Ain’t That America: American Public Transportation

Editor’s Note: This video is extremely disturbing, but I am posting it here to illustrate the nature of integrated public transportation in the United States, which was improved so much by the Civil Rights Movement. Consider yourself warned.

Is this why the buses were segregated?

Note: In August, a friend of ours rode a Greyhound Bus from Roanoke, VA to Birmingham, AL to participate in the “Marching Through Oxford” demonstration in Mississippi. Because of these modern day successors to Rosa Parks and the Freedom Riders, it was a harrowing experience to say the least.


About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. God help us all. I actually like public transportation in cities. Subways are great ways to get around but any public transportation that Negros ride on is a disaster. People in Europe always give Americans grief about how great their public transport is and how bad ours is. The video shows exactly why no one wants to put any money in public transport. Whites can’t ride on it and if we can’t ride on it why pay for it..

  2. I have seen this video before. This is typical negro behavior when the constraints of Western civilisation are no longer present. Although this may be disturbing to us, what this black woman is doing is normal to her.

  3. I’ve seen worse videos, including complete nudity combined with defecation. Of course from Africanus Bellcurvius.

  4. Yep. Rode a Greyhound from Georgia to Texas back in the ’90s. The video basically was what I experienced. Black bus driver hitting on female passengers, stinky seats, crazy people at the stations.

    Never again. Never again. I’ll pay a $1,000 for first class airline ticket before I pay $5 for a ticket on a public bus.

  5. Like the violent blighted neighborhood that surrounds Central High School in Little Rock, this is a manifestation of the sacred ideal of “civil rights” which our enemies believe is immoral to question.

  6. My elderly father (a New Deal liberal of the old school) lives in the city and has been riding the bus downtown, then taking another line to see an eye doctor. The main line is colorful enough, but the second has more bad behavior.

    He told me recently “I think riding the bus is making me a racist.”

  7. What the hell is wrong with this pos?! Hello, is this thing on?! My dog knows better than this. I could cheerfully throw up watching this, I can’t imagine what sort of animal would do this. I am racist now. The end.

  8. It matters not; African-Americans are humans. Humans should never be treated differently unless the individual human being has shown they deserved to be treated differently as an individual. Therefore, a well-ordered Jim Crow society is still inferior even to the worst excesses of modern liberalism.

  9. PGRT, I’m not in favour of any ‘Jim Crow’-ed multiracial caste elitist societies either. But what do you think of the OTHER ‘Crow’ system, that DOES presently exist, that involves among many other unjust inequalities the injustice of denial of equal access to ‘the public airwaves’ — and even in a southern state, no less? ‘Ain’t’ THAT Amerika?

  10. Irs dangerous ro ride on buses or Rail Trains anywhere now At least Jet Planes are a little safer. I wonder when Jet flying will be like riding buses…wonder what DHS and TSA will do then? Ha Ha….In the future Armed Guards will have to be on Buses..and even planes…Aint It America!!!!!

  11. A few weeks ago, I took a week off from blogging and from consuming news other than that which is necessary for my day job. Though I did allow myself a few tweets. Mainly because I needed a break.

    But doing so allowed me to work some things out in my head.

    One of the things I figured out is one reason why the segregationist system in Dixie and the apartheid system in South Africa fell apart. Other than the obvious reasons of outside pressure. When you roll those together with the fact that the caste system in India couldn’t hold, I came to the conclusion that for some reason I couldn’t figure, these kinds of systems naturally fell apart.

    But in the cases of Dixie and South Africa, I think the failure was due to those systems being mated with democratic republican forms of government. The existence of segregation/apartheid and an abstract form of government not rooted in any blood and soil considerations created a philosophical paradox, that was going to be resolved one way or the other.

  12. That, or the fact that they were English, and the English (protestants especially) are attacked by many people. No matter how strong, if the attacks are hard enough, even the strongest walls fall. Maybe they will get away from what is, and create another of their societies elsewhere.

  13. I think the failure was due to those systems being mated with democratic republican forms of government.

    Not really. In Dixie the negroes were de facto, and in SA de jure, excluded from government.

    The problem is that, when those systems are working as intended, when people can ride the buses, go shopping, live peacefully in their neighbourhoods without being exposed to TNB, they forget why the system exists. Then some concerned person starts with the propaganda: “This system is so unfair. They’re people, too. They only want the same things you want – a nice home, a job, public transport. Why can’t they have them, too?” By the time people realise why, it’s too late. Then nobody has those nice things any more.

