By Hunter Wallace
In The Atlantic, David Frum has written a fairly good analysis of why Conservatism, Inc. just doesn’t get it:
“The angriest and most pessimistic people in America aren’t the hipster protesters who flitted in and out of Occupy Wall Street. They aren’t the hashtavists of #BlackLivesMatter. They aren’t the remnants of the American labor movement or the savvy young dreamers who confront politicians with their American accents and un-American legal status.
The angriest and most pessimistic people in America are the people we used to call Middle Americans. Middle-class and middle-aged; not rich and not poor; people who are irked when asked to press 1 for English, and who wonder how white male became an accusation rather than a description. …”
I agree.
If the GOP elite is going to continue cucking the conservative base in the 21st century, at a bare minimum it is going to have to concede the immigration issue as Ted Cruz has done. Frum is also right that Mitt Romney’s position on immigration – which he “pivoted” away from in the general election – is also the only reason he performed as well as he did in the primary and with White voters in the 2012 election.
Personally, I have no interest in being on Cruz Control. If Trump loses the Republican primary, I couldn’t care less who wins the 2016 election. I’m not even thrilled with Trump, but at least he raises some other issues like trade, political correctness, and disastrous foreign wars and avoids insufferable Republican boilerplate. He doesn’t go nearly as far as I would like, but every other candidate is unacceptable.
Note: The alt right is more interested in Trump as a wrecking ball than being accepted into the Republican fold. Speaking for myself, I genuinely despise the liberalism that masquerades as “conservatism” in the United States.
Sorry, but it is hard to take David Frum seriously. Three years ago he was singing a different tune.
IMO, Frum is giving sound advice to the GOP establishment: if they concede immigration, they will continue to get away with cucking the base on other issues. That’s how Romney was able to win the nomination. We had lots of commentators here who voted for him in 2012 and rationalized it by his comments on self deportation.
It goes without saying that Frum is not one of us. The whole point of the article is to convince the GOP establishment to make some concessions so that they can hang on to power.
In my ideal scenario, Trump wins the nomination and the GOP establishment clings to its orthodoxy and either backs Hillary, supports a third party candidate, or refuses to support Trump in the general election on the grounds that he is a fascist.
Yeah, I agree, Jeff. The article really goes kosher toward the end.
In the mean time, everybody’s favorite piece of greasy salami wants to divide the Repub vote in order to defeat The Donald.
Cruz supporters take note: Only one of the current GOPe cucks is capable of splitting the Republican vote. That would be Rafael “Ted” Cruz. Yes Virginia, there are that many low IQ evangelicals in the party’s base.
“Yes Virginia, there are that many low IQ evangelicals in the party’s base.”
Funny you should say that, Marc. World Net Daily posted an article a day or two ago about a Trump endorsement by Phyllis Schlafly. An hour or so ago (about quarter past midnight, East Coast time, December 23), I finally posted the following comment:
“It’s this simple, you brainless Iowa Bible-thumpers: Trump can beat Clinton; none of the other Republicans can. Get your heads out of your pious a**es.”
Brad, if I recall correctly you ended up endorsing Mittens – because it was the most important election evah!
They have no intention of conceding on immigration. That’s why they’re talking third party. This article by Frum (where do they get these names?) is only intended to convince gullible GOPers that it’s all negotiable.
Only with Emperor Donald is it even palatable!
With love to Denise,
~ M
At the time, I wanted to see if Northerners were capable of voting for two Yankees over Obama for a second term.
I’m not sure now that partisan voting patterns measures much of anything. Is the GOP more pro-White?
