Gate City Shooting


In a recurrent point of interest in “The Comeback Town,” I can’t improve on this description of the latest shooting in Birmingham’s Gate City community, which moderators deleted early this morning:

“Two sucka’s wuz shot Dursday evenin’ in de Gate City area, Birmin’ham Police said. Police wuz called t’de area uh Joppa Court and 66d Court Way Soud sho’tly afta’ 7 p.m. ‘S coo’, bro. when shots wuz fired. Dey found two sucka’s wid gunshot wounds, one uh whom had walked t’about some block away. Slap mah fro! Bod sucka’s wuz snatchn t’UAB Hospital wid injuries dat dun did not appear life dreatenin’, some honky pigs sergeant said. Police also received some call about some car wreck nearby about da damn same time, but da damn two incidents aint recon’d t’be related. De shootin’s are unda’ investigashun and no motives o’ details wuz available. What it is, Mama!”

Update: The Birmingham Housing Authority received over $500,000 in grants under the Obama stimulus to install wireless internet access in the Gate City projects and other public housing units in Birmingham.

Note: Last summer, a 2-year-old was shot in the leg and 4-year-old Deonte Mixon was run over and killed by a car fleeing the scene of another tragic shooting in Gate City. Later that weekend, the community came together to mourn the loss of Deonte by burglarizing the home of his mother and stealing three air conditioners and two televisions.

In the 1950s, Gate City is described by former residents as a White working class neighborhood with excellent schools where a female child could walk anywhere by herself at any time of the night. There seems to be a consensus that the neighborhood declined from 1965 to 1975 when a housing project was built in the area.

This is the image Gate City now likes to project to the world:

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Both videos are disgusting on so many levels, and ought to be enough to shock every “equality” lover into reality, but LOL@ 2:36 in the first one where we see what looks like some kind of dead vermin lying on the ground. Upon closer inspection I see they are actually those fake-hair pieces the Negresses are so fond of in their quest to look ….umm, attractive. I can only imagine the ‘rich’ and ‘vibrant’ event that took place whereby those prized pieces were left lying on the grass…….

  2. I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that if someone believes racism is really sinful and that the civil rights movement was a good thing, it will often take an act of God to convince them otherwise. People post up Rosa Parks and other so called civil rights leaders as devout Christians. But Afro American Christianity is often very different, if not irreconcilable, to true, European, Japhetic Christianity. Even if Mrs. Parks was a believer, we should also note that Jesse Helms and even Strom Thurmond were both Christians too, and that MLK was an adulterer and heretic, that Albernathy was probably a pervert, and other such things. Even that does not convince them of much, and when I showed my family pictures of 33 murdered whites, 29 of them Americans, they dismissed it as hate. Many people believe racism is a sin just because it is assumed so in the culture. Others say it is to please people . But in the end, they will be embarrassed when they find out what that idea caused. “I could not dig, I dared not rob, therefore I lied to please the mob. Now all my lies are proved untrue, and I must face the men I slew. What tale shall serve me here among mine angry and defrauded young?” –Rudyard Kipling

  3. P.S. please take my old Google-squashed blog “The Opening Eye” out of the blogroll and replace it with “Toiletnation, USA,” please? Appreciated and the favor returned through frequent reposts.

  4. we see what looks like some kind of dead vermin lying on the ground. Upon closer inspection I see they are actually those fake-hair pieces


  5. I couldn’t live anywhere near where I saw any of that crap, in the stores, on the highway, or wherever, on a regular basis.

    I don’t know how whites can live around it. Damn I love the mountain northwest. Cold country, ice people. White.

  6. “Tumbleweaves”.

    Love it. You see them in Chicago blowing around on very windy days.

    How about Miss U.S.D.A. in the first vid …..

    A police chief in where I am from a number of years ago got in a little bit of trouble for referring to places like Gates City as “Nigger Hutches”.

    Ruger Boyz coing soon ….. to a prison in Alabama.

  7. Joe Rebel- thanks for that news.
    RIP, Mr. Auster. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercies of Christ, rest in peace. Amen.

    No offense, but now, perrhaps, we can get back to a less judaized variant of Christianity, when discussing current affairs, without referring to LA all the time.

    Civil Rights Apostate- some good points. But remember, God does not hear the prayers of the unrighteous. And the Bible says, ‘Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall inherit the kingdom of heaven….’

