Ain’t That America: Federal Judge Strikes Down Oregon Gay Marriage Ban


It is not exactly news around here that black robed tyrants are legislating from the bench:

Note: The federal judge who struck down the law is a homosexual who issued a “strikingly personal” ruling.

“A federal judge threw out Oregon’s same-sex marriage ban Monday, marking the 13th consecutive legal victory for gay marriage advocates since last year’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that overturned part of a federal ban.

U.S. District Judge Michael McShane in Eugene ruled the voter-approved ban unconstitutionally discriminates against same-sex couples, and he ordered the state to stop enforcing it. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A Judge that is an unjust judge, is good for nothing, but ….

    Even removal from office would still confer ex post facto ‘legitimacy’ to any writings, commentaries, books, or columns that they might write, even when disbarred from the Bar.

    No, as we are seeing in Ukraine, the Evil Empire must be overthrown. That this evil Empire, ruled by a F*ing N*gger is called the USA, matters little to true patriots- i.e., White Men who love freedom more than their complacency. And yes, this is a valid comment for an American Citizen to make. Remember Jefferson? Any demagogue whose foundational documents would enable him to say:

    “In a letter to Adams, Jefferson asserted that self-government in Europe and Spanish America would require a long and bloody revolution: “all will attain representative government, more or less perfect. This is now well understood to be a necessary check on kings, whom they will probably think it more prudent to chain and tame, than to exterminate. To attain all this however rivers of blood must yet flow, and years of desolation pass over.”” – Thomas Jefferson to John Adams. September 4, 1823. Manuscript letter. Page 2. Manuscript Division (202)

    created a godless, bastardized government that deserves to fall into the dustbin of history.

  2. I am of the growing opinion that the most ‘deistic’ of the Fathers, were also the stupidest, in thinking that vast quantities of blood spilt, nations torn asunder, and Empire building (which is what every President since 1950 has done) is just as satanic, just as demonic, as anything Napoleon, or Stalin engaged in.

    Actually, it’s worse. We pretended we were MORAL about it. At least Joe and Bonaparte were honest Dictators.

  3. Eustace Mullins outlined the corruption in our judicial system in “The Rape of Justice.” These lowlifes are appointed to the bench to destroy the Constitution, our culture, and our dignity. The American people don’t get to change the system’s way of thinking, it’s the other way around.

  4. What I don’t quite understand is……no court in the United States….has an army.

    So, how come no one has yet said, “No. Not this time. We nullify. Come with your own federal troops if you wish to impose your will.”

    It should’ve been done in Alabama over the 10 Commandments years ago. The governor dropped the ball.

    I’d love to speak personally with patriot governors, like in MS, and arrange agreements and alliances between other patriot governors….who all just stand up and say at the same time, “you’ll have to come make all of us do it.”

    The public would be behind it, and whoever did it first, would be a hero of that people forever. It’s a no brainer.

  5. “The judge issuing the ukase is openly gay, appointed by Barack Obama.” – surely no conflict of interest there.

    “So, how come no one has yet said, “No. Not this time. We nullify. Come with your own federal troops if you wish to impose your will.”” – that is up to the congress and the president.

    “It should’ve been done in Alabama over the 10 Commandments years ago. The governor dropped the ball. ” – it would be interesting to see how it would play out, but don’t doubt for a second that federal troops would be committed to this, and they’d carry out their orders.

    “I’d love to speak personally with patriot governors, like in MS, and arrange agreements and alliances between other patriot governors….who all just stand up and say at the same time, “you’ll have to come make all of us do it.”” – organizing that sort of thing is much more difficult than just talking to the governors, you’d have to have one hell of a ground game to even think about it.

  6. “Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.”
    -John Adams

    “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
    -Winston Churchill

  7. “There’s going to be riots in the street if this hits the deep South.”

    No there won’t. You’re just being a drama queen now.

  8. There’s bound to be a straw that finally breaks the camel’s back, Spelunker. The Southern people are getting tired of the feds changing our laws.

  9. “There’s going to be riots in the street if this hits the deep South.”

    Hate to agree with a troll, but Spelunker is right. The South in 2014 is full of beta White males who do nothing but work to pay taxes to support BRA. They swill beer on Saturday & Sunday cheering their favorite ni##er teams of the SEC & NFL. White women openly date ni##ers, and have have bastard ni##er children that Grandma usually raises. Open homos are nothing new in the South. You see them all over. They are loud, proud & obnoxious. Quite possibly as foul as any low-life ni##er.

    Sorry. The deep South is as dead as Robert E Lee. I know. I’m here in the heart of what once was Dixie.

