Bicausalism Type B


Here’s a brief explanation of why I lean toward “Bicausalism Type B”:

The short answer is Southern history. Jews have always lived in the South, but Southern Jews only played a marginal role in the downfall of our social institutions. The most obvious example would be the abolitionist movement, the War Between the States, and the destruction of the Confederacy.

Jews were never perceived as the major threat to slavery by antebellum Southerners. Try real hard to think of the Jews who were behind the abolitionist movement. Prominent Jews like Judah Benjamin of Louisiana and David Yulee of Florida resigned from the Senate when their states seceded from the Union. Jews fought for the Confederacy in the War Between the States.

During Reconstruction, Southern Jews joined the Ku Klux Klan. Montgomery was redeemed from Reconstruction by its first Jewish mayor, Mordecai Moses, who ran as “the true White man’s candidate.” Throughout the Jim Crow era, Southern Jews were part of the commercial elite in cities like Montgomery and Selma, and never seemed to have any problem accommodating themselves to segregation and white supremacy.

When the Civil Rights Movement erupted in the 1950s, Southern Jews were embarrassed by the sheer number of Northern Jews who came to the South, particularly in Selma and Montgomery, and many of them even joined the White Citizens’ Council. In the South, the Civil Rights Movement was never associated with the Jewish population. It was seen as the work of “outside agitators” – Jews, Quakers, Catholics, Northern Protestants, Unitarians – Jewish and Yankee radicals who arrived in the South from some point of departure in the Northeast or Midwest.

The history of the South is different from the history of the North. The threat to the South’s racial order has always come from the outside – through the existence of the Union – whereas in the North it has always come from the enemy within.

Basically, I don’t see Jews as the primary infection because, if it were not for the existence of the Union, I just don’t see Southern Jews overthrowing slavery, destroying the Confederacy, or rising up to overthrow the Jim Crow system.

Update: Here’s an excerpt from one of the most fascinating books about the Jewish Question in the South that I have ever read, Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights:

“Opposition to Northern intrusion was also indicative of the fact that some southern Jews were intensely skeptical, if not openly scornful, of the need for immediate integration. Over half the interviewees included in sociologist Alfred Hero’s survey of southern Jewry argued that desegregation was proceeding “too fast,” admitting that they felt emotionally ill at ease about integration even when they accepted it as inevitable and in the long run desirable.” The ideological differences between northern and Southern Jews clearly expressed in a letter addressed to the American Jewish Committee by Montgomery, Alabama, Jewish Federation. “The White community in the South is generally opposed to desegregation,” read the letter. “The Jewish community in the South is part of the white community in the South.” …

Al Vorspan recalled one particularly heated discussion with Montgomery’s leaders that took place behind a locked door of a downtown hotel room. Having hoped he might convince his audience that the national Jewish organizations were taking the moral highground in supporting integration, Vorspan was horrified to hear himself and other New York Jews described as being “worse than Adolph Hitler” because of the way they “stirred up anti-Semitism.”

Here’s another revealing excerpt about the integration of Atlanta:

“For Charlie Leb, the Civil Rights Act was the beginning of the end. His intransigence had been a cause of considerable embarrassment to the Atlanta Jewish community. Marvin Goldstein shakes his head as he concedes that Leb was a “rabid” segregationist. “He shouldn’t have been,” asserts Goldstein. “He came from humble surroundings.”

Leb had always insisted that his business remained segregated only out of respect for the sensitivities of his white customers. This was nothing if not disingenuous. Situated on the same street as Leb’s was another restaurant called Harrod’s, which had desegregated before the sit-ins ever began. Almost every day, those who tried to eat at Harrod’s had to first pass through a Klan picket line. By contrast, the Klan posed no threat to Charlie Leb. As Charles Wittenstein explains, “He was getting a lot of admiration and attention and was the hero of the white race and that segregationist crowd, and he bought into it and continued to do so.” On January 27, 1965, a dinner was held in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., who had recently been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Among those who organized and attended the dinner were many of Atlanta’s Jews. Outside on the street, Klansmen paraded in protest. Marching alongside them was Charlie Leb. …”

Here’s another excerpt from Mississippi:

“This might initially appear a rather contentious remark. We have already seen that Jews ordinarily joined the Citizens Council not out of any ideological conviction but as a means of deflecting attention from their true feelings on the race issue. Yet in Jackson itself one of the most articulate spokespersons in defense of segregation was indeed a Jew, Al Binder. Binder, an attorney, was closely associated with the power structure, not only in Jackson, but throughout the state. It was he who led the prosecution of the Freedom Riders in 1961. “Al’s one of us,” asserted the leader of Mississippi’s massive resistance movement. “He’s our Jew.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The British imported 4,000,000 slaves into their territory of the Caribbean. When the slaves were manumitted there were only 400,000 left to free.

