Malcolm Suber, an adjunct professor of political science at Southern University, is an organizer of the group Take ‘Em Down NOLA which has led the push to dismantle historic Confederate monuments in New Orleans. According to The New York Times Suber is “an avowed Marxist-Leninist” – an admitted communist. Some people, especially those outside of the Lower South, may not fully appreciate the radical agenda which is behind Suber’s effort. Some may believe that the fuss will go away once a few statues of Confederate generals are taken down. But that is not the case, as Suber admits.
NOLA.com reports that Suber’s Black Marxist group is “push[ing] for a much more widespread clearance of monuments, street names, school names,” etc. They have prepared a comprehensive agenda targeting essentially all White monuments or memorials in the city:
The written statement included a list of Take ‘Em Down NOLA’s targets for removal or renaming. The list includes at least a dozen monuments (including the four already slated for removal by the city), 24 streets, seven school campuses and two hospitals.
These range from highly visible tributes to well-known slaveholders like the monument of Andrew Jackson and locally famed leaders of the Confederacy, such as former Louisiana Governor and Confederate General Francis T. Nicholls, for whom Governor Nicholls Street is named, to lesser-known monuments such as that dedicated to Confederate Brig. Gen. Albert Pike at Tulane Avenue and Jefferson Davis Parkway and lesser-known figures like the Rev. Benjamin Morgan Palmer….
The New York Times notes that even monuments honoring George Washington, Revolutionary War hero and first president of the United States, are being targeting by the Black communist group:
[Suber] noted that he had been part of a group that persuaded the Orleans Parish School Board to pass a policy in 1992 that prohibited schools from being named for slave owners. It eventually led to a school called George Washington Elementary being renamed for Dr. Charles Richard Drew, a prominent black surgeon.
On Thursday, Mr. Suber chuckled mischievously and said he would be delighted to see the statue of Washington over by the New Orleans Public Library come down, too.
“He was a slave master,” he said. “Right?”
Though it may be a black pill for you, Mr. Cushman, I mean no offence by it.
Still, I wish to say :
If you leave the battlefield, don’t expect the enemy to preserve your flags.
Likewise, I will say this – if we refused to fight to maintain segregation, and if, as a consequence, we then gradually ceded our major cities to all those Negro Sharecroppers, who moved in to take advantage of the new Yankee Empire welfare plantation, then we have only ourselves to blame, when our heritage is torn asunder.
It just ain’t realistick to expect any, but us, to maintain our daddies’ graves, and, as well, our childrens’ futures.
Just as our forbears tore up the Injun world, ours, too, will be destroyed, unless we are willing to fight and die for it.
Nothing else will do.
Rip it all down. After it’s rigged with booby traps.
Any actions aimed at “cleansing” the (white male led) Southern culture and Confederate history of its past heroes would inevitably accelerate to destroying the (white male led) heroes of the American Revolution. Proposition nation idiots cannot get this. I saw part of a Fox interview with Condoleeza Rice today, where she blathered on about America (allegedly) being an idea, and not a race or a religion. Someone was asleep during history class…
The U.S.A. is gone. The South does not have to go into the dark night as the U.S.A. has. Let us each repent of our personal sins, and seek the worldview of our ancestors. Then the South will live again. Stonewall Jackson would not be praying to kek. God will restore a country when they repent; if they do not, he will guide his remnant through to rebuild after his judgement is lifted. Despite our current dark hour, there is hope.
Mr. Putnam – this country was built by ballsey White Men, willing to liberally use their arms, as much as their shovels and hoes.
Take the rifle out of that equation, and you get what we have – aliens in control.
No balls – no White lands.
@Joe Putnam: There is hope – WITH A SCOPE.
“Adjunct” professor is one without sufficient academic credentials to become even an associate professor.
