their About page is a good sleep remedy. The last paragraph is about all you need to read.

  13. I’ll tell you this much — if full-scale racial warring finally does break out in this country, the things that packs of vengeance-crazed white people end up doing to whatever unfortunate niggers they get their hands on, are going to make that video clip look like childs play

    I think you’re wrong. My guess is most of us will shoot them and then move on to the next negro. We’re an efficient and get shit done kind of people

  14. I would also suggest to our people to find alternate forms of protection besides a gun. I’m almost afraid to post it on here as our enemies read this blog.

  15. @stonelifter

    I hope so. But pioneer men used to match those Indian tribes atrocity-for-atrocity. Niggers have done us far worse. Who know’s what will happen when the rule of law disappears?

  16. “My thoughts exactly, who the hell are they?”

    The usual suspects. Go read about their staff. Professional DWLs and agitators: people that bring nothing to society, only mooch of donations and twisting the legal system. The good news is that if the economy collapses totally they will be out of work or the first against the wall in a reawakening. The bad news is that if their goals come to pass they will be the new thought police or Politburo.

  17. “YT says:
    March 30, 2012 at 2:20 am
    “My thoughts exactly, who the hell are they?”

    The usual suspects. Go read about their staff. Professional DWLs and agitators: people that bring nothing to society, only mooch of donations and twisting the legal system. The good news is that if the economy collapses totally they will be out of work or the first against the wall in a reawakening. The bad news is that if their goals come to pass they will be the new thought police or Politburo.”

    When full blown RaHoWa breaks loose – and you can feel it coming – the Nogs are not the only demo that need a visit from Hating Saxons.

  18. At last review, my target acquisitions priorities listed such DWLs above the groids. Of course, you always engage the most dangerous target first, then adjust as the situation develops.

    All this puts me in the mood to watch “Zulu” again.

    Deo Vindice

  19. I’m going to flip flop Chris and say you had the right of it to began with.

    Now that I think about it, I was projecting my professional experience on to people. It makes more sense for regular folk to take care of business they will have some type of serious psychological break before they act, and then all bets are off. “Atrocities” would be a tactical error because they take time and people get tried of them fast, so the cleansing wouldn’t last as long or get as much accomplished but I think it’s very likely to occur in larger numbers than I initially thought

  20. Note: Is Uncle Tim reading this website? We know IHEHR has been sniffing around here.


    Seems the niggerlovers are getting restless. Lol. Good God, has a creature more pathetic, delusional and brain-diseased than the American niggerlover ever stalked God’s green earth?

  21. I note that no one has mentioned what this mob did to this white man. They stripped him of his clothes including his underwear. That is they exposed his genitals. I would say that is an action that shows the most complete contempt, and primitive contempt, for your foe. Little is often made of the sexuality of blacks but they think of their sexuality has one of their highest virtues and prize asset in their war with others.
    One could not even conceive of others, including other non whites, doing this deed.
    But to them it seems natural.

  22. Another fantasy thread? Sure, open revolution, low-intensity conflict, and the breakdown of organized society are all possible. And America’s going to have to get worse than Argentina, Brazil, Russia, Colombia, Mexico, or Venezuela, first.

    I.e., “possible” like manned space flight is “possible.”

    Far more likely is that Whites will continue to retreat into walled enclaves and divest from an establishment that is increasingly hostile to them. And as Whites divest from national gov’t, the latter will continue to lose legitimacy, until it becomes a hollow state. Eventually, parallel institutions will overgrow and replace the old ones.

    There’s way more bend in the system than people imagine.

  23. Svigor,

    I understand what you mean by ‘fantasy thread’ but I would say America is very different then any other country you listed. The US was founded on the idea the people are equal and had a right to property and to work for prosperity, the “pursuit of happiness”. As it now stands whites pay for most things, blacks leech for most things. Blacks do not seem to be accused of hate crimes, while whites are accused of it no matter what happens.

    The US was formed when a small group of people grew angry at the ruling government and revolted. While I don’t think people are going to try and ‘take Washington back’ I do think it’s possible whites just shrug their shoulders, ignore the cops, politicans, and talking heads and start to fight back. How likely, how soon, and how many whites, I couldn’t say. But I saw the foundation of the country and many of it’s constitional laws, ie the right to bear arms which many Europeans seem to look down on and thinkwe have guns available in every Starbucks, to me means US citizens aren’t going to take blacks raping and killing as long as other countries seem willing to accept it.

    While we’re far from whites just attacking blacks it seems less and less whites are afraid of being called racist, and are willing to speak out (online at least) against black stupidity. I doubt whites will actually start a race war but blacks seem to have been waging one via taxation for welfare and free housing, and the occasional rapes and killings thrown in. Less and less whites seem bedazzled by Jesse Jackson then the 80s where whites thought he was a good black leader, and see him for the black hustler he is. I think at some point the government will just lose all respect with the majority of white people, and white do most of the work in the country, pay mostof the taxes, do most of the defending on this country, and spend a lot more time raising their kids then the average black. When whites say ‘screw it’ the government is screwed. Yes, congress and the senate won’t disappear, but when whites ignore the cops and IRS the way blacks do (notice how many black ‘reverands’ are in FL now protesting Trayvon?) then the government can not function.

