Romney’s Jerusalem Speech


I can’t put this any better than Palmetto Patriot:

“Did Mitt Romney stand by Arizona on immigration with its battle against the Federal Government? No, despite the fact that his party and constituents have everything to lose from more Third World immigration. Has he met with traditionalist leaders, paleo-conservatives and Southern leaders? Of course not. But he did pander to the NAACP and speak about how a Romney Administration would benefit Black voters. He pandered to Hispanics and greatly softened his once solid rhetoric on securing the borders and opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants. Now he’s going to Israel to pledge his loyalty to a foreign people and government. He’ll promise to keep our tax money flowing to them and to put more US soldiers in harm’s way for them if necessary. It’s obvious that Romney panders to everyone EXCEPT us. Yet we are expected to vote for a man with no pretense of loyalty to us.”

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That is the one thing, of all the things Romney says, that I am absolutely sure he believes in and on which he shall never waiver, no matter which way the political winds are blowing: That he will support Israel over the US. Everything else he says is open to compromise but that.

  2. “Jerusalem is the capital of the USA.”

    No doubt about it, and a large majority of white people here take great honor and pride in that, and that is a mental wall that is nearly inviolate.

    Christians here don’t care if you believe in Jesus, but if you don’t like Jews or Israel, them’s fightin’ words.

    I want to say there’s nothing left here worth saving.

  3. Once there isn’t enough money to keep the EBT cards working and our military in the Middle East fighting for Jews, and the subsidies for farmers, and corporate welfare, etc. All bets are off.

  4. Landshark says:

    Christians here don’t care if you believe in Jesus, but if you don’t like Jews or Israel, them’s fightin’ words.

    Don’t they realize that JewUA and Israel voted against a UN resolution to name Bethlehem as a UNESCO Heritage site about 1 month ago.

    Israel and the United States lobbied strongly against the church’s listing, which was approved with two countries abstaining, just as they had opposed Palestine’s Unesco membership, viewing it as part of a contentious, wider campaign for international recognition of statehood in the absence of an agreement with Israel.

  5. There is of course the rationale that Romney is attempting to switch off the Democratic cash machine that the Jews control. If Obama’s money is diminished he’s done.

    However, it does suggest America has no real choices.

  6. There is of course the rationale that Romney is attempting to switch off the Democratic cash machine that the Jews control.

    They’re too smart to get caught betting on one horse.

  7. Romney is the hedge. Obama the bet. It’s brilliant.

    Interestingly the Dems would be annihilated as a party without the spigot of cash from the Israelis.

  8. My take on the Mormons is that they smile alot, but underneath it all they are a more savy lot than the usual white patriotard. Maybe I’m wrong. Besides I say give Israel all the war it deserves, their army must be composed of a lot of males most like the cast of the movie “Superbad.”

    Back in 2006 with the Lebanon debacle the Hezzies posted a youtube video of an ambush of a IDF convoy and it was a bloodbath and the idiots are so poorly trained that they stopped and the muzzies put anti-tank round after anti-tank round into the Merkvas, and raked the soft vehicles with heavy MG, a blood bath. That is the IDF today.

  9. All American Presidents and Presidential candidates pander to Israel and pander to the Israeli lobby – so this is nothing new, no big deal. The only exceptions were Jimmy Carter after he had been out of office for many years, George Bush Sr. when his aide James Baker tried to speak some fairness for Arab moderates and Pat Buchanan who was the one White Presidential candidate who flat out stood up to this foreign lobby and stood for our people.

    I’ll try a good spin on Romney’s pandering pilgrimage to Israel:

    Romney is getting all of his non White American pandering out of his system in July – the speecdh to the NAAZP, the trip to Israel. In the key months of October and early November his campaign is coming home to straight working class Whtie Americans. Let’s win this one.

  10. Whether you agree with him or not (and I assuredly don’t) you have to admit at the rhetorical level that that was one hell of a speech. Obongo may be in trouble during the presidential debates.

  11. “The doctrines of the Latter Day Saint movement, commonly referred to as Mormonism, teach that its adherents are either direct descendants of the House of Israel, or are adopted into it. As such, Judaism is foundational to the history of Mormonism; the Jewish people are considered a covenant people of God, held in high esteem, and are respected in the Mormon faith system. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is consequently very philo-Semitic in its doctrine.”


