The Perils of Criticizing BRA

Mother Jones

The perils of violating BRA’s racial etiquette are on display again (Pat Buchanan, John Derbyshire, Rick Sanchez, MJ Rosenberg, etc) now that a Chronicle of Higher Education blogger has been fired for ridiculing the worthless dissertations of “Black Studies” departments.

Update: Naomi Riley fires back in the WSJ.

Note: In case you are new to this website, welcome to Black Run Amerika, a dystopian epoch of American history which began in 1965 in which the promotion of black people at the expense of other races has become the raison d’être of our entire society.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I read the chronicals now and then, and when I saw the blog post by Riley, I almost fell out of my chair! Then, the editor posted a message of support a few days later! I showed it to my wife, and we agreed (or so we thought) that the chronicles have reached “peak negro.”

    Sadly, they caved in, and fired her. So much for intellectual freedom!

    Good news though! Black Studies won’t survive the student loan bubble! Of that you can be certain…..

  2. Reading this column, even the author’s tacit ‘bowing of the head’ in the direction of the Moloch god *(MLK in ancient Phonecian script- telling, ain’t it?), ‘Diversity’ is telling.

    For when EVERY comment under this article says (in effect) ‘While I am far to the Left of this author,… etc.”) and then each respondent proceeds to do a Bolshevik lockstep mindset worthy of the best (worst?) commissars of the Soviet Party (i.e., ‘denouncing’ him for daring to agree- even tacitly- with the woman who said (CORRECTLY) that “black studies are BULLSHIT”, you know that the basic premise of the Mother Jones article, Are ABSOLUTELY 100% CORRECT.

    Black studies departments ARE bullshit, the ENTIRE ORGANIZATION known as ‘College/University’ is as co-opted, leftists, and devoid of intellectual freedom as the most rabid Soviet worker’s collective, and even [sic] Christian colleges and universities now MANDATE this godless racial ‘diversity’ and other perversions, as a matter of course.

    I now see why Ron Paul wants to dismantle the Dept. of Education. I think we should go further, and fire every teacher hired in the last thirty years who has EVER voted for a Democrat or stood behind ANY diversity measure.

    Next, we need to begin and institute a ‘takeover’ of EVERY COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY in the land, starting/ending with the [sic] ‘accrediting agencies’ such as ‘North Central’. This is a rahowa folks, I now see that. We should do this, if only merely to restore the intellectual rigor, spirit of free discourse on topics germane to REAL Americans- i.e., Whites, and restore college to only those who have the intellectual MERIT to be admitted (which would deny most hispanics and blacks, right on the basis of SAT scores!), or who- because of our superior intellect, and moral sense (if taught aright) can only be our future leaders. In short, never again for an Obamanation.

    Homeschooling, or parochial school (in a church/denomination you know- and can trust!) should replace ALL ‘public education.’ Women should stay home, and the restoration of the One wage-earner working man model should be our goal. Destroy the Jew’s hegemony in all things, to restore the Kingdom of God among men.
    (It’s not like I am aiming small, or something…)

  3. This should just encourage us to build or own media and social networks. We don’t need them anyway.

    Also the sheer rapid and vindictive response of the “elite” and use that word very lightly will have the opposite effect. Instead of controlling “crime-think” it will harden attitudes against B.R.A..

    This is a good thing.

  4. I went through the eye rolling absurdity of the negro commissars for a class I taught. All the adjuncts in that intake were white. The diversity somesuchuseless. person was black and the diversity director was a Cohen.

    bottom line every black kid in every class: late to exams, disruptive, rude.

    When the white kids eff up they cry and apologize and blush. They don’t even need to fuck up very much either, to feel guilty.

    I can’t get a black to even realize they are late. I gave up ages ago.

  5. Being late 101, advanced unwritten paper 4000 seminar, not following instructions 2100. Athletic Absence Form 202, Withdraw Slip 12c…

    That’s the black college experience.

  6. Affirmatively actioned university does get worse.

    Affirmatively actioned jobs are the logical extension of affirmatively actioned university – especially professional jobs that require competence. Take engineering. What happens when the quota for the company requires a percentage of Black engineers? What happens is that the company has to employ minders for the Black engineers. This means the minders have to be real engineers who can design things and get it right. But they don’t get to be called engineers. They don’t get to be paid for their engineering work (for which the company profits). They have to ‘mind’ the affirmatively actioned engineers to ensure they do not screw up; they have to oversee and correct their work, do their work and submit it on time.

    In the commericial world, no company that operates according to BS like this deserves to survive. That is why they have to off shore.

  7. She’s married to a black and has 2 kids. That little fact didnt protect her against charges of raycism.

    Is Ms Schaefer Riley Jewish?

  8. “welcome to Black Run Amerika, a dystopian epoch of American history which began in 1965 in which the promotion of black people at the expense of other races has become the raison d’être of our entire society.”

    Do you have any understanding of how ridiculous this sounds?

  9. >> in which the promotion of black people at the expense of other races
    >> has become the raison d’être of our entire society.”

    > Do you have any understanding of how ridiculous this sounds?

    how ridiculous this *is*.

  10. @Marc Ferguson

    Didn’t you try selling that same stuff on here a couple months ago? What’s prompted you to come back all the sudden? Did something happen to you?

  11. Marc Ferguson’ s comment is so asinine it is hard to imagine someone actually said/wrote it. It is like showing a video of a neighborhood after a hurricane or tornado and talking about how devastating the scale of destruction and death is, and then hearing some goober ask, “Do you have any understanding of how ridiculous this sounds?”

    Do YOU, Marc Ferguson, have any idea, any clue, how ridiculous YOU sound? Do you even see what is actually being discussed by people like us on this site? There is no fucking way that you do. You can’t. You, and your asinine comments, are just exactly like if someone had been standing up high and away from the beach at Normandy on D-Day and contradicting that the scene below was one of death and hell. Asking,” what are you talking about, what shooting, what violence, what killing? I don’t see anything. It is a nice day for a swim.”

    Disingenuous is an understatement for the comments of white liberals like you. Seriously, are you on crack? Deep narcosis is the only thing that can mitigate your profound stupidity and willful ignorance. Assuming anyone feels that mitigating circumstances even warrant consideration, which I really don’t. But maybe some do. Just maybe.

  12. Welcome back Marc!

    I think it was Denise that said people like marc can’t resist the vicarious thrill of reading heterodoxy.

  13. Who was forced school bussing supposed to help marc? The little white kids who got dey ass beat by trayvons daily, nightly, and ever so wrongly?

  14. “Jim says:
    May 11, 2012 at 8:29 am
    Welcome back Marc!

    I think it was Denise that said people like marc can’t resist the vicarious thrill of reading heterodoxy.”

    I’ve said that all along. You simply phrased the concept in a more elegant way. Bless you!

    Marcie is is either….hopelessly drawn to the Light, and the Truth…he’s fioghting us…he wants us…..he’ll eventually give in…he knows we are right.


    He’s up for some type of a promotion, or benefit – and he feelsthat putting little dullard posts like his, on sites like this, this makes him look good with his Marxist Overlords.

    Poor Marcie.

  15. “When the white kids eff up they cry and apologize and blush. ”

    Precisely. Blushing is a mark of the sons of Adam- precisely because we have consciences (as well as our altruism). The “Other,” doesn’t.

    I realize more and more that my fundamental observations on the uniqueness of the White race, have clues scattered like Jewels in Smaug’s cave, everywhere we look, if we just bother to note the differences between Adamites and the ‘Other’ – the hominidity vs. the Human.

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