About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is the Feds doing this, not Florida, I think the article was deliberately misleading. In any case, it will never happen, this would have to pass the Senate (impossible) and get through Obama (Impossible squared)

  2. It simply illustrates how much money is being funnelled to useless blacks.

    I’m less stingy with Medicaid but that much food? How is it that starving jobless nigs are often so fat?

  3. About this:

    “I’m less stingy with Medicaid”

    You should be upset about Medicaid too. Every time Jamal shoots Leroy in the hood you pay for it through Medicaid. Not to mention the 1000’s of other abuses.

  4. I know, I’d sooner starve Jamal though. Give him the true African experience. Chuck flies on him too. I’m a stickler for healthcare though. The 26 billion cut in Medicaid should have been toted in the EBT column. 75 billion a year to just feed these feral beasts!

  5. How nice of them to go out of their way to find a white woman using the system. Not a negro in sight, though I’m betting the majority of SNAP recipients are negro.

  6. The day food is no longer taken for granted, is the day our people find some character. I already said I am friends with a “poor” white family. The father works as a mechanic, but it’s not enough to pay for his family so he’s on HUD and SNAP. Very nice folks, the father never turns down a chance to work, any work, from carpentry to small engine repair to putting in a potato bed, all of which he has done for me. His boys are high school toughs with “ADD” but I think they’ll turn out all right.

    Anyway, in planting 200 row feet of potatoes with this family, I had a glimpse of how it’s going to be when we no longer take food for granted. People will no longer worship government, and thus the power of liberalism will wither away. Liberalism depends 100% on its power to redistribute wealth, to be Uncle Sugar to tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of people.

    It’s going to be tough for all of us when Uncle Sugar is no longer pouring sugar on the economy, because Uncle has become a larger and larger part of the economy. Uncle has set policies that destroyed family farming and sent factories and workshops to China, and vastly expanded government’s share of the economy. The argument of liberals is that “we need government” and government is like “your mother who tells you to clean up after yourself” and that conservatives are like “teenaged boys who don’t want to take any responsibility.” Here’s a liberal, Sarah Robinson, making this argument explicitly:


    However, Sarah is ignoring what real liberals are like; it is liberals who are like the “teenaged boys” of her moralizing fantasy. Liberals advocate for higher taxes while dodging taxes (Tim Geithner, et al). Liberals hire illegal alien nannies while their beloved African American women don’t have jobs — don’t they trust African-American women? Liberals believe that young women should be financially incentivized to breed fatherless bastards, and that any condemnation of the “alternative lifestyle” of single momhood/bastardy is “judgmental.”

    The white working class and lower middle class in this country HATE liberalism. I know this just from anecdotal evidence. I don’t proselytize White nationalism; I don’t really proselytize anything. I just listen.

    The moment Uncle Sugar becomes Uncle Bankrupt, liberalism is totally dead in the water. It’s only sustained by the Sugar.

  7. Sounds like Rand Paul knows what he’s doing. As the previous commentor said, it’s the wealth redistribution schemes that powers the leftist machine’s program of dispossessing whites. Without it, the Bolsheviks cannot survive.

  8. “I’m less stingy with Medicaid but that much food? How is it that starving jobless nigs are often so fat?”

    Two words/ideas.

    Refined Carbs.

    Those two elements are what CAUSES obesity in those too dumb to know how to choose wisely when planning meal choices. The more the item is removed from the natural state (veggies, raw meat, fresh fruit, nuts, seeds) the worse it is for you.

    End of story.

  9. Note: Unfortunately, the cuts to the SNAP EBT card are dead on arrival in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

    Right, but as you know, the first step in a rebellion is not winning, but rebelling. They sent it to the Senate, and now the Dems have to act to stop it.

    Ending the Tweedle-Dee Tweedle-Dum complicity is the first step.

  10. As has been mentioned, this ain’t gonna happen. If it does I’ll have to increase the security around my home and on myself. I carry at all times now. If the government stops stealing from whites and giving it to the so-called minorities then these people will just steal it from whites directly with more robberies, carjackings, murder, home invasion, muggings, etc.

  11. “Peak Finance says:
    May 18, 2012 at 5:45 am
    About this:

    “I’m less stingy with Medicaid”

    You should be upset about Medicaid too. Every time Jamal shoots Leroy in the hood you pay for it through Medicaid. Not to mention the 1000?s of other abuses.”

    Amen! The Jamal’s and the Maria Gonzalez’s and their 300 feral Orc Niglets/Spiclets get solid gold care. WE pay for it. If any of you self-insure – look at your deductibles and insurance premiums – and learn to HATE.

  12. You’re damn right the Left will fight this with every fiber of their being, the money rackets are it, and as K expounds without the money there is no liberalism.

