Bicausalism Type B


Here’s a brief explanation of why I lean toward “Bicausalism Type B”:

The short answer is Southern history. Jews have always lived in the South, but Southern Jews only played a marginal role in the downfall of our social institutions. The most obvious example would be the abolitionist movement, the War Between the States, and the destruction of the Confederacy.

Jews were never perceived as the major threat to slavery by antebellum Southerners. Try real hard to think of the Jews who were behind the abolitionist movement. Prominent Jews like Judah Benjamin of Louisiana and David Yulee of Florida resigned from the Senate when their states seceded from the Union. Jews fought for the Confederacy in the War Between the States.

During Reconstruction, Southern Jews joined the Ku Klux Klan. Montgomery was redeemed from Reconstruction by its first Jewish mayor, Mordecai Moses, who ran as “the true White man’s candidate.” Throughout the Jim Crow era, Southern Jews were part of the commercial elite in cities like Montgomery and Selma, and never seemed to have any problem accommodating themselves to segregation and white supremacy.

When the Civil Rights Movement erupted in the 1950s, Southern Jews were embarrassed by the sheer number of Northern Jews who came to the South, particularly in Selma and Montgomery, and many of them even joined the White Citizens’ Council. In the South, the Civil Rights Movement was never associated with the Jewish population. It was seen as the work of “outside agitators” – Jews, Quakers, Catholics, Northern Protestants, Unitarians – Jewish and Yankee radicals who arrived in the South from some point of departure in the Northeast or Midwest.

The history of the South is different from the history of the North. The threat to the South’s racial order has always come from the outside – through the existence of the Union – whereas in the North it has always come from the enemy within.

Basically, I don’t see Jews as the primary infection because, if it were not for the existence of the Union, I just don’t see Southern Jews overthrowing slavery, destroying the Confederacy, or rising up to overthrow the Jim Crow system.

Update: Here’s an excerpt from one of the most fascinating books about the Jewish Question in the South that I have ever read, Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights:

“Opposition to Northern intrusion was also indicative of the fact that some southern Jews were intensely skeptical, if not openly scornful, of the need for immediate integration. Over half the interviewees included in sociologist Alfred Hero’s survey of southern Jewry argued that desegregation was proceeding “too fast,” admitting that they felt emotionally ill at ease about integration even when they accepted it as inevitable and in the long run desirable.” The ideological differences between northern and Southern Jews clearly expressed in a letter addressed to the American Jewish Committee by Montgomery, Alabama, Jewish Federation. “The White community in the South is generally opposed to desegregation,” read the letter. “The Jewish community in the South is part of the white community in the South.” …

Al Vorspan recalled one particularly heated discussion with Montgomery’s leaders that took place behind a locked door of a downtown hotel room. Having hoped he might convince his audience that the national Jewish organizations were taking the moral highground in supporting integration, Vorspan was horrified to hear himself and other New York Jews described as being “worse than Adolph Hitler” because of the way they “stirred up anti-Semitism.”

Here’s another revealing excerpt about the integration of Atlanta:

“For Charlie Leb, the Civil Rights Act was the beginning of the end. His intransigence had been a cause of considerable embarrassment to the Atlanta Jewish community. Marvin Goldstein shakes his head as he concedes that Leb was a “rabid” segregationist. “He shouldn’t have been,” asserts Goldstein. “He came from humble surroundings.”

Leb had always insisted that his business remained segregated only out of respect for the sensitivities of his white customers. This was nothing if not disingenuous. Situated on the same street as Leb’s was another restaurant called Harrod’s, which had desegregated before the sit-ins ever began. Almost every day, those who tried to eat at Harrod’s had to first pass through a Klan picket line. By contrast, the Klan posed no threat to Charlie Leb. As Charles Wittenstein explains, “He was getting a lot of admiration and attention and was the hero of the white race and that segregationist crowd, and he bought into it and continued to do so.” On January 27, 1965, a dinner was held in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., who had recently been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Among those who organized and attended the dinner were many of Atlanta’s Jews. Outside on the street, Klansmen paraded in protest. Marching alongside them was Charlie Leb. …”

Here’s another excerpt from Mississippi:

“This might initially appear a rather contentious remark. We have already seen that Jews ordinarily joined the Citizens Council not out of any ideological conviction but as a means of deflecting attention from their true feelings on the race issue. Yet in Jackson itself one of the most articulate spokespersons in defense of segregation was indeed a Jew, Al Binder. Binder, an attorney, was closely associated with the power structure, not only in Jackson, but throughout the state. It was he who led the prosecution of the Freedom Riders in 1961. “Al’s one of us,” asserted the leader of Mississippi’s massive resistance movement. “He’s our Jew.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The truth may hurt, but yankees will be forever remembered in history as the white people who took up arms to destroy other whites solely for the sake of the negro race.

