By Hunter Wallace
I can’t find anything on the race of the victim:
“A sadistic sexual predator raped and sodomized a gutsy 82-year-old woman whose motherly chat about family and food failed to soothe the monster during a night of terror.
The 4 1/2-hour ordeal ended around 6:30 a.m. Monday when the brute, 18-year-old Asa Robert, slammed the octogenarian against a wall, threw her on a bed in her Brooklyn home and sexually assaulted her, police said.
Local fruit shop employee Mark Andrew, 38, identified the face on a wanted poster as a neighborhood panhandler. …”
Update: Get this … OD has learned that the 82-year-old woman was Jewish:
“An 82-year-old Jewish woman from Brighton Beach, Brooklyn was forced to swear on a Jewish bible that she wouldn’t call the police on her alleged rapist and physical attacker, Asa Robert, the New York Daily News reported.”
I wonder if this will get memory holed now.
Dat bitch wanted it, ya heard!!! He been’ railroaded!
Going to check to see if r/Coontown was holocausted.
No, it looks like Coontown survived:
Stories like this make me sigh and wish once again for those lazy, hazy days of yesteryear, where we’d all gather down at the town square for a necktie party….
Now that one of the Chosen was the victim, lets see if this story gains legs.
Hunter, I would normally assume that it would grow legs, very strong ones at that. But the last couple of times with the Knock Out game they didn’t really do that much in terms of retaliation.
The rape ape looked like he was on the verge of tears when he proclaimed his innocence on TV.
As if the coon could tell the difference.
Oy Sver on Die Talmud me Schwarzer! I no call Police, but Shomrim will get you.
I’m sick of old Yenta’s appearing to be patriotic in goy lands. Equally sick of shabby Goy crediting the enablers with foresight.
Here Jim Hoft credits Geller with finding out about the fambly of Terrorists. I’m positive that CofCC got there Firstest.
“Now that one of the Chosen was the victim, lets see if this story gains legs.”
Hunter, I doubt it. Jewry does not have a problem sacrificing its own to advance the Jewish cause which is the nihilistic destruction of Western Civilization and the genocide of the race that made it possible.
European Jews circa World War II were sacrificed by the hundreds of thousands and yet the individuals and families who survived that ordeal never held a grudge against their own racial leadership who instigated the war. Indeed, with the exception of a few outliers, Jews toe the party line to this very day!
The fact that this elderly Jewess was raped and sodomized by a feral nigger animal matters little to the powerful Jews who pushed and promoted racial “equality” to topple the social and moral order.
After all, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, right?
Off to NU for 15 years
…Just as he was getting his life together.
Strange, jewess women hardly ever have a problem with non-consensual sex. In fact they hardly ever don’t consent. This little monkey must have stole some jewelry or something to get the police called for this. Rape you might get a pass on, but those fambly jewels are not for the goyim!
The name of the perpetrator, “Asa Roberts” got 10,700 hits on Google News.
You forgot to mention, it was a Holocaust Survivor™.
As far as dinndus are concerned Jews are White. Will this ever sink into their “Holocaust” revengeful heads?
The false narrative has also impacted my family. I had a close family member killed by a black inmate who was already in maximum security serving a life sentence for the rape and murder of a college cheerleader. This time he got the death penalty. We are still waiting for his execution and have been waiting over a decade now. Now had he received the death penalty the first time….
We can run but not escape. You, or a family member, will be impacted by diversity.It will only get worse as time goes on. In that regard it is truly separation or extinction. All the more reason for our people to become Ethno-Statists.
‘The fact that this elderly Jewess was raped and sodomized by a feral nigger animal matters little to the powerful Jews who pushed and promoted racial “equality” to topple the social and moral order. ‘
Sir, if you think non-Jewish American oligarchs, even from your state, give a flying damn about you and yours then you best get a new prescription for your glasses.
Sir, if you think non-Jewish American oligarchs, even from your state, give a flying damn about you and yours then you best get a new prescription for your glasses. Junius Daniel
What the hell are you talking about? Where are my remarks regarding “non-Jewish oligarchs”? Answer: They don’t exist! Junius, you are a shit stirrer and a trouble maker, plain and simple. I have been following this website from its inception and I can state, without circumlocution, that the quality of the commentators has deteriorated significantly over the years. You, my dear sir, are a shining example of this unfortunate fact. And the thing is, you are too damn stupid to see it!
Junius Daniel’s remarks constitute what I’ve personally designated over the years as a “hanging straw man.” A hanging straw man is similar to a straw man argument, (a common logical fallacy) but without any effort made to actually knock the straw man down!
As defined by Wikipedia,
“A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.
The so-called typical ‘attacking a straw man’ argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent’s proposition by covertly replacing it with a different proposition (i.e., ‘stand up a straw man’) and then to refute or defeat that false argument (‘knock down a straw man’) instead of the original proposition.”
Of course, knocking down/refuting a straw man requires thought and effort, something that intellectually lazy or just plain stupid people like Junius aren’t interested in doing so instead he sets up the straw man is such a way that he doesn’t have to knock it down! Rather, he lets it hang out there on the board and adds an uninspiring quip to sound witty. Hence, my designation, ‘the hanging straw man’.
So, boys and girls, here we go:
HUNTER’S ORIGINAL STATEMENT: “Now that one of the Chosen was the victim, lets see if this story gains legs.”
MY REPLY [PARAPHRASED]: “The story will not gain legs because the powerful Jews who control the media don’t have a problem sacrificing their own people to advance the Jewish political and cultural agenda.”
JUNIUS’ REPLY: “Sir, if you think non-Jewish American oligarchs, even from your state, give a flying damn about you and yours [THE STRAW MAN] then you best get a new prescription for your glasses.” [QUIP/SNIDE REMARK]
NOTE: No attempt was made to knock down [refute] the straw man as it was structured in such a way that it wasn’t necessary!
Needless to say, this type of intellectual dishonesty has no place on this board!
Dr Doom wrote a real cold comment so maybe she didn’t get raped but only wished she did. And the jew media shows us all her jew stuff. And the jew relative called him an animal, only a jew could get away with saying such a thing about a black on national news. Whites, scared to death of being called racist, would never consider uttering the word animal even if raped torched burned whatever. But the jew did. Won’t make any difference. As said in other comments, the important jews don’t care about those old jews in brooklyn anyway they have bigger fish to fry.
Diversity. The gift that keeps on giving.
You have to look at the political component of this attack. How much of it was due to the perpetrator being told he was “oppressed” and that whites had “privilege?” Did he consider himself to be a Mau Mau insurgent or ANC “freedom fighter,” taking the struggle to The Man (or Woman)?
Or was it more primal? A tribal raid against a soft and decadent civilization which lacks the political will to defend its people? The perpetrator may have gained street cred for this attack by the enemy in his home territory.
And while jail house photos are never too flattering, when you look at the perpetrator, what do you see staring back at you? Is that an American with darker skin? Or an African on the prowl?
Finally, next time someone asks, “Why was there segregation or sundown towns or apartheid or lynchings,” you might answer: “To prevent attacks like this from going down.”
Typical nigger behavior
Oy vey! it went down the memory hole! She took one for the team!
At least some good news ?
This should not be reported in this website! Look, let’s be fair! Many Jewish organizations such as SPLC and ADL are advocating for the destruction of our people and the white race. (((They))) not only try to hide black on white crimes but also promote their Race-Mixing agenda on the media. If you really want to report this crime then just change the headline and don’t mention anything about Jews. Because they are our enemy. No sympathy for that old kike.