About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter I pray God Will be gracious to you and Bill in starting up your COCC and LOT chapters. Sweet Home Alabama!

  2. Gentlemen, best of luck on the new LS chapter in SE Alabama. I meet with the Middle GA chapter on the first Thursday of every month. Let me know if any events are planned that need a turnout from members from regions beyond your immediate area. I’m about an hour and 45 minutes East.

  3. Couldn’t think of a better man than you for the job. If you want to go for the trifecta, have a student associate found a chapter of Matt Heimbach’s Traditionalist Youth Network… If I’ve said it once before, I’ve said it ten times, but if I were in Barbour County, AL instead of Hampshire County, MA I’d B there in a heartbeat.

    Don’t forget to dicuss how the joos killed Kennedy and Gen Longstreet the traitor.

    Haw haw haw, have fun guys!

  4. Wondering if Alabama establishment conservatives are seeing the writing on the wall vis a vis gay marriage, etc?

    Even for Chamber of Commerce types, secession must be inching toward the mainstream. There is a real chance for tragedy if we do nothing. They start with the language of tolerance and universalism, but when they get the upper hand it will be illegal to be a traditional white male.

    I would be interested to see if any hairs on the backs of neck are standing up recently.

  5. Apuleius, if you’re in south Fla I’d like to talk to you. At your disgression of course. Perhaps HW can assist. I’m in Ft. Lauderdale now.

  6. The American Negro knows what he wants; ultimately to shed or slough off his Negro traits born of a more r selective gene pool. Most in particular the Negro gene pool trait that produces a physically smaller, lower IQed cerebrum than any other sub-species of human on planet Earth.

    Though the Negro be of Low IQ, he has enough intelligence to glean his totally inferior intellectual ability.

    The American Negro plans to continue pilfering from the white gene pool in order to achieve his parasitic quest for a superior form of Negro.

    The American Negro has pilfered 15 IQ points in just 400 years of close contact living with whites, as witnessed by the difference in mean IQ, 70 to 85, between African Negros and American Negros.

    Barac Obama is a good reflection of this phenomenon in action as his low IQed Negro cerebrum has been supercharged by his mothers white genes for a higher IQed, Negro cerebrum.

    In the meantime, American Negros intend to continue on as the more animalistic and/or tribal people that they are while enjoying the highlife of the white man’s created and maintained, higher culture of civilization, and by the way, of which they are still incapable of assimilating into.

    Also in the meanwhile, the American Negro intents to continue promoting and protecting the Negro illusion that states the Negro to be the loser form of human solely because the evil whitey persecutes the Negro.

    In fact, not only does the American Negro intent to pretend he believes his illusion, but even worse he intends to act as if his illusion is the truth by committing violent acts upon whites, including beating, raping and murdering our white women, most of whom are in their child bearing age, thereby denying whites their full potential inherent in these, our white women’s genes.

    Moreover, the American Negro enjoys protected status, like an endangered species, by the white liberals. The Negro realizes this, allies himself with the apostate, white liberal dolt, and thereby continues acting out his more animalistic tendencies, and does so while also acting out upon his illusion.

    For non-liberal whites to get off this merry-go-round of transmogrifying the white gene pool and ultimately pushing the white gene pool/race into extinction, we non-liberal whites need to disassociate from white liberals and their allies the Negros.

    Secession is truly the only answer.

    When did Noah build the arc? Before the Flood.

    Woe will be our posterity if we non-liberal whites embrace the sloth of being good men who do nothing when evil this way comes.

    Secession. Thank you.

    “From the Sanctuary-The PDK Herald/Crier Project” welcomes all.

  7. Wishing you my very best from Chicago Illinois…. Land of Lincoln… Land of feral Nig@&$$& .


    On the plus side I ‘ve recently met some very beautiful, nice women from Eastern Europe. I’m teaching them tennis.

  8. Bill,

    You need to get in touch with the Florida League. They are the soundest group in the League on racial issues. If you and Apuleius joined, it would be even sounder.

  9. My suspicion is that the league of the south will not take the position on race Hunter wants, they’ll stick with more of a conservative position and praise confederate history without seeking to mimic its racial positions.

  10. To clarify, the league of the south will probably be anti-immigration, but it will probably support Southern Blacks who are descendants of slaves and probably frown upon miscegenation without actually advocating a ban on it.

    I’d be surprised to see them take any other stance.

  11. “To clarify, the league of the south will probably be anti-immigration, but it will probably support Southern Blacks who are descendants of slaves and probably frown upon miscegenation without actually advocating a ban on it.