@ Bahn: “Frum” is via the Russian-Jewname “Frumkin”. The odds on Trump getting the nomination grow slimmer by the day; he cannot keep his foot out of his mouth, and it’s obvious all the open-borders elements are slowly coalescing behind Cruz. In fact Mrs. Clinton holds a steady 6 pts.+ lead on Trump and, if he were the nominee she would – given the wholesale desertion of Republiscam open-borders neo-conz and cucks to the demoncrats – win by at least 12 points. Cruz, because as a spic he might carry Florida and is an excellent (Alan Dershowitz-trained) Harvard Law debater, I’d rate 50/50 against Hiligula. If Cruz won he would – as did Bush43 – throw another shroud over the hardRight. For us, very bad. Mrs. Clinton – incompetent, corrupt, and murderous – will, IMHO, be an ideal last Captain for the USS Titanic as it accelerates toward the debtberg
Marc Bahn
‘This article by Frum (where do they get these names?)’
The word ‘frum’ is a yiddish word meaning observant, pious. Religious jews often use the word.
Well, at least I didn’t have to point out that Frum is a Deicide.
But isn’t he just too ‘precious’ in his verbal repartee!? I mean, ‘…aren’t the hipster protesters who flitted in and out of Occupy Wall Street. They aren’t the hashtavists of #BlackLivesMatter.”
Such wit! Such panache! Such DonRicklesPhyllisDillerJerryStiller obxious, vulgar JEWISHNESS.
And, as such, UTTERLY CUCKED as to analysis of how THE DONALD is beating the crap out of every other wannabe. If we aren’t to listen to ‘the Jews and their Lies’ as Martin Luther said, 500 years ago, what makes you think the J-media is ANYTHING to pin your position to?
If you notice he only mentions conceding immigration as option #2 and then moves on. This whole thing is about turning white people into a minority everywhere so immigration is the one thing they’ll never concede and he knows it – letting Cruz adopt it is just an attempted Trump spoiler.
His preferred option is #3 – what he thinks of as the Cameron option – where the GOP compensate for immigration with govt benefits and social liberalism. It doesn’t make sense as it’s based on a misreading of the UK situation.
The option he thinks they’ll choose is #4 which in a nutshell is cheat, slow down and sabotage any anti-immigration moves and simply play for time until its too late and their demographic victory is complete.
I think that’s how it will end up.
First option #1 double down with Rubio-Graham then if that doesn’t work a fake option #2 with Cruz and then finally if that doesn’t work then option #4, sabotage.
Preferable to have Hilary over Cruz.
Trump or nothing.
Romney could be rationalized in that his opponent was black.
Cruz is more of an outsider than Clinton. Trump is a proper fascist and if not him, who cares?
Unless a candidate is viscerally opposed to immigration, they are sure to “evolve” once they get elected. I’m thinking specifically of Cruz.
I’ve never trusted Ted Cruz. There is something about the tone of his voice that gives me the creeps and makes him sound like a fraud.
The ideal scenario as Hunter pointed out is that the cucks double down and support Hillary or go 3rd party. That will officially be the end of the Age of the Cuck and the end of what was formerly known as the Republican party establishment. The base will never forgive them.
From what I have been seeing lately, I think that they are NOT going to support Trump. They are far too angry for what he has done to their precious boondoggle.
Trump, Cruz and Paul understand the level of dissatisfaction better than Frum does.
Immigration restriction alone is no longer enough. The base also will not tolerate a war to overthrow Assad, which would benefit ISIS and Al-Qaeda, destroy Christianity in the Middle East, provide a pretext for another wave of “Syrian” “refugees” to overwhelm Europe, and perhaps cause war with Russia, aka WWIII.
The tide turned against invade the world / invite the world in 2013. Montana voted overwhelmingly against benefits for illegals in a referendum, Army officers in full dress uniform took to the internet to protest Obama’s proposed regime change war in Syria, and Jeff Sessions became the most respected man in the GOP by stopping the gang of 8 amnesty.
Fuhrer Trump will be our Leader. Our Koenig.
War is here. Black Flag WAR.
This isn’t Left or Right. It’s RaHoWa. That is WHY nothing, absolutely NOTHING, deflects or subverts the TrumpenVolk.
This is RaHoWa, and RaHoWa is ON
Right back atcha, Marc!
Love, Denise!
Cruz says a lot of really interesting, intelligent things.
Then he goes into is “My Life for YOU, Israel” trance.
Creepy Cruz is then on full display.
