OD is recovering in Missouri after a long weekend on the road spreading the message of Southern Nationalism in Tennessee.
The League of the South’s Murfreesboro and Shelbyville protests went off much better than expected. Going into our second event, we had 75 people who said they were coming on Facebook. The “Tennessee Anti-Racist Coalition” counter protesters had 145 people on Facebook who said they were coming to oppose us.
In Murfreesboro, we had roughly 75 people show up on our side and the opposition had a similar number of people turnout on their side. The Tennessean quotes Mike Cannon, an opposition organizer, who said that there were 125 counter protesters who outnumbered us “2-to-1,” but this is an exaggeration that is nowhere close to being true. There were 16 of them on the street across from us and three or four dozen of them at most congregating in their group down the sidewalk from us.

As in Uvalda and Vidalia, we have the Murfreesboro counter protesters on video and will spend the rest of the week posting clips on YouTube. We went into Murfreesboro genuinely concerned that we would be outnumbered 2-to-1 by the counter protesters, but we turned out our own people whereas only 1/3 to 1/2 of their supporters who had said they were coming on Facebook bothered to show up.
Daryl Lamont Jenkins of One People’s Project was scheduled to come, but we didn’t see him anywhere in Tennessee, and yet OPP claims we were “overwhelmed” by people who weren’t even there:

The counter protesters used homemade signs that looked ridiculous and were mostly unreadable to traffic. We had a black guy who was using a sign that read “Evil Nazis Go Away” come up to us and tell us that he admired our signs. When our Murfreesboro demonstration permit expired at 12 PM, we packed our things and departed for lunch as scheduled, at which point the counter protesters bravely came over to declare victory and “reclaim” our spot on the sidewalk.

The Tennessee Anti-Racist Coalition spent most of their time screaming about Neo-Nazis, the Klan, and skinheads, but there was only one skinhead at our protest:

After we finished in Murfreesboro, around 35 to 45 of us traveled to Shelbyville and ate at a BBQ restaurant. In Shelbyville, we were met by a single counter protester – a black guy wearing a “Color Me Human” t-shirt – who walked around aimlessly for a few minutes before leaving the scene. A carload of the counter protesters from Murfreesboro later drove by us and screamed “your parents are brainwashing you,” but this was the only sign of their presence and they didn’t stop to engage us in Shelbyville.

We spent about two hours handing out literature unopposed at our event in Shelbyville. It didn’t take long for us to find out that we had more supporters in Shelbyville than in either Uvalda and Vidalia or Murfreesboro. Far from being run out of Tennessee, we left with the impression that both protests had gone off much better than expected.
In Murfreesboro, which is a city of 108,755 people, the sixth largest city in Tennessee, we only ran into 50 to 75 counter protesters, a motley crew assembled from a coalition of several leftwing fringe groups like Occupy Nashville, Solidarity US, the Radical Sparkle Coalition, the Nashville Radical Faerie Circle, the Tennessee Transgender Coalition, Chattanooga Organized for Action and others.

In Shelbyville, which is a city of 20,105, we only ran into one counter protester. In Vidalia, GA, which is a city of 10,491 people, there were no counter protesters. If the goal of the opposition was to run us out of Tennessee, they failed miserably on that score because now we know from experience that we aren’t going to encounter much resistance, even in a huge city full of transplants in Metro Nashville.

