Rand Paul: GOP Needs To “Get Beyond” Deportations

District of Corruption


White Southerners need to “get beyond” the idea that they are going to elect “Tea Party reformers” like Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz who are going to “take on the GOP establishment” and “Take Back America”:

“Sen. Rand Paul on Tuesday argued the Republican Party needs to get “beyond deportation” in order to break through to Hispanic voters.

The Kentucky Republican and likely 2016 contender argued that before the GOP can make its case to the Latino community, which voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in 2012, the party needs to make clear it is open to a more welcoming approach to immigration. …”

When the election is over, these “reformers” always end up throwing their own gullible supporters under the bus. Their views magically “evolve” while in office as rich donors like Sheldon Adelson step forward to line their pockets.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I looked at some of the comments at the Breitbart article about this, and I think it took Rand Paul repeating himself this time to get the Breitbartistas to turn on him.

    Sure, if you openly promise not to enforce immigration law and not to deport anyone (as if anyone is being deported anyway), you’ll make inroads with the Hispanic vote. But the Democrat will still get more of the Hispanic vote than the Republican, because the Hispanics really want their welfare and gibs, a p**sing match the Democrats will always win, even against the biggest spending Republican. Meanwhile, white voters, especially crucial swing state swing demographic white voters, stay home, and those states wind up blue on the EC map.

    The Stupid Party establishment needs to be taken on and beaten. But you can’t say you’re taking on the GOPee establishment when you and they have the same immigration policy, or in the case of Ted Cruz, one that’s somewhere in between what they want and what we want, but not good enough for either side.

  2. Republicans are not our friends and never have been going all the way back to lincoln. They stole our wealth and reduced us to slavery under their rule in the name of preserving the union because we were competition and still are. The republicans and democrats will never stop the mexification of the south because it is good for them. Reagan was not our friend with his 1986 amnesty act and neither is rand paul.

  3. Torture…

    Rand Paul, Paul Ryan smeared with peanut butter, bubonic plague infected rats turn loose on them.


    Not hateful, just doing what needs to be done.

  4. Just like with slavery or civil rights. Always practicing virtue on our backs. New England is not jammed up with massive illegal immigrants like we are.

  5. Ted Cruz is married to a Goldman-Sachs Jewess. That is the Tribal Control: Ayers/DOHRN, Hemingway/GELLHORN, Cloward/PIVEN, Clinton/LEWINSKY, Petraeus/KRANZ, etc., etc. A.K.A.: Esther and the Persian King. Or, if the controlee (archetype: Holofernes) cannot be safely controlled: Judith simply kills him.

  6. I always recognised Rand as an ambitious unprincipled rider on his father’s coat tails. This ‘beyond deportation’ message amplifies his father’s worst weakness.

  7. Who should we vote for, then? Why don’t us Southern Nationalists ever have a candidate to vote for or endorse?

  8. http://www.rove.com/articles/480

    Karl Rove from July articulates the GOP big money attitude: accept white genocide as a fait accompli and find ways to appeal to non-whites.

    And yet they only paid lip service to amnesty due to white pressure. Rand Paul is too clever by half but why dont we view the ability of politicians to “evolve” as an opportunity? Lets pull them our direction.

  9. Perhaps Mindweapon was ahead of his time with his support of Obama in 2012, with the rationale that landslide voting for the GREATER evil could stimulate Them to overreach — jumping on the wagon to collapse the wagon.

  10. By that logic, suddenly ceasing our support for all the half-hearted opposition could accelerate the Globalist programme to a speed they cannot manage.

  11. Jeff Sessions is a true American hero. Just what you’d expect from an Alabamian.

  12. It’s all blackmail.

    Some may even have a death warrant.

    With the Pauls you literally have them worrimying about the Fed chairman assassinating Kennedy. (As if Kennedy wasn’t shit).

  13. Let’s assume that the GOP does its “outreach” — will it then get more minorities signing up and voting Republican? Or will the Republicans be wasting resources and effort, not to mention whatever credibility they might have once claimed.

    (If there is any Republican reading this, could you please show us your successes with minority outreach?)

    Let’s question the premise and ask: why is the minority vote so magical? There are plenty of whites who do not vote because they have been alienated by current GOP policies.

    Supposing the Republicans were to put the following as top priorities for the national agenda:
    * Ending all affirmative action,”diversity” indoctrination, and other race hustles;
    * Protecting American jobs from globalization;
    * Putting a halt to liberal activist judges overturning popular initiatives;
    * Enforcing the national immigration laws;
    * Telling the truth about the massive levels of black-on-white crime and then doing something about it?

    This program might not only gain the untapped white vote, but would also undercut many of the organizations which promote liberalism and Democratic voting. Of course, Republican leaders would have to stand for something as opposed to chasing imaginary voting demographics.

  14. R_Moreland says:

    ‘Let’s question the premise and ask: why is the minority vote so magical? There are plenty of whites who do not vote because they have been alienated by current GOP policies.
    Supposing the Republicans were to put the following as top priorities for the national agenda:
    * Ending all affirmative action,”diversity” indoctrination, and other race hustles;
    * Protecting American jobs from globalization;
    * Putting a halt to liberal activist judges overturning popular initiatives;
    * Enforcing the national immigration laws;
    * Telling the truth about the massive levels of black-on-white crime and then doing something about it?’

    Excellent post.

  15. “Who should we vote for, then? Why don’t us Southern Nationalists ever have a candidate to vote for or endorse?”

    Ding ding ding ding! We have a winner. Fielding candidates would weaken the GOP while strengthening your cause – bring it attention (which would increase the size of the crowds at demonstrations), force the GOP to make itself more unpopular by distancing itself from them, and lessen the connection that Southerners have to the Union (because those people in the media who oppose them will be attacking SNs – Southerners – not generic white people).

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