Our vision it to0 narrow. We speak of southern secession or Teas secession or even Northwest secession. A more transcendent vision is that of Heartland secession including all of red state America. Go to a map of all the counties of the United States during the last election and see how many counties voted red. A Heartland Republic would be a formidable nation and allied with Russian much more powerful than the remains of blue state America we leave behind.That would mean the great Tri-Axis of evil- Hollywood, Washington DC, and Wall Street – would be left in rump blue state America and that is a good thing.
The irony is that George Washington was basically an abolitionist who supported the gradual elimination of slavery in the United States. Washington once said that if he was a young man, he’d sell Mount Vernon and move to Marietta, Ohio. Marietta is on the Ohio River across from Williamstown W Va about 15 miles north of Parkersburg W Va. The city was founded by New England Revolutionary War officers and more Revolutionary War officers are buried in Mound Cemetery in Marietta OH than any cemetery in the United States. Washington was personal friends with the men who founded Marietta.
The modern day State of Ohio was in 1784 designated in two main tracts. One tract between the Little Miami and Scioto Rivers going from the Ohio River up almost to Lima, OH belonged to the Commonwealth of Virginia and was solely for Virginia War Veterans, once land in Kentucky and the Trans Allegheny filled up. The other was the Connecticut Western Reserve, which was all the land above the 41st Parallel stretching a little past 82 degrees longitude. Everything west of that point in 1784 was largely swampy and undesirable land. Aside from these two tracts, the rest of the state belonged to the US Government and was for sale.
The Ohio Company of Associates, chaired by Revolutionary War Officers from Boston, Massachusetts settled on the land on the north bank of the Muskingum River on a hill above the Ohio River opposite Fort Harmar, which was the major fort in the Northwest Territory, They bought a giant tract of land that stretched from Marietta down to just opposite modern day Huntington, W Va. Two colleges were later founded on this land, Ohio University and Marietta College. However the settlement was slow and by the long distance from Massachusetts very small. The New Englanders who came typically stayed largely in Marietta and clustered in tiny towns, The land was mountainous and largely uninhabited so they came up with the idea of homesteading land, giving 100 acres to any man over 18 who would settle in the mountainous areas. As a result, Virginians began pouring into the area, and slowly over time because of larger families, this land became in a sense Southernized. Today the colleges, cemeteries, and some of the buildings are almost all that remains of the Yankee settlement. The culture is almost indistinguishable from West Virginia across the river. Many of these old Yankee families, like the Yankee settlements near Savannah Georgia and Natchez Mississippi were absorbed
The pattern established in Marietta carried through to much of the major New England settlements in the Midwest. The Yankees would move in, establish a farm and live there maybe a generation and then sell out to Germans and move to the cities. Thus over time much of the countryside became largely Germans and Scots Irish farm families from Pennsylvania and Maryland, while the Yankees consolidated in power chokeholds in the major cities. This is one thing Southerners must understand about Yankees. The ones who remained in the countryside intermarried with these people and were largely absorbed, the majority ended up going to the cities where they could make wealth and accrue power. This established a strange pattern you will see in the Midwest. You can go into the cities and occasionaly see a large Congregational Church built like they did in New England, but out in the countryside these buildings DO NOT EXIST. Period. The Yankee is at his core an URBAN person.
There were New England colonies even in Texas and one pattern and James Owen will attest to this is that these people ALWAYS remained in the cities. These were the ones founding Interdenominational Ministerial Alliances, Colored Children’s Funds, etc. I remember a photograph of Martin Luther King Jr. speaking at the largest Disciples of Christ church in Dallas TX in 1961. This would never happen outside the cities. Proof positive that the Eternal Yankee like the Eternal Jew, is an urban creature. When large corporations began bringing transplants to the cities, they found a ready although a minorityof the total liberal establishment that had been established years before to take them in
Very well put sir. I am of the assumption if the modern American Taliban wants to erase our presence from those cities, fine. We must look back to our ancestors solution, segregation. We, as a folk, must abandon all areas where these people live and do not engage in commerce with these areas. Voluntary segregation, then separation, this is the only solution.