    I’d be surprised to see them take any other stance.”

    I think deep down most southerners are against interracial marriage. This PC country makes you sound like the devil if you are against interracial marriage.

  12. Metal Gear / Iceman, your suspicions are groundless. If you read the articles and comments posted on SNN or on the League’s FB pages or listen o conversations by the League’s activists you will see that we are indeed sound on the issue of race. That said, I have basically stopped trying to convince people of this. Many people who come from the racial movement will apparently not be pleased with the League no matter what we do. This may not include you – as I said ‘many people’ not all. I think we should seek to recruit normal people rather than focus primarily on WNs. Normal people generally don’t come with as much baggage and are less dogmatic. They don’t spend their time fretting about what the Jews might be up to or worrying about a future free South might not completely ban miscegenation. Instead, normal Southerners I meet worry that their children’s schools are getting worse and more violent. They worry that the Feds are going to force through another amnesty. They see their neighbourhoods going down. They worry that despite working hard all their lives they may not be able to retire. They worry about all the trash on TV. They see their tax money going to support an ever-growing welfare state which does not benefit them. These are the type of real world concerns normal Southerners have and SN can address them. Yes, they all have racial aspects to them and Southerners are definitely more racial minded than non-Southerners. But people talking about such real world issues rather than the ‘eternal Jew’ or future anti-miscegenation laws have the potential to win over many millions of Southerners and make SN into a viable political movement in the South. Again, these comments are not aimed specifically at you. They are just general thoughts of mine about the future of our movement and how catering to a vocal, radical minority might derail that future – especially when no matter you do you can never please that minority.

    ‘Why We Must Reject a “Proposition Nation” & the New South’ (2013 LS National Conference) by Dr Michael Hill

  13. Project #1: Moving the group to northern Mexico to begin forming the new Golden Circle there.

  14. “They see their tax money going to support an ever-growing welfare state which does not benefit them. These are the type of real world concerns normal Southerners have and SN can address them. Yes, they all have racial aspects to them and Southerners are definitely more racial minded than non-Southerners.”

    Southerners, unlike Rhodesia, have a stronger culture.

  15. “What you need is an Alabama Independence Party.”

    Exactly, that is a wonderful suggestion…and that’s a good name, too. Simply call it the “Independence Party.” It easily has the same ring of the words “democrat” or “republican.” It also conveys the message of secession quite well.

    Mr. Wallace should use this new chapter that he is founding as a means to recruit individuals to run for office in safe republican areas for this new Independence Party. The primary goal should be secession above all other goals. Also, the benefits of secession should also be extolled: no more BRA (affirmative action to SPLC), no more humiliation at the hands of the American media* (Paula Deen, etc.), no more police state (no NSA, no NDAA, etc.), no more wars, no more illegal immigration, no more Obama, etc.

    *Here’s a nice example of that for sci-fi fans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYsDguny4f8

    At about 45 minutes in, a former Star Trek: Voyager actor tells how part of the original pilot was shot in a rural Southern area. The California producers of the show gave instructions to the minority cast members to walk in groups in case the Klu Klux Klan showed up (realistic?). The look on the other cast members faces was “don’t go there” but Mr. Wang didn’t pick up on that. He also goes on to ridicule people our people a little more.

    Why be a part of that? Why associate with that? Is constant humiliation the price of admission to this empire? If so, the price is too high.

    • Harry Kim sucked in Voyager. I used to watch that show just for the lulz. Captain Janeway was also ridiculous and was always trying to destroy the ship for some humanitarian purpose.

  16. “no more BRA (affirmative action to SPLC), no more humiliation at the hands of the American media* (Paula Deen, etc.), no more police state (no NSA, no NDAA, etc.), no more wars, no more illegal immigration, no more Obama, etc.”

    Never, NEVER, promise them no more wars and no more police state “security”, “anti-terrorism” etc. — or you will absolutely cancel their support. Instead, promise them even MORE wars, and more and better “anti-terrorism” etc. Those are not “safe Republican areas”, but safe NEOCON Republican areas!

    Also be sure to promise more support for “our best ally in the war against terrorism” (Israel) and recruit some Southern Talmudists, Persian Talmudists and any other non-Yankee Talmudists you can find to play on your team.

  17. Also tell them the party position that Snowden is a traitor.

    The “no more ‘BRA’ ” line is brilliant, though — tells them exactly what they want to hear, and what they believe that they believe: that BLACKS, from Obama down, are RUNNING AMERICA!

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