No Regrets

I’m not sure why so many people are surprised:

“President Trump’s decision to launch airstrikes against the Syrian regime in response to a chemical weapons attack has made him abnormally popular with the elites who inhabit the swamp he campaigned against. MSNBC’s Brian Williams hailed video of the strikes as “beautiful,” and CNN’s Fareed Zakaria identified this as the moment when Trump became president.

But it has been a bitterly disappointing turn of events for some of his most ardent supporters in the white nationalist alt-right movement and in adjacent political circles, who have supported Trump from the beginning of his campaign and who were enthralled by his promises to not get involved in Middle East conflicts.

The strikes, and the about-face they represent in terms of Trump’s posture towards the Middle East, reveal a White House showing less-than-full devotion to the movement that formed the ideological backbone for Trump’s election. …”

The Alt-Right is only staying true to its identity and values.

We started out by opposing George W. Bush, the Iraq War and mainstream conservatism in the early 2000s. Hence, the name “Alternative Right.” Among other things, it was an alternative to endless wars and Freedom Fries and Jonah Goldberg columns and all that other nonsense that we grew up with in high school and college. In 2008 and 2012, we supported Ron Paul and made a point to not show up in the general election and vote for John McCain and Mitt Romney.

Donald Trump was supposed to be different. He promoted himself as an “America First” nationalist who was against humanitarian interventions in the Middle East. That’s why we all voted for Donald Trump instead of Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham. The calculation we made was that even if he ended up betraying his own stated “America First” platform, he was still a better choice than Hillary Clinton and by pushing those ideas into the “mainstream” he would open the door for someone else to move into the vacuum and pick up the mantle of nationalism.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Just jump off Trump’s foreign policy. Talk about something else – like the first White Protestant Christian Supreme Court Justice in ~ 50 years.

    Also, just talk about AG Jeff Sessions instead of the BlackIiesmatter AG Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder.

    It’s like having a family member who has one bad problem – maybe a drinking problem, try to find his good qualities.

  2. I ain’t suprised one bit. I don’t regret voting Trump. He was the only choice we had. I just never had any nieve expectations that he would change anything in the Federal government. The Trump administration just postpones the inevitable collapse. The majority will continue giving him a pass and a “chance” til it all the rails.

  3. Isn’t it telling that the basis for this strike was Fake News? It doesn’t matter how savvy we get, how enlightened we get, how nimbly we navigate: they win because they can hit us and we can’t hit them – a sociopolitical Tomahawk strike!

    That has to change. I am not looking for silver linings because Trump has only just begun his reign of terror.; lying us into war is just the opening salvo.

  4. As to what ‘train mean’s in your way of thinking, Sir, I’m unsure what that meant.

    As Southron Nationalists, we, none, believe that and president of The Jew England Empire is going to be our answer.

    That said, I still believe that Mr. Trump is doing many many good things for us – some which are witting, and others which are not.

    What has really changed?

    I’m unsure, because what does really change. Secession and a new Confederacy, is the only sure future.

  5. Calm down, people.

    While this is not meant to be an endorsement of President Trump’s missile strike against a Syrian air base, here’s some points to consider:
    The air strikes were limited to an airfield, yet the runway was unharmed, meaning the air base is still operational. Six MiG-23s were destroyed along with a storage depot, a training building, a canteen and a radar station. Six people were killed and several others wounded.

    The Syrian government called the strike “blatant aggression,” but stopped short of calling it an act of war.
    Russia was warned about the strike beforehand… and Russian officials likely warned Syria as well. “Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line,” said Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis. “U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield.”

    The strike was the “most limited” military option presented to Trump, according to the New York Times.
    If this strike didn’t happen, and Trump went to Russia to forge an coalition to fight ISIS, the neo-cons in Congress and his administration would undermine him while claiming publicly he’s a “Russian puppet.” But now, with the strike, he can “deescalate” tensions with Russia into a coalition to fight ISIS under the guise of stopping bloodshed in Syria… which is really targeting ISIS, not Assad.