  12. HW, you voted for this man in the Alabama primary, right?

    Jack Ryan, are you kidding? Romney’s pandering to the Jews and niggers will outdo Obama’s. All the way to the election. But if you’re a good white boy and stop objecting to the rape of your society he might let you sit on the sidelines.

    What would it take for otherwise intelligent people to see through this incredibly transparent politics? I’m serious, and completely at a loss for an explanation.

    You know what they say, if you think everyone else is crazy then you’re likely the crazy one. I just don’t believe it. But I do feel like it.

  13. Romney is not likely to win. It modifies some of the overall damage.

    If McCain and Romney Judpander like this and lose two in a row, then perhaps the Jews will be seen as an irreconcilable enemy by ordinary whites.

  14. Agree Bill. A strange pollyannaism descends like a cloud on this site when Romney is mentioned. Very strange.

  15. A lot of Americans thought —that if they bought a country for jews— that they would all go there. Many, possibly, never imagined that they would live both there AND HERE.

    The idea was they hated the constitutional republic, the northern euro founders, and so all of them would finally have a home together.

    People talk about Israel being a problem for them, but it’s an ethno-state. It was just assumed that all the worlds jews would go there.

    Instead, they are to have an ethno state, while all of north europe (and some argue other parts of europe) does not.

    So why don’t the people here want to go to the homeland their people lobbied for? If our sub-groups lobbied for a country —-an ethnostate for us— would we go there?

    Judging just from “white flight” it does seem so.

  16. Bill Yancey sucking up to Israel, pandering is not necessarily bad politics for Romney.

    Religious Right Protestants in the South and all over America are hard core Christian Zionists – they weren’t wild about Romney because he was/is Mormon.

    Blacks 12% of the US population are voting 98% plus for Obama – the only ones who aren’t object to Obama’s pro homo sexual marriage equality.

    Face it folks, White folks like us who are strongly racially conscious, strongly oppose the Jews’/Israeli lobby manipulations of America, we’re a small minority, smaller than the Black African American percentage.

    If you can’t stand these 2 Presidential choices (there are now only two), then please spend your time working on something more productive, like local country politics.

    It just isn’t going to be the case that some pro White, anti Zionist candidate is going to be competitive to win the US Presidential election. That’s life. Stop whining and doing childish things like threatening to write in some 3rd party candidate, that accomplishes nothing.

    We need to win at the local and state level, then we can try to change the national power structure and do things like challenging the Israeli lobby, Chrisitan Zionists idiots etc.

  17. This election is a joke. The post-WW2 historical record has been one long vindication of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists. The same NY/DC scum who did in the South, later aligned with London to do in Hitler.

  18. Very few Christians vote on Israel as their primary issue. Zionism is certainly important to many of them no doubt. (Just read Kosher Republic) But if you give them a choice of a pro-life candidate who is cooler on Israeli wars or a pro-choice candidate who is a hardcore Zionist they will usually vote for the pro-life candidate.

    @Jack Ryan

    I don’t think anyone wants an explicitly anti-zionist candidate. How about simply a non-interventionist candidate? Not zionist or anti-zionist. Or how about a candidate who may want to help Israel in some ways but stops short of saying we’ll go to war for them. Romney just flat-out says (in so many words) we’ll go to war for them if they want us to. (And they want us to) WTF is that? Who determines the foreign policy of this country?

  19. As people like to say, “Politics is politics.” The objective is to say what needs to be said to garner the necessary votes to win. If they pander to negroes they surely must pander to jews. They control the media and supply the shekels the candidates desperately need. Alienate them and the candidate is toast.

    I remember listening to the radio ads of Glenn Miller when he ran for Senator. They were hard hitting, no mincing of words, very blunt.

    I thought they were very good. This is what we need, no double talk. He had photos of himself talking to people throughout Missouri. People were honking horns and giving him the thumbs up.

    Well, he was a write in candidate so that would limit his totals, but nonetheless I was anxiously awaiting the vote count. How would he do? Did he turn people off or did he inspire?

    If my memory serves me correctly, he received 26 votes.

    What?! That was all? His wife, family and friends probably accounted for nearly all of it.

    We may not like smoothe talkers, but they know how to play the game.

  20. Foreign policy is dictated by Mackinder’s concept of the World Island. He who controls Eastern Europe controls the world.

    Brezinski is an adherent, Scowcroft agrees, and the Jews themselves attempted a takeover in an area that encompassed the pale.

    The fabled missile defense system is designed to be stationed around Poland.