    If whites survive the coming cataclysm, that fact will not be lost on the survivors. Expect no more monuments to your great emancipator and his minions. Posterity will gladly tear them all down.

    But, by all means, please don’t let the facts get in the way of your monocausalism.
    I’m sure the Jews made them do it. Somehow.

    Deo Vindice

  2. Well we survived another Mariel boatlift of White Nationalists on these fine shores.

    I was going to share some quotes from Bernhardi’s “Germany and the Next War” (1911) but this thread is winding down. Worth checking out.

  3. No-Man’s case is about a scandal resulting from a rich Yankee marrying a bi-racial woman in the 1920s. It also appears to be true Yankee Whites discovered promoting miscegenation on their own. No help Jews.

  4. “Yankee Whites discovered promoting miscegenation on their own.”

    Or maybe they learned it from those Southron white and Talmudic elite plantation owners who exercised their right of “nigger primae noctis” with attractive (to them) underclass negresses.

  5. “Well we survived another Mariel boatlift of White Nationalists on these fine shores.”

    The prize for the master humourist on most of these threads goes to No-Man.

  6. Mosin, Southerners who had those inclinations did what they did without promoting it to wider society. Based on those links from Aup and HW, Yankees were the pioneers of promoting it as an ideal.

  7. It is easy to see why they did not promote it, and kept it for themselves. But the RUMOURS of their “activity” might well have inspired other, non-slave-owning whites to try it too.

  8. Those nineteenth-century Transcendentalists were so deluded by the lies of the Antichrists that they saw evil as good, wrong as right, and the sowing of mixed seed as a way of creating a better new humanity. Talmudic and white slave owners with their negresses set the pace.

  9. Talmudic hatred goes back 1000s of years. Yankeeism is a blip on the clock in comparison. Somebody refute that next time.

  10. This is, perhaps, the most pointless and inane post EVER, on the OD.

    While the West is burning, the Commentors are providing a real world, real time example of the REAL affliction of Moderne White Males – Asperberger’s Nerdism In Extremis.

    While youse guys chase each others tails – the Golden Dawn gets more and more Governmental power, with every round of attack. (They use Mein Kampf as their playbook.)


    This thread make the posts on VNN look like reincarnation of Socratic debates.

    I’m going back to bidding on Nazi jewellry on Ebay. And tormenting Jews, in other forums, online.

    I’ll check to see if there is ever another post, regarding a worthy subject. .

  11. My local Golden Dawn America meeting was cancelled on account of weather — someone left the McCain effigy out in the elements and we couldn’t get it to burn.

    It was either this or work.

  12. If it was wholly suicide the media wouldn’t need to lie.

    If it’s not wholly suicide then part of it is genocide.

    If part of it is genocide then part of it is Jews actively seeking the genocide of White people.

  13. Occigent, that was the best put down of Denise I’ve seen on this site! BTW, I bet her husband’s a wimp!

  14. Look how excited weenie ‘Stephen Dalton’ gets over the imagined “putting down” of a good woman. What a hero (not).

    ***I found this series of threads and the resulting discussion to be fascinating, I wish there were more opportunities like this where some of the better commenters really hash it out. Unfortunately, not all who I would place in that category contributed, and some who aren’t, did.
    Anyways: kudos to all who participated. Hopefully more voices will chime in next time.

  15. Stephen Dalton,

    Stop stalking Denise, it’s getting creepy. Your posts these days amount to brown-nosing Hunter&Jack and sniping at her. Stay beta.

