C of CC Conference Cancelled In Nashville

By Hunter Wallace

The usual happened: we sent out a mailing to the membership about the conference, the SPLC was on the list, they got the mailing and wrote a story, which was picked up by the press, and the hotel folded under pressure from SJW harassment and death threats.

After having enough of this, I contacted The Tennessean this afternoon which at least improved their story about it:

“Brad Griffin, a board member for the CCC, confirmed the organization told its members not to come to Nashville this weekend. He said they had anticipated about 100 people would attend the event, and might plan to reschedule the event elsewhere in the future.

“We can’t reserve a hotel conference room without groups organizing out there to make death threats to cancel the conference, certain protests and stuff. One after another, these private hotels fold,” Griffin said in a phone interview Thursday.

“The most outrageous thing about this is you have these people posturing as civil rights groups when their real agenda is taking away the civil rights of others.”

Griffin said the CCC does “cover black-on-white crime” on its website, but argued the information and language it posts shouldn’t link the organization to Roof.

“All he did was read our website. I’m sure he watches television, he reads newspapers like I do,” Griffin said.

“He’s responsible for his own actions. No one I know had ever heard of this guy.” …”

There are several ways we can hold a conference in the future and avoid this problem. It won’t happen again.

Note: Now that my weekend plans have changed, I am going instead to the Donald Trump rally in Mobile.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Trump will be in Mobile when I have a pile of work. The good stuff always happens when I have commitments. It will a good chance to spread awareness of Southern Nationalism.

    Sorry about the conference. At this point, these events have to be held on public grounds.

  2. If this were done to the SJWs, they’d whine and call on the law and courts they otherwise claim to hate and oppose.

  3. “Now that my weekend plans have changed, I am going instead to the Donald Trump rally in Mobile.”

    Take your flag with you and turn it into a Rebel Rally.

  4. Up to 40,000 people for a single Trump rally. Pro-White people leeching off Trump support and hoping to indirectly reach ordinary, middle-class Whites, while Trump bandies a message that could have just as easily come from someone who is actually pro-White and much more informed on the intricacies of racial and cultural division that have destroyed America.

    Meanwhile, pro-White groups and orgs consider themselves lucky if they can get 100–200 people to come together once a year. And even when they do, there’s a very good chance that the event will be canceled and/or the organizers and attendees will be harassed and threatened in numerous ways.

    Pretty fucking ridiculous!

    This isn’t a slight to any particular group or organization. This is just a somber reminder that organizational structuring, event planning and outreach programs need to evolve to something more self-sustaining and a little more impervious to outside pressures.

    • It’s an excellent opportunity to wave our flag.

      And remember, heads up when you are toting that flag and waving it. Your singular focus should be on incoming and how to injure the assailant, i.e., defend yourself.

      I would also recommend bringing your own security who are not actually waving our flag to be on the outlook for any cheap shot artist and be ready to stomp its ass in the ground. Remember, never throw your fist at a nigger’s head. Throw that punch into their Adam’s apple, if attacked to defend yourself.

      It’s a solemn and serious act in exercising your right to free speech and your right to defend yourself.

      I once carried a Rebel stick flag into Vaught-Hemingway stadium after it was banned and waved it until security came and took it from me. Emotions were super charged and it’s a miracle I wasn’t arrested. I filed a federal lawsuit against the university over the stick ban and appealed it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. I would later visit the university where Scalia was speaking and where I had the opportunity to pose the legal question to Scalia in person. He responded, “I have no idea.”

      Enjoy the right to wave our flag at Ladd-Peebles Stadium, 1621 Virginia Street, Mobile, AL 36604 while you still can.

      But be careful and don’t bring a flag unless you are prepared to fight and know how to fight.

      I doubt there will be any niggers at the Rebel Rally but be careful regardless.

  5. In order for that to happen, we need lawyers, and we need the resources to pay those lawyers, which has to come from either members or large donors.

    Unfortunately, most WNs don’t join organized groups. They don’t support organized groups. The vast majority won’t do anything but post anonymous comments on the internet.

