To The Slaughter

Great Britain

Steyn on Woolwich:

“On Wednesday, Drummer Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, a man who had served Queen and country honorably in the hell of Helmand Province in Afghanistan, emerged from his barracks on Wellington Street, named after the Duke thereof, in southeast London. Minutes later, he was hacked to death in broad daylight and in full view of onlookers by two men with machetes who crowed Allahu akbar! as they dumped his carcass in the middle of the street like so much road kill.

As grotesque as this act of savagery was, the aftermath was even more unsettling. The perpetrators did not, as the Tsarnaev brothers did in Boston, attempt to escape. Instead, they held court in the street gloating over their trophy, and flagged down a London bus to demand the passengers record their triumph on film. As the crowd of bystanders swelled, the remarkably urbane savages posed for photographs with the remains of their victim while discoursing on the iniquities of Britain toward the Muslim world….”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What a nation of absolute cowards. Hunter, you still wish Dixie had remained in the British Empire?

  2. He was crowing like cockerel. Typical TNB really. I’d hazard a guess that this is a micro-picture of what Islandwana must have looked like after the Impi’s charged the British encampment.

    Bring on Roarke’s Drift I say!

  3. And yet, we have some of our people on some of our websites spewing the theory that the London Beheading didn’t really happen, that “THE JOOOOOOZ” are just making it up out of thin air just to get us to hate Muslims.

    This obsession with Jews is bar none the biggest opiate of the white nationalist masses.

  4. Hey Countenance,
    I am not here to say if the whole beheading thing was a hoax or not but this is coming from mainstream media!!! The same media that always hides the color of perpetrators for any other violent crime. And I don’t know any sane woman that would approach a murderer and ask to have the murder weapon. Just an observation though. And as far the Jews having an integral role of destroying Western Civilization how about these

  5. That area is black or/and or Pakistani.

    Who is gonna shoot a black who chopped up a white? The remaining whites in Woolwich are effectively prison inmates.

  6. The only armed people there in Woolwich are probably other Muzzies and Blacks…Greenwich, Woolwich, Goldsmiths… Almost all of it.

  7. To countenance:
    I have noticed the main stream media only referring to the killer as Muslim. His race is not mentioned. This killer was a convert to Islam. I would suggest “race” has more to do with it than religion. But the Joooooos do control our media and they strongly support the invasion of white nations by non whites. It’s clearly racial in my mind!

  8. There will be blood. People who think the West, especially Britain, are done for after a mere 45 years of this garbage are deluding themselves. The old European violence hasn’t been bred out, it’s merely been hibernating.

  9. “One in ten Britons under 25 is now Muslim. That number will increase, through immigration, disparate birth rates, and conversions like those of the Woolwich killers, British-born and -bred. Metternich liked to say the Balkans began in the Landstrasse, in southeast Vienna. Today, the Dar al-Islam begins in Wellington Street, in southeast London. That’s a “betrayal” all right, but not of Islam.”

    So the Muslims are basically going to be as numerous as Blacks in the US…within a few decades. A lot can happen in that time.

  10. Countenance, I agree with you 100%. This the Joooos are faking this stuff is an opiate that stifles the minds of some WN’s. I wish someone could explain why they believe this garbage!

  11. Stephen Dalton,

    I could explain it. But it is complicated. In a nutshell it has to do with what in saner times soul researchers used to call “paleologic thinking” in contrast to “Aristotelian thinking”.

    I have written a lot about it but it’s heavy.

  12. Stephen Dalton wrote:

    I wish someone could explain why they believe this garbage!

    I respond:

    I don’t believe the garbage in question, so I cannot explain the wherefore of belief from a first hand experience. I do know, however, that the mind that alters is the mind that alters all. In spite of Sweden being the most liberal country in the world, its liberals are blaming the lack of liberalism for the week long Car-B-Ques on the part of its African-Muslim population. And likewise, anyone who is so obsessed with Jews, however they come to that state of mind, will always find some way to blame Jews for anything that goes wrong.

  13. “This obsession with Jews is bar none the biggest opiate of the white nationalist masses.”

    Hardly. The biggest opiate of the self-righteous WN is pretending that the Jews have had nothing to do with the current state of immigration both in the United States and Europe. The ADL, Hebrew immigration aid society and others have pioneered foreign invasion; Muslims in Europe have simply been the consequence of their actions. I don’t remember a Muhammad or a Husein signature appearing on that 1965 immigration act but there were several Jewish ones. And that applies to the current amnesty….Schumer, Franken, Boxer…….hmmm, all Muslim names?

