What is a Rainbow Confederate?

In this video, we have some more fun with Rainbow Confederates:


Robert E. Lee to Thomas Carter, April 15, 1865

Robert E. Lee to R.E. Lee, Jr., March 19, 1868

Robert E. Lee, Testimony To Joint Committee on Reconstruction, February 17, 1866

Sen. Robert Toombs, Farewell Speech to the US Senate, January 07, 1861

Alexander Stephens to Abraham Lincoln, December 30, 1860

Stephen F. Hale, Letter to Gov. Mogoffin of Kentucky, December 27, 1860

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. One things that’s interesting here, Mr. Wallace–and to get the details, I’d have to listen again to the passages you’ve quoted–but it’s something I’d noticed before, though I don’t know that I’ve ever heard anyone point it out, obvious though it is–is the mixed views of these Southern figures. They’re not all pro-slavery, it seems: some of them are simply opposed to any sort of emancipation that would put the former slaves at liberty among Southern whites. Well, we’d really have to go back and look, but it seems as if the decisive political actors–the ones who brought about the war–were the non-segregationist abolitionists on the one hand and the ardent pro-slavery figures on the other. The latter, I guess, were the so-called fire-eaters. Nobody who was opposed to both slavery and the mixing of the races seems to have made himself heard.

  2. you fuckers created an army to go to war to defend you ‘right’ to own, murder, rape, sell, buy, beat, burn, hang, whip, starve, and hunt human beings as if they were an inanimate object. You fought your fucking relatives, you killed our own family members to maintain an abhorrent system of genocide to make money.

    I blame you. you’re an idiot.

  3. If Marxist queers like Timothy Grey had their way Whites would be at the mercy of violent black mobs and forced to live in squalid reservations, like the injuns do.

  4. Marxist fags like GHEY turned a wealthy, prosperous South Africa into a third world shithole where Whites DO live in squalor and don’t know their own History.

  5. @John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia,

    If you read the Secession Commissioners you find that they convinced the Upper South to secede in large part because they feared that under Black Republican rule the South would be either destroyed in racial revolution (as Haiti) or mogrelized. Either way, they feared that if they stayed in the Union the White Southern people would eventually be destroyed. It was a matter of survival, they felt, especially since the North had proved its ability to elect a Black Republican (Lincoln) without a single Southern electoral vote.

  6. “you fuckers created an army to go to war to defend you ‘right’ to own, murder, rape, sell, buy, beat, burn, hang, whip, starve, and hunt human beings as if they were an inanimate object. You fought your fucking relatives, you killed our own family members to maintain an abhorrent system of genocide to make money. ”

    Boy, you’re on the wrong website. We are not affiliated or aligned with Zionists, Jews, or Israel.

  7. It’s already the Jewish fantasy that whites will be a perpetually cowed, beaten and abused minority confined to Indian-like reservations come 2060, or whenever the non-white demographic tipping point finally comes (and it can’t come too soon for these evil Yids).

  8. Timothy Grey
    May 30, 2017 at 2:47 am

    “you fuckers created an army to go to war to defend you ‘right’ to own, murder, rape, sell, buy, beat, burn, hang, whip, starve, and hunt human beings as if they were an inanimate object. You fought your fucking relatives, you killed our own family members to maintain an abhorrent system of genocide to make money.

    I blame you. you’re an idiot.”

    “Bob Whitaker? @BobWhitaker2020 Apr 4

    There is no record of a white man enslaving a black man. They bought blacks who had already been enslaved by other blacks.”


  9. Flying spaghetti monster John Bonaccorsi – that’s because it was post WBTS. Review the timeline. Thomas Grey: Must a member of the Dragonlord Antifa Militia with his A-K -4-7. He feels as though his mulatto chilren are at risk.

  10. There are two Confederate soldiers buried in the cemetery in my town, I put flowers on their graves. This multi cultural stuff is just a lot of horse dump.

  11. @Timothy Grey…

    ‘You fuckers created an army to go to war to defend you ‘right’ to own, murder, rape, sell, buy, beat, burn, hang, whip, starve, and hunt human beings as if they were an inanimate object. You fought your fucking relatives, you killed our own family members to maintain an abhorrent system of genocide to make money.

    I blame you. you’re an idiot.’

    You, Mr. Grey, are so badly misinformed; and, even then, so one-sided in your assessment of who has done what in human history, that whatever you hope to achieve with your writing reaps the very antithesis.

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