Rand Paul: GOP Must Embrace Diversity

New Hampshire


The GOP in Alabama hasn’t embraced diversity and has 6 out of 7 congressmen, 2 senators, the governorship, a supermajority in the state legislature, and controls every statewide office.

The Democratic Party in Alabama recently split down the middle between DWLs and blacks and is so broke that it is on the verge of being evicted from its state headquarters. Alabama’s electorate was also more non-White than the American electorate in 2008 and 2012.

Romney and McCain easily won Alabama, but lost lily-White, “Live Free or Die” New Hampshire simply because the majority of Yankees who live there voted for Obama like they did in the rest of New England.

Obama won New England, Iowa, and the Pacific Northwest because of the White vote. He won Michigan and Wisconsin, but lost Arizona and Arkansas because of the White vote. Similarly, he won Florida and Virginia, but lost Mississippi and Louisiana because of the White vote.

What’s the difference between Texas and California? The White vote.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. IOTW, the Whites in Jew York and Mexifornia are voting for a System (Demican collectivist version) that’s grinding them to a powder. Meanwhile the Whites in Alabama vote for a System (Republicrat neo-con version) that’s grinding them to a powder. Best way to look at this is nationally: Romney lost because millions of Whites have seen through both wings of the Universal Jew Party, and went to the gun store instead of the voting booth. Thanks to Rubio, Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, Boner, McConnell, McCain, Flake, Miss Lindsey, and the rest of the Dead Elephant Party, this trend will continue to accelerate. If we get to the 2014 elections before PonziCollapse – which I doubt – I would not be surprised to see the Putrescent Pachyderms lose the House as well and thus ascend to complete Whigdom.

  2. The GOP will win the House in 14, possibly the Senate. This is simply because most anti-whites are too stupid to know that there are elections other than the “big one” every four years (or too lazy to vote).

    It is war that destroyed Bush’s coalition. McCain and Romney couldn’t drop the subject so many people felt a vote for them was a vote for war.

    Though I do predict a greater and greater racial polarization of elections.

    80% of whites would be able to overawe the anti-whites, but in order to get that kind of unity they would need to subordinate many divisive issues to the primary issue of racial survival.

    War would be a great place to start. I would challenge folks to find other issues that need to be subordinated to the primary task of racial survival.

    Look at the blacks; they seem opposed to homosexuality, but they subordinate that to a greater concern for their racial interests. Mexicans and blacks hate each other, but they subordinate that instinct to collectively take what the white has.

  3. The “System” isn’t the problem.

    If it were not for the existence of the Union, the “System” would work fine, and we could easily vote ourselves out of this mess. Amnesty would be defeated. Gay marriage would be banned. Gun rights would be secured.

    The reason the “System” always moves to the Left is because the Northeast, the Upper Midwest, and the West Coast align with blacks, Jews, and Hispanics to pull the rest of the country in that direction.

  4. Does Rand Paul move further to the left every week?

    I understand the elementary premise of Libertarianism. And it sounds cute and all, but it would never work in this country as it is today.

  5. WMUR.com Political Director James Pindell looks like a fag, he’s wearing woman’s glasses. If he want’s to be GOP, he should at minimum represent it in a less “progessive” looking manner.

  6. “Whites in Jew York and Mexifornia are voting for a System (Demican collectivist version) that’s grinding them to a powder. Meanwhile the Whites in Alabama vote for a System (Republicrat neo-con version) that’s grinding them to a powder.”

    This “two sides of the same coin” understanding also pertains to very white New Hampshire and very white West Virginia white voting patterns.

  7. Anyone here want to follow Rand Paul and the rest of the yankee Republicans on the road to oblivion? His example is underscores why the GOP at the national level remains as hostile as ever to the best interests of white Southerners.

    As R.L. Dabney noted over 100 years ago, northern “conservatives” have never, ever conserved anything. Their conservative consists of inventing pallid imitations of true conservatism which only serve to dilute and undermine any real opposition to the liberal agenda.

    Such deceptive mockery has been the principal Republican strategy Nixon’s “Southern strategy” went into effect following the chaos that erupted after the Civil Rights movement. Northern Republicans turn on a dime to support liberal measures, in smug satisfaction that they have once again duped the hayseeds into supporting them.