    I think there is an outside chance that the GOP leadership is thinking like OD in this situation. I compare it to what the white Democrats did for the Chicago mayorship, they went out of their way to screw the blacks out of any chance for it, but they did it with their mommy knows best with a smiley face. The elite knows that “Angry Nigger” is the biggest turn off to the other 87% of the population and the GOP is sticking a stick in that cage.

  13. I swear Denise you’re killin’ me over here! Spiclet? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

    When this is all over I am gonna produce a talk show on TV and you will the star hostess!

  14. How bout this for the food-stamp crowd, How bout you are given an allotment of Dried beans, Rice, taters, powdered milk and powdered eggs each week based on number of family members. Say what you want but if you and your family want to eat the foods my family eat get a job. It took me 7 yrs raising a family and going to school at night while I worked full time to graduate from college ( PAID MY OWN WAY NO GRANTS NO HELP FROM ANYONE. We took no handouts from anyone and we lived on the above list with a few other things when we could afford them. We had no cable TV, no Internet, not much of anything but we sacrificed and made it just fine. The only people who deserve anything above that are the elderly who have worked all their lives, THEY SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT FOOD, HOUSING OR MEDICINE CAUSE THEY EARNED THEIR KEEP. LET THE TRASH STARVE OR TAKE SOME PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!

  15. Eh, I’m not too excited about this. The Commie (sorry, I am strongly anti-communist, pro-capitalist and if you people don’t like that, …..) Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, says breathlessly that Paul Ryan is cutting 135 billion from SNAP over 10 years! OMG, how draconian! Not so. As recently as 2005 SNAP was around 33 billion annually. Now it’s 80 billion annually. There are many federal programs which have exploded like this in the last few years. But no one will cut them. Most Americans are too stupid (yes, sadly, many whites) to support cuts.

  16. Gah, I hate to have to make the liberal argument but lots of White people use SNAP too and its the least offensive of the many stupid social programs we have. Its cheap and generally good for farmers all things considered.

    Some older figures (numbers have gone up since then)


    If we actually want to get the budget under control we are going to have to gut (not cut, gut) Medicare, Social Security and the Military.

    Thats fine but the people who want these programs (mostly White btw) aren’t going to let that happen and if by some means it does, there are heavy consequences for it so be warned.

  17. What should be cut is the defense budget. It can be cut by 2/3. Total waste of money. Close most of the foreign bases.

  18. Thats fine but the people who want these programs (mostly White btw) aren’t going to let that happen

    Sheer willpower will save the day and facts can be tossed out the window in perpetuity?

  19. How bout this for the food-stamp crowd, How bout you are given an allotment of Dried beans, Rice, taters, powdered milk and powdered eggs each week based on number of family members. Say what you want but if you and your family want to eat the foods my family eat get a job.

    There’s a hell of a lot of bloat in the welfare state. I agree with you, it should be cut out. Section 8 vouchers are one of the worst ideas ever, IMO; incentivizing parasites by making their lives equivalent to those of taxpayers? Who dreamed that up?

    Welfare, insofar as it exists, should be uncomfortable. It should provide 3 hots and a cot, basic medical care, access to education/improvement, and not much else. I think the prison system provides a better model. Welfare should be a sort of halfway house with roads leading to society on one side, and roads leading to incarceration on the other; if you prove you can’t even live up to the responsibility of the halfway house and abide by its rules, well, prison awaits. If you want back into society and prove capable, well, it awaits, too. Until then, enjoy the thin but adequate matress, the thermostat setting selected by authorities, the MRE-like menu, lights out at 10pm, etc. In short, minimalist institutional living. It should be sufficient, but with as little comfort as possible to attain the “sufficient” status.

    That is the only justifiable way to do welfare beyond short-term, one-time assisstance IMO; otherwise you’re incentivizing the life of the parasite and endangering society.

  20. Oh, and enjoy the institutionally structured gainful employment by way of compensation for your room and board and other costs, as well. Picking trash, painting signs, etc. And if that proves not to your taste, well, prison and society await.

  21. “Molon Labe says:
    May 18, 2012 at 4:06 pm

    I swear Denise you’re killin’ me over here! Spiclet? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

    When this is all over I am gonna produce a talk show on TV and you will the star hostess!”

    If you do produce a talk show with Denise as the hostess, I will certainly watch every show, without fail. 🙂

    Someone else beat me to the “Oh, SNAP!” comment. Haha.

    Svigor says:
    “There’s a hell of a lot of bloat in the welfare state. I agree with you, it should be cut out. Section 8 vouchers are one of the worst ideas ever, IMO; incentivizing parasites by making their lives equivalent to those of taxpayers? Who dreamed that up?

