RIP, Lawrence Auster


I’m sure everyone has heard the news that Lawrence Auster of View From The Right lost his battle with cancer on Good Friday.

There isn’t much left for me to say that hasn’t already been covered in the tributes that have been posted at VDARE and Amerika. When I was in college at Auburn, I stumbled across his book The Path To National Suicide, and it was a formative influence on my views about immigration and multiculturalism.

I would prefer to remember the Auster that I encountered in that insightful book rather than the blogger that I came to know in later years. Like Alex Linder, it would be the understatement of the century to say that Larry Auster clashed with other bloggers and far too often allowed ideological disputes to devolve into personal feuds.

As death approached, I had considered reaching out to Auster to thank him for his life’s work and to wish him luck in the next life (future historians trying to figure out what happened to America in the first decade of the 21st century will find VFR a nearly unparalleled resource), but he made it plainly clear toward the end that he didn’t want any “anti-Semites” among his well wishers.

Larry went to the grave fighting anti-Semitism. After all these years, I had come to believe that he was sincere in his desire to preserve Western civilization (no one who was faking it would blog to his deathbed), but for whatever reason (choose your explanation), he could never really bring himself to acknowledge the starring role that Jews had played in undermining that civilization. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the thought that the Jews aren’t going to take “will you knock it off, pretty please” for an answer.

Anyway, I will miss Larry’s unique take on “the passing scene and what it’s about viewed from the traditionalist politically incorrect Right.” Although I didn’t always agree with him, I still enjoyed reading his thought provoking website.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Discussing the possible linkages between Mexican drug crime, multiculturalism, and America’s immigration does not serve Jewish interests. That is all the information we need to answer the question will the media bury it.

  2. I think the Auster analysis applies to the average Jew. They are paranoid, legitimately liberal, genuinely believe multi-culturalism will increase their safety. Now, keep in mind that in the confederacy, Jews had a lot of power, more than the Union. So it’s a delusional belief. A white nation could very well accept Jews into power positions. The confederacy did.

    On the other hand, I think the Macdonald analysis, without the genetic part of it, applies to the elite Jew. That they are scheming and intentionally manipulating things.

    Because the average Jew outnumbers the elite Jew, I think it’s wrong to go with the Macdonald analysis in general.

  3. Did Mr. Auster consider himself to be white?

    If yes, then his opposition to “jew exterminationism” was perfectly logical.

    If no, then he must have had a twisted, tormented soul – and surely is better off dead.

    And speaking of “jew exterminationists” there is no doubt that Alex Linder is one. He admits he is. As for Kevin MacDonald, I believe he is one as well, but knows better than to admit it. In fact, any WN (when asked what should be “done” with the Jews) who attempts to evade the question, you can bet that he too is a secret “jew exterminationist”. For if the answer to the white race’s salvation lies in “disarming” the Jews, then it logically follows that all Jews must die – because they will not be disarmed by any other means.

    Oh, but I don’t want to kill them! many WN’s often say. But IF the solution to our salvation involves massive round-ups and deportation then it follows that there WILL be armed resistance by the Jews – as well as their non-Jewish protectors. If so, only overwhelming physical force will be able to “remove the Jewish threat to whites”. And that means killing them.

    David Duke is another jew-exterminationist. So is Harold Covington. For both these individuals believe two critical things: A: All Jews world-wide must be completely removed from political power and, B: It will take physical force to do this. And once physical force is applied to Jews, the bloodbath will begin.

  4. If jews ever make points and have debates like the one Mr. Dammler is proffering , I have not seen it. Why is it difficult to imagine the following dialogue occurring between members of the ADL/AJC?

    If we continue this program in all (formerly) white countries, it will mean their eradication from Earth. Oh, but I don’t want to kill them!

    No. The thought might possibly enter their mind, where it is expunged a nanosecond later without further consideration. They simply go about fashioning a world that best suits jewish interests. And as far as they care about us… if we die, we die.

  5. Characteristically moronic commentary from August Dammler. Like many a WN he labors under the misapprehension that to understand a few factoids about race, IQ, heredity, race-replacement and so forth somehow magically endows one with the ability to speak intelligently and authoritatively about racial politics. The fact is it does no such thing and the better that WNs understand and accept it the more their commentaries can avoid reflexive consignment to the loony bin.