    Days before, Russia actually made the unusual public statement that its support for Assad was “not unconditional.” Was Russia told about the potential strike days before?
    Trump indicated the strike was meant to send a message… but keep in mind, the runway is still operational. This was a slap on the wrist as far as harming Assad’s ability to wage war against ISIS.
    When the strikes occurred, he was also hosting Chinese President Xi Jinping, so “sending a message” isn’t just limited to Syria. Trump likely sees the North Korea and China situation as a real threat to the US.
    The mainstream media can no longer claim Trump is “Putin’s puppet.”
    Likewise, leftists are cucked even more because this is more than what Obama ever did, despite Obama actually wanting a war in Syria complete with “regime change.” Remember his “red line” meant to trigger Iraq 2.0.
    This doesn’t help ISIS considering six Soviet-era MIG-23s are fairly easily replaced and, once again, the runway is unharmed.
    John McCain and Lindsey Graham are effectively neutered in their attacks against Trump.
    Some of Trump’s statements are worded carefully, such as: “Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack,” he said. “It was a slow and brutal death for so many.” As we reported on Wednesday, some of the babies appeared to have been murdered, but not necessarily from gas. And if weaponized sarin gas was used by Syria – and not the weaker version homemade by terrorists – you’d expect affected children to die quicker.

  6. @Sam…

    I’ve been saying ‘calm down’ since last evening, Sam. It doesn’t seem to be the trend.

    Maybe it’s an age thang…

  7. However, if this does escalate into a real conflagration with Russia the analysis presented by Infowars will be proven to be inaccurate.

  8. Well, I’m 43 and furious. My parents are 71 and 68, and furious. So I’m assuming that by “age thang,” you mean the younger people who haven’t been disappointed as many times by these useless curs are more likely to smile and shrug than the older folks who are sick to death of the same old, same old?

  9. I have to say I was furious last night. But today, not so much. I think this all had to do with domestic political maneuvering. As Sam above has pointed out. One other thing that I think influenced Trump was Devin Nunes recusing himself from the House investigation into Trump/Russia collusion. With this strike he’s greatly undermined the Democrats talking points and their chief talker Adam Schiff. As long as Trump doesn’t go full retard and get us in any deeper than a missile strike once in a blue moon I think we’ll be o.k.

  10. If only a couple of MiG 23s were destroyed that’s not too bad, because they are obsolete anyway. But innocent people may have been killed in Trump’s unprovoked airstrike, including Syrian kids. And the ostensible reason for launching that airstrike was in response to Assad’s alleged gassing of……Syrian kids.

  11. A few strikes on sovereign countries as “political theater” or for domestic political reasons? That sounds to me like Bill Clinton and his attacks on Sudan and Iraq. This is reckless in the extreme. Trump risked a major war!

    The minimal damage does not change the significance of this trigger-happy naked aggression against a country which has harmed us on no way at all (but which Israel hates and covets). The cheers today from neocon vermin, ISIS, al Qaeda and Israel are deafening.

    Tillerson said that no warning was given to Russia.

  12. Reports are Bannon and Prebius are on the way out the door. Sessions can’t be far behind.

  13. Read Trump’s tweets on Syria from 2013, his foreign policy papers from last year, his inaugural address, etc and realize he flushed it all down the toilet yesterday.

  14. What part of non-intervention do you not understand? He crossed the line and it doesn’t matter his false reasons for it. The Pentagram is loaded at the top with evil players. And, so is the White House.

  15. “Oh, my. The US just bombed us!”

    “No worries. There wasn’t much lasting damage and the Americans have some domestic political disputes that they have to iron out. Go back to sleep.”

  16. If voting really made any difference it wouldn’t be allowed. We should know by now. I’m skeptical at best about the InfoWars spin. As Spenser put it, Trump is out of control, assuming he ever was in control. The insane Neocons are back in the drivers seat, I fear ramping up for WWIII.

  17. It’s much worse than just air strikes. I’ve seen videos of Strykers APC’s and artillery in Syria.

    We have moved a base into Syria. As bad as Obama was he didn’t make near as aggressive moves.

    We must assume that Trump has been playing us the whole time. Anything he does in our favor is just to hold off protest so Hasbara like winbornmill can calm us down enough, long enough to where they can completely take control like they did in Russia. After they took control they killed 60 million Russians.

    Remember what Solzhenitsyn said,

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

    Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

    If there’s ever a EMP event, which they’re hinting North Korea might attempt, or major disaster and they want you to go to camps or some other controlled area, do not go. No matter what don’t go to any camps. If they threaten you for not going to the camps then you know they’re not acting in your best interest and their concern for you is a lie.

  18. @Ironsides…

    ‘Well, I’m 43 and furious. My parents are 71 and 68, and furious. So I’m assuming that by “age thang,” you mean the younger people who haven’t been disappointed as many times by these useless curs are more likely to smile and shrug than the older folks who are sick to death of the same old, same old?’

    Well, your parents may be youthful at heart, Ironsides.

