The Alt-Right Defends Southern Heritage In Charlottesville

Yesterday, the Alt-Right came to Charlottesville to defend Southern heritage.

It makes sense when you think about it. As Richard Spencer has repeatedly said, the Alt-Right is about identity. These Confederate monuments are expressions of Southern identity. They were erected by the sons and grandsons of the Confederate generation and were put in prominent public spaces in the South as a tribute to the sacrifices of our fathers in the War Between the States.

Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are Southern heroes. 1 out of every 4 Southern White men died in the War Between the States. 1 out of every 3 were maimed or killed. The horrific toll of that war has no parallel in our history. It’s not like there are only Confederate monuments in the South. There are Union monuments in the North which were erected for the same reasons.

Those monuments were built as an act of love. They are about us, our identity and how we remember our ancestors. The people who want to destroy those monuments to our dead also want to destroy and replace us, their living descendants, and make life miserable here for future generations. It’s not about the Confederacy. The same communist logic will eventually be used to destroy Union monuments.

Abraham Lincoln was a racist and white supremacist. The American flag represents slavery, white supremacy and settler-colonialism just as much if not more so than the Confederate flag. The Union Army was full of racists and white supremacists. The whole conflict was provoked by the desire of the Republican Party to keep blacks out of the Western territories. But that’s history.

We see where this is going. That is the reason why there were Northerners in attendance at that vigil last night in Lee Park. This is about wiping all of us out – all of us for being White. This isn’t about history so much as it is about the modern day Mao Zedong’s and their Cultural Revolution. As I was watching the vigil last night, I was also following #WhitePeople which was trending on Twitter.

This cultural genocide isn’t going to end with monuments. It never does.

Note: The Alt-Right rally in Charlottesville last night was a vigil about defending Southern monuments. The message was you will not replace us. It was defensive.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Billy Ray: The invention of AC has had a profound effect on this country, especially in the South and Southwest. It made the mass migration of (((New Yorkers))) and other Northern undesireables into Dixie possible. It also turned Washington City from a sleepy Southern town that was closed for business during the summer months into a sprawling imperial metropolis. Likewise, Las Vegas, SoCal and Phoenix would still be little more than railroad stops and cattle yards if it weren’t for AC. I’ve forgotten exactly why I wanted to point this out to you but perhaps you could elaborate on it?

  2. Junius, I disagree. The manipulation of the human race has been going on for thousands of years, if not much longer. It goes on today before our very eyes. Look at Pearl Harbor (the Americans broke the Japanese diplomatic code in either 1938 or 1939), Vietnam (the false narrative of the Gulf of Tonkin incident), and Iraq (no weapons of mass destruction) as well as countless other events where the minds of men and women were successfully manipulated into action. Southerners weren’t and aren’t immune. Mullins, a proud and loyal Son of the South did not embellish his research. He wrote the first book on the Federal Reserve yet most people never heard of him and believe that feat belongs to G. Edward Griffin. For many, their opinion of Eustace is solely based on the smear campaigns by the ADL, SPLC, and other organizations.

    Sorry, but I have far too much respect for Mullins to dismiss his research. And, you need to read up more on secret societies. The organization of how things happen simultaneously whether nationally or globally is by the hidden hand secret societies. A subject way too often ignored.

    We can respectfully agree to disagree.

  3. You are incorrect about SoCal. It already started to grow in the late 1800s and early 20th Century. SoCal has one of the best climates in America. No snow, not oppressively hot, not humid. What SoCal lacked was water, but Mulholland solved that with the LA Aqueduct, which delivered water from the Eastern Sierra to LA entirely through gravity.

  4. You are absolutely correct, Yehudah, when I was in SoCal I seldom used the AC. But it was a different story in Blythe, Needles and Barstow!

  5. I’m not really sure what your point is, Billy Ray. I haven’t denied that blacks could work better than whites in the South’s climate, as might very well be true. I’ve said my objection to slavery is moral and racial. Nobody should be enslaved, and blacks, whether free or enslaved, should not be brought to live among whites.

    I’m wondering, by the way, how you’d feel if blacks had had the ability to enslave your English forebears in England and if, in addition, their descendants were justifying the slavery with appeal to the English climate’s having been better suited to white labor.

    As it happens, blacks didn’t have anything like that power. They were entitled to live in their own way, among their own kind.

    Richard Spencer’s actions those two days or so ago would seem to have attached the alt-right to Southern Nationalism.

  6. Richard Spencer’s actions those two days or so ago would seem to have attached the alt-right to Southern Nationalism.

    It’s disappointing, but I figure he’s just hunting where the ducks are.