  6. Another point to remember about Auster is that he converted to some Whiter types of Christianity, Episcopal church then Catholicism. He was still in the end, protective of his Jewish ethnic people, but he had converted to something else, something whiter.

    So, one point to take away from the whole L Auster subject is to go with the idea that regular Jewish Americans are flawed in serious ways and need to change, convert – no one really knows that the cure is, but left as they are, Jews in America are destructive, negative, hostile to a safe, prosperous, mostly White America that most Conservative White Americans want, long for.

    Jews hate it when Whites try convert them, try to imply that they need to change, hint that Jews in prominent positions in politics, academia, the media – aren’t doing our country well.

  7. In the 20th century, eastern European Jews migration to U.S, they have taking position in politics, acadamy,media and on far more so than Americans with which the Nazis expel them from top position of public welfare.

  8. “Russia does NOT celebrate the Papist calendar- neither for Christmas, nor for Pascha.”

    Russia most certainly does use the modern Gregorian (pope) calendar (with modern refinements like leap seconds) you moron. As for ecclesiastical holidays, fuck ’em. Happy Spring Equinox Festival!

  9. “You can say what you want about signs and wonders churches”

    OK, I will. They and their congregations are held in utter contempt by the Tidewater Anglicans who dragged (some of) the hillbillies into war in 1860. You keep talking about Southrons as if they were a culturally homogenous people. Nothing could be further from the truth and you know it. If anything, class and religious distinctions are strongest in the South; as well they might be since they were integral to Southern society from the start.

    To the degree that Southrons feel as if they are of one blood and culture then that is a sign of just how far Southern society has degenerated. I’ve seen the egalitarian rot of it in my own lifetime. NASCAR and SEC football: how much more plebeian can you get than that. Both those sports were legitimate folk (rumrunning moonshiners and middle class collegians) when they still raced real stock cars and white men played football.

    People who still ride to hounds don’t pray or eat with ZZ-Top listening pot growers.

  10. Got the wrong man Rudel, I am aware of the different cultures in the South, but we have strong commonalities as well.

    I was in the tidewater area this week. Went to see family. There I saw Confederate flags in yards and on business. I went to see a statue of Robert E Lee. There were Southron White families there, taking pictures of it and of themselves with the statue in the back ground.

    I went up to Virginia horse country. Saw our flags in yards, on business and painted on the side of the barn. I went to see some things about Col Mosby. Every where I want I saw other Southron Whites, young and old.

    Then I went to the mountains to teach friends and family how to shoot. I drove on Robert E Lee Highway, and the John Mosby parkway. I saw our flag every where I went. I toured some battlefields where I saw more Southron White families from all over the South.

    Then I drove back to NC, to work on a house I am selling. I’m three blocks from a Confederate cemetery where every year we put our flag on the graves of the men who fought for Southron liberty. I am one block away from a statue dedicated to Confederate veterans. One of the major groups responsible for the statue was the towns 1st black church and local synagogue.

    Our history is complex, our various cultural are not always friendly but rarely hostile, however I understand your not the kind of man to see those things

  11. Happy Easter to all my racist friends here at ODD (except Fr John of course). Auster’s death is sad indeed, but he lived quite an interesting life. Last night at my Catholic Easter vigil, surrounded by a Mexican majority, I renewed my commitment to the multicult, and to work unabashedly for the destruction of the white race, and for the peace of unity of all races. god bless you all; amen.

  12. “I understand your not the kind of man to see those things”

    Oh don’t worry, I’m exactly the kind of man who can see those things (when I’m in the South.) Don’t hold your breath though. I like the Far and Mountain West and my children were born and raised here as are their children. It’s the most free and freedom loving part of the country. I can’t imagine living east of the Rockies. Way too confining in every possible physical, political, and psychological way.

    I wish Southrons good fortune in the future but we won’t fare at all badly right here when the Union disintegrates. Good luck in the Baltics.

  13. “And once physical force is applied to Jews, the bloodbath will begin.”


    Once the arm-twisting and foot-putting-down starts in earnest, jews will go sit in the corner we tell them to — just like the jews in the ghettos of Europe did, just like the jews in, what, 200 countries in the last 1000 years did.
    To be sure, there’ll be plenty of whining and kvetching and breastbeating, but go they will — taking their gold with them, undoubtedly.

