My journey towards the Alt-Right started as a teenager. Growing up in the violent, dysfunctional dystopia that is any half-black city, I never really had racial delusions to cure. Yet, a broader picture of our civilization’s collapse was elusive. Back then all I had was my shitty local paper to give me an outlook on the wider world. One day that all changed. I read a scathing review in the back of this rag. It was a denunciation of a new book by Pat Buchanan, called “The Death of the West”. I was eager to read it, but where to buy it? Where I lived there were plenty of stores selling weave and offering rent-to-own furniture. There were other enterprising businesses soliciting my plasma so I could get the money to buy the book. However, there was nowhere to buy the fucking book.
So, I headed over to the family computer, and dialed up to the internet for a website I’d heard of called Amazon.com. It had the book, and a few days later it arrived in the mail. I found it simultaneously fascinating and disconcerting. After a Saturdayof rapid reading, I was hungry to learn more. So, I started plowing my lawn mowing money into a stream of literature from this super convenient website. It would sell at the lowest price and even recommend shit you’d never heard of on your home page. Awesome! Bought Buchanan? Perhaps you’d like this book from some guy named David Duke. Liked “My Awakening”? How about “Mein Kampf”? Since you bought those, how about “Judaism’s Strange Gods”? It sold everything. Which seemed strange since the company was run by a beady-eyed Jew named Jeff Bezos.
That was back in 2001. Now it’s 2017 and Amazon is one of the beasts feasting on the corpse of middle class America. At a net worth of damn in excess of 80 billion dollars (this can fluctuate by a few billion in a single day), Jeff Bezos ranks among the foremost of our dying country’s premier oligarchs. I’ve devoted this article to Amazon because it’s profited from several propellants of our national death spiral.
Let’s start with the most obvious. It’s bloated value. Like most digital giants, Amazon pays no regular dividend. In fact, in the 20 years since its IPO it’s never paid one even once. So how does a company like that reach the summit of our country’s Consumer Discretionary stocks? Sure it’s got an enormous market share, but also a pretty thin cash flow. I’ve heard that it’s because it’s focused on growth, leading it to sell key products like the Kindle at or below cost. This makes partial sense, but it’s an insufficient explanation for the colossal value of a company that provides no income to its shareholders. Trump criticized its taxes during the campaign. When he got elected it made a slight, fleeting dent in the stock price. Last month, it soared past 1,000 dollars per share, bringing its overall value to just shy of 480 billion.
Much of this figure can be attributed to the insane monetary policy plaguing the planet. With interest rates near zero and QE to Armageddon, a bank account is not a viable place to put savings for someone who works for a living and doesn’t want it to evaporate. At this late stage, everybody is forced to play a game they know is rigged and just hope for the best. As Tony Soprano once intoned about stocks: “You godda be high up in the corporate structure to make that shit work for you!” The average American is as skeptical of stocks as they are of politicians. In both cases, they’ve become despised and yet unavoidable.
Next, let’s discuss the hollowing out of America. This existential issue went unnoticed by the MSM until they got blindsided by the 2016 election. The growth of Amazon has paralleled the destruction of small and also large businesses. In a highly regulated, Obamacare business environment, it’s difficult to compete with a huge, well-connected entity like Amazon. Even Best Buy is on the ropes. We’re only halfway into 2017 and the retail closure rate seems likely to exceed even the recession period of 2008.
In my neck of the woods, a substantial portion of Amazon’s sales numbers can be understood in the context of demographics. For denizens of an area plagued by the incessant grotesqueries of diversity, online shopping allows them to live a more comfortable lifestyle. It’s cheap, convenient way not to confront a truth they’re psychologically incapable of accepting.
If I wanted to buy something as a kid, it would require a trip to a place like my local mall. My last trip there was a few years ago.I did it just out of misguided nostalgia. Unfortunately, it reminded me of why I shop online for everything but groceries. I was immediately confronted by the worst refuse that humanity has to offer. In this southern equivalent of Mos Eisley Spaceport, an obese mud shark was the most upstanding specimen in sight. I should also note that this was the first place I’d heard the phrase “chingada” uttered on American soil.

I walked past an “Africa Sensations” nail salon, and began to peruse the offerings of a custom “RIP dead homie” t-shirt shop. This was standard attire at my former prison high school, but I hadn’t seen them in quite a while. Then I turned around and noticed that there was still a lingerie shop in business. I mused about how peculiar was to peddle such extravagances in a place where everyone was clearly too fat to wear them. I promptly made a U-turn, walking past an Auntie Anne’s Pretzel kiosk staffed by some mystery meat who probably carried every letter of Hepatitis. When I got to my car (in a parking lot where dozens had been shot over the years), I closed the door and muttered: “Hitler was onto something”. I sped home and made my purchase on Amazon.