    If the Union had waited for cotton to simply become mechanically harvested, or for harvests to shift elsewhere like Egypt or wherever, the black population would have dwindled 90% and been peacefully reduced in a similar manner. Impatience is a mortal sin.

  2. @test: “If white people were the problem the media wouldn’t need to lie.” This is an important insight.
    “…. white and Asian-American families do everything they can to get their children into schools where their own groups dominate, and to avoid schools with majority black and Hispanic student bodies. Realtors know that this is true, house prices reflect their knowledge that this is true, the whole social geography of America reflects this great truth, yet everyone denies it or talks about it in euphemisms.” – from a review of John Derbyshire’s book “We Are Doomed”
    I see Whites all over the world as split into two main camps: DWLs and intimidated White racist anti-liberals. Money and media play the greed card. Pro-White racists must learn how to play the fear card. Greed and fear are the two main cards in our card game. The stakes are high.

  3. On Italian Fascists, Football and Sunderland…

    This article above is a bit out of date but I suggest that you take a look at Liddell, he tends to have a lot of fun with his racial commentary. His article in the Times about the “large black man” that the entire country could not see standing over a decapitated body holding a meat cleaver, was hilarious but I cannot seem to find it online. The article about di Canio gives you a flavour of the attitude. Liddell is an associate editor at Spectator if anyone is interested in writing him.

  4. Apuleius says:
    May 27, 2013 at 3:34 am
    “What the Allied forces did to Germany has been the greatest sin of whites versus whites in all history! The 20th century should have been the German century, not the Jewish century. I blame the Body-snatched Anglo-Saxons for the current mess in the West more than I blame Jews.”

    You’re as full of shit as a Christmas goose. German militarism has more to do with the decline of whites in the twentieth century than any other cause, including Jews.


    Apuleius, you’ve got things back to front. German militarism, as in NS, was a reaction to massive jewish aggression wanting to destroy Germany.

    International jewry started WWII using their tools Britain and France, followed by the jew run Soviets and the US.

    The ongoing decline of Whites can be laid squarely at the feet of international Jewry.

  5. For those who don’t believe Whites are capable of imposing this madness on themselves, I will point to France during the French Revolution which abolished slavery in the name of the “Rights of Man” and made every negro a citizen of the French Republic.

    See also Britain during the early nineteenth which led the worldwide abolitionist movement and rejected racialism under the influence of Methodism.

  6. Chechar the reformation was the break of most Germans with Europe. The German is an integral part of Europe only so far as he is a Romanized. Europe is an orthodox concept foreign innately to the German pagans and intellectually to protestants.

    A Roman pope boasted that the wonders of his capital were built on the sin taxes of the Germans. The German nation at the centre of Europe, the bulwark of the European economy, is still divided, robbed and hated by many enemies.

    Which Pope?

  7. “When Catholic Spain, Italy, Poland, Austria and Orthodox Russia were busy fighting the Muslims over the centuries, what were the Protestant Germans doing? Not lifting a finger, that’s what.”

    Did the Poles fight the Muslims? How? I didn’t think the Hagarenes had ever ventured that far north….

    Mosin wrote: “Who knows whether Kapner is sincere? I do not rule out the possibility of conversion. Saul of Tarsus, once the Pharisee of Pharisees, became the Christian apostle Paul, source of nearly half of the New Testament. Jesus himself was a son of David, according to the flesh. Talmudism is Anti-Christian, but Jewish genetics is not necessarily so.”