In Murfreesboro and Shelbyville, we turned out supporters on the ground at our first demonstration in the state from Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. As the League grows stronger again, Tennessee’s central location in the South will make it an important gathering place for future protests.
This was only our second protest and we are gaining experience at doing this. In Murfreesboro and Shelbyville, we had a paid advertisement in the Rutherford Reader and a billboard on I-24, whereas we had neither in Uvalda and Vidalia. We had custom made signs that were much easier to read than the illegible homemade signs of our opposition. We handed out fliers in advance of our arrival. Finally, we turned out about 75 people which is a big increase from the 40 to 50 people who joined us in Georgia.
In Tennessee, I got sunburned again, got a splinter in my finger, and briefly lost my wallet before it was returned by someone who found it, but otherwise, we didn’t run into any problems. The real obstacles to organizing these protests are things like family commitments, having to take off work well in advance, the expenses involved in traveling great distances, and a hostile media that wants to silence us.
From the beginning to the end of organizing this event, the actual opposition we faced in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville, whether it was in the form of the SPLC, the Tennessee Anti-Racist Coalition, the hotels that cancelled our reservations, or hostile editorials in the Shelbyville Times-Gazette, The Tennessean, and the Daily News Journal, was less of a problem for us than the self-inflicted wounds over the use of the Confederate Battle Flag and Matt Heimbach linking up with the NSM.
As we move forward to our next protest in December, we are coming out of Middle Tennessee as a stronger and more cohesive group which is gaining experience with public activism. We have settled on who we want to be, what we want to do, and what image we want to project to the Southern public.
The only question for us now is where we are going next.
Note: Don’t miss SNN’s coverage of Murfreesboro and Shelbyville.
Well said.
Would anyone else like to participate in a project to write follow up “thank you” messages to locals (mayor, city council, county board etc) members inMurfreesboro and Shelbyville TN?
Iam also writing a “thanks for being fair” letter to local press that was, yeah reasonably fair.
Thanks again everyone.
More on this later.
I’m just getting up. It’s been a long weekend.
One of the biggest disappointment was how the local politicos in Murfreesboro didn’t require the opposition to obtain a permit. We obtained a permit and followed it. The opposition didn’t. Additionally the police for much of the time in Murfreesboro allowed the opposition to take up the side of the road opposing us even though our permit included that area and also allowed the opposition to demonstrate on the same side of the road as us but down 70 yards to so. Only the League was required to follow the rules.
Look at this great thread on Democraticunderground
Congratulations on your protest. Enjoy the victories while you still have some
PGRT: I most appreciate your overconfidence toward the prospect of our demise. Pride and a haughty spirit comes before one’s fall. And don’t think this warning help you correct your arrogance. If you leftists ceased being arrogant, you would cease being leftists.
They got Tommy Robinson pretty good.
So dot your T’s and cross your I’s.
Well done.
“One of the biggest disappointment was how the local politicos in Murfreesboro didn’t require the opposition to obtain a permit. We obtained a permit and followed it. The opposition didn’t. Additionally the police for much of the time in Murfreesboro allowed the opposition to take up the side of the road opposing us even though our permit included that area and also allowed the opposition to demonstrate on the same side of the road as us but down 70 yards to so. Only the League was required to follow the rules.”
No government employees will object the anti-white counter protest without a permit. To do so, implicate them as being anti-white. Remain silence for their paycheck or else get ousted from their gov cushy job.
No government employees will object the anti-white counter protest without a permit. To do so, implicate them as being anti- non-white. Remain silence for their paycheck or else get ousted from their gov cushy job.
@ Captain John
No matter if he dotted every I and crossed every T, Tommy Robinson went down because not enough Englishmen rose up to stand with him on the street. Leaders can’t fight and win the battle all by themselves.
Besides, EDL embraced multiculturalism, so they weren’t actually an “English” Defense League.
Check out this nonsense.
If there were 125 counter protesters in Murfreesboro, then surely we should be able to see them in the video we shot of them:
Robinson was brought down by technicalities. Going abroad to meet the Jewess on a forged passport opened him up to felony charges. So like I said take care with your paperwork. Get ready for the audits. Keep your life squeaky clean.
Note: My previous comment (positive and congratulatory) on another thread, submitted yesterday morning, has not appeared. Three other comments submitted the day before took many hours to appear. Is this an isolated glitch or a new form of individualised moderation, or are others having trouble posting comments?