    I don’t know, the country has always had it’s problem, but whites are the backbone of the nation, and whites are getting sick and tired of blacks and liberals. We’re being pushed into a war, and more people are seeing it.

  24. Everyone now knows that Diversity is a vile hate crime against God’s kingdom plan for our White privilege and violates White Humanity’s ordained destiny.

    Asia for Asians. Arabia for Arabians. Africa for Africa. White Countries for Everybody!

    Speaking the Truth is deemed Hate Speech by those who hate the Truth. Free Speech is Hate Speech to those who hate Freedom.

    Anti-Racism is code for Anti-White.

    Why do Diverse neighborhood revert back to feral afrovoodoo chaos and crime when White Humanity flees?

    Why is Diversity still dependent on White Humanity after all we’ve done for them, and we’ve done far too much?

    You can’t help Diversity advance one step without holding back White Humanity from the ten steps of greatness.

    Diversity is all cost, cost, cost with NO social, political, religious, economic or civic benefit to White Humanity.

    Diversity is a Curse, a Horror, and is the Doom of us all. All we have left now is vengeance and the joy of justice.

  25. Some are addicted to Ruin Porn, which is purient excitement derived from looking at pictures of “Detroit after White People”.

    We are addicted to Diversity Porn, which is purient excitement derived from looking at these daily videos of “Diversity during White People”.

    Everyone knows that there will be THE video that changes everything back to Jim Crow. We will see the Diversity Horror unleash itself on innocent White girls with such vicious and inhuman hate that even the Whitey elites will start to “rexamine our received assumptions about race”. It’s coming…

  26. #31 — You know, the Declaration of Independence is really one of my all-time favorite documents, not just for the history, but for its sheer outraged vigor. Most people don’t realize that it mainly consists of a long list of accusations and complaints. I read it out loud in public every July 4, in a ferocious tone. It’s great. When you finally get to “are and of a right OUGHT TO BE” it’s like an orgasm.

    My suggestion to you folks is to use the list of accusations in the Declaration as your model, and begin compiling in detail the new list of accusations and outrages against Washington, so you have it handy when you need it.

    As the document says, “Let facts be presented to a candid world.”

  27. I understand what you mean by ‘fantasy thread’ but I would say America is very different then any other country you listed. The US was founded on the idea the people are equal and had a right to property and to work for prosperity, the “pursuit of happiness”. As it now stands whites pay for most things, blacks leech for most things. Blacks do not seem to be accused of hate crimes, while whites are accused of it no matter what happens.

    Indeed: hunger is a real threat in those countries, but not in America. The threat of being locked up for nothing, or for peaceful opposition to the regime, is real in those countries, but not in America. America has real due process, a real expectation of impartial and fair gov’t (mostly), strong institutions, mostly legitimate elections, etc. I.e., far less reason for violent revolt than any of those places. And yet, those places haven’t even seen violent revolt, yet.

    Our problems pale in comparison to those in most of the world. And unfortunately, the ways in which we’re being genocided (and the constituent races of those other places are not), don’t even register on most Americans’ radar.

    While I don’t think people are going to try and ‘take Washington back’ I do think it’s possible whites just shrug their shoulders, ignore the cops, politicans, and talking heads and start to fight back.

    I see non-violent revolution as being far more likely here, than violent revolution. Violent revolutions are for when the people are forcibly prevented from non-violent revolution, which isn’t the case here. Ethnopatriots just get frustrated with the fact that the herd currently can’t even be moved to stage a non-violent revolution, and escape into fantasies about forcing the issue.

    But I agree, I think it’s entirely possible that White America is slowly starting to wake up.

  28. I agree with James, get a good weapon,C and C permit and learn how to shoot!! It’s time to fight!!

  29. The trouble with the “race war” scenario is this: it’s not going to be a simple matter of white versus black. Most white people will fight for the black side. No, it’s going to be Racist White Supremacists (us) versus the federal government, which will take the side of blacks and All Right-Thinking White People.

    We can’t fight the U.S. Army. We can only hope that when push comes to shove the Army won’t fire on the American people. In my view, it’s a faint hope — they’ve never hesitated before: Bonus Army, Little Rock, Waco.

    If the Army splits into racial factions, any race war has a good chance of ending well. If, however, the Army stays loyal to the Powers That Be, those of us not killed in the War Against Racism can all look forward to spending the rest of our lives in Camp FEMA.