We are now, morally, a distinct folk from those I classify as the AT. In the past, while opposing sides in our culture war were fairly moral, we now have no common ground.
Look at your daily actions and modify accordingly.
@Mark Saint….
And I thank you, Sir. Yes, I think you have put it into better focus what I was saying; that if, in fact, we have been ‘relocating’ as a matter of the kind of segregation that is legally permitted, we must be more conscious of that and carry it out to the final fruition.
Let us begin the process of relocating ourselves, and all our monuments, to new places, and let us leave our once glorious cities as a kind of collective modern art monument to a new ‘scorcht earth’ policy that allows those places to be what The Yankee Empire intends them to be – welfare ghettoes that stand as a tribute to the results of the egalitarian world they, The New England Government, and their Jew dominatrixes are intending.
Let them, all of our foes, have the complete experience of maintaining all the consequences of their actions against The White Southern Man, without any benefit of one of our clan to clean up and landscape their mess.
No, Sir – there ain’t no more common moral ground; and, as such, the only moral option for self preservation is secession – seceding from certain brands in the grocery store and certain channels on the tube, to seceding from certain cities and, ultimately, from The Empire.
As Dabney said, we must separate ourselves from all the ideas that comes from those alien to us.
@Billy Ray…
‘There were New England colonies even in Texas and one pattern and James Owen will attest to this is that these people ALWAYS remained in the cities. These were the ones founding Interdenominational Ministerial Alliances, Colored Children’s Funds, etc. I remember a photograph of Martin Luther King Jr. speaking at the largest Disciples of Christ church in Dallas TX in 1961. This would never happen outside the cities. Proof positive that the Eternal Yankee like the Eternal Jew, is an urban creature. When large corporations began bringing transplants to the cities, they found a ready although a minorityof the total liberal establishment that had been established years before to take them in’
This is a very perspicacious comment, Billy Ray – as was the other above it.
So very true!
I did suggest that the sculptures be buried and placed in remote areas to survive.
St Cuthbert said this before he died…
“I would rather that you should take up my bones, and leave these places, to reside wherever God may send you, than consent in anyway to the wickedness of schismatics.”
…and his bones were brought in procession all over England when the Vikings came.
@billyrayjenkins I don’t know where you get your information from? LOL. Southern Ohio, and the Ohio River valley, the areas you mention was mostly settled by people from North Carolina and Virginia. That’s one of the reasons it’s called “Southern Ohio”.
The Ohio Company, of which George Washington was a partner & employee, was founded before the French & Indian War, and by the time period you mention also had a lot of Washington’s general officers’ and friends on the BOD.
The New Englanders were mostly in the counties along Lake Erie, the so-called “Firelands” given to them in compensation for property burned by the British in Connecticut during the Revolution.
BTW, Marietta, could be the most “Southern” small town in Ohio in it’s architecture, and cultural history.
The one thing that makes me suspect that things will go sideways fairly soon, rather than just going on a gentle slide into oblivion, is that all of the enemies of whites are growing exponentially bolder, more arrogant, and more aggressive in their harrying of us. The whites might just quietly go into that good night if they were left alone, but it starts to look as though they won’t be ALLOWED to.
This is why Austin and parts of Dallas are Trendy Lefty. “Keep Austin weird” as they say.
New England Immigrant Aid Company plans for the conquest of Denton County, Texas were discovered around the time of some mysterious outbreaks of fires and random murders in and around Denton, Dallas and Ft. Worth. They planned to drive off or kill all the residents from Denton, County, to around Wichita Falls. There wasn’t any real proof of the cause of the fires. However, the fires and what was going on in Missery and Kansas alarmed Texans a great deal. This is mentioned in parts of the Texas Ordnance of Secession.
The parts of the ordnance related to the fires and the NEIAC documents;
By the disloyalty of the Northern States and their citizens and the imbecility of the Federal Government, infamous combinations of incendiaries and outlaws have been permitted in those States and the common territory of Kansas to trample upon the federal laws, to war upon the lives and property of Southern citizens in that territory, and finally, by violence and mob law to usurp the possession of the same as exclusively the property of the Northern States.
