The Birth of a Nation (2016)

Can you think of anything more symbolic of The Current Year than a Hollywood remake of The Birth of a Nation about a runaway slave rioting against his master and slaughtering White women and children to rapturous applause?

It is 2016 and Barack Obama is the president of Black Run America (BRA). Django is unchained every other week on national television in Ferguson, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Charlotte, etc. It has been 150 years since the demise of slavery, 100 years since the release of The Birth of a Nation, and 50 years since the demise of Jim Crow. And yet, this country is still plagued by the face of the angry, sullen, rioting negro.

Just think about it … the original The Birth of a Nation was based on Thomas Dixon, Jr.’s The Clansman. It was a landmark film that sparked the rise of the Second Ku Klux Klan. It was a racially inflammatory movie that stirred the 100 Percent Americanism of White Protestant Nationalism. It was a notorious symbol of the Jim Crow South.

What does this movie say about Black Run America? It says that the only thing that was objectionable about the Ku Klux Klan is that it was White. Nothing in the original movie was anywhere near as violent or graphic or racially inflammatory as the actual events of Nat Turner’s rebellion. But this movie goes even further than that: it adds completely fictional scenes about slave catchers raping Nat Turner’s wife.

The existence of Black Run America, of course, cannot be acknowledged. We’re supposed to believe in absurdities like Barack Obama presiding over eight years of “systemic racism” and a world in which blacks are held back by “white privilege” when Hollywood is making movies like Django Unchained and The Birth of a Nation. In reality, something like this was only possible in the world in which we have lived since 1965.

As the system breaks down, it is coming into sharper view. Most people who lived through the Jim Crow South weren’t conscious of living through the Jim Crow South. What is so distinct to us was normal and mainstream to the generations who lived through that era. It was only outrageous to a deviant minority.

Decades from now, I think we will look back at Django Unchained and The Birth of a Nation (2016) and see them the same way we see The Birth of a Nation (1915) and Gone With the Wind now. The original movie was symbolic of the Jim Crow South. Gone With The Wind was symbolic of the New South. This era, too, shall pass.

As I said in my Arkansas speech, movies like Django Unchained and The Birth of a Nation and the new Ghostbusters are related to everything else that is going on. A large cultural chasm is opening up. There isn’t a common culture anymore. The old values and taboos are collapsing under the stress of the polarization.

I don’t think the center will hold for much longer. Whatever is on the other side of it will be something new.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. With the new Trump audio released by the Clinton campaign, it is looking more and more like Hillary will win. Interesting times ahead. Get ready for massive immigration over the next four years. She will change this nation to a point of no return.

    • For fuck sake, man. Stop with the despair and helping the enemy with it in the process. No one wants to see your soft, gelatinous underbelly. Even if your wail of submission is true, why infect a passerby with your cowardess?

      Put your panties back on, slave. I’m so sick of you weak bastards.

      Lest you or the readers think I’m I mean man for catching a whif of your smelly vagina and commenting on its foul odor, let me attempt to help you:

      “With the new Trump audio released by the Clinton campaign, it is looking like Trump is gonna have a real opportunity to slam Bill on his rapes and implicate Hillary as his rape enabler.”

      There. Fixed it for you.

      Now get the fuck in back with the women and children where you belong.

      • Get a handle on reality. If it goes Clinton, we will have masssive immigration. I hate to repeat myself, but it is trending in that direction.

        • Bill Clinton shoved a cigar up the cunt of a White House intern, then sniffed it.

          And Hillary was fine with that.

          • The electorate that they are fighting for is a minuscule 4%. People who are undecided are the people that will decide who wins. This fragile group of people that don’t make decisions easily are swayed by this tape, they can also be swayed if Trump reveals the dirt on Clinton.

            You have hard leftists and people that think as we do. Our minds have been made up since before the candidates even took the stage. The 4% is who Trump should be focusing on, the demographic that has difficulty deciding, and make it clear to them that his is the better message. Until now he has played too nice. He didn’t in the Republican runoff, yet now he is. This should have been an easy win for him. He held back, dude. Trump let her and her handlers gain the narrative when it should have been all about her mistakes.

      • I agree, that guy is a total pussy for being so defeatist. I’m not playing into the enemy’s hands anymore.

        • I think you are a bit too invested in Trump. And him losing is not necessarily a bad thing. You are like a little girl with your Trump worship.

      • Find Every vicious thing she’s said about Clinton’s tarts. And hopefully Trump can memorize her godawful statements and spit them back in her face. I’m not counting on it though. Man on man is he going to need to keep frame.

    • Trump determines the impact of this. If he goes on the assault with the Oval Office Humidor incident he’s going to be fine.

    • Going by the Twitter feeds – it’s JUST pissing people off. TONS of women are like “So fucking what?” There’s even a “Grab your pussy, America” thing going on.

    • IMO, this will not change the votes of his loyal, hardcore supporters. It will turn away some voters still undecided, voters probably leaning toward Hildebeast. She will solidify support from the cucks, man haters and bull dykes, not much more.

    • I don’t know about NO RETURN but the Nation is gone. PLAN B is everyone for themselves. The nation is going to be fractured the question is how do we survive it?