  16. No-Man, don’t be ridiculous. I don’t “brownnose” Hunter&Jack. I agree with them because my wide reading in the past 20-30 years, and certain life experiences led me to similar conclusions about race that they have. If my agreement with them appear to be “brownnosing” to you, well I do it to encourage them to be the main voices of sanity on this blog. Too many people who are involved in white nationalism are ignorant, hyper-emotional fools who obsess about the other, claiming it’s all their fault (Jews, Blacks, etc.) while not paying attention to their own faults and weaknesses. H&J message is, be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, and take responsibility for them, and be aware of your enemies strengths, weaknesses, and his subversive tactics, and avoid giving into their tricks. Too many of the commentators at OD tend to believe the enemy is all powerful, that he is everywhere. “It’s the Jooos” or some other group is their battle cry. This is nonsense, and let me tell you why.

    Porn used to be a small mom and pop business found in the bad parts of a town, dominated by Jews. Now it’s a multi-billion dollar business that sells its filth over the internet. Why did porn become so big? It went big time because the white majority wanted it, lusted after it, and brought it. Sure, the pornographers, and their paid whores in academia, the law, the mass media, and medicine held the forbidden fruit in front of us, but the white majority of this country took that fruit and ate it. We made this enemy powerful by giving it our time and our money. We are the ones who must take responsibility to weaken and destroy it by refusing to feed the beast.

    Blaming the Jews for everything is a cop out. Yes they are responsible for a lot of mischief, but so are other groups. To claim that the Boston Tragedy was a Mossad-Jewish-Israeli false flag op is the height of idiocy. It was a Muslim planned op all the way. Yet some people commenting here on this blog and elsewhere refused to see the evidence right in front of their eyes. Instead, they allowed their feelings and emotions against one group to blind them to the reality of what really happened. It is this kind of blind hatred, motivated by paleologic, (putting emotions and feelings before facts) that kept me away from what is called the racial right for years. I now know, thanks to the work of men like Hunter, Jack, and others that there are people who can think clearly on this topic, and can sift through information on events, people, and ideas, and come up with logical answers that conform to what is actually reality.

    Mary, Apuleius put down of Denise was well deserved. This “good woman” is short on brain power and long on mouth. She sees Jews where there’s no Jews, like Mrs. Sahlin. She sees Jewish conspiracies where there aren’t any. (The Boston Affair.) This poor woman is the stereotype the mass media loves to parade as a typical right wing nut case. Apuleius is right, Denise needs to belong to the other KKK, and put another log on the fire.

  17. You take women way too seriously, Mr. Dalton. If you and I have anywhere near the same definition of “good woman” then you’re not going to find them on the internet, much less in racialist circles. “Good women” aren’t consciously racist, they don’t curse, they don’t post on the internet.

    April Gaede for example is a complete psyho that has mass-euthanasia fantasies. I appreciate most any woman in this circle so long as she’s less crazy than that bitch. Usually the women that one is most enthusiastic about prove themselves to be nutcases, like Clytemnestra….

    Denise is not crazy like Gaede or Clytemnestra. She just really really hates Jews.

  18. Stephen Dalton
    “Blaming the Jews for everything is a cop out.”

    It’s not necessary to blame Jews for everything.

    If it was wholly suicide the media wouldn’t need to lie.

    If it’s not wholly suicide then part of it is genocide.

    If only a part of it is genocide that still means Jews are waging a campaign of genocide against White people.

  19. No-Man, your reply is a complete non-sequitur. You failed to follow anything I said.

    When I said “good woman” I was being sarcastic. That was hard for you to pick up on, eh?

    Crazy? I would say anybody who automatically reads and blames a certain group into any event, even if the evidence points away from them, certainly has an obsession with that group that borders on crazy. Yep, she hates Jews so much, she sees them when they are not there.

  20. No-Man, you still can’t follow me. BTW, if you want “respect” start thinking logically, and can the name calling.

  21. No. You’re not following me.

    This is my point: You take women way too seriously, Mr. Dalton.

    Of course you’re frustrated with Denise. You expect to have a rational discussion with a woman about politics and history. That makes you an irrational man.

  22. Let’s review:

    You take women way too seriously, Mr. Dalton. If you and I have anywhere near the same definition of “good woman” then you’re not going to find them on the internet, much less in racialist circles. “Good women” aren’t consciously racist, they don’t curse, they don’t post on the internet.

    This is me backhanding Mary and seeking common-ground with you. Somehow, you didn’t understand that.

    Again, the key point here is your expectations that a woman is a man in a dress when it comes to religious/historical/political discussion borders the absurdity of our “anti-racist friends” that believe a pygmy or pure australoid should be consulted on matters.

