By Hunter Wallace
Note: The SPLC has condemned the C of CC for spreading a “false narrative of a victimized white majority under siege by allegedly violent people of color in the United States.” We’ve seen other reports of guns being pulled and rocks and bottles being thrown at pro-Confederate Battle Flag supporters.
This behavior is typical violent black behavior: You don’t like what somebody has to say, so you shoot him. It’s precisely this type of behavior that necessitated segregation. The Battle Flag symbolizes (among other things) segregation – which saves lives. By firing upon the parade, the shooter vindicated the exact thing he thought he was fighting against.
Arrest and charge him.
There was also this incident in Virginia.
Initially charges weren’t going to be filed.
Have you read the growing publicity broohaa about Harper Lee’s original manuscript for To Kill A Mockingbird?
It appears that her father was a race realist.
Probably relented just to get his filthy daughter to stop pestering him.
Apparently her book was heavily modified by the editors in New York.
Jew among you.
Herschl Grynspyn shot a fairly lowly German diplomat in Paris to protest German domestic policy. He’s a hero in Israel.
This trigger nig is likely to become a hero of the Republic these day.
Anti-Whites are not adverse to using and justifying violence as a means of making their White hating decrees stick.
You know, there’s an ever nastier race whose behavior necessitated 109 expulsions…
Hopefully, the 110th is on its way.
So Obama’s son does not believe in free speech. How shocking.
In the interest of blog neutrality, someone needs to start a Pro-Black, Pro-North, Pro-Dependence blog where fellows like this can be fawned over and encouraged. They could call it Occidental Descent.
@PlayingRootsBackwards: The MSM does that for a living.
Oy vey.
Would it be ‘H8ful’ to say that anyone associated with a Stars and Bars display, also exercise their Second Amendment right, with a public announcement that all displays of premeditated attempts at murder, will be met with comensurate force in self-defense?
Just asking…
In other words, pack ‘protection’ from the ‘golden horde’?
“Golden Horde”? More like the Black Plague.