The Slow Motion Collapse


There has been a collapse.

It has just happened so slowly, so incrementally that most people remain trapped in the mainstream two-party political system. The welfare state hides the breadlines and numbs the pain of the economic downslide into Third World status.

Note: Fortunately, Mitt Romney has a plan that will reverse our decline after he gets elected in November. More free trade, more deregulation of Wall Street, and tax cuts for the wealthy!

“The typical US household saw its income fall last year to 1989 levels.

That news, contained in a US Census Bureau survey released Wednesday, points to difficult questions of how the US can get back on a track of job growth and rising prosperity.

Median incomes fell 1.5 percent in 2011, while the official poverty rate remained essentially unchanged at 15 percent.

A family right in the middle of the income spectrum had an income of $50,054, which is actually lower than the 1989 median level of $50,624 expressed in 2011 dollars. The implication: For much of America the economy has produced not just one lost decade but two. Stagnation has even hit wealthier and more educated households (the 95th percentile in the Census data) for the past decade.”

Note According to The Washington Post, the middle class has shrunk to an all-time low.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “I was going to say San Salvadore, which, although technically in the Bahamas, is still close enough to Florida to be considered ‘North America’.

    Well technically it is considered part of N.A. but Bill Yancey does have a point about what folks mean by the word “mainland.” And Honduras is unequivocally part of the North American mainland. This has been true not just in this year of 2012, but also in 1912, and 1812, and 1712 and 1612 too. Not in 1512 though. Balboa didn’t lead his expedition across the Isthmus and discover the Pacific Ocean until 1513.

  2. No worries Bill. I wasn’t very clear since you and Rudel didn’t track what I was saying. I’ve been all over South and central America, but I never give the world outside of Dixie much thought and create that kind of confusion all to often. I’m a Dixie-centrist to the core

  3. Lighten up chris.
    Kit Columbus doesn’t appear to have stepped anywhere in what is now the USA though. Indeed, the first people to have done this with the intent to stay (Europeans mind you) were with Raleigh onto Roanoke. Jamestown and Plymouth Rock a bit later.
    Columbus immediately set up slave plantations as soon as he could. Which indicates what he came for. Slaves + land. That’s the Italian mind at work.

    It took the English a few decades to figure out they ought to follow the same pattern.

  4. @Stonelifter

    What the hell are you talking about? I’ve condemned the practice of slavery up and down on this blog. YOU defend it.

    Perhaps my ancestors, in EUROPE, did engage in white slave-taking and trading. Perhaps the Romans built an empire on (mostly white) slavery. I take no pride in that, and the actions of those people were shameful and repulsive. But, my ancestors here, in America, worked for everything they had BY THEMSELVES. Your people owned nigger slaves, benefitted directly from nigger slave-labor, and you refuse to accept the slightest responsibility for all the grief and destruction that it’s caused.

    YOU are the hypocrite.

  5. outside the very rare small scale upraising, negros didn’t cause any destruction when they were the property of Southron White men. They were an issue until your beloved yankees and lincoln set them lose and made them free. Nor do I call slave owners scum. lazy etc. No hypocrisy involved.

  6. Slow motion collapse will lead to a mut-mixed Brasil, we need a Yugoslavia style collapse to reclaim our beloved Southern lands.

  7. I tend to think a slow motion collapse won’t lead to any positive changes. Seems to me, when I look at the places going through them, the people ask for more leftism and more of what caused the problems

  8. “There’s an entertaining enough theory that fishermen from the European Atlantic sea board were keeping the cod shoals a secret and regularly over in New Foundland scooping up tons of the fish. No idea if it’s apocryphal but they did have ships that could brave the weather. Sea monsters might have been a psych-out, legends of the edge of the world a big fat fake out.”

    I think that the idea that the men of Bristol had discovered and were fishing the Grand Banks in the 15th century has a lot of merit. Many sea captains of Europe made trips to Bristol order to glean information. In the 15th century some texts refer to a land called Bacalao, the land of the codfish, which is possibly Newfoundland.

  9. “Kit Columbus doesn’t appear to have stepped anywhere in what is now the USA though. Indeed, the first people to have done this with the intent to stay (Europeans mind you) were with Raleigh onto Roanoke. Jamestown and Plymouth Rock a bit later.”

    I think Lief Ericson gave it a shot. Indeed there is evidence that both Icelanders and Greenlanders made periodic trips to Baffin Island, Labrador, and Newfoundland for several hundred years during the Medieval Climatic Optimum for harvesting of both grapes and timber. During Columbus’s journey to Iceland in 1477 he claims to have heard these stories.