    The end of the GOP will be an important first step in winning our freedom from BRA.

    Deo Vindice

  8. His example is underscores why the GOP at the national level remains as hostile as ever to the best interests of white Southerners

    Fixed that for you.

  9. Rats, strikeout tag not permitted.  The national GOP is opposed to the interests of WHITES, period.

  10. Thanks for the attempt to correct my garbled expression, Mr. Rational.

    The national Republican party is no damn good and cannot be counted on for much more than fake opposition to Democrat initiatives before the inevitable capitulation.

    Representative government no longer exists in the Potemkin village of BRA.
    Both national parties are anti-white to the core.

    Deo Vindice

  11. Both national parties are anti-white to the core.

    This is off topic, but something I notice often is that most Southrons think of US parties as “national parties”. There is nothing “national” about the US Empire’s political parties. They are foreign to us. National means “of the nation”, which to us Southrons, would mean “of Southrons”. If an exclusively Southron party existed, then that would be a national party.

  12. If it were not for the existence of the Union, the “System” would work fine, and we could easily vote ourselves out of this mess.

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding you. Do you wish to keep the same system of universal suffrage after independence?

  13. Apuleius wrote: “the GOP at the national level remains as hostile as ever to the best interests of white Southerners.”

    It is as hostile as ever to the best interests of whites everywhere, not only south of the Line. Somehow more northern than southern whites tend to recognise it as a threat to their interests. Both parties are almost equally hostile to white interests.

  14. I have made it my personal mission to expose the immigration treason, racial treason, racial insanity of Rand Paul, Ron Paul and the race denying cult of Libertarianism.

    There’s a reason “libertarianism” sounds a lot like “liberal”, on live or die, race replacement, racial genocide issues they are the same.

    For some strange reason White American “patriots” give Rand Paul, Ron Paul and Libertarianism a free pass. No amount of racial pandering seems to shake their adherence to this terrible Libertarian cult.

    I am sorry to have to say this, but the only thing that works with this cult is force, curses, reason has no effect as Libertarians always have some spin that HIV+ Somalians will somehow become good Americans just like us as long as we teach them Austrian free market economics and the US Constitution or some other nonsense.

    The worst part is dealing with Rand Paul, Ron Paul cultists who insists that their guy is really good on immigration, crime.

    No, force, curses are the only thing that works.

    Rand Paul and his idiot cult supporters need to get in to car wrecks with DUI Mexicans, need to be buried in used diapers by invading illegals, need to get caught in a Jihad nail bombing at some 10k run celebrating “DIVERSITY” of gays and Muslim immigrants.

  15. White voting patterns, imo, reflect whether said Whites live in areas that have already been enriched by diversity or not, with the South having the longest history of such enrichment. Where Whites have to live amongst the diverse, they don’t like it, and vote Repub. Where they have little or no personal experience, and rely only on the fairy tale images of Blacks that they see on their TV screens, they buy into equality and anti-racism. It’s pretty much that simple.

    There are plenty of Whites outside the South that have their eyes wide open as regards the diverse, but Southerners surely have the longest experience with them; hence, their voting patterns.

  16. Hunter,

    Please tell me that Rand Paul couldn’t get away with making this pandering speech to White GOP crowd in Alabama. Surely, someone would boo, throw some food, something, anything.

    Rand Paul got elected senator in Kentucky, which isn’t exactly a liberal Northeast state.

  17. White voting patterns, imo, reflect whether said Whites live in areas that have already been enriched by diversity or not, with the South having the longest history of such enrichment. Where Whites have to live amongst the diverse, they don’t like it, and vote Repub. Where they have little or no personal experience, and rely only on the fairy tale images of Blacks that they see on their TV screens, they buy into equality and anti-racism. It’s pretty much that simple.

    That’s greatly oversimplified. How do you explain the different voting patterns of Kentucky (86.1% white) compared to the voting patterns of Wisconsin (83.1% white)? By your theory, their voting patterns should be nearly identical, with Wisconsin slightly less liberal than Kentucky. How about Kentucky compared to New York (58% white)? By your theory, Kentucky should be far more liberal than New York.