They have invaded Southern soil and murdered unoffending citizens, and through the press their leading men and a fanatical pulpit have bestowed praise upon the actors and assassins in these crimes, while the governors of several of their States have refused to deliver parties implicated and indicted for participation in such offences, upon the legal demands of the States aggrieved.
They have sent hired emissaries among us to burn our towns and distribute arms and poison to our slaves for the same purpose.
Needles to say; We don’t think much of Massachusetts, or the New England “Patriots®,” in Texas.
@Captain John…
Interesting comment, and very apropos, about the English Orthodox saint!
I’d ship the body of President Washington over to Liberia if it meant that 10 million Afro-Americans would be leaving at the same time for colonisation or repatration… Make it 25 million of them.
“There were New England colonies even in Texas and one pattern and James Owen will attest to this is that these people ALWAYS remained in the cities.”
There weren’t any New England colonies or settlements in Texas. However, Northern transplants do settle in places like Austin. The ones that came before the war were mostly not from New England, and became good and loyal Texans.They also settled on farms and in towns, just like anybody else. It’s the modern ones that tend to be urban and Leftist.
Texas settlement routes.
The Anglos were attracted by cheap land and since three-fourths were from the agricultural South, they were familiar with the land.
There are four main routes they traveled:
Sea route from New Orleans
The southerly Atascosito Road crossing the Sabine river at Gaines’ Ferry
From Arkansas crossing the Red River to north Texas
The north road through Nacogdoches crossing the Trinity River
To view a map of the grants,; http://www.lonestargenealogy.com/courses/texas/grants.html
Red River Steamboats Brought Settlers to East Texas.
Yes. Are you speaking of me personally or fhe South as a whole? I wish we had continued the war in 1865 with the army becoming an underground force assassinating their leaders and forcing them to erect a police state up North. Eventually I think they would have lost the will to hold us down.
It seems to be returning to that anyhow, though Lee tried to avoid it.
I read in a book about this and sure enough the pattern held true. Following the conclusion of the war a certain number of Yankee shopkeepers lawyers magistrates joined the worthless Carpetbaggers looking to cash in hit Texas, a sizeable number hit Galveston but most stayed out of East TX, they tended to go toward the western bounds of settlement and urban areas. Sure enough when I looked up you saw the general pattern, get into an urban area and stay there. These people never owned a farm and obviously weren’t ranchers. These colonies were tiny, but the general pattern held true they would concentrate in the cities. Never very large in number but enough to be like biting mosquitos, an occasional annoyance. This was analagous to the Post Office Republican who from 1877-1960 in some places in the South was the only Republican in the entire county.
I was actually surprised I was looking up Grand Army of the Republic posts from the 1800’s so on a lark I hit Texas and sure enough there were some there, likely the local shopkeepers and veterans from the forts who married local gals and retired. What’s even more interesting is doing a little digging on these so called SOUTHERN LEFTISTS before the 1950’s when all the Sunbelt Migration began and take a guess what you can find if you go on Ancestry.Com using their names? Yep their grandfather or something or another always came from up north as a shopkeeper or missionary. Margaret Mitchell wrote in Gone With The Wind about the Atlanta Yankees following the war descending like a plague of locusts, shopkeepers, knife grinders, blacksmiths, lawyers doctors, magistrates, you name it. Always in a trade.
EVERY SINGLE Cotton Picking time.
FBI be involve a truck load of bananas piled on mlk monument or parks police cite for litter..
Any how the police should charge uppity for loitering.
The Ohio Company of George Washington is an unrelated group founded in Virginia.