  7. @Billy Ray: The invention of AC has had a profound effect on this country, especially in the South and Southwest. It made the mass migration of (((New Yorkers))) and other Northern undesireables into Dixie possible. ive forgotten exactly why I wanted to point this out to you but perhaps you couldelaborate on it.


    I was merely explaining to John Bonasconni or whatever his name is the reason for Negro slavery in the first place. As i said in a modern world with Gatorade, Medicines, Machines and Air Conditioning for him to condemn Negro Slavery makes as much sense as telling a dog not to bark. The pre-mechanical time period needed brute strength and unfortunately White men couldnt provide this in certain climates. As I have said slavery was unfortunate but a necessary evil

  8. “… John Bonasconni or whatever his name is …”

    Southern manners–always on display here.

  9. John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia
    MAY 16, 2017 AT 6:04 PM
    “… John Bonasconni or whatever his name is …”

    Southern manners–always on display here.


    Southern manners? What exactly are you getting at? Let me make this straight to you, I wasn’t raised in the South, my familys roots in Dixie go back 400 years however. So if you’re using me to get at Hunter or anyone else, don’t. When I speak, I speak for me, I have no right to speak for anyone else.

  10. I know you weren’t raised in the South, Billy Ray, but I know, too, that your background–on your father’s side, maybe–is Southern and that you effectively identify as a Southerner.

  11. “It’s disappointing, but I figure he’s just hunting where the ducks are.”

    Possibly, silvio. On the other hand, it’s possible that the American alt-right has been all-but-synonymous with Southern Nationalism all along, even if I and, maybe, you did not realize it. From something, I recently read at American Renaissance or vDare, I concluded Jared Taylor is little other than a crypto-Confederate, as I will say. Whether the same may be said of, say, Andrew Anglin, whose commentary I enjoy, I don’t know.

    At is a Millennial Woes video where I have posted the following:

    Off-topic, Millennial Woes, but I would say you and other members of the alt-right, particularly in Europe, must decide whether you are in sympathy with America’s Southern Nationalists, as they call themselves–neo-Confederates as they might be called. At and are articles that make clear the American alt-right is becoming synonymous with Southern Nationalism–as maybe it always has been. You must decide, I say, whether, at the next convention of European alt-rightists, you want to welcome Americans who are upholding the Confederate flag, arguing that Lincoln was a tyrant and that the Civil War was not about Negro slavery–or, if it was, that Negro slavery was a good cause–etc.

  12. “It’s disappointing, but I figure he’s just hunting where the ducks are.”

    Possibly, silvio. On the other hand, it’s possible that the American alt-right has been all-but-synonymous with Southern Nationalism all along, even if I and, maybe, you did not realize it. From something, I recently read at American Renaissance or vDare, I concluded Jared Taylor is little other than a crypto-Confederate, as I will say. Whether the same may be said of, say, Andrew Anglin, whose commentary I enjoy, I don’t know. Certainly, the Murdoch Murdoch video-creators are neo-Confederates.

    I have posted at a Millennial Woes YouTube video headed “A Free Art College Degree?” the following comment:

    Off-topic, Millennial Woes, but I would say you and other members of the alt-right, particularly in Europe, must decide whether you are in sympathy with America’s Southern Nationalists, as they call themselves–neo-Confederates as they might be called. At [a Daily Stormer entry headed “Charlottesville Ground Report: Nazi Occultists Resurrect Spirit of Confederacy”] and [an Occidental Dissent entry headed “The Alt-Right Defends Southern Heritage In Charlottesville”] are articles that make clear the American alt-right is becoming synonymous with Southern Nationalism–as maybe it always has been. You must decide, I say, whether, at the next convention of European alt-rightists, you want to welcome Americans who are upholding the Confederate flag, arguing that Lincoln was a tyrant and that the Civil War was not about Negro slavery–or, if it was, that Negro slavery was a good cause–etc.

  13. John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia
    MAY 16, 2017 AT 7:33 PM
    I know you weren’t raised in the South, Billy Ray, but I know, too, that your background–on your father’s side, maybe–is Southern and that you effectively identify as a Southerner.


    I identify as ME MYSELF AND I. I don’t identify as a Southron, I am a Yankee by birth and I won’t claim otherwise. However I will stick up for my blood and the land my ancestors fought and died to get, and where they are buried. As they are not here to speak for themselves, I am their voice. Get it?

  14. Obviously, Billy Ray, you’re embarrassed by the show of bad manners I called you on. In an effort to recover the psychological high ground, you attempt to switch the focus to a discussion of whether I accurately regarded you as a Southerner. As you do so, you merely confirm yourself as a Southerner, with no capacity for pride-management. I “get it,” all right.

  15. @Snowhitey…

    Thank you for your reply. Gravatar is is much easier to miss replies than Discus, and that lack of notifications accounts for my delay.

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