, #GoldenShowers, and Fake News

A few things here which are related …

1.) First, I’m adding to the blogroll.

It is an excellent site that has everything: the latest news on Russia, cool memes, Fash the Nation, and attacks on cuckservatives like John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Check out this report on how RT America is thrilled by all the free Lügenpresse publicity over the US intelligence agencies report.

2.) Second, Buzzfeed published a dossier which makes all kinds of wild, unsubstantiated allegations about how Trump is a sexual pervert who has been compromised by the Russians. Apparently, 4chan trolls made up the story and mailed it to Cuck Rick Wilson during the campaign who got the CIA involved and shopped it to multiple Lügenpresse journalists, Republican senators like John McCain and FBI Director James Comey. Both President Barack Obama and President-Elect Trump were briefed about the allegations by America’s leading intelligence agencies last week.

3.) Third, even though there is nothing that substantiates this oppo garbage and it appears to be a fake news hoax on Cuck Rick Wilson (the joke was that his son is a sexual pervert), the FBI and CIA are investigating it, it has been written up in The New York Times and Trump himself is lashing out against fake news on Twitter.

What does it say about the US intelligence community if it was indeed duped by a 4chan fake news hoax? They’re not the cast of Homeland.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Matt Drudge has it figured out: “Are corrupt US intel agencies blackmailing Trump with their own dirt cleverly tagged to ‘Russian’ operatives?”

    Just keep in mind that, 3 out of the 4, possibly 4 out of the 4 intelligence chiefs who are mentioned are Roman Catholics.

    It’s very possible that these Catholics, knowing that Trump will clean house, grabbed at bogus straws, in order to protect their jobs & positions. Now they suffer the double damage of looking like idiots besides being corrupt.

    As far as I’m concerned, if it’s true they abused their positions, they can all pray their Holy Catholic Marys in a prison, and lose their pensions too.

  2. Anyone pushing “Russia hacks” is essentially New World Order, a nice self-applied litmus test!

    Why are they choosing to die on this particular hill? I think it is because their leadership is literally senile.

  3. Nice to see Prick Wilson’s sexually deviant son was raised on traditional Republican family values. The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  4. Everyone should be concocting plausible but fake stories about The Don. It’s the quickest way to end the left.

  5. Here’s a header from Russia-Insider;

    Cuckservatives-in-Chief McCain and Graham Decry Trump’s Peace Policy, Demand Conflict with Russia

    Notice they’re using our term Cuckservative.

  6. There’s a theory going around that pro-Trump deep state actors released this garbage to discredit Trump’s critics. The idea is that while Wilson and McCain are without a doubt stupid enough to fall for trolling, professional intelligence agents aren’t, and they know when they are lying. Thus, the idea is that this was done on purpose to discredit the media by getting them to bite on fake news.

    • If so, “troll culture” has provided the perfect cover of plausible deniability. (Unless they invented troll culture itself – phew, that’s Twilight Zone deep.)

      • It wasn’t a rhetorical question. I’m genuinely curious which sites produce what types of activism.

        Does Daily Stormer now have a more active and/or larger community than Stormfront? Does that online activity translate into any activism and community building in the real world? Which website has done a better job getting people away from their computers and out into their communities?

    • Unfortunately, they’re not dying as much as they are slowly being forced to transmute into less recognizable strains of the same disease. Mocking, memes and injecting “fake news” for shits and giggles is a great short-term solution to bust up their monopoly, but it will only get us so far down the road. The pro-White sphere needs some manner of news dissemination that appears professional and comprehensive.

      • Stormfront have started something they call Stormfront News Service, where they won’t just link to other stories, they will write original pieces.

      • That may have been the case when the NSA stood for No Such Agency. But now its existence and function are known to all. However, the NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) remains a clandestine organization. As the name implies their job involves investigating whether or not extraterrestrials like former presidential candidate Evan McMullin have ever engaged in compromising “golden shower” parties with Anime prostitutes.

    • Imagine what Colonel “Wild Bill” Donovan would say about the sorry state of the CIA under Barry Soetoro.

  7. The Jewish media is not reporting the 4chan angle. They may be successful because most people have never heard of 4chan. We need the collective to push this hard. Make 4chan a household word.


  8. Someone CIA considers “reliable” feeds them a story and they run with it without checking out the primary source? No wonder this great, multibillion dollar “Intelligence” Agency couldn’t see the fall of USSR coming.