Shortly thereafter, a promising young man of color found himself the recipient of lead in front of that lingerie supplier. It was in broad daylight, on camera, of course. Brilliant! I attributed this calculated feat to sheer African cunning.His disgruntled associates had waited for the perfect opportunity to shoot him with impunity. This and countless other incidents (mob attacks go without saying) scared away all of the customers without melanin. The mall closed and now it’s just another massive concrete wasteland. Score one for Bezos!
Conventional retail continues to implode. By some projections, a quarter of the malls in this country will soon follow the fate of my local shithole. There are countless websites catering to atomized SWPL business now. It’s the future and I can’t fault them for trying to cash on it. There’s undeniable logic to how they’re selling shit. Even for 5 bucks, why take the risk of standing in line for a potentially carcinogenic pizza at Little Caesar’s when you could subscribe to Blue Apron? Maybe Amazon has some competition on the horizon but I doubt it.
Finally, let’s discuss the Deep State. Bezos has a 600 million dollar contract with the CIA for a vague “cloud storage” project. In a total coincidence, he bought some money-hemorrhaging newspaper you may have heard of called The Washington Post. In his own words, he made the 250 million dollar purchase “with no due diligence”ostensibly to enhance democracy. For the preservation of sanity, I’d largely tuned out of the MSM, so I wasn’t aware of the acquisition at the time it happened.
My attention was called later by the triumphal coverage of a “Prop or Not List” shortly after the election. I hadn’t been aware, but voters weren’t driven by existential issues or appalling corruption. In reality, I was either a “useful idiot” of the supervillain Vladimir Putin or a recipient of his money. Keep in mind that this story propelled the absurd hysteria that’s driven the news cycle ever since. This paper is leading the anti-Trump hysteria mainly by publishing a flurry of supposed leaks from “anonymous intelligence sources” that never amount to anything but serve to undermine the president’s legitimacy.
The Deep State (the CIA in particular) has a long history of exactly this sort of activity, stretching back from Operation Mockingbird decades ago until present. For example, it came to light last year that the Pentagon paid British PR firm Bell-Pottinger roughly 540 million to produce propaganda during the Iraq War. Its tasks included making fake Al-Qaeda videos. Much of this had to be approved by General David Petraeus, who later became head of the CIA. Hell, you can even read about this chicanery in “Mother Jones” or “Salon”. In the context of the dishonesty required to undertake such an effort and the sums of money expended to carry it out, does a mere 250 million for the straw purchase of a marquee newspaper seem unreasonable? In his classic fashion, Trump sniffed something out but couldn’t precisely articulate the source of the stench.
This contemporary process of becoming an oligarch through the destruction of civilization always seems to culminate in the same delusional fantasy. Bezos has started a spaceship company called “Blue Origin” to blast us into the future. I guess he aspires to make Amazon a real-life Weyland-Yutani Corporation. Perhaps he thinks that we’ll all be taking orders from an android that looks like him. My prediction? We’ll be begging for water from some real-life version of the Immortan Joe.
-By Tom Shackleford and originally published at identitydixie.com.
I make a conscious effort any more to not use Amazon. Unfortunately, they have such a great selection of books on the Third Reich and many other topics of history that interest me.
The mall in my mostly White suburb of Phoenix just got an upgrade. It’s full of nice stores. The White Antifa teenagers hanging around are a bit of a bummer but my local mall is still nice.
Bezos is a piece of work, but, he’s not an ethnic Jew. His real name is Jorgensen. He was adopted when his divorced mother re-married a Cuban named Bezos. It would be interesting to see what his DNA profile looked like? LOL.
Some claim Bezos is a Roman Catholic—that’s very possible.
I don’t want anything to do with some billionaire jew’s nightmarish plans for the human race.
Never liked malls anyway – limited selection of overpriced junk, old people sitting on the benches all day and teenage PUNKS looking for trouble.
Yeah, Malls are pretty much dead. Support White sports like Ice Hockey and Tennis. Even the non Whites who play and watch tennis tend to be nice, well dressed – international tennis is now a lot like the old international noble families where different Whites from different countries intermarry, teach and coach each other. You just don’t feel that overwhelming presence of Jew oligarchs in tennis, though there is now a bit of a battle with PC lesbians and their supporters going after any traditionalists like the Australian woman’s champion from the 1960s and 70s who said some politically incorrect things about lesbians and about the South Africa.
I’m going to direct my comment at the business and market logic in this post, or rather lack thereof.
Many people in our sphere of politics know little about business and markets, and thus harm their own financial prospects as a result.
First of all, there is absolutely no reason for the average American (or anyone else in an industrial country) to be skeptical of stocks provided he does not convince himself stocks are equivalent to a savings account or that future returns will be even and predictable.