    What I meant is this : when you get older, you realize that there are going to be bumps in the road and disappointments, and, though you don’t like them, you tend to keep your perspective.

    Mt wife was upset, too, but, when I told reminded her that President Trump has constantly spoken out in favour of maintaining The Empire, whilst disavowing costly foreign wars, and, as well, not seeming timid with those who flout the will of the Rothschild Empire, she calmed down.

    That, of course, was after she let out a spew of words about, ‘it don’t matter for whom you vote – they all are war-pigs.’

    Now, I am not so far from your parent,s and all my life, The Jew-England Government has been doing the same.

    Surely, this cannot come as a shock.

    Donald Trump spoke out two sides of his mouth, on this, and on a some other issues, as well.

    The Left, all last year, was constantly pointing that out –

  19. winbornmill
    APRIL 7, 2017 AT 5:39 PM

    As to what ‘train mean’s in your way of thinking, Sir, I’m unsure what that meant.As Southron Nationalists, we, none, believe that and president of The Jew England Empire is going to be our answer. I’m unsure, because what does really change. Secession and a new Confederacy, is the only sure future.

    The New Confederacy will have to be an absolute Police State, the Old Confederacy failed because it was founded on the mistaken notion of States Rights.This States Rights theory allowed North Carolina and Georgia to horde needed war supplies while Virginia starved. States Rights also allowed for Freedom of the Press.Freedom of the Press means even the most vile human beings can say whatever they want. Freedom of Religion means that any religion is free to be practiced. The Jews had the Old Confederacy over the barrel and Jeff Davis didn’t even notice. This was proved at the Constitutional Convention when an outright mention of Jesus Christ was blocked and replaced by the generic (God). Later when Reverend Thornwell proposed a loyalty oath which 99.9% of the soldiers and officers probably would not have objected to

    Thornwell demanded that the new Constitution be amended to declare the Confederacy in submission to Jesus, for “to Jesus Christ all power in heaven and earth is commit­ted.” Vague recognition of God would not do. The state must recog­nize the God of the Bible—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

    Here was where Thornwell went wrong

    Thornwell made clear that he wanted neither an established Church nor religious tests. The state must guarantee liberty of con­science for all: “He may be Atheist, Deist, infidel, Turk, or Pagan: it is no concern of the State so long as he walks orderly.” Could a Jew become Chief Magistrate? Certainly, so long as he does nothing in of­fice “inconsistent with the Christian religion.”

    A New Confederacy would have to severely restrict Religion to Christianity Only, it would also have to make sure none of this Pro-Jewish Tripe the Hagee types have spread around continued to spread either. The CSA made the mistake in 1861 of believing in Freedom of Religion, a New CSA could not do this today, if it did it would surely self-destruct.

  20. @BillyRayJenkins…

    Thank you, as always, for your brilliant comment. I have often suspected what you have stated, here, with regards to religion, yet, with regards to a police state, I maybe know a handful who in North Carolina who would be for that.

    That said, things could change. History does that. Maybe down where you live there are more who would be interested in the proposition of a police state?

    As it is, we already live in a quite one, so maybe it would not take so much adjustment.

    Again, thank you for your excellent thoughts.

  21. I am glad I am not the only one who could not sleep last night as various scenarios ran through my mind. I firmly believe we have reached a point of no return as it has now been demonstrated for all the
    world to see that regardless of who is elected the hostile insider elite remain. Two choices remain. We can either accept our diminished status and die a slow death through racial assimilation or think in terms of an alternative nationalism and the dream of a free and independent white Ethno-State formed of of the remaining majority white and politically sane red states.( And Neo-Conservatism, Liberalism, or Libertarianism are not sane political ideologies.)

  22. @BillyRayJenkins…

    Thank you, as always, for your brilliant comment. I have often suspected what you have stated, here, with regards to religion, yet, with regards to a police state, I maybe know a handful who in North Carolina who would be for that.That said, things could change. History does that. Maybe down where you live there are more who would be interested in the proposition of a police state? As it is, we already live in a quite one, so maybe it would not take so much adjustment.Again, thank you for your excellent thoughts.

    Actually PERSONALLY I’d rather not see a Police State BUT we have had almost 100 years since WWI of slow cultural/social decline, that only got faster after WWII. In the South the decline was much slower than everywhere else, but a slow decline is still decline. The question is can decline be righted without harsh measures? I would have said YES if our morals were the same as they were in 1950, but in 2017 I would have to say NO. I wish I didn’t have to lay down a black pill like that.

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