Let’s see if this comment can be posted:
The DNJ.com story that Hunter cites in his foregoing comment features a quote of the Tennessee LOS chairman saying the group is not a white organisation, but a Southern organisation, and that it is not racist: ‘ “There’s a matter of racial pride,” said Jones, who lives an hour west of Nashville in Lobelville. “It’s not racism. You have to get inside someone’s head to determine what is and what is not racism. And it’s very hard to get inside each others heads unless we really know each other. “There are some people who believe in the purity of having their race (…) Personally, I’ve got two nephews and niece that are half-black. My own grandchildren, their father is a good ole’ Mississippi boy, and obviously my daughter is white (…) People are allowed to have a preference.” ‘
haroldcrews wrote: “One of the biggest disappointment was how the local politicos in Murfreesboro didn’t require the opposition to obtain a permit. We obtained a permit and followed it. The opposition didn’t. Additionally the police for much of the time in Murfreesboro allowed the opposition to take up the side of the road opposing us even though our permit included that area and also allowed the opposition to demonstrate on the same side of the road as us but down 70 yards to so. Only the League was required to follow the rules.”
If you were told falsely that a permit and permit fee were required (obviously a falsehood if the other group was allowed to exercise its right to free speech free of charge) — and if your group was told falsely that it had to remain in place (falsehood if the other group was allowed to move around freely), why not ask for a refund now — of the fee charged for your free speech that should have been free and unrestricted? I know it was “just a few dollars”, but the injustice, the double standard. Did the Law Enforcers also take pictures of all the opposition protesters to intimidate them? Some letters to the editors of local papers are in order.
Success. It appeared instantly.
Submitting to purchase PERMISSION to exercise the inalienable right of free speech. Ugh!
The Tea Partiers have been down this road already. Their hundreds of THOUSANDS of demonstrators carrying flags and signs both manufactured and homemade were mostly ignored. They learned (or at least some of them learned) too late that they could not afford the pyrrhic victories in waging warfare by obeying the rules set by the enemy.
Going to jail for months at a time, your life and your families life threatened, being attacked on the streets of your hometown, the police rooting for your downfall – those aren’t technicalities. And that’s what brought Tommy down.
Tommy went through that for 4 years for a cause he believed in. Should have been tens of thousands backing him up but there wasn’t. After 4 years he threw in the towel. Can’t blame him. He was facing years in prison if he didn’t cave.
Stake out whatever claim you want. If you’re not a threat you’ll get ignored. But if you pose a threat to the status quo, you can live as squeaky clean as you want, but if you don’t have the numbers behind you to pull it off, you’ll get squashed. Leaders who pose a threat need an army behind them.
Yes, I know that the TP message was flawed, incomplete (and controlled). Demonstrating with a message of the WHOLE truth is likely to turn out more successful than the TP experience.
Good video link, Patrick.
Re: “Leaders who pose a threat need an army behind them.”
Elijah thought he was all alone confronting the tyranny of Jezebel, but God showed him an invisible army of the faithful.
The Tea Party channeled all their energy into “Taking Back America” through voting for Republican politicians. They were controlled from the outset by Conservative, Inc. groups based in DC like Freedom Works.
The TP were/are controlled not by conservatism but by NEO-“conservatism”, and were burned out wasting immense energy, time and money, waging war by the enemy’s rules and direction. The TP movement was thoroughly purged of “clown”-ish, “loon”-ey “conspiracy theorists” and racists — and focused entirely on political activism without free discussion and analysis. “Act now, analyse later” describes their plan.
Great work. The left is a top down outfit they won’t eat without permission. They pay people and when they don’t you won’t even see these mutts protesting.
“They pay people”
Good observation. I’ve seen that here. All the local TP and Republican activists do it for free, while the Democratic and union activists are compensated daily — and logically so, since they are the ones who support the creators of endless fiat money.
When a movement begins to name the Bankers themselves, only THEN does it become truly “reality based”. All these terrible things, such as the foreign immigrant invasion of central Tennessee, are caused by those lovers of money who are behind the political scene, who pull the puppets’ strings.
Bad news tonight: The resisting handful of TP Republicans has just caved on the debt ceiling, as I predicted — and Ms. Yellen the new head of the Fed is saying inflation is generally beneficial. But they are so good at controlling everything that the collapse continues to proceed in IMPERCEPTIBLY slow motion. Meanwhile the majority of white males (probably even of SOUTHERN white males) choose to live in the ignorant bliss of rat-race materialism, travel, sports, porn and other intoxicants. Even if a Sudden Economic Collapse would occur, they will remain confused, won’t recognise what caused it. So why not focus on educating southerners about the evil ROOT of all the other evils including their demographic replacement?