    The reality is that Southrons have a long and ingrained sense of racialism within our culture. This is true of Southrons who live in entirely-white areas and it is true of Southrons who live in multi-racial areas. The Yankees have an equally-long and ingrained sense of egalitarianism within their culture.

    The simple answer, so painful to Yankees, is that the North is liberal because it is full of Northerners. That’s also the reason that formerly-Southron areas of Dixie that are overrun with Yankee colonists are liberal: Maryland, northern Virginia, and southern Florida.

    There are plenty of Whites outside the South that have their eyes wide open as regards the diverse . . ..

    Maybe your experiences differ from mine, but I lived in the North for years and can count on one hand the number of proud whites I came across in my day-to-day activities.

  18. Re: Long Live Dixie

    No, I obviously don’t.

    If the South were an independent country and we had the same “System” that we do now, the “System” would gradually heal itself like a flesh wound. See what happened after the Plessy decision – which basically granted home rule – when virtually all the blacks were disenfranchised and segregation laws were passed in every Southern state.

    The only thing that is stopping us from reversing our decline is the existence of the Union. In a Southern Congress with the same “System” in place, the political and cultural center of gravity would shift ever further to the Right.

    The “System” produces a radically different political mainstream in Vermont and Alabama or Kansas and California because the culture of the White people who live there is so different.

  19. Hunter,

    Can you take up the cause of outing Rand Paul as a flat out immigration traitor, race traitor? Can you put the word out to your solid Southern connections to put down and out Rand Paul as another Jack Kemp?

    I’ve been on something like a one man truth squad on Rand Paul for a long time. The die hard Constitutionalist Patriots will simply cover for Rand Paul, just as ex military veterans covered for John McCain, insisting “he’s our guy, so he must be on our side on immigration, Black crime etc”

    In particular can you work with JamieKelso at WhiteNews Now?

    Rand Paul is the key “Conservative” traitor on the mass amnesty, immigration suicide/murder bill in Congress. We have to do everything possible including force to defeat this horror or at least go down fighting. I can’t believe I am one of a handful of White men fighting this horror.

    • He lost all credibility here when he made that speech to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. I wrote about it at the time. I personally turned against him months before that when he gave that interview on CNN after the election in which he said the GOP had to embrace amnesty or it would become a regional party.

      • In the latest session of the Alabama state legislature, the Alabama GOP nullified all federal gun control laws and passed the Alabama Accountability Act in a transparent attempt to restore some limited form of segregated schools.

  20. In fairness to my fellow Yankees here in the North, Romney lost some of those states (including my home state of Michigan) because either whites were uninspired to vote for him or because the white working class held its nose and voted for the guy who bailed out the auto companies that employ them. (Its sac-relig up here to criticize the auto bailout among working class whites).

    That said, a significant chunk of whites that voted for Obama are just Damn Yankees, and they have something in common with the Rand Paul/Ron Paul crowd: They’re both religious zealots. Like the Beatles, the Paul’s are more popular than Jesus among their followers. When you attack Rand or Ron, they swarm you in a way that would make the BUGSERS blush. Go ahead. Say something negative about them on twitter. I guarantee at least one Paul bot tracks that shit 24-7-365, and he will deploy himself like a drone with one word in his red-visioned eyes: Terminate. As Jack Ryan so brilliantly observed, the only proper approach with the Paul bots is force and cursing.

    Then there’s the Yankees in states like New Hampshire. I call them equality zealots. Equality is the singular concept from which their entire philosophy and all its wicked ideas spring. Equality is their Allah, their Zeus, their Jehovah God. A simple abstract concept, and yet the most genocidal concept in the history of the world. Equality is more than something that whites are brainwashed with. It is the source of every degenerate theory of the last 300 years. All the isms that we despise are fueled by the premise of equality.

    As Alex Kurtagic articulated back in his September 2011 “Masters of the Universe,” most whites won’t be persuaded by reasoning. The pre-rational transcends the rational. It’s not good enough for whites to know what we know. They must also feel what we feel. Kurtagic is absolutely right that we must capture the minds of whites at a pre-rational level. However, I believe that when it comes to certain whites – not most of them, but a significant minority of them – we have no chance of even reaching them on a pre-rational level. Religious zealotry is perhaps the one thing that transcends the pre-rational. A religious zealot will never give up what he believes in even if God himself appeared before him in the sky and showed him his beliefs are wrong. The mind and soul of such zealots are destroyed beyond repair.