  8. And the Bible says, ‘Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall inherit the kingdom of heaven….’

    Got chapter and verse on that? Just curious.

  9. Negritude.
    The Curse of Ham.

    Noah’s son Japheth is commonly held to be the Caucausian race (white Europeans).

    Interestingly enough, Japheth had a son named Gomer. Gomer had a son called Ashkenaz. So Ashkenazi Jews are Japhetic Khazars and not Semitic. They are not the people of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at all. Genesis 10:2-5.

    Ashkenazim are really gentiles. Turkic goyim. Somebody better tell the Zionist Crustians before they make even bigger fools of themselves.

    Deo Vindice

  10. Ashkenazic Jews are generally between 40% to 69% Caucasian (R1A) according to DNA analysis. (How do you think Paul Newman got blue eyes and blonde hair?) The remaining is Semitic.

    Interestingly, it is the Y-chromasome (passed father to son) that contains the most Semitic markers. The mitochondrial DNA (passed from mother to children) shows the most European heritage. This is ironic considering the matrilineal laws of Ashkenazi Jewish inheritance as it implies that most European blood entered the Ashkenazi genome through Jewesses being banged by Gentiles.

    At any rate, Ashkenazi Jews are not Khazars. You would be better advised to keep up with current genomic theory instead of reading third translations of dubious Iron Age religious texts and that stupid and obsolete book by the Jew Arthur Koestler.

  11. “At any rate, Ashkenazi Jews are not Khazars. You would be better advised to keep up with current genomic theory instead of reading third translations of dubious Iron Age religious texts and that stupid and obsolete book by the Jew Arthur Koestler.”

    Really, you don’t say?

    Please try to restrain the boundless leaps of illogic necessary to sustain your obsolete Marxist notions of “Science” as an alternative to religion. It is no such thing.

    Besides, we now know that professional sports are the true opiate of the masses, not religion. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    Deo Vindice

  12. “Noah’s son Japheth is commonly held to be the Caucausian race (white Europeans).

    Interestingly enough, Japheth had a son named Gomer. Gomer had a son called Ashkenaz. So Ashkenazi Jews are Japhetic Khazars and not Semitic. They are not the people of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at all. Genesis 10:2-5.”

    That’s funny as your Johns Hopkins study doesn’t support the above Iron Age myth at all, notwithstanding the 1500 year discrepancy between the events they each describe. Plus you can’t quote science and deny it at the same time. You lose. Go back to reading your translated Bible and leave the science to those who have a basic grasp of logic.

  13. Gee, Mister Wizard, why don’t you offer a refutation of the Johns-Hopkins study?

    Until then, the latest genetic evidence from the Johns Hopkins shows that the Ashkenazim do indeed appear to be Khazars. Anything else is just your biased and unfounded opinion.

    I don’t make the mistake of reading religious documents literally. Nor should you.
    Don’t confuse metaphysics with physics. They belong to completely different domains in human experience. Simple logic will tell you so.

    Deo Vindice

  14. “Until then, the latest genetic evidence from the Johns Hopkins shows that the Ashkenazim do indeed appear to be Khazars.”

    No, the Hopkins hypothesis is admittedly based on scant evidence and as the authors admit the matter is still up for debate before it becomes an accepted theory.

    You might note they also used only Y and mtDNA chromosomes rather than full autosomal gene sequencing, and most significantly only implied that a certain small portion of those genes appeared to contain Turkic SNP’s. Once you learn how to read you will ascertain that they are only trying to prove that Eastern European (not German) Jews passed through the Caucasus on their way to Europe rather than up through Italy.

    “I don’t make the mistake of reading religious documents literally.”

    Then don’t use them to bolster your false arguments. Genesis was written at least a millennium before the proposed Turkic addition to the Ashkenazi gene pool occurred dumb ass. Also note that the Hopkins hypothesis also acknowledges the strong remaining Semitic and White european DNA still prevalent in Ashkenazi Jewry.

    As for your ad hominem accusations of my supposed Marxism, they are groundless. You seem to equate scientific explanations (which you yourself attempt to use) with politics.

    “Don’t confuse metaphysics with physics. They belong to completely different domains in human experience.”

    You again give away your ignorance stupidity when you refer to metaphysics as a “domain in human experience.” One can not “experience” metaphysics or even meaningfully engage in it since it does not by definition even exist! LOL

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