Farewell, Steven Otter

Dan Roodt has drawn my attention to this recent tragedy in South Africa:

“In life Steven Otter castigated his fellow whites for their “misperception” of black crime in South Africa. Yet in one of those harsh racial ironies the country is famous for, he was stabbed to death by two black robbers in his home on Reconciliation Day 16 December 2016, dying in the arms of his coloured partner, Nathalie Williams — in front of her 7-year old daughter.

South Africa’s minister of culture, Nathi Mthethwa, issued a statement lamenting his death: “We are devastated and outraged to learn about the fatal attack which claimed the life of author and former journalist Steven Otter.”

In reference to the time Otter spent living in the black township of Khayelitsha, minister Mthethwa said: “Steven Otter embodied the spirit of non-racialism. Detailing his decision to move to Khayelitsha he said he was embraced with open arms… our nation has lost a selfless man of great character.”

Otter’s former boss, Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille, equally expressed her condolences over the brutal killing of someone who had once been her official spokesman when she still had her own political party, the Independent Democrats. However, both De Lille and Otter shared a more sinister past affiliation with anti-white, revolutionary parties, such as the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), and Julius Malema’s Afro-Marxist Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), respectively. …”

Damn. It’s such a shame when that happens. I guess the black burglars either didn’t know or didn’t care that Steven Otter was “one of the good ones” in South Africa.

Note: Steven Otter’s book Khayelitsha is on Google Books. Here’s an excerpt:

“By moving to Khayelitsha, I embarked on a search for the truth of the matter. I knew deep down that racism didn’t make any sense, but I very often thought racist things. What unfolded in Khayelitsha, therefore, was a journey to the heart of my racism, the only journey powerful enough to drown out the racist voices of the majority within the white society of my youth.”

Yeah, whatever bro. Now you’re DEAD. How does it feel? As Preston Wiginton said a few weeks ago on CNN, “sometimes being a bigot is wise.”

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A hundred years ago wisdom like Mr. Wigington’s would have been commonplace. In the 21st century it seems very rare indeed.

  2. These kinds of stories are always fascinating. It makes me wonder what his last thoughts were while being slaughtered by those he spent his life defending.

    • I have the same thought. Reminds me of the story of some freak liberal that got killed in some random attack on DC’s Metro by some black guy. The black guy just started stabbing him for no reason as passengers fled to the other side. His Twitter feed was all LGBT & BLM. Oh well.

    • In the case of Otter, he was a true believer, his devotion to his ideology was so absolute that even in his final moments in his death struggle he probably still believed. However he is the exception, white liberals will never personally say bad things about blacks, but the universal phenomena of white flight indicates how people truly feel about things.

      • So true. No doubt he was like the German doctor who daughter was raped and drowned. That fool started blathering on about how Germans should blame his daughters death on all migrants. These types are hopelessly demented.

      • ‘White flight’ is mostly about opportunities. BEE has meant white people who formerly could rely on having a job can’t any more – in many cases deservedly.

  3. “You can’t always get what you want
    You can’t always get what you want
    You can’t always get what you want
    But if you try sometimes well you might find
    You get what you need “

  4. In reference to the time Otter spent living in the black township of Khayelitsha, minister Mthethwa said: “Steven Otter’s death will be as was his life – serving the Black Community. The first serving will be of his sweatmeats with a side salad garnish, followed by a main course of torso and legs, potatoes and vegetables.”

  5. “By moving to Khayelitsha, I embarked on a search for the truth
    of the matter. I knew deep down that heresy didn’t make any sense, but I
    very often thought heretical things. What unfolded in Khayelitsha,
    therefore, was a journey to the heart of my heresy, the only journey
    powerful enough to drown out the heretical voices of the majority within
    the white society of my youth.”


    The key to understanding the anti-white is Political Correctness is not like a religion, it is a religion!

    • He was on a spiritual journey to purge himself of all racist, heretical thoughts. He became a martyr for the faith in the process.

  6. A good revolutionary would take a realist approach to Black behavior and capture it for their own ends. Liberals are not revolutionaries. They are hippies.

  7. For me he is marginal, and a “right now” headline candidate. The only action that will save and perpetuate the Caucasian Race is a separate and independent Homeland based on this ethnic. Just like Israel.

      • yeah we did try it and it was very successful until libtards like you decided it wasn’t fair without knowing what the hell they were talking about.

        • Don’t you worry your little snowflake head over it. Eventually as you keep telling whites how racist they are and how bad they are you will usher in a new age of race reality. One that ignores libtard ignorance and PC and simply deals with facts. The fact that blacks are far more prone to violence for one. So as a race realist I want to thank you and say keep it up libtarb. You’re doing the job for me.