  30. The trouble with the “race war” scenario is this: it’s not going to be a simple matter of white versus black. Most white people will fight for the black side. No, it’s going to be Racist White Supremacists (us) versus the federal government, which will take the side of blacks and All Right-Thinking White People.

    We can’t fight the U.S. Army. We can only hope that when push comes to shove the Army won’t fire on the American people. In my view, it’s a faint hope — they’ve never hesitated before: Bonus Army, Little Rock, Waco.

    The only way it would be us vs. the federal gov’t is if we take on the federal gov’t. Why would we do that, if we couldn’t win? Us vs. Wall Street & Hollywood oligarchs sounds like more fun.

  31. Just thinking out loud, btw. I think the prospect of “us vs. anyone” in a physical conflict is pretty ludicrous at this point, and will remain so for a long time to come.

  32. The feds will not allow Whites to retreat forever. Sooner or later they will try to limit things like all White gated communities. They’ve been doing it more or less every day since 1964. Some of their tricks are up front like bussing, building low income housing in White towns and anti house discrimination laws. Some are more “subtle” like allowing negros to use welfare as income when applying for home loans. That allowed negros to spread out into areas they could not afford on their own merits. Same thing with govt jobs for negros. Lets them move into White towns on no merit of their own
    IMO, we’ll get the chance to clean house. Don’t know the date, and really I think it will be the next generation, but sooner or later negros will chimp-out on a large scale and White folks will have a lot of room to maneuver while the national guard and federal troops deal with bigger problems. On a smaller scale, our nation is on a rocket ship to economic collapse. We know there is a lot more vigilante justice in Detroit because of raising crime and no money for cops. I see that spreading to other places. Also the black on brown crime is no joke and that helps our side. And bad economic times will speed up the diversity crash

    Even if things don’t work out that way, sooner or later the govt will have to decide on welfare or damn near 100% tax rate or default. White folks are waking up and won’t stand for two out of the three and negros will go on the chimp-out of all chimp-out and that will be a game changer

    The actual war fighters in the Army are White and usually don’t care much for negros. I can’t see very many troops turning on their family and folks who look like their family for the sake of negros.

    I agree it’s a long time away, which is why I do my best to plan for three generations of clan Stonelifter

  33. “obert Oculus III says:
    March 31, 2012 at 9:45 pm
    The trouble with the “race war” scenario is this: it’s not going to be a simple matter of white versus black. Most white people will fight for the black side. No, it’s going to be Racist White Supremacists (us) versus the federal government, which will take the side of blacks and All Right-Thinking White People.

    We can’t fight the U.S. Army. We can only hope that when push comes to shove the Army won’t fire on the American people. In my view, it’s a faint hope — they’ve never hesitated before: Bonus Army, Little Rock, Waco.

    If the Army splits into racial factions, any race war has a good chance of ending well. If, however, the Army stays loyal to the Powers That Be, those of us not killed in the War Against Racism can all look forward to spending the rest of our lives in Camp FEMA.”

    Blah blah blah,

    Woe unto us. Let’s give up NOW! Wah wah wah….

    Firstly – White fighting forNigs – yes – but not for long. There’s already a sea change occurring thanks to Saint Trayvon’s exposee othe True Nature of the True Nigger. Even a dedicated Lefty JewBall Licker like Piers Morgan, on CNN – Coon Nooz Network, laughed inthe FFACE of Official Nigger Toure, when It spouted it’s “It’s a Black Thing ” crapola. You did watch that vidoe?

    The True Believer White Freedom Fighter One with the Struggle Whites wil be devoured by their Nigger Pets, pretty quickly. Self selecting genetic defectives. Good riddance. The Fence Sitters will jump off that fence right quick, when FORCED to choose.

    The Average Asian and the Average Brown will choose WHITE. COUNT on that.

    The drugged out flyboys of Da Military – well – some will shoot us, and some will shoot those that shoot us. Cop killings in the USA are ramping up. And the killers are GETTING AWAY. The Minions of ZOG are NOT impervious, never mnd all their astonishing high tech goodies. Afghani ragheads are doing fine work against ZOG’s minions. Yes – loads of casualties. But guerilla warfare ALWAYS wins in the end.

    The general population may initially resent the guerillas. The Herd wants stability, and dull routine. They want the “revolutionaries” to knock it off. “Stop causing trouble!” But eventually, when the Herd sees the “authorities” oppressing their family and friends, by occupation of property, and worse -endless confiscation of property – the rresentment turns AGAINST the Authorities. And then it really ENDS. That’s how te American Revolution was won. Most Colonists were thrilled to be British subjects. They did not want to secede. George Washington developed brilliant guerilla strategies. He forced the British General to chase him all over the young Nation. The Brits brought in Hessians. The average British soldiers were rude, and insufferable, and disdainful, by the 8th time they looted a small farm of it’s chickens, produce, and beer. That’s what turned the tide. Not ideology – noxious looting of the fruits of hard honest work.

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