In the Old Dominion Republican gubernatorial candidate and Prince William County Supervisors Chairman Corey Stewart is being attacked in the liberal mainstream media over his strident defense of Confederate monuments. Independent Journal Review writes:
[O]ne gubernatorial candidate named Corey Stewart is trying to make a stand against this trend. Taking a page out of the Trump campaign book, Stewart has been tweeting about the situation in New Orleans seemingly nonstop….
Stewart, who is originally from Minnesota — not Virginia, has seriously picked up some Southern pride while on the campaign trail.
…If you’ve glanced at Stewart’s Twitter account at all, you’ll notice that he really, really, really, wants you to know that he loves the Confederate flag and monuments that honor their leaders and generals.
His stand for Dixie cost him the endorsement of Prince William County’s Black Republican sheriff. Nearly the entire GOP establishment is now against him. He responded, “I don’t care if it wins me support or if I lose support. Defending history is the right thing to do.”
Stewart led a crackdown on illegal immigrants which sparked protests from Left-wing activists and foreigners. The crackdown led to a sharp decline in crime in his county.
He was also Donald Trump’s campaign manager for Virginia before being fired after leading protests against the GOP establishment – which he labeled “establishment pukes.”
The rebel gubernatorial candidate faces an uphill battle. He was at 12% in the polls earlier this month, though all the free press over his stand for Southern heritage may have shifted the numbers since then.
Living right under the Virginny/Carolina line, I was told by a neighbour that Stewart had announcet his run for governor in Confederate uniform!
Right then and there, I thought to myself – this campaign is going to get a billion dollars of free publicity.
Will he know how to exploit it, like Trump did?
We’ll see.
@Michael Cushman…
‘His stand for Dixie cost him the endorsement of Prince William County’s Black Republican sheriff. Nearly the entire GOP establishment is now against him. He responded, “I don’t care if it wins me support or if I lose support. Defending history is the right thing to do.”
The semantick, ‘history’, has become the modern Confederate’s code for, ‘The Southern White Race.’
Personally, I prefer,’ The Southern White Race’, though, if he said this, he would never have a chance.
I know this because I do say the phrase, ‘Southern White Race’, amongst The Southern White Race, and you can often read the shock on their faces.
Oh, what troubled times they are…
COREY STEWART was interested in Civil War history before his campaign began. It was Charlottesville that lead him to integrate it into conversation. That is when he realized there are thousands and thousands of Southerns and yes, others too, do not think it is okay to destroy our history. Corey also thinks it is shameful to attack our founding fathers. The sheriff and supervisors were solidly behind him until they decided to cower because of Soldier’s Flag. At least, COREY STEWART has the guts to stand up and fight for what he believes. Let’s drop the “flag” issue and look at his record in Prince William County. http://www.CoreyStewart.com He is the man that will take back Virginia
@ Donna Randall…
Good for you, Miss Donna! I’ve got my share of Confederate friends in Ole Dominion, and I’ll make sure that they are making the rounds for Mr. Stewart.
Yes, let’s take back Virginia!
Stand up to the scalawags!
“Establishment pukes”
America BEGAN in Virginia. Maybe taking America BACK begins in Virginia too!
Ironic, a Yankee transplant standing up for Dixie. Will White Southerners support him over all other candidates?
@More of The Same…
‘Ironic, a Yankee transplant standing up for Dixie. Will White Southerners support him over all other candidates?
Some will – though, probably not enough.
Southern Whites are, as a whole, a very very weak vintage of what uset to be a robust vineyard.
Hoe I’m dead wrong…
I’m originally from Northern Virginia. An actual native born to a mother who is also a native from as far back as the 1600’s (my dad is from Appalachia). There are not many of us, and I left my state seven years ago now because it has been utterly over run by carpet bagging Yankee filth. I was still in the area when Corey Stewart began his career in Prince William County and I was thrilled to finally see someone trying to do something about the problem.
Here’s a little bit of the story of Northern Virginia if anyone is interested. When I was a little girl in the 80’s, it was a very Southern place. The whites there had a very definite identity as Southerners and were deeply proud of it. My own family is deeply Southern and we have been involved in the UDC and other Southern heritage organizations. All of this started changing in the mid to late 90’s. More blacks and foreigners started moving in and displacing the whites, who moved west to the mountains or down South towards Fredericksburg. The people left there now are are Yankee transplants and other migrants from all over the country (govt workers and true shitlib believers) and their foreign servants. The change is staggering and disgusting.
I personally left because everything I grew up in and around is now nonexistent. My family is dead, our homes are either ruined or gone (bulldozed to make room for ugly sprawl), and I couldn’t imagine raising my white children in a place so hostile to their identity, culture and race. I can’t even go back because it is basically a bus station with a million opportunistic parasites from all over the globe (the disgusting turd world parts) and Yankees and who can live like that, especially if they have a memory of the way it used to be?
Why was this allowed to happen? Well, from my family’s reactions to the invasion, I think it happened because people didn’t want to appear un Southern and rude to others. Or more likely, they were scared to be seen as racist. I don’t know why but it infuriates me to see disgusting shit like my grandmother’s graveyard now surrounded by an ugly little shopping center, and dingy and grim townhouses. Or my great grandmother’s house inhabited by Mexicans. I bet my great uncle’s peach orchard is gone too. The house I grew up in is still there but the neighborhood is full of foreign scum and utterly unsafe. My high school is now at most 30% white.
All of this to say, I appreciate and support Corey Stewart’s attempt to do something about the cesspool but I think it is not possible at this current time. Maybe soon we can take back our heritage but I honestly don’t know. The rot is so deep that it may not be possible until after the civil war we all know is coming. You can feel it in the air. Up there, those people live in a fantasy and a lie that will explode at any time. Too many ethnicities and races, it cannot be sustainable long term.
Oh I wonder if they ever did take down the confederate soldier statue in Old Town Alexandria. I was a member of the UDC there, and they owned that statue and yet refused to do anything to keep it where it belonged. They also told us to not fly our flags or wear our ribbons in public. Like our heritage is shameful and we should be ashamed of it, and they wonder why nobody wants to be a part of it. I may consider joining down here on the Gulf Coast, and see what these people are like. It would be nice to find some fellow southerners that aren’t craven cowards.
@From Alexandria…
‘I personally left because everything I grew up in and around is now nonexistent. My family is dead, our homes are either ruined or gone (bulldozed to make room for ugly sprawl), and I couldn’t imagine raising my white children in a place so hostile to their identity, culture and race.’
I left my childhood home of Raleigh, in the 1990s, because of what you mention happened to Alexandria, happened to us.
And, yes, my grandparents’ farm is now a Yankee retirement golfing subdivision.
My wife and I now make our homes in the very rural northeastern part of the state, where most Yankees fear to tread; – this because we have so many Negroes, and because our society is still ‘repressive White Southron’.
Junius, it is heartbreaking, isn’t it? My husband is from North Carolina. Lumberton. I don’t know if you are familiar with it but he is also a refugee. It always had a large number of blacks and Lumbee but now it is downright dangerous and Hispanics have been added to the mix. The mills closed and there are no jobs there either. Very dangerous place.
Often I feel utter fury with our recent ancestors, especially the Baby Boomers. They did nothing to stop any of this! Why? Because they were scared to be called racist. Unbelievable. Some of them admit privately that they hate what the country has become and they tell stories of their idyllic and safe childhoods and I want to scream.
North Carolina is a beautiful state and I hope you are in a safe and decent place. The area near the NC/VA border is lovely, at least near 95. I have always wanted to visit Virgilina just because I like the name. But those days are gone I guess. How sad.