    Some people are just useless sheep. Bet it makes you feel better to say “JOOOZ” and ridicule those who rightly point out that it is, in fact, the JOOZ. Keep being sheep, then.

  14. Sweden has zero colonial history too. Well, virtually nothing. The Swedes couldnt possibly be called racist imperialists.

  15. “Mark Steyn, a National Review columnist, is the author of After America: Get Ready for Armageddon”


  16. “I wish someone could explain why they believe this garbage!”

    It could also be the distress at seeing the attention of cultural whites drawn away from the ongoing destruction of their homelands to the final symptom of such destruction — invasion of malicious foreign hordes.

    Of course the common response to such observation is that focusing on the enemy with names like Muhammed and Osama takes no attention away from the previous focus on enemies with names like McCain, Napolitano, Sotomayor and Blair. That it’s all the same front.

    But if that were the case, why would McCain, Sotomayor, Blair and Napolitano be pointing us in that direction?

    I guess seeing your people lost in such dissonance can be a traumatic enough experience to throw anything in their way to bring them back to the table. Even if said people, in being blocked from their easy exit in their rush towards the door, accuse you of being a Muslim sympathizer or underplaying the threat from Islam.

    Other than that I have no idea why someone would believe any old damn thing to stop their people from running over a cliff.

  17. Wasn’t that the most bizarre video you’ve ever seen, those ignorant white-hating Brits calmly milling around while these third-worlders behead one of their soldiers in the street?

  18. –“Sweden has zero colonial history too. Well, virtually nothing. The Swedes couldnt possibly be called racist imperialists.”–

    As if any whites have ever done anything to deserve the wrath today of these stupid brown people and Jews.

  19. “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.”

    Your good friend and fellow immigration whore John McCain.

    Y’all have a good time in the trenches. I know McCain has your back on the home front.

  20. –“This obsession with Jews is bar none the biggest opiate of the white nationalist masses.”–

    Jesus, you stupid idiots are as bad as the liberals and Neocons.

  21. Even the most committed Islamophiles get tired. Puff your water-pipe and eat some medjool dates, Occigent. You’re rambling like your Prophet now.

    But if that were the case, why would McCain, Sotomayor, Blair and Napolitano be pointing us in that direction?

    There are geo-historical forces at work that will be the undoing of the bastard state as we know it. Despite “Islam not being the enemy” and calls to “go shopping” we are in a war, even though Obama says it is over. The idea that BRA/the cathedral is pointing schlubs like you towards battle with Islam is absurd. The media consistently downplays Islamic savagery.

  22. “And likewise, anyone who is so obsessed with Jews, however they come to that state of mind, will always find some way to blame Jews for anything that goes wrong.”

    Nothing to see here, move along….anyone who says anything about the JOOZ is clearly hallucinating.

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  23. “As grotesque as this act of savagery was, the aftermath was even more unsettling. The perpetrators did not, as the Tsarnaev brothers did in Boston, attempt to escape. Instead, they held court in the street gloating over their trophy, and flagged down a London bus to demand the passengers record their triumph on film”

    Rat infested metropolitan big city is devoid of life.Rural and farmlands is where the leaderships will grow.

  24. “The idea that BRA/the cathedral is pointing schlubs like you towards battle with Islam is absurd. The media consistently downplays Islamic savagery.”

    They’re not pointing shlubs like me towards battle with Islam, they’re pointing shlubs like you towards battle with Islam.

    Take a wild guess there no-man, should you join the army and be given a gun, at what ethnicity do you think shlubs like yourself will have that gun pointing?

    And while it’s pointing there, what do you think will be going on here? A white rebirth?

  25. No one deserves the wrath that is now being metered out.
    It’s a good time to CBU these mofos.

  26. No-man, do you get weepy in your tea when Ahmadinejad says bad things about your beloved aircraft carrier in the Mideast?

  27. Take a wild guess there no-man, should you join the army and be given a gun, at what ethnicity do you think shlubs like yourself will have that gun pointing?

    Hopefully Chinks or Scandinavians, my two least favorite ethnicities. Rock-worshippers are not an ethnicity, they’re a scourge to humanity.

    And while it’s pointing there, what do you think will be going on here? A white rebirth?

    Doubtful. The “white race” exists in prisons and on the internet.

  28. “Doubtful. The “white race” exists in prisons and on the internet.”