  10. Surely, not in South Carolina (I assume, due to the Swamp Fox name)? I live here, and it doesn’t seem *that* bad. The only snicker lickers here are obese, drug addicts or transplants (no one touches them after). Sports can only distract folks for so long, I know my dad has been turning around, and I hear stuff at my church all the time. Politically, we’re just in the denial phase (people don’t want to admit their country doesn’t exist anymore), but folks are starting to wake up for sure. I don’t know, maybe it’s different near the coast.

    I think if Hillary wins in 2016, along with economic collapse, there will be an uproar and a rising in our ranks. If people don’t completely give up on reversing what the globalists have done to us by then, that is.

  11. @ The Swamp Fox

    One very rarely sees interracial mating by northwestern europeans in the northeast. Heck I still consider it sorta going off the reservation when a southern italian marries a northwestern european, lol.

    But some southrons say ‘yankees love their [negroes]’ when in fact for marriage and even congregating by town my people, the northwestern europeans, tend to love their own kind. That’s pretty true of other ethnicities/races.

  12. The sodomite’s will continue to push, push, push until the decent people say enough is enough, and take action against the. Judges 19-20 gives us a pretty good idea of what will happen if the governments at the local, state, and federal level won’t pass laws that will recriminalize this crime against nature.

  13. Cleburne61 says:
    May 19, 2014 at 10:22 pm

    “So, how come no one has yet said, “No. Not this time. We nullify.””

    Good question. Who elected these judges? What community standards do they represent?

    Fr. John+ says:
    May 19, 2014 at 11:11 pm

    “Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.”
    -John Adams

    What we are seeing with these ridiculous judgements, is the inevitable outcome of a rule by law Republic. Rule by an unelected/unrepresentative and out of touch judiciary.

    An unelected judge is just a man with his own prejudices and opinions, and is accountable to no one. For some strange reason, people think they should obey his dictates.


  14. When the Massachussetts State Supreme Court minted “Gay Marriage,” I called it an oxymoron. (One need not be Abrahamic in religion to find the carnal transactions and associated antics of homo-erotic males disgusting. Too, anyone seriously concerned with group survival should be at least suspicious and wary of homo-erotism.)

    But at the same time, I observed that it sounded like a fashionable oxymoron. I submit this shows the power of fashion in our terminally-morbid country; and the very power of fashion is itself a datum of evidence in favor of a diagnosis that the Body Politic is beyond salvage.

    Fashion sucks.

  15. “the Body Politic is beyond salvage”

    Our elites have unleashed White Genocide and chaos upon us and think they can control it. They can’t. They are psychopathic idiots and fools. Their days are numbered.

  16. I wonder. Why do we need to have elections when our black-robed Lords and Masters will make the final decisions anyway?

  17. “I’m more surprised that the ban was still there, I thought Oregon was uber SWPL.”

    Oregon voters passed a ban on queer marriage via an initiative in 2004. Portland, Corvallis, and Eugene vote overwhelmingly liberal. The rest of the state not so much but those cities have most of the population.

  18. Interesting, I suppose the mountain areas in eastern Oregon and Washington state must be pretty blue collar (other than tourists) due to the lumber industry.

  19. Here’s a fun fact:

    The average IQ for the states that have marriage equality – 104

    The average IQ for the states that don’t allow marriage equality – 90

    Jus’ saying. 😉

  20. I don’t know how you calculated those numbers, but they’re not particularly surprising. After all, fag marriage is very unpopular among niggers.

  21. Silver where do you come from? Why are you here? You have the nerve to lecture me, an american, and then you mix epithets ‘liberally.’

    And the issue isn’t just ‘fag’ marriage; both gay and lesbian couplings are the issue.

    I, for one, think civil unions should allow for the parent who is biological in such a pairing to legally declare the other parent of their kid, provided he or she doesn’t have another biological one already, as in the case of lesbians using a sperm donor.

    It makes the whole issue that much simpler. Trying to justify keeping the son of the women in Alabama from having a guaranteed legally adoptive parent in his other ‘mother’ is just inhumane.

    Since war is breaking out around this judicial coup, the people should have the highest moral standing possible.

  22. “I suppose the mountain areas in eastern Oregon and Washington state must be pretty blue collar (other than tourists) due to the lumber industry.”

    The Coast Ranges are where the big timber is although most of the mills in places like Coquille and Coos Bay are shut and there a lot of raw logs shipped overseas.

  23. Silver where do you come from? Why are you here? You have the nerve to lecture me, an american, and then you mix epithets ‘liberally.’

    Put a sock in it, you demented cow. Your presence here is nothing but a distraction and a nuisance. If it were only me telling you this it’d be one thing, but when it’s everyone saying it perhaps you should take a hint.

  24. So I suppose ‘demented cow’ is an improvement on ‘nigger?’ I’ll never get how a european feels the imprimatur to tell americans about what should happen on our continent. Next you’ll be explaining how zionism is a solely american innovation.

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