  23. No-Man, I’m not frustrated with Denise. I don’t try to reason with her. It’s impossible to reason with someone who’s a paleologic thinker like her. BTW, I consider your remark about it not being possible to have a rational discussion with a woman about politics and history to be somewhat bigoted. Perhaps it’s because you have a low view of women ,no?

  24. In sciences and maths there are fundamental, immutable, demonstrable laws. This laws provide a basis for productive discussion between people regardless of their religion, race, sex…

    The western laws of politics, religion, and historiography are safeguarded by one thing: war. It is of the utmost importance that to the furthest degree possible these fields remain the domain of men for the good of (our) civilization otherwise they will become the domain of men from their civilization. The friend-enemy distinction is what comes into play here, not so much “gender war”.

  25. Hunter Wallace says:
    May 29, 2013 at 8:17 pm
    I love Denise.

    As do all with good hearts!

    As well as that I recall Denise’s reputation in the offline world being confirmed on here (by those who actually know her) in years previous, and by all accounts she is a generous and kind woman who does a lot to help White people in her community. So really, scratch the ‘good’ woman, she is a great woman and one I have learned much from over the years.

    Ps: @Stephen Dalton: no need to harp on the Mona Sahlin mistake, for as we all to often discover, a jew really is hiding under many a Sahlin-like character. It is however in our interests to be sure before labelling for the very reason you demonstrate here: those with suspicious intentions will immediately jump on it and attempt to use it as a club to undermine anything else that person says 😉

  26. I like Denise and Mary.

    That being said, politics is the manifestation of the male instinct to imprint order on the world. Women and men that think like women believe politics is a “career” or popularity contest or chance to “heal the world”…. This really needn’t be probed (trollishly?) especiay in this corner of the judenrein rightosphere. Hypergamy is very real, women like a powerful man like Hitler even if their own grandparents fought him. There is one woman in this sphere that even proposed we all convert to Islam. That way the most powerful men are pinned down by the combined efforts of four lilliputian lolitas.

  27. History is the story of men coming to the realization they are ruined by their women, tragically late.

  28. For instance,

    Joking about a John McCain effigy while the man is in Syria, that’s not politics, that’s a powder-room pussyfart. Say what you will about the man, it commands respect when an older man tours Syria with security provided in large part by al-Qaeda allies during a civil war. That is politics.

  29. Jews are worse than Yankees.

    Who is the Yankee equivalent of say Lazar Kaganovich?

    Even the worst Yankees like Lincoln and Sherman don’t come close.

  30. Denise was the most vocal person shouting down the woman that suggested islam for westerners. This should helps put things in perspective for some people…. I think Denise is wrong about most of her ideas about them. But I know she is right about us and that makes her not only readworthy but an interesting perspective of more value than a more ‘rational’ person that doesn’t have as clear a view of who we are or even an understanding of the male/female dialectic.

  31. Stephen Dalton,

    “Blaming the Jews for everything is a cop out.”

    This bull crap again?

    No one blames Jews for everything.

    Even Chechar has not been able to identify a single monocausalist using the person’s own words.

  32. When it comes to Christianity, Breivik “gets it”.

    The Sunni Muslims have a saying that in the time of fitnah they visit the mujahideen for the hukm. This is a classical concept that is utterly lost on degenerate moderns that sit at their keyboards in awe of men of action.

  33. type@Mary: Denise makes Sahlin type mistakes over and over again. I’ll admit I don’t like her abrasive temper, but if she would not be so quick to scream, “It’s the Jooos, it’s the Jooos!” everytime something like Boston or the English tragedy happens, I could have I little more respect for her intelligence. I am happy to hear that she’s a charitable person, that helps me to have a softer, kinder view of her. I hope to see that side on OD in the future.

  34. Stephen Dalton,

    but if [Denise] would not be so quick to scream, “It’s the Jooos, it’s the Jooos!” everytime something like Boston or the English tragedy happens, I could have I little more respect for her intelligence.


    If I can’t get Denise to stop telling the truth, I might as well distort her ideas, positions, and claims.

  35. Kinder, Küche, Kirche!

    Did I invent that phrase? No, Denise’s idol Adolf Hitler did. She was hoist on her own petard. That is all. Mary can cry about it all she wants, but the correct Nazi view is to leave the fighting to the men and the breeding to the women. Therefore, Denise and Mary should just head on back to their duties at the nearest Lebensborn facility.

