About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The green fags bash creationist fundamentalists and genetic determinist/evolutionists in *the same comment thread*.

    How long till one of them has a brain explosion from all that contradiction?

    Fucking idiots. The equalocracy requires so many sacrifices, and intellectual consistency is always on the chopping block.

  2. “The enemies of conservatism are eager to supply their own nomenclature. “White Supremacist” seems to be their current favorite. It is meant maliciously, of course, to bring up images of fire-hoses, attack dogs, pick handles, and segregated lunch counters—to imply that conservatives, especially non-mainstream conservatives, are cruel people with dark thoughts”

    He is calling Pro Whites, “bad news”, and conservatives like Derbyshire are the “good guys”, being unfairly associated with us.

    Don’t be loyal to your race, be loyal to your conservative wordism, like race mixer, Derbyshire.

  3. Derb,

    I like how they conflates fundie Christians and “human biodiversity” theories.
    Then the start talking about advanced jet fighters. Advanced jet fighters are pretty much a white Celto-Anglo-German thing. No one else is geeky enough to make such toys. It’s called “air supremacy” bitches.

    Conservatives should call themselves “Air Supremacists”, “Range Supremacists”, “Tech Supremacists”, “Art Supremacists”…

    Also I get a sense from the comments that his commentators are quite Jewish. Didn’t take em long to lay down the Nazi card on him and Europe in general. If whites are sk bad, then fuck off to Congo or Haiti where no whites live.

    Derb is a Brit guys. Ww2 is more part of British national mythology than any other nation.

  4. Went over to Vdare and read Derb’s article. Excellent, gratifying, in-your-face STRAIGHT talk. Read some of the comments on LGF. I presume most are white and psychopaths. I fantasize about gaining full control, separating completely and consigning such whites to the black region thus created. Now THAT is justice!

    BTW, while over at VDare I read an article on Rubio. The author gave stats, then played an audio by Rubio on L Ingraham’s show. He is one mendacious pig. One miserable lie after the other. R looks white. What a great example of the “white” hispanics siding with the…hispanics. He is a cancer in the R party and will serve suicidal imm. policy well there.

    I have to laugh at Ingraham. She, together with the whole phoney con(job)servative lot on radio and elsewhere is simply pathetic. For such a dike of a personality, she simpers and asks the Rube leading questions. Not a word about the raft of outrageous falsehoods he serves up. He knows this of course and is at wonderful liberty to vomit away.

  5. The thread is quite interesting. They start jabbering about jet fighters!

    Jets which are about as “white” a technology as you will ever find. Design, engineering, piloting, testing, maintenance…99% guys with pasty skin, myopia and
    ancestry in either Britain, Scandinavia or Germany. These geeks probably constitute our margin of survival in the long run as well.

    That comments section is like a big mass of contradiction, Freudian slips and hysteria.

  6. “The enemies of conservatism are eager to supply their own nomenclature. “White Supremacist” seems to be their current favorite. It is meant maliciously, of course, to bring up images of fire-hoses, attack dogs, pick handles, and segregated lunch counters

    Some of my favorite things right there

  7. Glad you brought up Rubio, Harry. He’s the new darling of the LGF and NRO crowd. He’s more pro-amigo than McCain. Even Rush Limbaugh is starting to get uncomfortable with him.

  8. John says:
    May 14, 2012 at 1:31 pm
    “Ww2 is more part of British national mythology than any other nation.”

    The reason it matters to them so much, is it was the last time, they had any importance in world affairs.

    They are irrelevant now and all they do is look back to their glory days.

  9. The posters on the thread, on the site, in fact, with a handful of exceptions, are ABSOLUTELY bonkers.

  10. That’s not why they/we look back at it. Nostalgia for ww2 is very very strong in all Anglo cultures. Including the US.

    The point you are making is beside the point as well. No Briton will fetishize Nazi Germany. It’s just that Jews like to paint anyone saying anything about nationalism or race as a Nazi. The Jews either need to move to Israel or shut their fucking yaps about whites now. They have a homeland they can safely fuck off to.

  11. “No Briton will fetishize Nazi Germany. ”

    The Brits still believe they saved civilization, when they started WW2 and pushed their multikult nonsense, after it. So yeah, they will not accept Nazi style rule.

    “It’s just that Jews like to paint anyone saying anything about nationalism or race as a Nazi.”

    I and a growing number of Whites are calling them anti-White. They are justifying genocide against Whites, when they attack the idea of White people having a home and its time we called them out.

  12. “Also I get a sense from the comments that his commentators are quite Jewish. Didn’t take em long to lay down the Nazi card on him and Europe in general. If whites are so bad, then fuck off to Congo or Haiti where no whites live. ” – That is the read that I’ve gotten off of them as well, very leftist and very Jewish.

    “Ww2 is more part of British national mythology than any other nation.” – WW2 cost the empire, and if a mistake was made there…

  13. The Khazar World Imperium makes sure thru mind set brain washing that White Anglo Saxons have no culture. The Founding Racial Stock of America has no righjts. Martin Lindstedt is right about the Trubulation and elimanating the bad element of the White Race. The Whiggers who support the Evil Empire will go down with it.

  14. Be careful about what or who you call British in that context.
    Clegg isn’t British. Miliband isn’t really. The last Brit in number 10 was Harold Wilson.

    Maggie sold us out. Major was a decent guy but he was an oligarch.

    Blair is was a Yank in everything but name.

  15. Leo- I’d merely prefer to be Patriarch of the Americas, TYVM. (lol)
    And reinstitute the 1928 Book of Common Prayer (corrected) and the KJV, as the National Scripture, and Liturgy… my first act would be starting with kicking all the bastards out of the National Cathedral, and then doing an exorcism on it.
    Sounds good, no?

    By the way (again off topic) but fascinating.

    In case you think religion is somehow ‘neutral’ in ANY nation.
    Of course, the Simple solution to this is: deport any and all non-Whites. PERIOD.
    or my alternative, which I’ve learned from Hunter.

    Secession. Now. Today. Forever.

  16. Vdare and AmRen have very good articles that provide important information. Every group doesn’t have to name the jew, MajikFireHornet.

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