    —Hey, China might take ’em. Jews are making those contingency plans already. Which would be good because Chinese, being Orientals themselves, are perfectly capable of defending themselves. Jews subdued, no ovens required.

  14. and to work unabashedly for the destruction of the white race, and for the peace of unity of all races.

    Right, because the former is a necessary prerequisite for the latter, lol.

    The anti-white left certainly proves that, among political groups, nutzis don’t have any sort of monopoly on insanity, that’s for sure.

  15. Now, keep in mind that in the confederacy, Jews had a lot of power, more than the Union. So it’s a delusional belief. A white nation could very well accept Jews into power positions. The confederacy did.

    Of course, since the Confederacy no longer exists, one could argue that having Jews in a position of power is not in the long term interest of any state.

  16. Auster was ahead of his time with regard to other Jews. Expect more and more Jews to begin the shift away from anti-white policies as they begin to realize they are cutting their own throats. Will it be before they gain the open contempt of most whites, not just those here who are ahead of their time? Only time will tell.

    Nevertheless Auster’s death is the death of an intelligent, honest, and fundamentally decent man.

    The Southern Jews who were part of the Confederacy were pro-white, unlike the East European Marxist “Ostjuden” who form the majority of American Jews (oxymoron?) now.

    Deo Vindice

  17. “Our history is complex, our various cultural are not always friendly but rarely hostile, however I understand your not the kind of man to see those things.”

    Spoken like a true Southern man. Whatever some poltroons may say about you, stonelifter, I for one regard you as an honorable gentleman, in the most Southern sense of those words. Your sensibilities reveal you as such. As does your genetic heritage. Always knew you had Virginia roots somewhere.

    Deo Vindice

  18. Thanks for the kind words Apuleious. I am Virginian on both sides all the way back, from the tidewater to the hollers, and most places in between. My mother is a Randolph. My father’s people are spread throughout Appalachia, from West Virginia to Georgia, but get thinner on the ground the further away you get from Virginia in both directions

  19. Auster was a liar. Liars lie. He was the opposite of honest. Why do people keep saying was “honest”?

    Would an honest person call KMD an exterminationist anti-semite? Would an honest person smear Tanstaffl with absurd lies?

    In handling his disagreements with the WNists, Auster could have written years ago something to the effect “I disagree with KMD and the WNists,” and left it at that.

    But no, that wasn’t enough. In the grand tradition of the Bolshevik Jew, he wasn’t content to just disagree. He had to smear.

    Auster’s goal was never to enlighten. What original insights did he offer to the world that WNists weren’t saying years before he did, and often better???

    Auster’s goal was always to mislead by keeping the discussion focused on symptoms.

    His role in the alternative right/HBD/race realist milieu was analogous to Charlie Krauthammer and company’s role in mainstream conservatism: police discourse, set parameters, and above all make sure the discussion serves Jewish rather than white needs.

    I didn’t discover Auster’s work until after I discovered the major WNist writers including KMD. Since they taught me how read Jewese, I instantly identified Auster as phony as a three dollar bill.

    Normally, I subscribe the principle of not speaking ill of the recently deceased, but my complaints are not with the man himself but with his ideas. He spent his career muddling the issues, poisoning discourse and lying about good people.

    It is worth noting that Jews never hesitate to attack their perceived enemies when one passes on to the next life. In the past year, Jews tore into Gore Vidal and Alexander Cockburn without hesitation when they passed.

  20. Silverstein: “Characteristically moronic commentary from August Dammler. Like many a WN he labors under the misapprehension that to understand a few factoids about race, IQ, heredity, race-replacement and so forth somehow magically endows one with the ability to speak intelligently and authoritatively about racial politics. The fact is it does no such thing and the better that WNs understand and accept it the more their commentaries can avoid reflexive consignment to the loony bin.

    Refute a single point I made, Silverstein. Any word, any sentence, any thought. You won’t however, because you’re cut from snarky rhetoric and weakling ad hominem, so you remain silent in your mouse hole. On the other hand, should you dare attempt to respond, you will be shown for the nincompoop that you are.

    I’m waiting, Silverstein…

  21. Barb: “Once the arm-twisting and foot-putting-down starts in earnest, jews will go sit in the corner we tell them to — just like the jews in the ghettos of Europe did, just like the jews in, what, 200 countries in the last 1000 years did.”

    Jews will go “sit in the corner”? That’s it? That’s all you’ve got?