    • They never interviewed Curveball either, and he was the guy who claimed that Iraq was working on WMD before Bush invaded.

    • I imgine Wilson must be used to being humiliated by now, what with him being a cuckold and a douche.

  9. For the longest time I defended the CIA. I thought they were the guys who did the unpleasant tasks so we all could “live the American dream!” The other guys had their ruthless spies and international shadow operations, so we’d better have ours.

    Now it appears these goons fancy themselves not just as protecting the United States, but RUNNING the GD place! This, even if unverified, seems intended as shot across the bow that Trump better stop all this silly questioning their “intelligence” assessments, and that if they declare it’s in our best interest to invade Lower Bumfukistan, by God he better order troops in and forget all this nonsense about “America First!”

    • CIA = Collective International Asslooters. They are lying depraved, degenerate drug addicted and drug dealing freaks, in the total and willing service of the Demons Jew. THEY need to be used as fuel to heat the Ovens.

  10. HW: the Russians have figured out the alt right is an easy mark for an anti-white Russian agenda as long as you throw out some substance free signaling like Pepe cartoons.

    It’s amusing I agree. But I think it’s a very ill considered idea for OD and the alt right to become an uncritical conveyor belt for Russian/Putin’s lies and propaganda. The geopolitical enemy of our enemy is not our friend — and by “our” I mean the wider alt right community and the white people they speak for not the United States or the US government.

    Many Russians have recent ancestors that raped their way across Germany and helped kill 30,000,000 people. Putin and Russia have extensive ties to Jewish oligarchs, Israel, South Africa, Germany, the EU and other anti-white geopolitical entities. Russia itself is a kind of multicultural, propositional nation with a large Muslim population. “anti-racism” is an official Russian creed. Russian itself is a kind of 19th century shithole outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg where many orthodox Christians live.

    So, respectfully, I hope OD does not unintentionally become Putin’s dupe. The alt right has a terrible habit of going to bat for people who don’t care about us such as Russians, Palestinians, Shia/Alawite Syrians and Iranians. Look up what Russian’s major allies like Iran have to say about Golden Dawn.

    • It was mostly the Mongols and Turks doing the raping.

      The good White Russians were driving tanks flying or servicing planes and manning artillery.

      The same story occurs with French behavior in ww1 and 2 within the badly behaved French troops being Senegalese or North Africans.

      • Second wave troops.

        The first wave were mostly just standard front line units that did their fighting and moved on.

        It was the ones who came after that were the animals – even the line units warned German civilians about those following behind.

    • Haha, that’s not the case at all. I’m really just trolling the media. I think it is funny. I want to fan the flames of their paranoia. I do like Russia though and we have shared interests.

    • Excellent point, Russia is as red as before. Putins action in Syria is a vested interest the effect of which we will know a few years later. Putin is not even as antisemitic as it seems and I’ve been to Russia, you are right Islam is everywhere and there’s not much Americans can identify with the Russian culture as much as we can in Berlin or London. we might have some common goals but it’s always good to be wary of the ruskies. Your point on modern day ruskies being descendants of people who wrecked that carnage in the west is fantastic. Our natural allies must be the western European countries. We don’t enemity nor any friendship with Russia.

    • Good post.

      However, between the US government, and Russia, it is a wash as far as White interests are concerned. Russia has 1/25 the economy the US does, and is not as strong militarily. When in this situation you always help the weaker side to extend the conflict.

      If you are a White American and think the CIA is your friend, well, I have some bad news for you….

  11. Fwiw, The NSA whistle-blower Russell Tice said that when push comes to shove, the very top of the power pyramid in the United States is the upper echelons of the US intelligence community. According to Tice, the top of the US intelligence community runs the show.

  12. Kikes don’t want Nigger in their golf club:

    Obama may get rejected from golf club over Israel policies

    NY Post

    Obama is looking to join the elite Woodmont Country Club in Maryland once he becomes a private citizen. But members of the mostly Jewish club are at each other’s throats over whether to accept the golf-loving president.

    “In light of the votes at the UN and the Kerry speech and everything else, there’s this major uproar with having him part of the club, and a significant portion of the club has opposed offering him membership,” a source told The Post.

    Obama’s complimentary membership in the club — which charges regular members an $80,000 initiation fee — would have begun after he leaves the White House on Jan. 20, Inauguration Day.

    “It’s a very exclusive, high-end club,” a source said.

    In addition to the steep initiation fee, members must cough up $9,673 in annual dues.