    I believe Br. Nathanael to be sincere, if a bit looney. [The whole MJ white glove thing, and his dancing, prancing act, etc.] Comparing Kapner, who is clearly Ashkenazic, to Saul, who noted he was a Benjaminite, [Phil. 3:5] and thus a true son of Israel, is wishful thinking, and not much more. But it does point out that stray members NOT of the ‘Tribes of Israel’ can convert, and thrive- esp. if, in doing so (as the Orthodox require) you abjure and deny your very ‘Jewishness’ in conversion, by oath.

    But, as Koestler, Freedman, and Sand have all tried to tell naive ‘goyim’ (using their terms now) for close to a century, the Jews of today, are in no way related to the Judeans of the first century.

    Jesus Christ was a son of David, but he was also the archetypical son of Adam- as genetics and iconography clearly demonstrate. Both Adam, and David are noted for being ‘fair.’ So, too, then must Christ have been, if both men are in the genetic lineage of a race that was prohibited from the sorts of race-mixing all moderns consider normative….

    As I have written time and time again, to assume the Jews are telling the truth about their genetic heritage, is to give the ultimate credence to a race/group [Pharasaic Edomites/Idumeans] that neither the Jews of Jesus’ day (cf. Josephus) nor Christ Himself [Gospel of St. John, Chapter 8] ever gave one inch toward legitimizing- or does calling a group ‘sons of their father the Devil,’ not clarify matters enough???

    Talmudism is the result of ideological miscegenation, and all those who hold to it today, are also racial mamzers- adherents to some of the most perverted sexual, racial, and special (as in ‘species- i.e., bestiality) tastes known to man. Look at the names in the porn industry, the gay movement, Hollyweird, and the apologists for same- all Jews.

    As Elizabeth Dilling (she, no CI advocate) has noted in her online chapters:
    “Whatever the “Jewish look” may be caused by, it is not a result of race or genealogy. The propaganda with which we are currently deluged, to the effect that the Jews who have taken the Holy Land by force, displacing Arabs who had lived there for many centuries, are merely “descendants” of the prophets, “returning to their homeland,” is the purest fiction and wholly false.” –

    I disagree with her that all of the tribes of Israel miscegenated themselves out of existence. God’s chastisements are too great, to have effected that. I do believe the CI are basically correct, in assuming that the Caucausus Pass is where the ten tribes ‘disappeared,’ and where, almost at the same time, the forerunners of the White European nations also ‘appear’ on the scene. Another Jew, Joseph Yehuda, noted in a seminal book, that ‘Hebrew is Greek’ (as in Languages) If the language, then, so, too the race! (read the comment at the following site, dated 9/11/12 for more corroboration on this-

    Also, the ‘pure Judeans’ of Jesus time had had a change of heart from the days of the Captivity; [cf. Ezra/Nehmiah- esp. Ez 9:2] but I fully believe the proximate cause of Christ’s Incarnation (a ‘pure mating’ if ever there was one- parthogenesis!) the ‘correct time’ as it says in Scripture, was due to John Hyrcanus’ admission of the mixed-race Idumeans/Edomites into the body politic of Israel, ca. 150 B.C. To save the “true” from the “false” Israelites (i.e., Caucasoid Hebrews from miscegenated, hook-nosed [sic] ‘Semite/Idumeans’, God sent Christ.

    Kapner may be a good Christian, but he has no more (in fact, even less) claim to ‘special status’ among the members of the Body of Christ, than any pious Scot, Celt, or Appalachian bagpiper, IMHO.

  8. Although the British wound down their slaving, they did not provoke the Union into invading the south. Indeed, 60-70% of the British political establishment was pro-confederate. It might have been self serving support for the Confederacy but it’s still a matter of record. The Astonishing reality is that a Tussian fleet docked in NYC and San Fran as an endorsement of the Union, that 500,000 German émigrés and another 200,000 emigre Irish joined in to bury the Confederacy. Palmerston must have simply looked on wondering what could have been done. The French attempted colonize Mexico with Maxmillian but that’s that.

    Bismarck apparently seems to have idolized Sherman, Sheridan and Grant. What else could have been done?

  9. It gets down to sectarian/ethnic preferences. Absenting those there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in history. That’s why relativism is the domain of the secular and post-racial.

    The German nation at the centre of Europe, the bulwark of the European economy, is still divided, robbed and hated by many enemies.