    Anyway This is a theory that is quite well known and it drives all the hostility between the great powers and the superpowers.

  21. @John

    “Seperation, partition…America is too big.”

    Well that’s odd, because you often comment on here about how great the British Empire was, and how white nations need to re-colonize Africa. That definitely conflicts with your statement about America’s square mileage. So which is it?

    As a native-born American, I don’t think my country is too big. For many generations it suited our way of life just fine. The only thing wrong with America, is that it is swamped with parasitic, ungrateful, foreigners who have no respect for the place & history and no business being here at all.

  22. The empire was much more complex than the simplified federal structure.
    It was also white supremacy writ large. A Germanic monarchy telling browns what to do without apology or cringing thought of equality.

    Here’s a link to Mackinder anyway. Much of the conflict between German, Jew, Slav and American can be explained by the strategic outlines of Mackinder’s theories. Once
    the train and road system was created power shifted from the sea to the land.
    Specifically whomever controlled Poland/Ukraine.

    This lead to ww1 ww2 and the Cold War, even Afghanistan.

  23. If you truly want to understand why Israel dominates just about everything, then listen to this clip. Around the 14:20ish mark, Gerald Celente and the host start to sum it all up:

  24. “I’m not up on all the voting rules—– can we write in ourselves?”

    It varies from state to state. In fact there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that even requires states to select their presidential electors by popular vote at all.

  25. Simple solution. Write to Romney and tell him you are voting for him, Because he is the WHITE candidate. Say, “I’m voting Anglo-Saxon.”

    Then, come November, when the Chimpout begins, be ready to ‘reduce the suplus population.’ If full on riots begin, all bets are off. They can’t arrest ALL Whites- especially in castle doctrine states.

    Start the Purge. Be the Surge. Drive the Amalek into the Sea.

    Ignore Israel-Jews have an ‘expiration date’- and it’s getting closer every day. IF Romney knows that NOTHING will dissuade us, he’s NOT going to pull a ‘I love AshkeNAZIs’ on us. Esp. if a TEN MILLION MAN MARCH with GUNS starts organiziging. Is this a WAR for the White Race, or is it NOT?

    Once the Mittens is in, concurrently, THEN work locally, to drive every last Republitard AND Demon-crap out of every local office you can, starting with this election. Whether they are libertarian, or Constitution Party, or Tea Party. JUST GET THE CRONIES OUT.

    And throw Obummer on his a**.

  26. I guess the point is that the policies of both are the same and will not change. The nigger is preferable because people have a natural hostility to him, whereas with Romney you end up with people, initially disliking him but jumping on board and thereafter practically worshiping him (see GWB), all the while his policies, being later in time, will be more anti-white and disastrous than his predecessors’.

    Who could support that?

    If you’re going to have a nigger republic isn’t it more honest and, more importantly, more vital, that people understand it, than their cheering on some robot because he’s technically white?

    Hello? Is anybody there?

  27. If the higher levels of policy are going to be in favour of the black and the Jew, Obama and Emmanuel ought to run on the same ticket.

  28. The information available on the internet has finally made a difference. It has only taken 10 or 15 years. Whew! Voters, especially in the South, are not as Zionist as in the 80s. But they’re still subject to the lesser-of-two-evils nonsense. I consider it the job of real men to finally destroy that suicidal delusion. To lead them out of their TV-lead confusion. To demonstrate why things will continue to go against their interests, especially when they think they have won some minor political victory and go on about their business trying to ignore the real life nigger republic going on around them.

    Btw, while not particularly Christian, I encourage all good men to eat at Chic-fil-ay (however it’s spelled). This is a more important political battleground than most people realize. It is a plain out Gentile vs. Jew control marker.

  29. That is the one thing, of all the things Romney says, that I am absolutely sure he believes in and on which he shall never waiver, no matter which way the political winds are blowing: That he will support Israel over the US. Everything else he says is open to compromise but that.

    yep. I see it the same way.

    Dixiegirl, if memory serves you’re in NC. We can do write in’s. Ask the folks at your polling station. And I say, we write in Jessie Helms

  30. Yeah, I voted for him because he was talking tough on immigration back then, but he has since changed his position, so I won’t be voting for him in November.

  31. Jack Ryan, and blessed Fr John, and a few others – I see you have your genetic ability to think “long -term” in full swing. Some others are as short-sighted as…well..Nigras. Sad to say.

    I HATe Romney. and I’m voting for him.

    American troops offshore with him.