I take great pleasure in watching the GOP wither and pine away.
2016: The Dawn of Nationalism
Some would say it would be a rebirth, but I think what’s on the horizon is something unlike anything we’ve seen before.
Don’t worry Republicans, all hope is not lost:
Quinnipiac poll puts Cruz only four points below Trump nationally …
CNN poll, December 23: Trump 39, Cruz 18
That looks to be Trump up 3 points and Cruz up 2 points since the previous CNN poll, which was reported back on December 4 ( http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/04/politics/donald-trump-poll-cnn-orc-national/ ) In short: Trump holding strong, or even getting stronger–according to CNN, that is.
Cruz was just caught flip flopping on gay marriage telling Iowa voters one thing and saying something else to New York voters. Even Huckabee called him out.
Cruz is what we all know he is – an opportunistic slime who will do anything to win. At least Jeb is a consistent cuck.
John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia
‘Quinnipiac poll puts Cruz only four points below Trump nationally …’
That’s odd.
Bill Mitchell
@littlebytesnews @WoodCarma There have been 11 national polls in a row with Trump up by over 15. Qpoll was complete outlier.
Yes, Sam, the Quinnipiac poll does seem to be an outlier, as was mentioned in one article I encountered, but I thought Occidental Dissent readers might want to know about it.
There won’t be any more elections. Its all a fraud anyway. You really didn’t believe that shit about historic nigger voting did you? Yeah, historic all right. Straight from a Mossad computer in Spain while the niggers are asleep in bed.
Trump won’t get the nod, and Bombhata is getting the JFK early retirement plan for letting the Ayatollah get the bomb. So sad. Are you gonna miss him? Somebody won’t!
John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia
‘Yes, Sam, the Quinnipiac poll does seem to be an outlier, as was mentioned in one article I encountered, but I thought Occidental Dissent readers might want to know about it.’
Yes, it is worth noting. Sorry, if I seemed dismissive. Your posts are always interesting.
Hunter Wallace said,”In my ideal scenario, Trump wins the nomination and the GOP establishment clings to its orthodoxy and either backs Hillary, supports a third party candidate, or refuses to support Trump in the general election on the grounds that he is a fascist.”
I don’t understand this. I see Trump as a last chance before violence is inevitable. If the mass immigration stays the same this country is lost to Whites. Maybe you think this will increase the odds the South will succeed. I’m not so sure the South could bring this off without being nuked and utterly destroyed. There are many people in the North that hate Southern people so much they would do this. Their calling cry would be this happened once and we’ll make sure it never happens again. The counter could also happen but I can’t see either benefiting from a nuclear exchange. If China was to jump in they could nuke the rest with high radiation bombs wait a year and then come in and clear up all of us.
I think it will be very hard to regain political control by Whites without violence which I’m not in favor of unless it’s the last course.
Yes Trump is far from perfect but I think he would favor a diminishing of mass immigration. I also believe, if what he’s saying is true, he will clean up some of the vast corruption in this country. Only by cleaning up the corruption can we have a chance of living in a decent country. Of course I, and no one else, really knows what he’ll do but his program is populist so assuming he’ll govern as one is not a complete shot in the dark.
“Cruz is what we all know he is – an opportunistic slime who will do anything to win. At least Jeb is a consistent cuck.”
Cruz is a SPIC. Plain and simple, NO NON-ANGLO, to rule over us, EVER AGAIN.
I don’t care if he’s THPANISH… he’s NOT ANGLO. PERIOD. At least O’Bummer was a N*gger Anglo, but he was a N*gger, and that was what won him the guilt trip vote. Well, we’ve seen how they ‘rule’ – they don’t. And all we need to do to look at how SPICS vote, is to look at MeHHHHHiko, and the entire southern continent. Muchas Gracias, but NO!
“I don’t understand this.”
If the GOP fully out themselves as the enemy of Main St. then they’re stuffed.
“Sorry, if I seemed dismissive.”
Just saw your post, Sam. No, you didn’t seem dismissive. I was just clarifying.