  10. <"I tend to think a slow motion collapse won’t lead to any positive changes. Seems to me, when I look at the places going through them, the people ask for more leftism and more of what caused the problems"

    I don’t think the decline will be slow and steady. There will definitely be a series of big financial shocks leading to at least as much social upheaval as there was in the 1930’s. I don’t know if they will lead to global conflict but there will be disruptive events here in the Good Ole US of A.

  11. “. . .were fishing the Grand Banks in the 15th century. . .”

    Were these Banks under joo control? Did they use fake fish?

  12. @ Rudel

    The important historical difference is that Erickson’s Viking troupe never communicated or otherwise established their knowledge of “a new world”. They went fishing, came up empty and went home and had a beer.

  13. No, John. America is my rightful homeland. Like England is yours.

    Chris, you live in a never never land of the 1940s. America is homeland to anyone who can get their scrawny rib cages over the side of the boat. Ask your Kenyan president. Within three generations you declare your adoration of something you don’t understand in place of your heredity.

    I’m all for Dixie, cherishing it completely, but England is my ancestral home and I cherish it above all lands no matter what occupation it may fall under.

  14. 313Chris says:
    September 14, 2012 at 2:35 am


    What the hell are you talking about? I’ve condemned the practice of slavery up and down on this blog. YOU defend it.

    Perhaps my ancestors, in EUROPE, did engage in white slave-taking and trading. Perhaps the Romans built an empire on (mostly white) slavery. I take no pride in that, and the actions of those people were shameful and repulsive. But, my ancestors here, in America, worked for everything they had BY THEMSELVES. Your people owned nigger slaves, benefitted directly from nigger slave-labor, and you refuse to accept the slightest responsibility for all the grief and destruction that it’s caused.

    YOU are the hypocrite.

    First of all, taking everything so personal isn’t very professional. As in you might not know what you’re talking about.

    But just exactly how does a descendant of slave traders condemn others’ ancestors’ for buying slaves, without some embarrassment?

  15. @Bill

    You live in a never never land of the 1860’s. Christ, at least America appears on maps. Just where is this “Dixie”? You guys didn’t have definite borders or a solid national identity even at the height of your successes early on. Hell, it was often called the Brothers War for a reason.

    And that Kenyan is YOUR president, too.

  16. I don’t think anyone was condemning Italians. At the moment.
    You are quite right to be proud of your ethnic background.
    Florence, bologna, Rome, Venice, Bari. All fascinating sun drenched places.

  17. “And that Kenyan is YOUR president, too.”

    Speak for yourself. I seceded long ago and any further opinions I might express on the matter would only garner the attention of the Secret Service.

  18. “They went fishing, came up empty and went home and had a beer.”

    And hopefully they didn’t argue about geography when they were drinking it! 🙂

  19. @Bill

    “First of all, taking everything so personal isn’t very professional.”

    – Well I didn’t know that posting to the internet qualifies as a profession, but thanks for the advice, I guess.

    “As in you might not know what you’re talking about.”

    – I don’t know *you’re* talking about at the moment.

    “But just exactly how does a descendant of slave traders condemn others’ ancestors’ for buying slaves, without some embarrassment?”

    – I have nothing to be embarrassed about. My remark about my own ancestors was said in jest. My father’s people came from Rome and had nothing to do with the 15th-century slave trade in northern Italy, and my mothers people lived in the same city in eastern Poland as far back as I can trace. I seriously doubt that even my most distant Lipka Tatar ancestors were slavers. But I don’t know, and honestly don’t care. As I said, my ancestors in this country are the beginning of my personal history, and they didn’t own slaves, unlike Stonelifter’s people.

  20. Real convent how you work your ethnic kin’s guideline to keep your false moral superiority intact. It’s easy to not claim what you don’t like about your family’s/ genetic past. You can from slave holding Romans ( actually your probably the decadent of slaves but I’ll give you your illusions of grandeur) and your people sold Whites into slavery to non Whites, but you write that off your moral tally while condemning things that were common practice in the time my forefathers own slaves

    you own a woman’s logic of landwhale proportion

  21. @ Rudel

    Thanks. I didn’t realize that emoticons were available or I’d have been able to relieve some of the tension along the way.

    OK, I’m still looking….

  22. “A family right in the middle of the income spectrum had an income of $50,054, which is actually lower than the 1989 median level of $50,624 expressed in 2011 dollars. ”

    Actually, 50,o54 is pretty good.

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