    It wouldn’t be the bulwark of the European economy if left to its own devices. It needed to be tamed. It’d be gunning down 50 French-speaking Catholics for every gutteral-Lutheran soldier shot dead. That’s not acceptable.

  10. Suppose for a moment that Britain declared war on the Union after Sumpter.

    Let’s play Chris’s game here.

    The UK would have immediately been at war with Russia and Prussia. The French might have leaped in to assist the confederacy, but they may have been tempted to thrash the UK. Id guess that there would have immediately been a civil war in the UK too. If Longstreet really stated that it would have been better to have freed the slaves then declare secession.

    All effectively helping to liberate blacks!

  11. “Did the Poles fight the Muslims?” Fr. John, John Sobieski, the king of Poland, was the commander of the Christian forces at Vienna.

  12. Catholic v Protestant

    Christians v other Christians

    Secular v Christian versus pagan

    Anglos v Germans

    White subethnicity

    Anything to keep us divided

  13. test wins the discussion.

    If it whites were at fault or inherently destructive, white elites/Jews would not be waging a decades-long economic, cultural and political attack on us. The war is intensifying, with no end in sight.

  14. I haven’t personally liked most of the Germans I’ve met in my life. There is no doubt the world would be a better place if Hitler had won. I agree with Julius Evola. No price was too high for a German victory. The Anglo leadership. Vile pricks who deserve the gallows. Rehashing history from the standpoint of playing whites against each other is a divide and rule method.

  15. “Kapner may be a good Christian, but he has no more (in fact, even less) claim to ‘special status’ among the members of the Body of Christ, than any pious Scot, Celt, or Appalachian bagpiper, IMHO.”

    I agree. I understand the Jewish genetic controversy. I am aware of the Edomite blending in Hellenistic Palestine, and I researched the Khazar history about thirty years ago. I am not convinced that all Jews are unable to convert truly and sincerely.

    “It needed to be TAMED. It’d be gunning down 50 French-speaking Catholics for every gutteral-Lutheran soldier shot dead. That’s not acceptable.”

    I finally understand the meaning of “Tamer of Savages”: It is about TAMING THE GERMANS (or so-called “Huns,” though the true Huns are not Germans)!

  16. “Germany bled Europe white over two horrendously bloody wars”

    NSDAP was a thorn on the side of Anglo-Saxton Atlantic power. Prior to that, Germany was on the verge of a civil war. Versailles treaty plunged Germany into turmoil because of foreigner powers denied Germany land and resources. Either way, Germany aim was with Russia large swath of land on the eastern front. Yankees armament ended the depression and souplines, The Yankees played a key role in prolonging the European war. From 1939, 1943 euro conflict should have ended in peace agreements .

  17. “When Catholic Spain, Italy, Poland, Austria and Orthodox Russia were busy fighting the Muslims over the centuries, what were the Protestant Germans doing? Not lifting a finger, that’s what.

    Europe is falling to the Muslims now because Germany bled Europe white over two horrendously bloody wars. Germans have always been best at identifying other whites as their enemies.”

    The Holy Roman Empire essentially was Germany. So to say they didn’t fight Islam is crazy. Charles Martel himself was a Frank, i.e. an ethnic German. Trying to exclude the Germans from the glory of Europe is about like trying to exclude alcohol from beer. If one wants to play the game you are playing it would make more sense to point to the English, aka perfidious Albion, as the state that bled Europe silly. The English game was always to side against whichever European state was powerful to keep Europe divided. Don’t you Counter Reformation types usually hate the English anyway?

  18. “I haven’t personally liked most of the Germans I’ve met in my life. There is no doubt the world would be a better place if Hitler had won.”

    I suppose you have no significant German heritage then. Mine is only one sided, and I believe it takes being one entirely to like it and identify with it fully.

    But while we naturally love our OWN people’s culture and soil, and should maintain our own ethnic purity as much as possible, we should also learn to appreciate other white ethnicities including the German, so as to maintain peace and Christian good will among ALL the peoples that make up the entirety of White, European race and civilisation.

  19. “Charles Martel himself was a Frank, i.e. an ethnic German. Trying to exclude the Germans from the glory of Europe is about like trying to exclude alcohol from beer. If one wants to play the game you are playing it would make more sense to point to the English, aka perfidious Albion, as the state that bled Europe silly. The English game was always to side against whichever European state was powerful to keep Europe divided.”