    ONegro – day be gunning down us.

    It’s so simple……..

  32. Bill Yancey – the Chick Fil A battleground if the PERFECT place to Name Die Jude. I’ve had so many people ask me “why” Bloomberg and Emmanuel are doing what they are doing.

    I patiently explain. Ya can’t “massage” this one. The expressions of shock, suspicion, bewilderment, and finally…doubt…like maybe….maybe all those stories, about how Jews have always been picked on, and oppressed, and they are supposed to be so innocent…it’s a beautiful thing. The flicker of doubt. The light switch….


    Woulda thunk little chicken samiches could be such a learning tool?

  33. Denise, strategery isn’t exactly your strong suit. Some of the most Conservative or even right-wing young white males in the USA are in the U.S. Military. Now they are used to fight wars that don’t benefit them. But many join up to serve their country, a country they still associate with Mom, Apple Pie, Baseball, and whiteness. Now we all know America no longer represents those things but many still can’t see.

    In any large scale conflict in the US the military will splinter into differing factions. (Much like it did in 1860) You’re going to want those Conservative white boys in the country.

  34. “Lew says:
    July 29, 2012 at 11:03 pm
    This election is a joke. The post-WW2 historical record has been one long vindication of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists. The same NY/DC scum who did in the South, later aligned with London to do in Hitler.”

    Thanks, Lew, for a wonderfully concise summation. That’s all I’ve ever really been saying, on the subject of Herr H., all along.

  35. Gottfried, in the end every-one has to pick a side. A LOT of Blacks are very hip to the JD (Jew Disaster. It’s NOT a Question). A LOT of “Conservative” White boys are NOT. I know a very White, very hip ex-military guy, who’s Black Officer pulled his White butt out of the fire, when the White boy began telling the truth about reality, to the rank and file soldiers he was deployed with.

    A LOT of military are total druggies. A lot of total degenerates are filling the ranks. A LOT of military oare Orcs, who will shoot anything, the second they get the chance.

    They can go AWOL, if they don’t wanna get cut down in Iran. Better the Orc Army there, than here.

    You’re the cognitively dissonant one, here.

  36. Oh I don’t know, I guess it just bugs me that we’re going to be fighting (and losing) a war half-way around the world against an Aryan people for the good of a Semitic people. Just rubs me the wrong way Denise. But if you think it’s for the best.

    Romney hasn’t earned our vote. Make him earn it. If he doesn’t give us something, like say running to the right of Obama on immigration in the debates then don’t vote for him.

  37. Thanks, Lew, for a wonderfully concise summation. That’s all I’ve ever really been saying, on the subject of Herr H., all along.

    Denise, thanks. But let me fix my comment…

    The post-WW2 historical record has been one long vindication of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists. The same NY/DC scum who did in the South, later aligned with London and Stalin to do in Hitler.

    NY/DC made a deal with the devil, Stalin, because they are devils themselves. If there’s another explanation, I’d love to hear it.

  38. No one has mentioned the astronomical cost of a war with Iran either. Trillions of dollars. Tens of thousands of dead and severely injured white kids. Hundreds of thousands of dead and injured Iranians. Millions of people in Iran displaced, who knows how many tens of thousands of Iranians will seek refugee status in white countries. America will go bankrupt, terrorism on our own shores. You’ll be poorer in every way.

    There is no upside to this. The Libtards aren’t your arch-enemy, the Neocons are.

  39. Obama just announced today, he told the Israeli government, he Supports A War with Iran. Article is at rense (.com)

  40. There’s going to be war, Romney or Obama. Might as well vote for Romney. He’s not tied into the intense communists like Ayers and the Jew commie Chicago gang and the black panthers, as Obama is. I think that’s the only difference between the two really.

  41. Who knows. I kind of doubt it. Obama’s problem is that a big part of his base are 60’s style hippie pacifists and they may give him problems with an act of aggression. It definitely won’t be before the election in November. Lets say he wins in Nov. Would he then attack Iran? What would be the upside for him? He wouldn’t have another election to worry about. He wouldn’t need all of that Jewish money. I just don’t see it. Why would he want a disastrous war on his hands?

    Obama doesn’t want to fight zionist wars. I doubt he even likes Jews very much considering his past with Jeremiah Wright and the pro-Palestinian hard left. All Obama really wants to do is keep funneling free stuff to blacks and browns. That sucks for taxpayers no doubt but it is better than WW3.

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