    A brief education in history is in order: Jews were indeed rounded up across Europe. You got that minor part correct. But then what happened? I’ll refresh your memory, “Barb” – World War II happened. Millions of white people died as a DIRECT RESULT of one individual and nation initiating that round-up. Europe was shattered like a cheap Christmas decoration on the floor of all that bloody ruin. Because one individual and one nation decided – as part of their overall goals – to eliminate Jews from the global community – over 60 MILLION men, women, and children died – most of them white, “Barb”. Nuclear weapons, as a side consequence to the main event, were unleashed. And something called the Soviet Union made a whole generation of white children grow up fearing that they would be burned alive in a nuclear holocaust, I being one of them.

    ALL that came about, “Barb”, because people like you are so simplistic you really believe you can round up millions of Jews TODAY, without having the combined military might surging forth from a hundred different directions.

    No, any attempt to “make Jews go sit in a corner” will NOT work. It didn’t work when Hitler tried it and it won’t work now. You, and simple-minded individuals like “Silverstein” know absolutely nothing about human nature, nor the complex mechanism by which global politics work. Comment if you will, but leave Deep Thinking to those who have the bathyspheric mind to plumb such depths.

  22. Joe Walker: “What would your solution be for dealing with the Jewish problem?”

    There is no solution, short of total liquidation.

  23. We can limit Jewish influence culturally through social conservatism.

    1. No homosexual marriage.
    2. No abortion.
    3. No divorce.
    4. No affirmative action.

    We limit Jewish influence by making social discourse so tight you can’t stick a toothpick through it. Then the Jew sticks out like a sore thumb and their toxic influence greatly reduced.

    Under Chritian social conservatism the Jew feels like they are living in a fascist dictatorship. Just like many of us now feel like we are living in a communist dictatorship.

  24. Re: “Under Christian social conservatism….”

    That is the right terminology, Landshark — for the healthy condition of the body that is immune or resistant to disease.

  25. Along such lines it would be of great benefit to give up our separate religious sects and unite under a singular spiritual polestar. Again — everything has to be drum-tight.

  26. But of course we will never do that. Because it’s more important to us to maintain our own version of Truth Minutia than not be governed by Jews.

    So each of us will go to our grave proclaiming a win for our Savior, while the entire world falls to those who crucified Him. After all, what does it benefit a man to win the world if he loses his soul?

    Well, this I say unto you. If you’re losing the world, you’re losing your soul.

  27. Unite under WHICH singular polestar? The otherwise united white flock has been divided by/among evil shepherds, but everyone would be much worse off united under only ONE evil shepherdy.

  28. Ethnic/local Christianity (that is orthodox/Biblical) is much better than universal/global schemes.

  29. If enough people simply understood the recurring themes of Jewish behavior, Jewish influence could be limited provided that the capitalist structured was dismantled and the system of government reformed to reflect the will of the people.

    This could be done in a way that doesn’t hurt the ‘average jew.’

  30. Notice. Two things would have to change.

    First, the will of the people would have to change (face it, most people support Zionism).
    Second, the system of Government would have to reflect that will.

    The capitalist system will maintain the current structures always – no matter if the President is Jewish, non-Jewish, White or Black.

  31. Ethnic churches that are independent, but united with other ethnic local churches in the truth by the spirit is the only right, healthy order that will resist the disease.

  32. The Christian code of morality requires productive, beneficial labour, and precludes usury and all other forms of covetousness, jealousy, envy, pride, and false witness.

  33. Re: Metal Gear’s reference to “the capitalist system”:

    Consistent, true Christian morality and consistent, true, atheistic “Radical Capitalism” (as described by “Ayn Rand” Rosenbaum) are opposites.

  34. Happy Easter, every-one. I had a good one.

    I’ve been taking a sort of break from politics, etc. I’ve bene enjoying music, and conversation, literature, and Art. Watching Spring attempting to break free of Winter. Kissing the hubby. Cause even though I get cranky, when I’m trying to write, and he looks over my shoulder – I’m lucky to have him. He’s a really good man.

    Auster – what Lew said. The Jew could never admit the truth. Jews can’t. The ONLY Jew thaty tells the truth is Brother Nathanial, and I don’t even trust him. auster kinds sorta wrote A SINGLE blog post, on his deathbed.