    Well said. My ancestors, according to the story, fought the Muslims with Charles the Hammer. “The English game” included fighting the Orthodox Russians to maintain the Muslim hold of Crimea. Islamic Turkey would have been destroyed by an Anglo-Russian-pan-Slavic alliance, and Orthodox Greeks and Armenians would predominate today in a Christian Anatolia.

  20. Whatever led us to the current situation the simple fact remains:

    If White people were the problem the media wouldn’t need to lie.

  21. Northerners couldn’t see anything wrong with desegregation because the North had been integrated for almost 100 years in 1963.

    Integrated with what???

  22. German militarism is responsible for having bled the nations of Europe white twice in the last century.

    Prussiancoat is a jackass who makes it pretty easy to be anti-German, but the fact is that the UK and France declared war on Germany. The same thing happened during the first war. Hitler wanted a war in the east. The English should have let Germany expand to the east (simultaneously destroying Communism) and the English should have minded their business and worked on strengthening their own position in the world instead of letting themselves be led by pro-Communist criminals who sent a generation of men to their deaths, who supplied the USSR, who allied with our occupiers, who dismantled their empire and betrayed their colonials, who turned England from world power to a mere regional power submissive to the USA, who surrendered their sovereignty to the European Union and NATO, and who then opened their country to eastern Europe and the Third World.

    If more Englanders had listened to the BUF they could have avoided a devastating war and all the consequences that their “victory” caused for them and for kindred people on the continent. Blaming the loser of a war for the policies instituted by the war-mongering victors is nothing short of blame-shifting. It does not make you anti-British or a German-wannabe to recognise these truths (what could be more anti-British than sacrificing Britain to save Poland?).

    You mention in one of your posts that Germans worship centralisation. How well do you think de-centralisation worked for us during the War? It was a leading factor in our defeat. Some governors were bickering over states’ rights to the point that they couldn’t even unite for the collective Southron cause.

  23. Bicausalism is still just like bisexuality. A bisexual is still a sodomite (homosexual). A bicausalist still identifies WHITES (in this case, whites north of the Line) as THE ENEMY.

  24. Had we not warred on the Germans, I’m positive Roosevelt would have allied with Germany. More of the geostrategic articles in the 20s and 30s were howling about the USN blockading the UK.

    Ishit you not.

  25. “The English should have let Germany expand to the east (simultaneously destroying Communism) and the English should have minded their business and worked on strengthening their own position in the world instead of letting themselves be led by pro-Communist criminals who sent a generation of men to their deaths, who supplied the USSR, who allied with our occupiers, who dismantled their empire and betrayed their colonials, who turned England from world power to a mere regional power…surrendered their sovereignty to the European Union and NATO, and…opened their country to eastern Europe and the Third World.”

    Germany was not expanding so much as uniting, after a thousand years of being kept divided for the benefit of Rome.

  26. The only thing I can tell you about the Hermans is that I was chased through Paris by a Senegalese with a coup coup and that the Germans were running with alongside. Then we were lucky enough to turn a corner and stroll along with Gendarmes armed with Uzis.

    Let us see what the EDL do today.

  27. >Lew says:
    May 27, 2013 at 1:02 pm

    There is no doubt the world would be a better place if Hitler had won.

    Understatement of the ..?

    In the space of a few years I grown from a regular well adjusted member of the community type Nazi hater to a somewhat kind of a respectful ‘well, they did get the trains running on time’ type of Nazi viewpoint community member …

    Actually, I’ve grown much further to know that the holy of holies, the Holocaust is a complete fraud. And that fraud itself is part of a much larger fraud that is the background of most if not all the discussion on this site. The inability of most Whites to confront the jews and their lies that envelop us.

    >I agree with Julius Evola. No price was too high for a German victory. The Anglo leadership. Vile pricks who deserve the gallows.
    >Rehashing history from the standpoint of playing whites against each other is a divide and rule method.

    We need to rehash history from the standpoint of how Whites have been played against each other by jews.
    Let’s study our history in order to destroy our enemy before they destroy us.