    • The moving forward on settlements has been stopped for now, due to fear of sanctions on Israeli exports.
      The TPP was a failsafe to protect corporations, If any population put sanctions on any product, the government would have compensated them through a tax imposed on the people.
      I am still pinching myself that they are stopping TPP.
      If that goes through somehow, it’s over for everybody.

    • Whenever something like this happens to SJW’s, like Hillary being defeated, I always think

      of the Munchkins parade.

  8. How come so many of these white ‘revolutionaries for the black cause’ often end up being rewarded in one way or another (not sarcastically referring to this one’s demise)? Perhaps, for many, this is their true motivation. Is it a strategy after careful analysis of others who’ve paved their way? Would they still do it if the book deal never materialized? Would they still do it if they were delegated to the back end of the protests? Would they still do it if their actions went unnoticed and publicity never came? Perhaps a few would, but I’m betting most of them are just opportunists. Perhaps they really believe in what they are doing but they would never act if there was no personal gain.

  9. Natural selection, painful for Otter better for us.

    I presume Mr Libtard had moved out of the township and was living a bit upscale?

    • 1. You don’t understand natural selection. 2. Only robbers think of Harfield Village as ‘upscale’ from Khayelitsha

    • You know, if ever there was someone looking for kharmic retribution, it would be you, gloating at someone else’s misfortune.

      Get a grip, realise crime knows no race, and try not to be so bitter about life.

      • I have had my share of karma for my poor judgement in life. I prefer not to call it karma though. My creator teaching me a lesson. It’s too bad this idiot didn’t realize before his demise that his anti racist campaign was in error.

  10. Delusion seems to have no limits. People always seem to take whatever crazy ass idea that they have in their heads, and turn it into some grand crusade. And it never seems to matter how insane or stupid it was in the first place. And they never get a grip. Maybe if they weren’t so fucking arrogant in the first place it would help. That’s this idiot.

  11. Not one of you turdball right-wing arseholes is even vaguely aware of the simple basic truth here: Otter’s death had absolutely f-all to do with race. Tsotsis rob, rape, and kill blacks, coloureds, whiteys, Indians, and Chinese with total lack of interest in race. They just happen to target certain (majority white) neighbourhoods because that’s where there’s usually more vaulable stuff to steal. But there is still crime in Khayelitsha, and it’s just a matter of coincidence that Otter wasn’t a victim when he lived there.

    Otter wasn’t a ‘race traitor’ (whatever that might be) you bigoted dickheads, and if there was such a thing as kharma you’d all have been knocked over the head years ago. I’m astounded at the level of bitterness and anger expressed here by a bunch of people who didn’t even know the guy – how the hell can you judge someone you know less than nothing about?

    • I know he was a liberal moron who thought he could swim with the sharks and got bit. Just like I know you are a worthless POS who chooses not to accept a basic truth : where there are a lot of blacks, there will be a lot of crime. I don’t care if you don’t believe it. I got proof. Go anywhere that dindus hang out and you will see it. Prick.

      • You are right. The statistics bear you out, and so does the evidence of my eyes.

        I have seen more of South Africa than most South Africans. As a foreigner with a rental car and twelve months to travel I have been to all the western provinces and five neighbouring countries. I have also lived, when I was young and poor, in the U.S. on the border of three different crime ridden urban neighbourhoods. (Two black in Illinois, one Mexican in California).

        Still there is no need to vent so much spleen on poor Steve Otter. He knew how dangerous a Xhosa neighbourhood was when he lived in Khaya. You can tell from his book. I’ve been to Khayelitsha and several other “townships” – informal settlements with huts with dirt floors and corrugated iron roofs – and I have been menaced many times. Eventually you learn not to go there, or if you have to, to go before noon when the tsotsis are asleep and the better class of Xhosa are up. Black people are not all bad. There are those who warn me when there is danger, and if you are a house guest of a family you are safe.

        Otter was murdered in a home invasion in Harfield Village – a nice neighbourhood. Practically across the street from where I go for fine dining. It had no connection to his politics, at least so far as we know from the newspapers. Home invasions are the scourge of South Africa. Everyone I know has razor wire, barred windows, electric fences, or a security van that passes by their house every fifteen minutes all night long. In Durban all the drain pipes that come down the outside wall of buildings were wrapped in barbed wire.

        I am pissed off that Otter played dressup in EFF colours. He wasn’t the brightest guy in the world, but he wasn’t an unredeemed leftist.