The Ohio Company of Associates was made up of New England Revolutionary War Officers and founded in the Bunch of Grapes Tavern in Boston in 1786. They were the first group of people to buy land directly from the Federal government. The first group came there from Boston overland during the winter of 1787-88 and arrived in April 1788. They platted the town and also platted a couple other towns, but as I said above their fellow Massachusetts men received the colony rather coolly, a number did come but a couple of things happened. Western New York was also opening up for settlement and the Iroquois were unlike the Shawnee in Ohio Kentucky and Virginia less warlike and had made peace with the United States following the Revolution. It was much easier for a man from Massachusetts to drive a wagon across the state, cross into New York, cross the Hudson at Albany and then follow the Mohawk River west. To get to Southeast Ohio was much more difficult. From Massachusetts, you could go down the Boston Post Road to New York where south of New York, the road turned into the Kings Highway. From there you could cut across New Jersey through northern Pennsylvania or travel onto Philadelphia and go to Pittsburgh from there. At Pittsburgh you would have to get a flatboat and come down the river.
The majority of the New Englanders stayed in or near the towns. These were shopkeepers and tradesmen. In fact Marietta was a shipbuilding city, because of the virgin timber they brought shipbuilders from Boston over the mountains and they began building ships. The problem was getting them over the Falls of the Ohio at Louisville though they did manage to get some of the ships built there out to sea. Thomas Jefferson stopped that with his Embargo of 1807 and the shipbuilding died out.
After the War of 1812 something curious happened. All of Ohio was opened for settlement after the Greenville Treaty was revoked, because the Shawnee and their allies persisted on murdering whites and joined with the British. The entire Western Reserve including the two Firelands counties were opened for settlement, part of it had already been settled. Those folks in New England and Western NY took the Mohawk Trail down to Northeast OH, no dangerous Ohio River and no Flatboats. Later their children began going to Illinois. The settlements of the Ohio Company lands by New Englanders slowed to a trickle, they were replaced largely by Scots Irish and Virginians. Eventually because of greater fertility and continued in-migration the population became indistinguishable from West Virginia.
The original Yankee settlement in Marietta was built up from the Ohio River, along the Muskingum River, The waterfront was located at the point, that was where the Riverboats were, two completely different areas. That area does look little different than many of the towns across in West Virginia. Away from the river you see the old town. Most of those old Yankee families migrated toward the major cities, as Yankees go where the power is, and the power is in the major cities.
Krafty I know my history and I know my way around places. I am willing to listen to anyone but all you’ve done is try to refute things I’ve said.
Michael Cushman
Yes. Are you speaking of me personally or fhe South as a whole? I wish we had continued the war in 1865 with the army becoming an underground force assassinating their leaders and forcing them to erect a police state up North. Eventually I think they would have lost the will to hold us down.
It seems to be returning to that anyhow, though Lee tried to avoid it.
@Michael Cushman
The Rothschilds and their friends KNEW that the only way to guarantee absolute horror being visited upon the South was to use their moles inside the Confederate Secret Service to make sure Lincoln was killed, but make sure that the hit comes too late to do the South any darned good. Think about it this way. Lincoln traveled around Washington all the time almost unguarded, at any point a sharpshooter could have taken care of the matter and cut the head off the snake. Now we can go with the whole theory that Jeff Davis wouldn’t green light such a thing, but we know Judah was greenlighting all sorts of schemes that Davis never had any input about so it could have been done and no one would have ever connected it. However at every given turn, the Southern political leadership stupidly gambled away every chance to win making Lee’s victories all but worthless and Mr. Davis wasn’t doing it, others were. Stonewall Jackson believed that Judah and others weren’t trustworthy and I agree with Stonewall. The words of Stonewall was almost like the word of a holy man.
We get to April 14th 1865. General Lee is on the way home to his rented home in Richmond, the city’s mostly burned. General Johnston’s in North Carolina and Jeff Davis and Company are on their way toward Mexico its believed by some. That night John Wilkes Booth did the deed, I believe firmly out of true conviction but with the nearest army 200 miles away and the entire government collapsed WHO STOOD TO BENEFIT? (((They))) did.