    It is those kind of religious zealots that we are dealing with when it comes to the equality worshippers, the Paul bots, and for that matter, libertarians. And ALL these people are white. They are our racial kinsmen. We probably share common ancestors from only a few hundred years ago. But it doesn’t matter. Their minds are lost. They are beyond persuasion at both a rational and pre-rational level. And they are some of the most vile, unfriendly people you’ll ever meet. You reject their god, so they hate you with the heat of a thousands suns.

    I don’t understand why so many in the pro-white movement try to save these kind of whites from themselves. It’s like the gratuitous scenes in various zombie movies where a human will stop a zombie from being killed because that zombie was his or her family member. The equality zealots are just that: Flesh-eating zombies. Their body count proves it. 600,000 here, 20 million there…but its all worth it because “equality.” The “struggle” for equality is codeword for “jihad.” Like their Puritan ancestors, they consider themselves on a divine mission to spread their gospel. They are crusaders. They can’t leave the unconverted alone. They tolerate no dissent. You are something below a child rapist in their eyes if you cross them – particularly the equality zealots.

    Don’t reach out to them just because they’re white. Instead, CRUSH their gods.

  21. Hunter, thanks for your solid writing on Rand Paul. But we need a bit more than just polite essays. This @$&@ traitor Rand Paul is raking in huge $s for his immigration, race treason. RP even has his Kentucky state office on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

    He should be getting booed, hissed, pelted with rotten egs, instead he’s getting a virtual free pass – touted as a leading, conservative patriot for the Presidential election!

    It’s like my country is under some spell like King Theoden by the renegade wizard Sarauman.

  22. Jack Ryan,

    Don’t worry about things you can’t change. You’ll never be able to talk sense into die hard cultists. If they come around to the truth, it will be events and circumstances, and not your words, that do the trick. And I think the event and circumstance of RP coming out for amnesty and open borders, and now for balls-to-the-wall racial egalitarianism, is waking a lot of people up. Remember, even you were willing to give Rand Paul a chance, a chance which he subsequently flushed down the toilet.

    All I want out of him now is to vote no on the Gang Bangers of Eight bill, even though we all know and he keeps saying he wants amnesty of some sort. But he will never be President, much less the Republican nominee. His chances were slim even before he came out for amnesty and open borders, mainly because there is no natural constituency for his triangulatory ideology, triangulating between his father and a lamestream conservative. His triangulatory ideology does not have the steam to gather either the foot soldiers or the money necessary to run an successful Presidential campaign.

  23. Hunter is right. Rand Paul did not campaign like this when he was running for the Senate. We also have to remember that political campaigns are not run as a given candidate versus the utopian ideal, they’re run as one person versus another person or other people. Rand Paul’s two opponents in 2010 were an establishment Republican type in Kentucky SoS General Trey Grayson, and then a regular white liberal Democrat in the person of Kentucky AG Jack Conway. In a year and a climate like 2010, of course he was going to beat both.

  24. JR writes:

    Rand Paul and his idiot cult supporters need to get in to car wrecks with DUI Mexicans, need to be buried in used diapers by invading illegals, need to get caught in a Jihad nail bombing at some 10k run celebrating “DIVERSITY” of gays and Muslim immigrants.

    I respond:

    If they’re die hard cultists, even that won’t change their minds. They’ll blame all those bad things on the lack of libertarianism.

    The good news, JR, is that all those people you worry about are non-entities in the greater scheme of life. Yeah, people were pushing Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012, and some will be pushing Rand Paul in 2016. But did Ron Paul win the Presidency for it? Short answer: No. Will Rand Paul win the Presidency for it: Short answer: No. Laugh at those cultist types all you want, but don’t let them raise your blood pressure as much as one point.

  25. Very wise remarks, countenance.

    In the end these yankee libertarian weasels always show that they are just as pusillanimous and treacherous as the mainstream “conservatives” they decry.

    In the end more and more people will realize that secession is the only real chance of escape from the madness of BRA. The Amurrican political system is broken beyond repair. It cannot and will not be reformed.