From January 1, 1871 to December 31, 2016 the S&P 500 (adjusted for inflation and with all dividends reinvested) had a compound annual growth rate of 6.88%. One Dollar invested then would be worth $16,543.70 today. Of course real returns would be somewhat lower owing to trading commissions and taxes…and it’s not like there were index funds in 1871.
There is further no need these days to speculate on the performance of a particular stock. One can even purchase an index fund which owns the entire stock market, weighted by market capitalization of the constituent companies.
The stock market in fact represents the easiest and best way for the average person who does not want to start a business to grow his wealth. Even if you bought in right before the stock market crash in 1929 you recovered your position (with dividend reinvestment) by 1937.
Regarding Amazon in particular, which I do not own for the reasons outlined in the OP (it’s impossible for me to figure out what the business is worth), Bezos is telling the truth (not about WaPo/deep state ties or whatever, but about Amazon). Not only does the company not pay dividends (Berkshire Hathaway does not either), but it deliberately keeps earnings low in order to increase investment in its business.
Cashflows aren’t “thin” either, the company has grown operating cashflow from $6.8bn in 2014 to $16.4bn in 2016. In the same time period total assets grew from $54.5bn to $83.4bn.
Generally people like to criticize Wall Street for focusing on the short term, foregoing investment in the core business in favor of stock buybacks, and playing financial games such as putting out non-GAAP earnings figures. Bezos does the exact opposite of that.
I do strongly agree with the author that demographic change partly accounts for the decline of retail spending at brick and mortar stores, but the convenience and broader offerings available online (not just at Amazon) are a big part of it. I purchase most of my non-perishable groceries from Jet.com now for instance because it’s easier than going to the local Wal-Mart.
There’s another demographic issue beyond race which was hinted at in Jack Ryan’s previous post about television. While avoiding mahogany mobs is priority one, I live in an all-white area. It’s also depressing to see deteriorated white people. I don’t like seeing obese people, people with tattoos, or people dressed and groomed like slobs. The less time I spend in a retail store the better.
Good post Thor, but Herr Wolf is quite savvy about Wall Street as well, so I will have to defer to his opinion if it should differ from yours.
I just heard that amazon has plans to purchase the upscale grocery chain Whole Foods for $14 billion. That will definitely have a significant impact on the grocery store industry!
An excellent piece. OD seems to focus on both transcendent and transient politics as in may case it is transient politics- that which concerns the individual in the here and now- that is most likely to lead to revolutionary dissent. Remind me who the Weyland-Yutami corporation was. That phrase rings a bell.
@ethnostatist – They were the nefarious corporation (“the Company”) from the Alien movie franchise. Only the first two films are worth watching.
Amazon agreed to purchase Whole Foods last Thursday for a 27% premium over the closing price. Wall Street lost their minds as a result and the share price of all other grocery stocks tumbled.
I view it as a buying opportunity for Kroger, which lost 25% and was already a bargain stock. I moved all my dry powder into Kroger on Monday as a result.
Kroger has higher revenue per square foot and has grown revenue per store more than its competitors (including Wal-Mart and Target) in this century, but more importantly 1700 of its 2300 stores are located in small towns where there is no Whole Foods nor Amazon Fresh. Furthermore price sensitive shoppers (Kroger is known for selling the cheapest eggs & dairy in the business in order to bring in foot traffic) will not buy from Whole Foods or Amazon Fresh, and delivering perishable groceries is far more expensive than the usual wares Amazon sells.
Note to those of you without investing or business experience: buying Kroger specifically is inherently riskier than index investing.
@spahnranch1969 IS is getting weird. Did you see that article about Lee going on European sex tours- WTF?
@Herr Wolf: Yes, it made Lee look like something of a sleazebag. Who openly admits to being a john? I think he’s been hanging around with Anglin and Weev too long.
A mall close to public transportation will always crap out. “Tracks bring blacks.”
” I purchase most of my non-perishable groceries from Jet.com now for instance because it’s easier than going to the local Wal-Mart.”
I’m going to say it, Then you are part of the problem. There are two immutable items the Oligarchs CANNOT, MUST NOT control them – EVER. Food and Water. We already have controlled (sewer/municipal) water. Why (one wonders) does the inability to have a well on property controlled by the public sewer exist? Because they want to CONTROL you, even so much as via a glass of H20.
Bezos’ megalomaniacal buyout of Whole Foods is a first step in that monopoly of Total Control, that many clearer minds than yours have been warning against, since the day Monsanto supposedly ‘patented’ wheat.
Malls I can do without. Buying produce, eggs, cheese, and meat from local butchers, bakers, and vegetable makers, is our last hope of maintaining some semblance of local autonomy. And God help me find a piece of property that has a good working well on it….