  14. See Plessy v Ferguson 163 U.S. 53716 S.Ct. 1138,41 L.Ed. 256 May 18, 1896.
    Upheld segregated public transportation and the right of the dominant race to make those decisions. Guess we know who the dominant race is now.
    Yes. I am for Jim Crow laws, all the way.

  15. I’ve seen similar behavior and worse in person. Blacks-at least the black underclass- will not do this only if they know that if they do they will receive corporal punishment immediately, which is exactly how some animals can be housebroken. Since that isn’t possible it is not possible to live amongst them.

    My guess is that the individual in this video has an IQ under 75. Whites that low in IQ are institutionalized or at least supervised for their own and everyone else’s protection.

  16. @DixieGirl —There’s a cute story about my dear sweet grandmother, who as a girl poked a nigger woman in the ass with an umbrella who tried to sit next to her on a trolley. All is not lost in my opinion. LOL.

  17. AnalogMan

    They may have been de facto or de jure excluded from government and the franchise. But when you have a democratic form of government and you extoll it as some sort of over-arching uber-alles virtue, then it’s only a matter of time. Institutions are true to their principles, and an institution built on the “virtue” of voting as a virtue unto itself is going to seek out and find more voters.

    This is why I finally came to the conclusion that I can’t get too worked up over voter fraud anymore, even though I’m still opposed to it. Voter fraud isn’t a bug of democracy, it’s an inevitable circumstance of it.

  18. Proud Troll wrote:

    It matters not; African-Americans are humans.

    In the sense of 23 chromosome pairs, yes.

    Humans should never be treated differently unless the individual human being has shown they deserved to be treated differently as an individual. Therefore, a well-ordered Jim Crow society is still inferior even to the worst excesses of modern liberalism.

    Because, Yay Earth! Go World! (The Visa TV commercial even said as much.)

  19. As I observed this woman tinkling on the public bus and creating a pool of piss, I was reminded of the immortal words of the venerable Martin Luther King, Jr. in his “Dream” speech given decades ago amongst a sea of injustice and inequity: “No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

  20. I completely disagree with PigRot.

    Michael Bradley showed in his books ‘The Iceman Inheritance’ and ‘Chosen People from the Caucausus’ that there have long existed at least (at LEAST!) two different ‘types’ of hominid, and that one of them (the Neanderthal) is not ‘human’ by the standards of the other [Cro-Magnon] – and we are talking about two of the more intelligent ‘races’ on the Earth, not the Negroid sub-race!

    If ancient (1960’s Carleton Coon academics) racial scientists could delineate such, why can’t we, with the evidence right before our eyes? Has anyone here (other than myself) read Avdeyev’s “Raciology”? The massive evidence that shows the Negroid is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SPECIES is irrefutable. But no. You see a bi-pedal ANIMAL acting like an animal, and yet, you try to justify your projection that such a beast is HUMAN? Or, what is worse, the Equal of the White Man? Or, blasphemy of blasphemies, ‘similar’ to the God-Man, Jesus Christ???!?

    Truly, the great heresy of the age is in the anti-incarnational evil that Satan (or the evolutionary liberals, take your pick, it’s all the same) has manufactured, that ‘the Negro is my brother.’ Uh-huh. No way. No creo yo!

    They DESERVE to be slaves, and nothing more.

  21. Re: Inequality:

    England (and ain’t this America too?) as described by Gerrard Winstanley: ‘The government we have gives freedom and livelihood to the Gentry, to have abundance, and to lock up the Treasures of the Earth from the poor, so that rich men may have chests full of gold and silver and houses full of corn and goods to look upon, and the poor that work to get it can hardly live (…) surely it is no other than selfishness (…) England is a prison, the variety of subtilties in the Laws preserved by the Sword are the bolts, bars and doors of the prison. The lawyers are jailers and poor men are the prisoners (…) Buying and selling is an art, whereby people endeavour to cheat one another of the Land, and true Religion is to let every one enjoy it’.

    ‘Was the earth made to preserve a few covetous, proud men to live at ease, and for them to bag and barn up the treasures of the Earth from others’?

  22. I’m opposed to multiracialism, and also to the tyranny of proud, selfish Elitism even if it appears to be mono-racial.

  23. Mosin, agreed about the problems of political correctness in the media.
    Fr John, genetics and evolutionary biology do not matter. All creatures which are bipedal and have the potential to speak or understand language (including those with a mental defect which prevents them from learning correctly), are equally human.