        The South Africans who call themselves “coloured”, like Steve’s girlfriend, are not what you imagine. They are primarily the descendants of Dutch men and an ancient race that lived there before the blacks migrated down from equatorial Africa over the centuries. They don’t mix with blacks and frankly look down on them. Poor coloured neighbourhoods are self segregated from black ones. Under Apartheid they were compelled to be segregated. Now they choose to be. Poor coloured neighbourhoods produce more than their fair share of criminal gangs, but there are middle class districts that produce plumbers, school teachers, civil servants, lab technicians. They don’t speak any native language. Just a slangy Afrikaans and English.

        I’ve attached a photo of the district where I once stayed the night. It is a demographic time bomb. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2280caa14af5f5db3410dee0aa22e82a83af44c08b919cce1e40741c0fc0de4a.jpg

    • Otter promoted anti-white tropes and canards prevalent on the left. This libel against whites promotes black hatred and gets whites killed, particularly in dangerous places like South Africa where whites are a despised minority in danger of genocide. In all fairness, he is being judged based upon his words, deeds, and associations. Given he put himself in the public spotlight and is an author, I think it is fair to examine and critique his belief system, particularly in light of his demise. Your “labels” like “bigot and “racist” are really just phrases intended to discourage discussion on this subject. As far as being “bitter and angry”: just look at your language. You sound like the bitter and angry person.

      • I opened the article with a completely open mind and even temperament. I got angry when I started feeling the piss and vinegar from all of you bitter and twisted far-right bigots, which I really wasn’t prepared for.

        I don’t see how calling it like it is is intended to discourage discussion. As far as I’m concerned it was intended to let you know how I felt, that’s all.

        And it comes as news to me that whites are despised. Some people will always be despised, by some people. Sweeping generalisations can only make it worse.

        Again: crime in SA is primarily about ‘have-not’ vs ‘have’. The more you play the race angle the more it feeds on itself.

        • “SA is primarily about ‘have-not’ vs ‘have”. I call bull$hit! It is actually very simple. Anywhere on this planet you have a large population of blacks you have violence that is way out of proportion. You justify that anyway you want to make yourself feel better but it doesn’t change what is.

          • I don’t need to justify it because you are the one talking bullshit.

            I’ll withdraw the as soon as you show some statistics to prove your wildly racist assertion.

          • I could get them but don’t need to. Just drive through any black area anywhere on earth. The truth is obvious you just choose to ignore or lie about it. People like you ask for statistics and when given them you will try to find a way to dispute them. You simply refuse to accept the truth. Nothing I can say will change your little snowflake view.
            I am from Atlanta. I have worked in Cleveland, Cincinnati and Nashville. They all have a common trait. The black hood is the most dangerous place in the city. Murders, rapes and robberies are common. I don’t care what excuses you give to you justify it it doesn’t change reality. I know from experience what it really is. I am not a racist, I am a realist and you are full of shit. None of you liberals that talk about racial injustice ever want to sit foot in any black area. At least not alone.
            So go ahead talk about how smart and superior you are but remember people are waking up to the fact that is all you have. Talk.

          • Yeah blah blah blah. Like I said you have *no* idea what the *f@ck* you are talking about, who you are talking to, or even what day it is and yet you are quite happy to spout your poisonous, bilious nonsense. Come, spend some time in Cape Town and we can talk again.

          • “I could get them but don’t need to” – translation: I can’t get them and have no intention of trying, because I know they would disprove my wildly racist

            theory, no matter which way you look at them.

            Never mind redneck, put on your white-sheet uniform and go to the meetings.

      • Oh and labels like libtard, snowflake, race traitor, and vermin are intended to encourage discussion? I see.

        I opened this article with a completely open mind and even temperament, but was knocked back by the piss and vinegar running out of my monitor. I *got* angry when I picked up the bitter tone of some of the neo-nazi sentiment being expressed here. So, yeah, I’m angry, but only at people whose attitudes are so completely blinkered they can’t see just how laughable they sound to those not somewhere out past the edge of the flat earth.

  12. lately it seems that just when i start to get a bit down in the dumps, a feel-good story hits the headlines to perk me back up again. such is this one. i have often felt “Why be angry with jews? We are at war with them and they are just doing what they can to win.” i have reserved my special hatred for the race-traitors among us. i hate them a hundred times more than blacks, browns and their jewish enablers. since i do not believe in a heaven and hell i do so hope this Otter POS race-traitor died a horrible and prolonged death. Good riddance to all such diseased filth.

  13. Kudos to the idiot for moving to the ghetto. If only American liberals did the same, within a year or two we’d bury all of them and move forward as a liberated nation.

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