  28. The Holy Roman Empire essentially was Germany. So to say they didn’t fight Islam is crazy

    This line of argument is invalid. No one here has a problem with Catholic Germans or German-speaking non-FRG citizens. In fact even the most ‘pro-German’ of the HRE, the Ghibellines were correct, politically speaking to oppose “Rome”, which they did as Romans.

    A federated Germany derives legitimacy from below without due respect for aristocratic blood and God. That’s why it is fundamentally anti-European and plagued by Ism’s. Yes if we abolish slavery we will have utopia. Yes if we cut off the Jews heads (Fichte) we will have utopia. Bar bar bar. Death to Germany.

    Keep throwing peanuts, hyphenated trash.

  29. A bicausalist still identifies WHITES (in this case, whites north of the Line) as THE ENEMY.

    Yankee behaviour is well documented on this site. You’re just glossing over it all to whine that your people are blamed for their actions. And, what’s “north of the Line” supposed to mean? Yankees are abundant in vast regions south of the Mason-Dixon Line. That fact is one of Dixie’s major grievances: we are being colonised on a massive scale by our conquerors. Whole areas of our land are unrecognisable and barely populated by Southrons.

  30. Very well said, Katana. And I went through the same transformation. People who haven’t are just closed-minded and still indoctrinated by our slavemasters.

  31. Churchill remarked the English Channel natural defense until the Germans came up with the U-boat submarines sinking her supply line. If it hadn’t been for the Yankees armament. The Britt’s were already beaten economically.

  32. “This line of argument is invalid. No one here has a problem with Catholic Germans or German-speaking non-FRG citizens.”

    Perfectly valid considering the person I was responding to was claiming German Protestants had no part “over the centuries” fighting Islam, which makes no sense because German Protestants were not a category during the majority of the time under discussion. This conversation is convoluted to the point of meaninglessness. It is ridiculous for a Southern separatist website to take the Counter-Reformation argument too far. If you despise Protestants what the hell are you doing on a Southern Nationalist page?

  33. Chechar the reformation was the break of most Germans with Europe. The German is an integral part of Europe only so far as he is a Romanized. Europe is an orthodox concept foreign innately to the German pagans and intellectually to protestants. – No-man

    You are seeing history from the POV of European Latins, which is ok. But once I read Pierce’s last book, Who We Are (which only very recently has been made available in printed form) written from the POV of Germanics, I could see European history from the other perspective.

  34. People who haven’t are just closed-minded and still indoctrinated by our slavemasters.

    Two major things come into play here: the Jewish media indoctrination and mainstream schooling. There has been a relentless demonisation of Germany by both the media and the schools for decades. In both settings, Germany is given sole blame for starting both world wars and its so-called war crimes and its war goals are greatly exaggerated. Thus, we see many nationalists of the West – people who have most things pretty well figured out – nearly frothing at the mouth in their hatred of and blame for Germany. Germany really shouldn’t be a huge issue to Southron nationalists since our connections to Germany are much weaker than our connections to Britain. But, we also don’t need to be falling into the trap of taking the same side in the world wars as the Communists, the Jews, the liberals, the democrats, and the USA.

  35. Some readers may not be aware of these comments by Evola.


    no price would have been too high to accept if it had led to victory in this war and the following achievements:

    – the breaking of the back of the Soviet Union;

    – its exclusion from the group of the world’s Great Powers;

    – the freeing and decommunising of an immense territory and its opening to the expansion of Central-Western Europe;

    – in consequence, the prevention, in all probability, of the communisation of China, which in turn would have prevented it from becoming what it is now, to wit, a new, more and more dangerous, great power, not only for the East;

    – the humiliation of the “great democracy,” the United States, removing it from the sphere of European interests;

    – and the survival of a part of the colonial heritage, whose area, in the atmosphere of the new European order, with men faithful to the idea of the different dignity of races and of the hierarchy of races, would not have at all easily become what it is becoming under the effect of the inconceivable stupidity of the exponents of the democratic gospel:

    – the place of a massive revolt of colored people which is rapidly putting an end to the last remains of the hegemony and prestige of Europe, in the first place to the detriment of the victorious nations themselves.