  24. ‘Was the earth made to preserve a few covetous, proud men to live at ease, and for them to bag and barn up the treasures of the Earth from others’?

    No, but it was made for the Elect, who shall ‘rule over the earth’.

    “You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” Rev. 5:10

    God’s Kingdom is NOT a democracy. God is the supreme Racist, the potter who makes vessels fit unto destruction, and those that are ‘elect, chosen, and precious in His sight.’

    If the Incarnation means anything, it means that the race who shares Christ’s Chromosomes via the BVM, IS that race. Any look at the definition of what Adam means, will tell you who that is. That quote of an Englishman was someone who was already a multiculturalist, 200 years before it was fashionable. And is just as damned as they are, today.

  25. I don’t believe Winstanley was thinking of any other peoples besides his own Anglo-Saxon brethren, who had been oppressed for centuries by ‘the Norman barons’ and the Jews ‘who bank for the Normans and lend to the Saxons’. The proud, selfish Elites wouldn’t even allow the ‘lower class’ White ‘peasantry’ to grow food on common wasteland.

  26. “Southron says:
    September 23, 2014 at 3:14 pm

    Why would anyone be proud of being a race traitor? That’s like being proud of being a pedophile.”

    The only race his kind are traitor to, is the White race. This is the current situation: Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for Everyone.

  27. Fr John, I don’t share Winstanley’s universalist heresy that ALL men (and he probably would have added ‘of all races’) will be saved. The way is narrow and FEW are those who find it. However his sayings about the persecution and oppression of Whites by the Bankers and the artists of buying-and-selling, and the Lawyers and unjust Government (including Cromwell’s that betrayed the poor Englishmen who fought for it) are so apt and well said.

    But the way is narrow and few find it.

  28. All creatures which are bipedal and have the potential to speak or understand language (including those with a mental defect which prevents them from learning correctly), are equally human.

    Liberalism–Lowering the Bar Since 1776

  29. QD, I take your point. I was thinking, what system would work better? Can you imagine a better result in, for example, an absolute monarchy ruled by the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles?

    At least in the case of South Africa, the traitors didn’t do it for more votes. In my opinion, De Klerk did it for the oldest of motives – money and sex. He never stood for election again. He retired from politics, abandoned his country, divorced his wife and went to live in Greece with his new whore. His party dissolved itself and joined the ANC en masse. Not a great political strategy if your objective is to win elections.

    Regarding PGRT, I’m surprised that you and some others are taking his comment seriously. Surely, that’s parody? Poe’s Law notwithstanding, nobody could be that clueless. There’s one of those clowns on every blog.

  30. PGRT does engage in parody. But in instances of one’s own genocide, humor has no valid place. Ask the Armenians about the Turkish genocide- or the Ukranians about the Holodomor. The last REAL genocides in the world… unlike some spurious “6 million.”

  31. I don’t think blacks should be slaves not so much for concern for blacks as for the negative effect slaveowning has on the slaveowners. Most blacks today, even more than in 1965, would be better off slaves today. We should go back to American eugenics as practiced in the first part of the last century, go back to segregated living spaces and offer blacks not happy with this one time reparations-with mandatory separation, i.e., back to Africa or elsewhere out of North America with no return on pain of mandatory termination a la Escape from New York. Sterilizing the left half of the black bell curve and deporting the troublemakers, the rest could be managed. In three generations the problem would be solved.

  32. “Regarding PGRT, I’m surprised that you and some others are taking his comment seriously. Surely, that’s parody? Poe’s Law notwithstanding, nobody could be that clueless. There’s one of those clowns on every blog.”

    He’s a dedicated anti-White and they are all over the internet.

    Google SJW and you will find entire websites full of these idiots. A video I saw of one of their lunatic conventions, 95% were middle class teenage girls.

  33. Dashcon wasn’t an explicit SJW con, it was a con for Tumblr users, some of which were SJWs. Most of the people there were for anime and ‘fandoms’ like homestuck (an online comic). Source: I was there. Please do not conflate ‘SJW’ with ‘internet fanbases’. And no, just because SJWs are not popular as you think there does not mean you necessarily will get massive recruitment a la “My Nationalist Pony” by going to an anime or tumblr con. (Have fun with Hetalia though).

    Also some of your allies (someone from 4chan /pol/) literally pissed in one of the attractions there (a ballpit).

    Also, the guy was trolling you. Hr prolly isn’t that extreme but peoplegoes on these sites to analyze you and troll you.

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