    How can any movement or cause grow when its own supporters are determined to remain closeted? If they won’t take their own side, why should anyone else? It just won’t happen.

    As for the Trump events, there is nothing stopping anyone from showing up to those. There’s no risk involved, and no reason why anyone can’t do it. And besides, it is an excellent opportunity just to meet people who share our views.

  6. A good job in your presentation to the newspaper. My only suggestion is that in the future to work in the phrase “domestic terrorism” to describe the people behind this.

  7. Celestial Time
    ‘Pro-White people leeching off Trump support and hoping to indirectly reach ordinary, middle-class Whites, while Trump bandies a message that could have just as easily come from someone who is actually pro-White and much more informed on the intricacies of racial and cultural division that have destroyed America.’

    The Trump phenomenon underscores what many have been saying for years. A candidate cannot be explicitly pro-White in the present environment. We can promote policies favoring Whites but they must be shrouded in terms of what’s good for America or something like that.

    Blacks can organize for their own benefit as do Hispanics, Chinks, Arabs, Wagon burners, Inuits etc.etc.

    Every sort of pride is encouraged except White pride.

  8. As for the Trump events, there is nothing stopping anyone from showing up to those. There’s no risk involved, and no reason why anyone can’t do it. And besides, it is an excellent opportunity just to meet people who share our views.

    The problem with this approach is that it is exactly the same sentiment that caused people to celebrate virtual victories and become transfixed by the idea that a Ron Paul victory would be an actual victory for pro-Whites. It was a lot of wasted time, energy and even money for what amounted to an almost zero ROI(Return on Investment).

    I’m NOT denying that the Trump rally would be a terrific environment to try to network. What I’m saying is that we both know there probably won’t be much of anything birthed from this event other than a few doe-eyed pro-White people claiming that a Trump victory is tantamount to a pro-White victory. Just like how I knew the Tea Party movement was going to be infiltrated by the usual string-pullers and slowly morphed into GOP Lite, I already know how the drama with Trump will all play out.

    Back to the premise of this story…

    What about hosting events on public land?
    What about figuring out a way to secure “friendly” private land or a combination of interconnected private and public lands? There should ALWAYS be contingency plans and backup locations to keep morale from bottoming out.

    I don’t think the bulk of the apathy comes from pro-Whites not wanting to get off their asses and organize. I think the problem is that most pro-White people have seen other people attempt to coordinate meetings and other events and watched the implosions and chaos ruin everything. Whether the implosions and chaos are attributed solely to disorganization or the actions of anti-White groups and people is irrelevant.

    I’m not even a member of CoCC or LOS, but I feel compelled to help out in some way.

    • That’s what I was referring to above:

      1.) We can host a conference on public property somewhere like Amren and NPI does.

      2.) We can host a conference on private property like the League does.

      3.) We can tell people to reserve their own hotel rooms in some city, meet up at a rendezvous point, and caravan over to the conference location, which is pretty much what we already do with protests.

      The cancellation really isn’t a big deal. It can be rescheduled and There are ways around the problem.

    • As for the Trump rallies, we ought to face the fact that people who are explicitly pro-White want to remain closeted, and adapt around that reality. Those people will come to a Trump rally where they are invisible in a crowd, but won’t come to a pro-White protest or a conference.

    • I never lifted a finger to help Ron Paul. I could look at him and tell he was a nobody. Nothing but a puny little man.

      Trump is no Paul. But I can understand if you didn’t have the capacity to judge Paul as a nobody then you don’t have the capacity to judge Trump as an Alpha White Male.

      When was the last time we had a chance to vote for an Alpha White Male who will win?

      Get real.

      Forrest would like Trump so my instincts tell me. Regardless of anything he does after being elected and I mean anything.

      This is a visceral thing not an intellectual thing.

  9. This Rebel Rally tomorrow in Mobile is a HUGE opportunity! Exploit it!

    Who here knows Trump’s view on our flag (our identity)?

    If you could get enough Rebels to that rally waving our flag he might blurt out he loves it (us) and supports it (us).