    “Originally, this was supposed to be a back-door thing to get this done and give him the membership — free of charge — and circumvent the rules,” said a source.

    “But now, with the UN thing, they are not in position or likely to do it,” he added, saying the club is currently facing threats of potential lawsuits and litigation for breaching the bylaws to let Obama join.

    “Can you imagine how angry I would be if I had paid $80K to have to look at this guy who has done more to damage Israel than any president in American history?” an official in a Washington Jewish organization fumed to The Post.

    “After the UN vote and attack on Israel, I think it probably hurts the club. If there is a club that excludes Jews, he would probably be more comfortable around those folks.”

    Ironically, Woodmont was founded by the DC-area Jewish community in 1913 precisely because Jews were banned at other clubs.

    • I think the Jew country club needs Diversity with a vengeance. I hope the ex-Chief Ape embarrasses the hell out of them and rubs their noses in Diversity. Let these rich Jews get a taste of what they so righteously push on us.

      • I know what you mean. However, re “I hope the ex-Chief Ape embarrasses the hell out of them” : he can’t, because the thing is that the club owners were going to give him free membership, violating club policy.

        (That was before Obongo’s Kike masters had the Kike Kerry go against the Likudnik Kikes at The Kike’s UN. Now these Kikes at the golf club and the Kikes who reported it feel emboldened because Trump’s Kike masters are more kabbalistly extreme than Liked)

  13. It’s over. IC sources just verified that Trump’s Michael Cohen was not in Prague. It was a different Cohen. So the only verifiable detail in the piss document has gone down.

    This was the greatest troll ever by somebody using fake news to bait Trump’s worst enemies into a spectacular act of self-discrediting.

  14. Trump kicking butt in his press conference, along with his press manager and VP Pence!

    Taking on Big Pharma, MIC, the VA, and the Dishonest Media!

  15. So someone on 4chan, who likely posts swastika pics, fed the media a bunch of BS that confirmed their narrative and it ended up blowing up in the media’s face.

    Isn’t this exactly the thing that faggots like Thernovitch and Vox “I Like Cocks” Day say is bad optics and counter productive?

    • I don’t know. What do they actually say on the subject?

      Isn’t one of the lessons of this scandal is not to take hearsay at face value?

      Right makes might.

      • Pretty sure they say “Don’t give the press what they want its counter productive” but what they really mean is “Muh Shekels”

        • I don’t follow your reasoning.

          Don’t give the press what they want seems to refer to bad behavior on “our” side, such as seig-heiling in the nation’s capitol, not exposing the bad behavior of the media. That is clearly not what the press wants.

          I would go one step further; the consensus is becoming that attacking the alt lite (and vice versa) is also what the Enemy wants. I have read numerous articles celebrating this in journals such as Forward magazine.

          It turns out that Cernovich fired a very shady character, “Baked Alaska”, who has publicly claimed to have been the homosexual lover of Milo Y, when he worked for him, and there are suggestive photos of the same. We can thank the poster “Dick Size” of this forum, for that information, which he claims was suppressed elsewhere on the “alt right”. Why would they do that?

          Further, if someone wants to become a professional journalist or political activist, they need to make money to support themselves and their family. More of us need to do that and all of us need to start forking over cash on a systematic basis to help them. The trouble is sufficient people don’t do that, thus other methods are employed: advertising, books, videos, etc.

          • My reasoning is that “agree and amplify” works. But only when enough people are smart enough to get it, I suppose. Hence the problems with Thernovith.

            For example, did you know that a vietnamese bisexual porn actress, as seen sieg heiling at NPI, is not a real nazi?

            That could have blown up in the media’s face too if some people weren’t so autistic.

            Now, as a Nazi Cat I can understand your questioning of my motives. But be prepared to have your mind blown: I’m not really a cat either. Cats can’t type!

        • Him blocking me was one of my early twitter victories.

          One of my favorites was a different cuckservative mentioning me to Cheri Jacobus who remembered how vile I was from months earlier. (I said something about how she sucked every dick in the beltway but still wasn’t as famous as a cartoon frog)

        • He’s blocked me, too, but I don’t remember responding to him directly. A truly odious character.

        • He got one of the Marcus Cicero accounts suspended during the primaries.

          One of the big ones too – it had been around for a couple of years.

  16. I remember Cuck Wilson saying he had info that would end Trump’s campaign. This must have been it. How can this idiot show his face in public.

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