About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I posted this on one of the other threads, but it bears repeating: Someone on a message board posted that there is a big MLK memorial at the very intersection where this attack took place.

    Nice to see MLK’s dream coming true.

  2. Good idea! Just like the Owens story, this one is going viral as well. People are getting way tired of living under the threat attacks by feral blacks all in the name of St. Treyvon.

    The white couple that was attacked didn’t follow some of John Derbyshire’s rules in “The Talk – Nonblack version”:

    (10a) Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally.

    (10b) Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods.

    (10e) If you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible. (although they were not at an event per se, if they were stopped at a traffic light and saw a group of dozens of blacks approaching, they should have run the light if possible to do it safely)


  3. It’s the standard pattern. The cops buried the story first by investigating it as a ticky-tack assault, not even a serious felony much less a hate crime, and then the local media did their part.

  4. The cop who first showed up ought to be fired.

    They are paid goodmoney to Billyclub niggers.

  5. Hilarious. Hordes of rampaging niggers attack actual liberal media newspaper reporters and the liberal media knows nuttin’. “Whoduh what?”

    There could be a full on chimpout in a TV studio, and the station would report they suffered technical difficulties.

    Liberal captains don’t go down with their ship out of honor, they do it because they refuse to admit they are sinking.

  6. The woman’s cute. Is it wrong that I’m surprised she didn’t get gang raped? See, racist hate blogs like this one have made me all cynical. Urban youths aren’t so bad after all.

  7. And: why a “mob”? A large grouping of whites would be called a “gathering” or a “congregation” or a “crowd” — such is their White Privilege. Already the racist media slant has begun! Crime doesn’t have a color!

  8. Yes, it does seem that the targets are increasingly liberal evangelists, i.e., journalists and such. Probably about all attacks are on liberals, however. Only a liberal moron is fool enough to not know to stay away from where a lot of blacks are living. It is probably only accidents when a non liberal gets attacked by blacks, e.g., taking a wrong turn and ending up in Coonsville and being attacked before they can navigate their way out.

  9. Is “Marjon Rostami” one of those mixed breeds like George Zimmerman who become white simply because they aren’t black? She looks part punjabi or something to me.

  10. “Brutus says:
    May 2, 2012 at 4:14 am
    Yes, it does seem that the targets are increasingly liberal evangelists, i.e., journalists and such. Probably about all attacks are on liberals, however. Only a liberal moron is fool enough to not know to stay away from where a lot of blacks are living. It is probably only accidents when a non liberal gets attacked by blacks, e.g., taking a wrong turn and ending up in Coonsville and being attacked before they can navigate their way out.”

    I talk to folks in 3D world – and there is a REAL Chaff falling away from the Wheat thing going on.

    Whites (and members of other Races) who are not self-deluding cognmtive dissonant Religion of Tolerance fanatics are “getting it” They are learning, or have learned to protect themselves. I’ve warned the Clueless Whites I know in my little White Christian enclave, for over a year now, about how to deal with Niggers. Avoid them entirely is best – but being “prepared” when forced into their aegis, is intelligent, rational, and healthy.

    Some folks have bene horrified by my advice. Others – not so much.

    The Liberalista Loony True Believers are future Orc Meat. Good riddance.

    The rational Volk are doing fine.

  11. 10 minutes on google, and you will find the Jews that gave the order
    for the coverup– THEY ARE FRANK BATTEN JR JEW

  12. Jim – ‘Rostami’ is a persian surname.

    Re: the story at hand, I’m glad to see that the traditions of such a rich and vibrant culture are getting the exposure they so deserve.

  13. If you look at Norfolk on “mapping America” it appears that it’s next to impossible to get out of the town without traveling through heavily black areas. The predominately white census blocks are hemmed in on all sides by the bay, the naval base and low income blacks. I’m sure John Derbyshire would counsel one not to live or work in this town.

  14. Of course feral negros are going to attack liberals; they are after easy prey.

    Negros do not mess with White men who are aware of their strength and unafraid

  15. Stonelifter

    You are cool man. I know where to come if I ever need a………”It’s so cooooooooooold in the D, it’s so cooooooooooold in the D…….”


  16. Main stream media won’t bother carrying this because it doesn’t fit the Frankfurt School-Critical Theory political correct narrative.

    I watched this video last nite that connects Frankfurt to mainstream journalism and how these broadcasters doctor footage to fit the PC narrative similar to what, apparently, was done by ABC with the Zimmerman 911 tape.

    “The History of Cultural Marxism & Political Correctness” Bill Whittle


    But, who knows, may be this incident may snap them out of the PC state.

  17. Hunter- using WND as a ‘legitimate’ source of news?

    You have sunk to a new low. Next, you’re going to say that the whole ‘birther’ thing is true….. lol.

  18. “Liberal captains don’t go down with their ship out of honor, they do it because they refuse to admit they are sinking.”

    We live in the cesspool world of their creation. What could possibly be wrong with that? Why would anyone want to drain the pit?

  19. “White folks, unlike everybody else, aren’t supposed to be interested in race.”

    -Steve Sailer, TakiMag, 2012

    “Racism is the faster growing trend in the White community right now, as it should be. We need to do more to encourage this hopeful step in the right direction.”

    -Rev. Jed DeValleyism, “Racism is not a sin- it’s an instinctive prayer for White survival,” 2008

  20. Leo – isn’t that “song” a screech? I mean literally. They can’t all sing, and they don’t all have rhythm.

  21. @Denise

    It is hilariously funny. The cast are putrid but the song itself is extremely annoyingly catchy.

    One of the you tube comments was ‘This is so bad it’s actually quite good’.

    I think that sums it up nicely.

  22. Leo, that song is a few years old, and enjoyed a minor success, precisely because it is so annoyingly catchy.

    Everything in that video captures the essence of Black Detroit.

  23. The most nagging thing about this story is the fact that it’s reported as two white reporters. The other reporter being Persian doesn’t fit in with the “black on white violence cover-up” angle, so she becomes white, just as Zimmerman was white. If the story read two reporters or one white, one Persian reporter… it doesn’t catch the attention of all the people it’s meant to catch (conservatives, race baiters of all shades, and the fearful (majority white) general public). Trust me, if a woman named Marjon Rostami were involved in a terror plot, people would be calling her arab at the drop of a hat.

    As the story goes, according to a witness, there was a party with some teens – it got out around the same time the two reporters (off duty) were at a light. The woman locked her doors, one of the kids threw a rock at the car, the guy gets out & gets beat up, (two weeks after the incident he looks fine, suggesting his injuries were minor). The paper doesn’t report it probably for the following reasons:

    1. It’s a simple assault and they don’t report them
    2. Who’s going to cover it?
    3. They had no witnesses at the time
    4. There was nothing to say this was racially motivated. The region is pretty diverse. People of all races come through that area all the time. The reporters work in a building on the same street just a few blocks down.

    and I’m sorry, if a “mob” of people jumps you, you’re going to be pretty messed up. He was not; therefore, I don’t see how that could make news either. Headline – couple savagely beaten by mob..but there’s not a visible scratch or bruise on him in the interview…not news.

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