    Also, if you are an agitator, seek out the media and taunt them with our flag challenging them to get Trump to state his position on our flag.

    If Trump comes out against our flag it will be a seminal moment when his campaign will have reached its apex. And he will lose.

    If Trump comes out for our flag, he will win and so will we.

  10. Y’all are missing an opportunity to fuck with ‘them.’

    Start scheduling your meetings in downtown Detroit, in Paris, France, etc.

    Have some fun.

  11. Jim Giles
    ‘Also, if you are an agitator, seek out the media and taunt them with our flag challenging them to get Trump to state his position on our flag.’

    It would be awesome to see a sea of flags waving in the air.

    Jim Giles
    ‘If Trump comes out against our flag it will be a seminal moment when his campaign will have reached its apex. And he will lose.’

    If he comes out against, it would feel worse than a dagger in the heart.

    Let’s not forget that some of his closest advisers are NY jews who aren’t known for driving pick-up trucks decorated with confederate flags.

    I’m not too optimistic. I’d wager they think they could win distancing themselves because of all the negative press and turmoil surrounding the issue.

    If he does not denounce, the media will absolutely brand him a white supremacist racist SOB worthy of death. Most Christians and garden variety cucks would rather die than be called a racist.

    And to a large segment of voters, the wall and immigration is THE issue. Everything else pales in comparison.

    I hope he doesn’t buckle.

    Who knows what he will say?

    Could he come up with a Solomonlike answer?

  12. Hello Brad:

    Long time since you banned me for making fun of you two months ago after Dylan Roof shot some Beasts of the Field.

    But tell you what . . .

    Last year I bought a huge old church in a dying town of less than 300 population from my sister. It holds 250 at the top, has 11 pews left of 25, and a huge basement and 11 smaller rooms. I also have an old post office next door for camping.

    It is less than 45 miles from downtown KC, 50 miles from KC International airport, and 12 miles from the county seat with a Walmart, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried, and a Taco Bell.

    You want to rent it from me for a weekend I’m good to go.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  13. Celestial has it ass backwards. It is better to go to an event with 40,000 people screaming for a wall and end to anchor babies than waste time on one where you have 50 and then it gets shut down by the SJW’s.

    They can’t do that to Trump. See, this is the benefit of having power. The Southern nationalists have no power because powerful people in the South will not support it – it is reality of the world we live in. We should praise what Trump is doing rather than complain about it.

    As a Yankee he is doing WAY better than most rich Southerners at this point – what are they doing to shut down the border? Sessions is the only man we have that is serious and no one with power outside Trump will support him.

    Look, Southern White people want to work within the system. I don’t know when that will change but it is the reality. Trump is taking many of the positions we take anyway so why not join in? You cannot compare this to Ron Paul who wanted open borders and all the rest. The Ron Paul revolution was a total dud compared to Trump.

  14. That’s very sad news. The Council has used this hotel for years. Our enemies are Communists who hate everything about this country including Free Speech. Why? Because we deal in facts not raw emotions and when we speak it’s the truth. Something our enemies can’t tolerate is Truth. WPWW !

  15. Why were you surprised by this! I mean it happens all the time. Why not hold it from the start somewhere where intimidation and threats won’t be an issue? Also, have you thought of setting up a protection force or group so that you can react in cases where physical violence is a concern?

  16. “Trumps has already said the confederate flag sould be in a museum. Look it up on google.”

    You stupid fucking piece of shit, provide a link if it’s so readily confirm-able.

    Trump mentioned genes and he’s a big fan of genes. He also mentioned Ferguson and Baltimore. Cryptic.

    I saw maybe two niggers in the crowd. I also saw Fox zooming in on the U.S. flag but our flag was not visible.

    Trump will not be able to avoid this issue. He can delay speaking to it but that’s all it will be, a delay. If I were closer you would have seen the Confederate flag.

  17. ‘James,’

    You are easily impressed if you think I sound tough. I was simply being direct. If you wish to ascertain my toughness, I’m easily known and reachable. For all I know you are a teenage girl enjoying the company of men.

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