    Since Hunter is a Southern gentleman, and this is his blog, and it’s Easter, I won’t write what I actually think of him and his demonic lot.

    I will say that I rejoice everytime I learn of a Jew dying, and that every time a Jew dies a devil gets a pitchfork.

    Dammler – WHITE don’t need ot exterminate Jews. WE need to live, and breed (Stonelifter – start on the new kids NOW. We can’t wait….BREED!!!!) and thrive.

    Let the Dark Pets of the Kikes take deal with them. Let them be hoisted on their multi-culti petard. The sooner the BETTER.

    And pay lots of attention to Cyprus.

  35. Dammler – JEW created WWII. THEY created that mess. Hitler tried to prevent Jews doing to Germant what they did to Russia. Screw off. The proble, with Adolf and the NS is that they were too liberal. When one pulls up the rock on the REAL history of the kikenvermin – one marvels at the fact that they weren’t al jhunted down and killed off completely.

    My sister and I were discussing this error of judgement at Easter Dinner. I’ve concluded that Jews escaperd theier well-deserved fate because we did not possess mass communications, before. The Juden Tuefel would go to one place – wreck that – get the boot – then go somewhere else. The new Host knew nothing aobut what happened in “the last place”. The whole effing world is pretty much on to the Hebes, now. America is the Last Bastion of Cluelessness – but that miasma is rapidly dwindling. As the conomy implodes, due the systematic, eternal malevolent machinantion of the Spawn of Satan – I see more and more folks wising up. When the USA is Cypressed – Hell will breaketh loose, and the Spawn of Satan will be sent back to their Daddy in Hell.

    Expulson #110 will be global, and final – and they’ve brought it all on themselves.

    Can’t wait. I’m stocking up on lots of popcorn.

  36. ” pay lots of attention to Cyprus.”

    The problem isn’t little old Cyprus. The problem is the fractional reserve banking system of the large industrial nations. They are all bankrupt.

  37. “I’m stocking up on lots of popcorn.”

    You would be better off following the lead of the Mormon’s and stocking up on a years supply of food.

  38. “Jews were indeed rounded up across Europe. You got that minor part correct. But then what happened? I’ll refresh your memory, “Barb” – World War II happened”

    I’ll refresh YOUR memory.

    The bloodbath of Europe WWII happened because Jews wanted Palestine, and Big Jews needed the little Jews comfortable in Germany to become uncomfortable enough to leave. It was the *Jews*, the Big Jews, (the Zionists, specifically) who wanted the little jews tormented, in order to force them out of Germany where they’d been comfortable and into Israel. (Balfour Declaration). Big Jews used their power of propaganda to get America to bomb hell out of Germany (with the predictable effect that concentration camp jews, as well as lots of other human beings, starved), despite efforts of America-Firsters like Lindbergh to talk sense to Americans to stay out of it. Hitler had suggested Madagascar, but Zionist Jews were set on Palestine and intent on utilizing British and American military might to get it.

    The bloodbath happened because *Jews* wanted *Jews* to move.

    Big Jew versus little jew savagery is not at all what we WNs are recommending.

    “Nuclear weapons, as a side consequence to the main event, were unleashed.”

    “Side” consequence? There you go with your jew-centric view of everything. Not so side consequence to the Japs who got vaporized, nor to the American boys fighting Japs in Pacific, with nary a thought to jews in Germany. In fact, many American WWII GIs made the point, hey, why are we at war with Germany? It was Japs who bombed us.

    Here’s a point: We fought Japan at least as hard as Germany. Today, we don’t talk about how we’d have to exterminate Japs in order to improve our lives. And we don’t have to exterminate Jews, either. They’ll move, all right, when the bloodsucking in America is not so easy and juicy.

    Here’s how Byzantine Empire, which survived 1000 years, dealt with its Jews, such that there were never any pogroms, and the old parasite-host conflict did NOT replay, as discovered by Ezra Pound:
    Occupational restrictions.
    Let them be small business owners, shopkeepers, skilled craftsmen and the like, but
    Keep them out of govt, education, finance, law, and they cannot subvert the nation.
    (I’d add media.)


  39. Incredibly, despite the manifest tyranny of Jews in white society there still are people dense enough to believe in that cryptid the good Jew. But then, you’re the Rhodes Scholar who guested on “The Movement Turd” twice, are you not?

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