The benefits were very simple. BENEFIT #1 Any lawsuits against the Lincoln Administration, any potential investigations are over with. BENEFIT #2 The war effort is covered with martyrdom and as the assassin is a Marylander, a state that had been under brutal occupation for four years, its clearly seen as an act of Southern aggression. BENEFIT #3. Abraham Lincoln had accrued immense powers because of the war, his death restores the balance of power in favor of Congress as the Vice President, a former Democrat is at the mercy of Congress.
You see Mr. Cushman when you get down to the whole cost benefit analysis everything makes sense. The problem with the average Southern Man and Woman from 1865-68 is that they were tired and had given so much they didn’t want to fight anymore. Also remember until Christmas Day, 1868 any and all Confederates from Robert E. Lee down to a buck private could be arrested without habeus corpus. The Ex-KGC guys who formed the Kuklos=Circle Klan=Family a family is also a circle. The KGC/KKK had plenty of members, friends and allies in the North who were more than happy to send their Southern brothers guns and money. You want to tell me dirt poor Southrons with squirrel rifles with worthless Confederate dollar bills suddenly just got enough money to get brand new Henry Rifles? The Knights of the Golden Circle’s Pre-war HQ was Cincinnati Ohio BTW
After 1868 the blanket pardon changed everything. Average Joe’s could be a bit more cocky, you could wear a Colt on your hip or two if you were so inclined. The Radical Regimes which were elected fraudulently were propped up by expensive military rule. It took awhile but eventually they did collapse, albeit just as the incompetent antebellum leadership had done, the South slowly gambled away the victory of 1877 and didnt press their advantage. Yes I agree with you, they should have done something in the North. They should have allowed Stonewall Jackson to burn it down ala General Sherman when he asked for permission to do so, and yes assasinations bombings you name it they should have been all in. The problem was Davis and his advisors refused to go full savage, unleash the wolf if you will/
@Michael Cushman…
‘Yes. Are you speaking of me personally or fhe South as a whole? I wish we had continued the war in 1865 with the army becoming an underground force assassinating their leaders and forcing them to erect a police state up North. Eventually I think they would have lost the will to hold us down.
It seems to be returning to that anyhow, though Lee tried to avoid it.’
They did lose that will, Mr. Cushman, in the War of Reconstruction.
In different words, what I am saying, Mr. Cushman, is that Dixie was built by tough rural White Men men who carried hoes, shovels, and rifles.
As long as they were willing to use any of those, as the situation required, then they suffered no situations like what is occurring in New Orleans, as of May 2017 – just another in a long sequence, since The Yankee Empire discovered, in the 1960s, that we were not prepared to up the ante and call them on their bluff.
Let me be absolutely clear – we must wage the political war forever, but, if that is not backed up by a collective willingness to use a rifle, it is totally useless, because the law is set up in such a way as, though we can win some victories, the war can never, will never, go to us.
Modern New Englanders, and, in particular American Jews, are NOT prepared to fight a shooting war, and a shooting war is the particular fort of The Southern White Race.
Their home field is legal manoeuvering in peace, disinformation ,and technocratick subversion, and our home field is manoeuvering in war.
Without a collective will to make our enemies fight and die for their tyranny, there will only be submission.
That’s the black pill.
When we are ready to fight and possibly die, we will win. Until then, we are just pissin’ in the wind, on a downhill slope.
So to be impolitick, but, it’s not just for your benefit, but for all our daily (((unseen guests)))
‘Sorry to be impolitick, but, it’s not just for your benefit, but for all our daily (((unseen guests)))
@Billy Ray Jenkins…
‘They should have allowed Stonewall Jackson to burn it down ala General Sherman when he asked for permission to do so, and yes assasinations bombings you name it they should have been all in. The problem was Davis and his advisors refused to go full savage, unleash the wolf if you will.’
That, Bill Ray, was the problem in the 1860s, 1960s, and, even worse, today, as well.