    Promoting Nazism does nothing good for the white cause and is much worse than being simply useless. Many of my relatives fought against their madness of these sorry bastards and I would gladly continue their fight today.

    Many yankees love to compare the Southern flag with that of the Nazis and say so quite often. They often use this comparison to justify the removal of Confederate monuments in their ethnic cleansing efforts against Southerners.

    Support for Nazism is antithetical to the cause of Dixie and dishonors our ancestors who fought so valiantly against Nazi tyranny. Southerners were among the first Americans to recognize the magnitude of Nazi evil.

    I want no association with these vile, vicious, dishonorable thugs and their crimes against humanity. Neither did many honorable and respectable German officers during the war, either. No truly decent “good hearted” person can admire the Nazis.

    That said, I like Denise, but she should treat others the way she wants to be treated and not complain when her screeds backfire on her. Those who insult others routinely, scream Jew at anyone who has a different viewpoint than they, and continually seek to lower the discourse here at every turn have no cause for complaint if they find themselves the subject of mockery. I have no desire to patronize stupid remarks regardless of their provenance.

    Typical feminist double standard bullshit.

    Don’t play with a puppy if you you don’t want to get licked in the face.

    Deo Vindice

  36. Gee, who knew that under Apuleius’ long held genial mask lives a man so susceptible to the slick flattery of newcomers, lol. How triumphant you crow, but about what, exactly?Some imagined cyber-slapdown? Get real man.
    And I never “cried” about your use of the phrase KKK , as frankly, I rather like it!
    And Denise never “complained” about a thing, so what are you on about?

    Ps: Even the Guardian had to issue a retraction on what you state as fact here:
    The following correction was printed in the Guardian’s Corrections and clarifications column, Friday 21 May 2010

    Talking about Germany’s declining birthrate, an article rightly referred to the Nazi authorities’ encouragement to women to produce lots of children – but wrongly suggested that Kinder, Küche, Kirche was a Nazi catchphrase.

    The origins [edit]

    The phrase started to appear in writing in the early 1890s. “After Germany, where women apparently take no interest in public affairs, and seem to obey to the letter the young emperor’s injunction “Let women devote themselves to the three K’s, — die Küche, die Kirche, die Kinder” (kitchen, church, and children), the active interest and influence of English women on all great questions were refreshing.” wrote Marie C. Remick in A Woman’s Travel-notes on England in 1892.[1] The phrase then was used multiple times throughout the 1890s in liberal writing and speeches.
    In August 1899 the influential British liberal Westminster Gazette elaborated on the story, mentioning, as well, the 4th “K”. A story titled “The American Lady and the Kaiser. The Empress’s four K’s”[2] describes an audience given by the Kaiser to two American suffragettes. After hearing them out, the Kaiser replies: “I agree with my wife. And do you know what she says? She says that women have no business interfering with anything outside the four K’s. The four K’s are – Kinder, Küche, Kirche, and Kleider: Children, Kitchen, Church, and Clothing”.[3]
    Kaiser’s 4 K’s is encountered again in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s 1911 book The man-made world.[4] The “3 K’s” variation has remained by far more popular and well known.
    Third Reich [edit]

    The phrase was never used by the officials of the Nazi Third Reich.[citation needed] In fact, Adolf Hitler felt scorn for Wilhelm II who, he believed, contributed to Germany’s greatest defeat. The English-speaking world, however, transferred its association of the “3 K’s” with Germany to the Nazi regime.[citation needed]

  37. Gee, who knew that under Apuleius’ long held genial mask lives a man so susceptible to the slick flattery of newcomers, lol. How triumphant you crow, but about what, exactly?Some imagined cyber-slapdown? Get real man.
    And I never “cried” about your use of the phrase KKK , as frankly, I rather like it!
    And Denise never “complained” about a thing, so what are you on about?

    Ps: Even the Guardian had to issue a retraction on what you state as fact here:
    The following correction was printed in the Guardian’s Corrections and clarifications column, Friday 21 May 2010

    Talking about Germany’s declining birthrate, an article rightly referred to the Nazi authorities’ encouragement to women to produce lots of children – but wrongly suggested that Kinder, Küche, Kirche was a Nazi catchphrase.

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