Patrick says:
October 14, 2013 at 10:28 pm
“@ Captain John
No matter if he dotted every I and crossed every T, Tommy Robinson went down because not enough Englishmen rose up to stand with him on the street. Leaders can’t fight and win the battle all by themselves.
Besides, EDL embraced multiculturalism, so they weren’t actually an “English” Defense League.”
They were just as bad as the Rainbow Confederates. If they implode and Tommy drops out of politics, it will be a good thing in the long run.
The trusted source was wrong. The handful of House TP Republicans have not shown indications of caving with the Senate tonight. I am sorry for excessive commenting on this thread. Congratulations once more on your victory in Tennessee.
Robinson is washed up.
I’m just pointing out to Hunter “watch your 6!”
If this stuff gains traction and a counter protest movement you are going to feel the weight of the state.
Captain John Charity Spring MA says:
October 15, 2013 at 4:37 am
“If this stuff gains traction and a counter protest movement you are going to feel the weight of the state.”
Ramzpaul made a video about that very thing, concerning Golden Dawn two days ago. And he’s right, setting up and jailing successful people, is a pattern the democratic elites like to use.
However I think if they try doing it to Marine Le Pen, it will be their last mistake, because she is so charismatic and statesmanlike. She is one to watch.
I was having a soul searching session about why the High priests might have wanted Jesus dead or assimilated and broken. It occurred to me after filtering through the money, the blasphemy and other possibilities that it is quite literally the jealously factor.
If a figure is a rock star oozing sexual charisma the grey suits (grey robes) will stop at nothing to destroy what they cannot have. If you win over the women for instance the men know it and hate you for it. In a tribe that is the kiss of death. If you are a woman and the men fall for you all the hags will come out with their bags swinging. Marine Le Pen is a relatively attractive charismatic. The sexy beast often wins the political competition. It has something to do with her popularity. It occurred to me that Tommy might have been blackmailed by having an affair or something like that. My guess is that’s has a cult following among women in the UK that is barely ever mentioned, and that he might have been got at someway. His credibility would be tarnished if it turned out he slept around. That’s just speculation though.
Hey Proud Globalist Race Traitor,
We took to the streets in Middle Tennessee to stand up for the rights of regular Southern people to live in the South, we stood up for the rights of Shelbyville workers to earn living wages in food processing plants owned by selfish, greedy agribusiness elites like Donnie Smith – the $7.8 million a year CEO of Tyson Foods who searches the entire world for the cheapest Neo slave labor – in this case Somalian Bantu Muslims.
Hey Proud Globalist Race Traitor – what’s your deal?
Do you own stock in Tyson Foods?
Are you another filthy rich, traitorous elitist who plays golf with the likes of Donnie Smith?
Do you care that Tyson Foods has an appallingly bad record of animal cruelty to go along with their appalling bad abuse of Southern workers?
Aren’t Leftists supposed to be on the side of..
“The workers?”
Have you ever done any honest work in your pathetic, lying Leftist life?
You’ve all really managed to lay down a great path.
I didn’t see it. But I see it now.
Did Stephen Dalton get the boot?
Captain John said:
“It occurred to me that Tommy might have been blackmailed by having an affair or something like that.”
Tommy poked the hornets nest. UK decided he had to go. They had 1001 ways they could have done it. The particulars don’t matter.
Jack Ryan says:
October 15, 2013 at 7:06 pm
” Hey Proud Globalist Race Traitor,
Aren’t Leftists supposed to be on the side of..
“The workers?””
Cultural commies don’t do class wars any more. They do race wars, because there’s more money in it.
How to spot a Cultural Commie:
occigent, I don’t know what y’all mean by me “getting the boot”, but if you want to catch a glimpse of what I look like, look for a somewhat stout fellow, wearing sunglasses, holding a jihad sign. That’s yours truly in the flesh.
I should’ve said I’m in the Shelbyville video.
Stephen was with us in both Uvalda and Vidalia and Murfreesboro and Shelbyville.
Good to see you Stephen. I was worried the .001% crowd stuffed you in a trunk somewhere. LOL.
occi, there’s no way the .001%’ers could have stuffed me in a trunk somewhere. I’m too big to fit into the trunks of most of the small cars they make these days! LOL!
Congrats to all. I will send more contribution on the way.
Thanks, G Prune.
Also, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to us financially, especially Jack Ryan and Stephen Dalton who came down from Illinois to support us in Tennessee. I’m really enjoying getting off the internet and meeting OD readers in real life.
Likewise, HW. A big thank you to Ryan, Dalton, Pierce and everyone else who came out to support the events.