Let me tell you how strongly I feel about the #NeverTrump downballot.
If you happen to live in Utah, I am telling you that I feel so strongly about it that you should vote for Misty Snow, the no chance Democrat tranny grocery store cashier, over the #NeverTrump Mormon cuckservative traitor Sen. Mike Lee.
I’m not even joking when I say that a literal crossdressing faggot is less of an enemy than this sanctimonious, backstabbing Mormon hypocrite. Three weeks ago, Trump offered to nominate Sen. Mike Lee to the Supreme Court. He returned that kind offer by plunging a knife in his back and setting off that avalanche.
What is it about these people that makes them such snakes in the grass? In 2012, Trump also campaigned for Mitt Romney against Obama in Nevada, and he also returned the favor by stabbing him in the back.
Note: We’ve already endorsed Democrat Ryan Solen over Paul Ryan in Wisconsin.
Sending Misty Snow would certainly be change!
But no hope.
Mike Lee is more of a faggot than that cross-dressing freak. At least “Misty Snow” has the guts to come out of the closet. Trump should have known better than to trust Lee, who is a nervous, sweaty, beady-eyed, backstabbing piece of shit.
Jews are the eternal enemy, Mormons are the internal enemy.
such a mensch the misty snow poyson!! but is zhe internoil or whatevah??
So his opponent is someone with no shot at winning and he set off that GOP backstabbing motion anyway?
Zero chance of winning. He did it simply to create all this.
Hubris. Gets them every time.
Put Greg Johnson in a dress and run him for senate.
PUT him in a dress? He’s already in a dress.
the counter-currents guy? really?
He’s a notorious promoter of faggotry.
This is hilarious! Well done, OD!
They are both pro-Dune Coon. And Anti Gun. Great!
There is no real difference in their policies. Wow.
The Tranny is really pro pot.
And it’s strange. Of the crop of Republicans that have entered formal elected political life since 2008, Mike Lee actually has some very good instincts. The problem is, he can’t get away from the toxic combination of Mormon institutional slash red team loyalty.
Actually, there are real differences – but – Lee’s a traitor. He could have supported Trump. There was NO reason for him to stab Trump in the necks. None, at all.
Money and/or blackmail usually does it.
blackmail is EVERYTHING MIT der Jude. Pedophilia tapes for sure.
Nobody does it better…
Pretty bold, I admire your conviction
How are mormons not some form of jew?
They aren’t.
I never spent the time to research the very early history of the Moronis. (I love the way that spells out- lulz). Lots of early progressives fled the cities to found little Utopia cults back in those days. Many of their writings actually sound a lot like UFO cults, IMVHO.
Most of them, except the recent converts, are descended from yanks.
Scorched earth policy. Boycott all down ballot Repubs. The traitors, cucks and backstabbers need to be taught a lesson.
Slash and burn.
Slash and burn.
There are so many other more effective things to do against traitors besides supporting small protest “votes”.
We have to learn to Dox.
We have to make terrible cuckservative traitors pay some personal price for their treasons.
Google what our side did to establishment Swedish pols who flood Sweden with North African Muslim rapists.
Our side knows where the establishment goes for vacation retreats of nature and serenity and they get sympathetic folks there get up and dawn and blast the place with very loud Muslim prayer music – the local cops hate these traitor pols as much as we do.
So where does this cuckservative Mormon NeverTrump like to go for peace and serenity? We must work to destroy his peace and serenity – also destroy his reputation as a solid, Conservative “family man” – flood his district with HIV+ bi sexual prostitutes – rents are low in Utah.
Have some fun – but let’s really get away from doing same old, same old Conservative things like
Call your Congressman
Vote for the Constitution party
Let’s be effective – also go with youth.
Lulz. The Jewitstion Party? Yup. That’ll work. Muh Jewistution.
Misty Snow less of a co*********k than Mike Lee.
Misty Snow? Wasn’t that a porn star back in the 80s? Or was that Misty Winters?
How on earth did he get the Dem nomination? Republicans voting in the Dem primaries? I know one Obama fan in Utah who told me she registered as R to vote in the R primaries, because there was no chance of a D winning the election.
How? America is totally Jewed.
Misty Squirt.
let us not degrade our language nor our morals into the slime hell of der Juden. Although not living in Dixie, my ancestors came from Virginia, and lost it all in the war of Northern Aggression. The noblilty and aristocracy of those peoples shall never be forgotten. We must maintain our gentlemanly conduct, sir.
coyote lookin’ for a cougar !
this website is like being inundated by some sort of 100 year old dust cloud of ignorance that sticks to your clothes and smells like rotten milk.
another kook, flagged and blocked
The thought that this website even exists is like being pelted with a flurry of water balloons filled with some sort of mind controlling liquid that penetrates the skin and seeps a chemical into your bloodstream that turns you into a backwards thinking racist scumbag that never learned to think for themselves and just clung hopelessly to the careless lessons of their unimaginative hate-filled parents.
kook, flagged and blocked
It reads as a short screed penned for his junior level creative writing class.
Getting more spam/ detractor comments all of a sudden. I’ll take that as a good sign that OD is getting more traffic, rustling more jimmies.
How did you find it? +FD
We trust your sniffing of jintles leads to some terminal STD, sirrah; after which you must ask your rabbi to bite off the offending member.
I hope this isn’t a backdoor way of promoting Grindr Greg Johnson.
respectfully: what’s up with the anti- GJ?
Do you agree with him that shit-stabbing is a habit that epitomises White nobility?