    Deo Vindice

  26. “The good news, JR, is that all those people you worry about are non-entities in the greater scheme of life. ”


    I have to disagree. Rand Paul is not a non-entity, he’s a United States Senator from what should be a powerful White state Kentucky. Rand Paul gets lots and lots of free TV air time, regular Whites see Rand Paul on TV, see that he looks young and handsome, lot’s of “Conservative” media touts Rand Paul as a rising star, a Presidential leading contender. Millions of regular Whites are deceived in to thinking:

    “Hey we finally got someone on our side to find those Liberals, Marxists, Obama lib Dems”

    Millions of Whites will think Rand Paul is on their/our side and if and when they discover in horror that he’s on the side of open borders immigration, on the side of $billionare business interests that want to import millions of sub minimum wage slaves, these Whites will have their spirits crushed, think all US politics is hopeless, they won’t vote in local elections where we have good chances to elect tough White sherrifs like Sherrif Joe A in Arizona.

    No, I just don’t see Rand Paul’s immigration treason, race pandering treason as not important. Rand Paul is winning fortune and fame by betraying our people, he will inspire so many other White Americans to do the same.

    We have to punish Rand Paul, this terrible traitor to our people. And sadly we have be firm but fair with Rand Paul, Ron Paul enablers. The situation is very similar to the homo pedaphilia scandal at Penn State football. Lot’s of enablers, lots of people who knew but who did nothing , covered up.

    We must not tolerate enablers of terrible racial traitorous Libertarians.

  27. JR,

    And all those people who are continuing to gush over Rand and will continue to do so no matter how many times he kicks them in the nads will be just as successful in making him President as they were in making his father the President.

    You’re worried that too much organizational energy is being wasted in quixotic Presidential candidates which is distracting from dog catcher and school board and state legislature and Congress? You know, that could be much more a feature than a bug. Do you really want ideological cultists who fawn over quixotic Presidential personality cults to get involved in important downballot races? Let me put it to you this way: Would you have wanted purist libertarians to be involved in the race for Kansas Secretary of State in 2010?

  28. “And all those people who are continuing to gush over Rand and will continue to do so no matter how many times he kicks them in the nads will be just as successful in making him President as they were in making his father the President.”

    JR responds:

    All out racial treason, Libertarian nonsense treason will not result in Rand Paul winning the US Presidency. But it has resulted in Rand Paul winning great fame and fortune and these no shot Presidential campaigns harm us very much because they siphon away Millions and $Millions in donations, volunteers who should be working for us. We can elect pro White Americans in virtually every office except US President. Some Senate seats in California and other blue states are lost to us.

    And it’s a matter of principle. We can not let White American men pretend to be our leaders and them see them turn around, betray us, work for genocide of our people and then see them get richer more famous, more liked. This AH Rand Paul needs to be punished, he has to be made an example of bad personal pain, career destroyed because of their treason.

    And watch legions of supposedly White American patriots continue to enable this traitor.

  29. ”Where they have little or no personal experience, and rely only on the fairy tale images of Blacks that they see on their TV screens, they buy into equality and anti-racism. “

    ”That’s greatly oversimplified. How do you explain the different voting patterns of Kentucky (86.1% white) compared to the voting patterns of Wisconsin (83.1% white)? By your theory, their voting patterns should be nearly identical, with Wisconsin slightly less liberal than Kentucky. How about Kentucky compared to New York (58% white)? By your theory, Kentucky should be far more liberal than New York.
    The reality is that Southrons have a long and ingrained sense of racialism within our culture. This is true of Southrons who live in entirely-white areas and it is true of Southrons who live in multi-racial areas. The Yankees have an equally-long and ingrained sense of egalitarianism within their culture.”