    So maybe we ought spend our time creating it.

  29. No-man, do you get weepy in your tea when Ahmadinejad says bad things about your beloved aircraft carrier in the Mideast?

    No. My hand starts shaking uncontrollably. The teacup handle breaks and the cup shatters on the floor. I start throwing salt over my shoulder and spitting, then my eyes begin to water.

  30. Ahmadinejad says bad things about your beloved aircraft carrier in the Mideast?

    I don’t know about this fellow. But he sure as hell put the onus on western countries that Muslims had nothing to do with the holocaust; the Jews from Palastine should move to Europe.

  31. Dear crackpots (*):

    Repeat after me:

    A “British” born Nigerian black who converted to Islam as a young adult beheaded a white British soldier with a meat cleaver and bragged in front of cameras after he did it that Islam was the motivation.

    Repeat 500 times.

    There, that wasn’t hard, was it?

    (*) – By “crackpots,” I mean hard core Jew haters, libertarian purists, Marxists, establishment center-right politicians, liberals, globalists, Islamophiles, We Are The Worlders, and anyone else who can’t see the London Beheading for what it was.

  32. If this perp was under scrutiny he was no doubt recorded making anti-white statements and that would technically make him a lawbreaker in GB. This would also make the establishment culpable for his prescense on the streets.

  33. He ‘s got a probabtion officer for a mother and a violent rap sheet as long as your arm. TNB all the way.

  34. “He ‘s got a probabtion officer for a mother and a violent rap sheet as long as your arm”


  35. From Gruppenfuehrer Glitter:

    Allah is a Koala.

    Why, oh why, do the Musulmans lie?
    How many more people have to die?

    Rioting against satirical toons,
    Waving flags of the crescent moon.

    Why must the hatred lead to strife?
    Let us see the truth and continue with life!

    For I had discovered the key to peace,
    Revealed to me by a Evangelic Priest.

    The lord creator known as Allah,
    Is in fact an Australian Koala.

    The reason why images are forbidden
    and a secret for centuries hidden,

    Is that the god of the Islamic lore,
    is actually an arboreal herbivore.

    What would the musulman people think,
    If they discovered their god was a missing link?

    Now that I have revealed the facts,
    It is time for you musulmans to relax.

    So give up your desert heathen ways,
    And free your mind of hashish haze.

  36. By “crackpots,” I mean hard core… [list of names] and anyone else who can’t see the London Beheading for what it was.

    They don’t only believe that the London decapitation is a hoax and that Mossad is behind it, but also the Boston bombings, the killings of Adam Lanza, 9/11 and even the 2005 London bombings (in Spain these idiots also believe that the Jihadist attack of 2004 at Madrid was staged).

  37. @JP “… as bad as the liberals and neocons.” In the U.K. and the U.S.A. it’s the Yank-enstein monster.
    … as if on automatic pilot, Jewish organizations repeat the familiar mantras and continue with their uncritical “celebration” of diversity. (Diversity meaning, of course, diversity of race and ethnicity but not opinion.) – Stephen Steinlight The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demography Dr William Pierce – influence on immigration

  38. White Nationalists are such lowlifes. They talk about how they want to “come together” and save the race and every single White Nationalist blog is the same, hatemongers inside who do nothing but insult other White Nationalists. I will not waste my time anymore. We’re done. Thank gawd I don’t have kids.

  39. I am not saying that the the beheading of Lee Rigby was a false flag, or that the actual deed was performed By Jews.

    I beleive Lee Rigby was beheaded by filthy African savages, and that the Boston bombing was very real. The Boston Bombing was OBVIOUSLY planned BY malicious ad MONSTROUS tyrants, infesting the JOOSA “Government” – and that the Talmudic Jewish English “Government”, IN THEIR OWN WORDS, has repeatedly ADMITTED that they intentionally flooded England wig foreign trash form everywhere, specifically to destroy the ethnic comosition of the UK. Just as they are doing here.

    Some JEWS on this site insist on twisting facts and reality around, to suit their agenda. As they’ve done for thousands of years. Their seed if of Satan. What else can be expected of them?

    Sad, really. Tragic.

  40. The FACTS – thanks for your your wonderful real world events list.

    However – the facts that those JOOZ are up to all those..aahhhh…things…has nothing to do with anything…..


    I mean – it’s all crazy delusional talk that JOOZ get 95% of the Homeland Security cash gibsmedat shekels, right?

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