    Welfare, insofar as it exists, should be uncomfortable. It should provide 3 hots and a cot, basic medical care, access to education/improvement, and not much else. ”

    The best way to help the poor is to make them uncomfortable in their poverty–– Benjamin Franklin.

    I wholeheartedly agree. We’ve created such a culture of entitlement and dependency, I don’t know how it can be stopped comfortably. But it has to be. It just does.

  22. Thanks Molon! Awww shucks!

    Lily – you must be our first guest, and an example of an intelligent, sensible, and sensitive WhiteRacissBigotNazeeWhatWantstoKillSixMillionJooz – or at least steps aside when Denise fires up the ovens!

  23. I’m wondering if it’s possible to get Denise on a radio now, in this day and time. Seriously.. Actually that would include most if not all the regular posters on this blog..

  24. TabuLa Raza our entire society is based on delusion. Also if there is a shortfall given that pretty much no one in the world has a solvent economy and everyone is money printing fiat likely D.C will just keep on keeping on till the Boomer’s die off/back in 20 years . At least thats the plan.

    In a rational economy this would create high inflation (not hyper-inflation thats a separate issue) but given everyone is doing it, its buffered.

    Realistically modest cuts and increasing SS to cover all income would probably stabilize it for that decade too.

    In the longer term Multi-Cult USA is toast and will either fall apart into separate ethnostates, become a dictatorship or just become poor version of Brazil 2.0 but thats not liable to happen till after I am an old man.

  25. funny how folks want to cut this, that or the other thing when what we really need to do is repeal all the laws that drove our manufacturing base overseas and get back in the tariff game

    transfer payments dwarf the size of the defense budget, and defense is a legitimate function of govt unlike transferring wealth from those who create to those who do not. The defense budget would be easy to fix with a rational foreign policy and defense plan but that would require electing men who would be willing to use nuclear weapons, which won’t happen either

  26. There’s bad apples in every bunch. Those who actually need it shouldn’t have to go without because of a few who take advantage. That’s like closing every soup kitchen because someone who isn’t homeless eats there. That makes no sense! I hate when people like you spew that nonsense! 90% of people on this sight are evil!Josh

  27. Looks like the Free Ride is over! Half of all Americans are supported by the government which is breaking it in half, and now the free ride is over!

  28. You people are ridiculous. There are people who need these benefits…I, for one, am one of those people. To clarify, no I’m not a fat, black person. I am an average single mom who works hard for little or no money and the government cutting funding for something I depend on while I go to school to better myself is devastating. I need help and don’t have rich friends or family that can help me. Its the people out there who sell their EBT cards for cash, or lie and try and squeeze every cent they can out of the government so they don’t have to work that are ruining it for those who really need it. Don’t be so quick to judge people just because you hear words like “welfare”. Grow up.

  29. Kelli – we are very glad you are trying to better yourself. We are as well. We are sick and TIRED of getting ripped off by every worthless POS, homegrown or foriegn, that decides to do so.

    FYI, Kelli – EVERY-ONE I know works really hard – and is losing everything they have BECAUSE of people like YOU, Kelli. We don’t owe you Kelli. If we subject to outrageous confiscatory taxation, to support EVERY worthess douche foreign and domestic there might be more, and more generous money, to assist those who are TRULY needy.

    What does “work hard mean to YOU, Kelli? Roll out bed BEFORE Noon? Now – where’s yo Baby Daddy, Kelli? Why isn’t he supporting his family? Do those kids look like you? Maybe you are a worthless Mud Shark, Kelli. We don’t need you to breed, if so, Kelli. I suspect oyu are NOT very deserving, due to your rotten attitude.

  30. All I whites r hatin faggots that try to steal everything we own cuz I cant get ur own.. U crackers r the minority and it hurts u so bad…stupid anorexic pale ass losers go stick ur finger down ur throat and throw up somewhere

  31. It’s a sheeboon!!

    Only female negroes complain about the comparative slenderness of whites.

    Don’t worry your big ‘ol behind Precious, after the EBT card stops working you can be skinny too.

  32. ol, you all sound stupid. Got to go, time to eat. Thank you by the way. And I bed a raise can you do that? Hahahahahaha

  33. It African American you racist ass muther fucker and when society does crumpled o hope yall house job business are the 1st to get rob layoff cut back

  34. “How is it that starving jobless nigs are often so fat?”

    White is handicapped by racism to question; We feed they breed is our undoing.

  35. listen, White niggas are the greatest recipients of welfare and have been sence the great depression. Black people only make up 17% of the population 10% of those blacks
    are educated southerners with great jobs. which means, white american NIGGAS are the stingist, ignorant, hate mongers the world has ever known and are the greatest recipients of welfare the world has ever known. check your facts! and YES white people can be NIGGERS!!!!

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