This situation will only answer to the wolf – and not a few little wolves, like Bower’s White Knights, but a pan-South, movement.
I don’t get why you are editorializing against George Washington for forming a successor to the original Ohio Company?
George Washington formed The Ohio Company of Virginia during the era around the French and Indian war, that was chartered by King George II and it went defunct. The Ohio Company of Associates a completely different organization was formed by Revolutionary War Officers from Massachusetts, most of whom were close friends with General Washington and General Hamilton. I was editorializing on this BECAUSE this Negro idiot who is attempting to tear down a Washington statue seems not to know or care for that matter that George Washington held abolitionist sentiments, so much so that when Martha passed, all of their slaves were freed. Washington also strangely enough said that if he was a young man, he’d leave Virginia and settle at Marietta in the Northwest Territory, strangely enough in an area that forbade slavery.
“If I was a young man, just preparing to begin the world, or if advanced in life and had a family to make provision for, I know of no country where I should rather fix my habitation.” George Washington.
These dumb Negroes calling Washington an evil slaveholder, I almost want to ROFL. The guy was a closet abolitionist. That’s the bloody irony of the entire mess. George Washington was also the first President who established the precedent that the US Military could be used against citizens of a state in rebellion, Jackson reaffirmned it, Zack Taylor endorsed it and by the time Lincoln came around Abe could say, well what im doing Generals Washington, Jackson, and Taylor would be in agreement with. Historical illiterates and Communist functional idiots never understand
You have a fertile imagination…
One of my ancestors, was a Virginia militia captain under Washington’s friends, General St. Clair, and, General Darke. He is credited, in some old accounts, as saving Arthur St. Clair’s life.
He’s buried in Pennsylvania, in the ancient Methodist graveyard across old Route 40 from Joe Hardy’s Lady Luck Casino. LOL. Seriously.
That is official history want the links?
The Ohio Company of Associates
In 1786, a group of men in Massachusetts, including General Rufus Putnam and Brigadier General Benjamin Tupper, founded the Ohio Company of Associates, a real estate company. The Ohio Company of Associates was NOT affiliated with the earlier Ohio Company.
The Ohio Company of Associates planned to purchase land in the Northwest Territory west of a previously surveyed area called the Seven Ranges. Both Putnam and Tupper had participated in survey expeditions led by Thomas Hutchins and believed that the region had great potential for land speculation.
General Putnam established the first Ohio Company of Associates settlement on the banks of the Ohio River. Known originally as Adelphia, the community soon became known as Marietta in honor of French Queen Marie Antoinette. To protect the settlement from attack by American Indian peoples living in and still claiming the region, the settlers built a fortification known as the Campus Martius. Many of the early settlers of Ohio Company of Associates lands came from New England. Now in Ohio, they tried to establish institutions and communities similar to those they had known in the East.
THE YANKEES WERE THE FIRST SETTLERS AND ESTABLISHED THE TOWNS like I said but they couldn’t make a go of it over the long run and were slowly replaced largely by Southerners and immigrants in later years.
Yes, Billy Ray has an outstanding mind – intuitive, observant, absorbant, highly analytical, and possesst of a memory like a steep trap. He writes well, too.
He’s absolutely a credit to the Confederacy – either of yore or to be.
@ Joe Putnam
“I saw part of a Fox interview with Condoleeza Rice today, where she blathered on about America (allegedly) being an idea, and not a race or a religion. Someone was asleep during history class…”
Globalism must destroy history and its emblems. It cannot create a New World Order with any powerful remnants of the Old World Order remaining. The globalists appear to be in accelerated mode and Rice was never asleep nor is she asleep now. Many past and present federal workers – not just politicians – are globalists and she revealed herself with that statement.
As for the “Adjunct” darkie, he doesn’t know that in the end his fate will be worse than ours. He has no clue what he’s doing. He’s just an errand boy.
You know that George Washington never owned slaves, they all belonged to his wife Martha. So technically you are wrong.