Do you really think Jeff Bezos looks like a “Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen”? Did you ever see the mug on his mother, (((Jaclyn Gise)))? No amount of Nordic blood could dilute those genes.
I see a lot of similarities between Bezos and Jobs.
Absentee biological father
Started business out of garage
Massive funding of unknown sources
Becomes dominant in business sector
Business is leading edge and technological facilitator of societal change
Business pushes massive social change within organization as example to others
Personally pushes and funds massive social change
Leftist Democrat
I guess it depends how often real coincidence actually occurs.
Who knows but keep it in mind as life moves forward.
Excellent, Snowhitey. Something being up with those two was niggling at the edge of my mind.
I’m one to pose questions when conclusions aren’t certain or easily proven (most on here won’t bother to scrutinize cohencidences which provide clear proof to begin with…)
There are compelling questions there.
And I’d add, both industries gather massive intel on the citizenry. Massive, especially considering how dominant both are in them.
“Becomes dominant in business sector”
To the point of putting much of the competition out of business, thereby establishing a near monopoly and a dangerous dependence on it in the public.
Great article! Funnily enough, I have visited malls in the Third World (Africa and South America), and they are beautiful, middle-class spaces where people don’t just go to shop, but to hang out and socialize. Kind of how mall culture used to be in America. But I went to the much-vaunted Mall of America in Minnesota a few years ago and it was geto as f*** – couldn’t wait to get out of there. Sad!
@ Onceler
“To the point of putting much of the competition out of business, thereby establishing a near monopoly and a dangerous dependence on it in the public.”
That too! Absolutely. Look at Gates (the link is sleazy lawyer daddy) and how he put much better software companies out of business (Lotus, WordPerfect, etc.). Anyone who believes that phony IBM story needs to revisit it.
I’m betting there is a connection to many of these “success” stories. Just like many of the robber barons of the 18th and 19th centuries who we now find out were financed by the Rothschilds. Or, the origins of Astor, Delano, and Forbes fortunes. Their wealth came from the trafficking of drugs. It’s not a wonder we are so screwed in the 21st century.
I heard, and I have no idea if it’s true but it is something to remember regardless, that many close to the top plant their seeds anonymously and then when the product is of a certain age, it gets tapped to run something or be a somebody. This strategy would keep everything within the family/bloodlines while appearing totally unrelated.
You can never, ever underestimate the control mechanism and how it operates.
@ Fr. John
I believe Monsanto’s GMO seeds were intended to do just that. Monsanto was even successful in suing farmers who saved their own seeds. A “controlled” judge decided the case.
I believe Nestle has control over many deep natural springs in Europe.
I forget which company has digs on the Great Lakes. That was exposed in one of Jesse Ventura’s conspiracy show episodes. They were removing the water from one of the lakes and sending it to….. China!
My guess is that they will get total control of us through food and water.
Who was it that said the first people to smell tyranny is farmers? It will come to me. For the US, that time has long passed.
@ Snowhitey
It’s my vague sense that many people didn’t totally approve of Gates’ tactics in creating Microsoft’s monopoly over the market.
I wonder if Jobs and Bezos were somehow obscured after noticing this… I’ll have to investigate, just throwing things out there.
But something is almost certainly up here, and this history of the very rich/robber barons, etc., fits right in.
@ Onceler
We don’t analyze enough!
It was reported a few years ago that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers were merging to form a partnership or something like that. David was getting close to his permanent departure and I think some of the Rockefeller wealth (maybe most) really belonged to the Rothschilds. It’s like “The Giving Pledge” where Gates, Buffet, etc. have pledged to give away most of their wealth when they die. A foundation or similar type of instrument. You know, to save the planet and help the poor. I don’t believe that surface story at all. Foundations and trusts and similar types of entities have been used by the controllers for centuries. They’re all connected to some degree but it’s hidden. Did you ever listen to the interview of Norman Dodd about his research into tax-exempt foundations (YT)?
Quiet simply, the likes of Anglin, Matt Forney, Chateaux Heartist and co are pushing a particulary noxious brand of degeneracy on the nationalist opposition. It must be firmly rejected.
We’re in a situation where, it seems to me, the retail sector is down to three big superpowers, the sort of which will make the retail sector catch cold if any one of them sneezes:
Amazon, Wal-Mart, Aldi.
And each one of them thinks of the other two as mortal enemies.
Amazon dominates online, Wal-Mart dominates big box, and Aldi dominates the small box grocery inferior goods (economics definition, not moral definition) space.
The first inkling I had that this was going on was several weeks ago, at one of my networking get-togethers. One guy there started talking, and told us that he had been at another networking get-together a few days earlier, and at it was a regional managerial munchkin for Wal-Mart, who was ranting and raving and chimping out that St. Louis’s newest Wal-Mart was, and this is supposed to be an exact quote: “Right next to a fucking Aldi.”