  36. Chechar you need to read Koneczny’s Plurality of Civilizations. Spengler stole his theories and misapplied them. Then you’ll understand that the “Latin” perspective is the European perspective. The German perspective of Europe is not a European perspective.

  37. If White people were the problem the media wouldn’t need to lie. – Test

    But you are failing to take a step further and ask the most elemental question:

    How is it that, unlike the Islamic countries so plagued with Semites, the Muslims never handed over their media to the subversive tribe?

    In the Tom Sunic book I quoted at length in the other thread, Homo Americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age, Sunic says that a form of Christianity of Calvinist extraction that conquered NorthAm was the culprit. I’d like to quote again a single line from that long quote: “The Jews did not drop from the moon…”

  38. Bicausalism is still just like bisexuality. A bisexual is still a sodomite (homosexual). A bicausalist still identifies WHITES (in this case, whites north of the Line) as THE ENEMY. – Mosin Nagant

    Never confuse Aragon with Isildur.

  39. Type A and B in pictures:

    Picture 1:

    Picture 2:

    Type Bs find picture one far more disturbing, and a much larger threat, than picture 2. Picture 2 is a known, timeless entity, easily handled. Picture 1 is a clusterfuck so colossal it hurts the mind. If doing triage, a Type B would first attend to picture 1 (recall, lashes), then move on to picture 2 (content controls on Hollywood).

    I can’t help it. Picture 1 pisses me off more than picture 2.

  40. Germany is given sole blame for starting both world wars … Thus, we see many nationalists of the West – people who have most things pretty well figured out – nearly frothing at the mouth in their hatred of and blame for Germany.

    Very true. And silly me, as an infrequent visitor, I just now realized you guys aren’t Neo-Nazis. I’m so used to being one that I make assumptions about all White Nationalists. Oh well, too many labels, too many factions within the same ideology …

  41. Chechar,

    No, that is not entirely correct.

    I wish you’d be more careful.

    Whites did not “hand over” modern media.

    Jews seized it.

  42. Case Study:

    Edwin Armstrong, White American inventor:

    Edwin Howard Armstrong (December 18, 1890 – January 31, 1954) was an American electrical engineer and inventor.

    – He has been called “the most prolific and influential inventor in radio history”.[2]

    – He invented the regenerative circuit while he was an undergraduate and patented it in 1914, followed by the super-regenerative circuit in 1922, and the superheterodyne receiver in 1918.[3]

    – Armstrong was also the inventor of modern frequency modulation (FM) radio transmission.

    Edwin Armstrong meets the JEWISH MEDIA MOGUL DAVID SARNOFF.

    Financially broken and mentally beaten after years of legal tussles with RCA and others, Armstrong lashed out at his wife one day with a fireplace poker, striking her on the arm.

    – On January 31, 1954 Armstrong removed the air conditioner from the window and jumped to his death from the thirteenth floor of his New York City apartment.

    – His body was found fully clothed, with a hat, overcoat and gloves, the next morning by a River House employee on a third-floor balcony.

    – The New York Times described the contents of his two-page suicide note to his wife: “he was heartbroken at being unable to see her once again, and expressing deep regret at having hurt her, the dearest thing in his life.”

    – The note concluded, “God keep you and Lord have mercy on my Soul.”[4][25]

    After his death, a friend of Armstrong estimated that 90 percent of his time was spent on litigation against RCA.[4]

    – Upon hearing the news, David Sarnoff supposedly remarked, “I did not kill Armstrong.”

  43. This is my comment from last night that got moderated. I tried to post it again but it’s in moderation:

    I can’t shake it. I hate whites who refuse to say “no” to Jews more than I hate Jews. Maybe I’m a race traitor. But I prefer to hold my own people responsible for their decisions before I hold others. Maybe if we had kept this to the front our people’s agenda all along, we wouldn’t be where we are. When we were successful we had no problem burning our own, to make sure we were aware of the importance of proper mental hygiene.

    Perhaps that’s why as a Type B I’m leery of chasing Muslims over the cliff. We need to get our own house in order.


    What book are these from?

  45. “in consequence, the prevention, in all probability, of the communisation of China, which in turn would have prevented it from becoming what it is now, to wit, a new, more and more dangerous, great power, not only for the East;”

    Post ww2, China has been and are; NS Chinese. Democracy is for the birds.

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