      • Tomorrow night will be the turning point. If he holds back then I guess he was not ready for the position anyhow. The stakes are high.
        I’d prefer for him to go kamikaze and take one for team ruining her credibility in the process, even if loses, rather than for him to go peacefully away.

        • Thats what I said all along Ronnie go Suicide Bomber on stage and completely destroy her credability and respectability in one foul swoop. This would be the best for our side.

          • It would cripple her. If he goes out in the traditional way of respect, he loses all the momentum of his supporters.

            Glad someone here sees eye to eye on this election process. It was rigged from the start. He should at least gain some ground and smash the bitch.

          • Ronnie I said this months ago. I actually believe Trump would win the election if the election was FREE FAIR and HONEST. However as it is none of those things, its Hildabeast or bust

          • I happen to agree. We had this conversation months ago. I would like to see a wall on the border and would gladly volunteer to round up Mexicans and get them out. Problem is that won’t happen under this government, and this government is why White men can’t do what is needed.

            I try to be somewhat limited in my comments here, but what is needed is a full on collapse of those that take our taxes. A complete transformation. Will it happen? Don’t know, but the Hillary bitch will force White men to man up, or just wither away. I’d rather it happen now than later.

  2. doesn’t the movie have a happy ending w/ Nat being hung then drawn & quartered.
    All of the slaves that revolted were also hung & another 200 mulignans got whacked for good measure. Folks are getting real tired of these militant black bastards. When this finally blows up the backlash should be severe.

  3. An angry, screaming Black face? That ia a sure fire way to turn off most Whites. I saw a preview for this movie while at a local joint yesterday and was triggered as hell.

      • One thing, at school I was taught that this whole civil rights movement was mostly peacefull.

        What are the evidences that they weren´t?

      • Speaking of which I had a nigger on twitter send me a photo of a naked negro hanging a Klansman and said SOON FORREST GUMP. Of course I laughed and said wow looks as if someone wants to go all Nat Turner on my ass

      • Hunter maybe you can understand why this is, I have studied Southern History and I never quite could understand why the Southern Political Establishment and Cultural Establishment was never proactive but was always reactive. Even before the War in 1861, a true Southern intelligensia advocating for Southern thought had only come to be about 1850 and had barely been in existence until the war destroyed it.

        I will say Reconstruction was won because of proactive men, but somewhere around WW1 or so the Southern political establishment entered a reactive phase or a go along to get along phase. After 1920 the Moderate Southern politicians distanced themselves from the Eaton Bowers and James K Vardaman types and the racial rhetoric seemed to lessen. The exception being Theodore Bilbo who was censured as he was dying of Cancer.

        From 1945 until today its mostly been the same thing, leaders speak for the White then side with the Negroes via the back door for some Jew cash. A few stood but they always sold their souls for the cash.

        One other huge problem. Excluding Wash DC and Baltimore, no Southern city in any Southern state had any real input into the Federal Media,

        Suddenly the Internet comes along and bypasses all of this and now Southern Nationalists can speak directly to the people. Its a good day

    • I fully support Black Nationalism, fully even in its ugly forms such as this snuff film.

      Worse from them is better if we offer better instead of the usual Vantard nihilism

    • What is the advantage of this movie beside agitating blacks? Whites are just going to increasingly tune out black grievances.

    • Can you rustle up a dozen or so memes like this with various directors and actors?

    • Was he being tongue in cheek or serious? Anyway, I don’t doubt that many secular, liberal Jews have imbibed the same genocidal poison intended for us.

  4. Karma, or providence if you prefer.
    The director was acquitted of a rape charge, but now must apologize for what didn’t happen. Like the rape in this Nat Turner Diaries.

  5. I do not follow Kosherwood, and had not heard of this anti-white remake of Birth of a Nation. I have not seen the original, though I know David Duke has spoke about it being a positive story of the South defending itself.
    I agree that there is no longer a common American culture; if we included slaves and Indians as “Americans” then there never really was.
    It is good that the culture is fracturing on racial lines. then we can face reality and perhaps restore our liberty when the races got heir separate ways.
    14 Words

  6. You can really see the malevolent Jewish element in this. The fact that it was released during all the BLM rallies and deliberately plagiarized the name of the original Birth of a Nation was done as a slap in our face-or as lawyers say with Malice Aforethought. You cannot have it both ways. If there is such a thing as “Radical Islam” there is also such a thing as Malevolent Jews- AKA Organized Jewry. I realize the star and producer are black but follow the money trail

    • The Negroes are not intelligent enough to come up with these diabolical schemes. Jews are the ones behind it

  7. As an antidote, and to prepare for the coming war, I watch old South African and Rhodesian combat footage.

  8. Nat Turner’s comrades specifically said their revolt was about killing Whites. Turner is said to have only killed one person but it was a defenseless young woman.

  9. Update: this movie craters at the box office. Apparently, white people don’t want to go see a movie about murdering their kind made by an alleged rapist. Also, that POS Matthew Mcconaughey movie before this also performed disastrously. These movies lose money but yet they are still made. Hmm…

    When do you think Hollywood will make a movie portraying Israel in a bad light?

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