    You’re right. It was an oversimplification. In KY many still have an ingrained sense of racialism, but I still think it pertains that they had long experience with the negro, in spite of having an overwhelmingly White population. They were a slaving state from the beginning. States with no slaving experience, and much later introduction to negro temperament, behavior, and intelligence are far more likely to embrace the narrative of equality.
    I guess I’m speaking more of personal experience and making too grand extrapolations from that. I did not grow up in the South (I’m from the West), though I’ve lived in many southern states. Nor did I grow up around Blacks, and had no particular feeling about them either way. When I grew up, as opposed to now, they were seldom on TV, and when they were, they were playing subservient roles, but on the whole, they were not much seen in movies or TV. My introduction to Blacks was when I joined the service back in the 70’s. The difference in intelligence and temperament were immediately obvious. In my experience, familiarity with them definitely bred contempt.
    So, to amend my sweeping generalization, in my personal experience, it wasn’t until I encountered Blacks in real life that I formed my opinions about them, and I could easily see how other Whites, in areas that did not have blacks, or had few of them, could have been similarly unaware of racial differences (since the media so thoroughly stamps out such ideas), and how they could easily buy into the ubiquitous messages in media, the academy, the government about how noble and mistreated Blacks have been. There were no such messages when I was growing up, which is why I was, I suppose, neutral about them.
    I do believe my observations could be entirely possible (and even probable) for a great many whites, as they were true for me. As to voting patterns, most people do not vote strictly on matters racial (or at least most Whites have not, in the past). Westerners have seemingly always been conservative voters too, even though there were very few Blacks in the West. Their conservatism was borne of factors other than race.

    So, how Whites become liberal, I’m not sure, but it’s not solely because of racial matters. There were and would be liberals even if race were no consideration.

    So, in conclusion, I still think it holds that Southerners long history (to include KY) with the negro has given him particular, real world history and knowledge about race relations that other areas lack. I also, in general terms, still believe that those with more experience with Blacks are more likely to be race realists. That seems obvious on its face. I also think that (White) people’s pocket books, on the whole, have more influence on their voting than do matters racial, provided they’re able to separate themselves sufficiently from Blacks, i.e. live in suburbs, etc.

    And yeah, our experiences have been different. I know many people outside the South that are race realists, though I was speaking more of non-Southerners generally (including the West) vs how you were framing it, as Yankees vs Southerners.

  30. ” Do you really want ideological cultists who fawn over quixotic Presidential personality cults to get involved in important downballot races”

    The leaders of Stormfront and White News Now – Kelso and Don Black are generally pretty solid, practical White American men. Their waste of time and money on Ron Paul and Rand Paul is just about the only difference I have with them. And we’ve fought over this Ron Paul/Rand Paul issue. They really insisted that Ron and Rand were/are on our side.

    The Libertarian cult of losing and treason is a huge problem for White Americans – doesn’t seem to be much of a problem in Europe.

  31. And one other thing. The South voted solidly Democrat from the end of Reconstruction up until 1964 (Civil Rights Act). With segregation and Jim Crow, in a sense, racial matters were of no matter when it came to voting. With the Civil Rights Act, race again became important in voting in the South (moreso in the South because of the greater Black population there) and then turned Republican. So, when race was not a consideration in voting, the South voted just as liberally as the North did. The North was able to maintain de facto segregation long after the South no longer able to (owing to lesser black population), so I still think proximity to Blacks tells much about people’s opinions about them.

  32. The leaders of Stormfront and White News Now – Kelso and Don Black

    There’s your answer. I read Stormfront and WNN for news stories, not so much for commentary and analysis. But believe me, we’re not winning anything ever on the backs of Stormfront and WNN. Maybe we should quit fawning so much over Stormfront and WNN.

    And believe me, I know the line that both Black and Kelso used to ride herd for Ron Paul, because they weren’t the only people in the WNsphere doing it in 2008 and 2012. (I won’t mention Kyle Rogers and James Edwards by name.) The argument was that we could piggyback on the Paul/libertarian agenda and it would disparately impact our cause even if it and they were on the other side on racial issues. The problem with that argument is that “on the other side on racial issues” means open borders which would kill us no matter what, and it would also mean that “on the other side on racial issues” would mean they would eventually be pressured into giving up on all those issues that disparately benefit our cause. That doesn’t even count the bigger problem in that Ron Paul before and Rand now was never going to win the Presidency.

  33. “Rand Paul and his idiot cult supporters need to get in to car wrecks with DUI Mexicans, need to be buried in used diapers by invading illegals, need to get caught in a Jihad nail bombing at some 10k run celebrating “DIVERSITY” of gays and Muslim immigrants.”

    Oh, so that’s what Oak Park looks like today…..

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