Happy New Year 2018!

Goodbye, 2017.

You won’t be missed. I can’t recall a year that began with so much promise only to end as such a disappointment. It already feels like a load has been lifted!

Note: OD had a great year. We more than doubled our traffic. There’s no sign we are slowing down. The Great Disappointment was the Trump administration.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In Australia they showed news coverage of the NYE celebrations and fireworks. The reporter asked some African kid what his hope for the new year was and he answered in broken English – ‘peeeece, happiness and prosperity for all’. As if having hordes of Africans in your country is going to help achieve those things!
    A mixed race couple (Asian woman/white man) were asked what their new years resolution was- ‘ to get married’ they yelled back in excitment.
    I can never watch the ABC without seeing things that outrage me. Do can’t even do a bloody NYE report without including politically correct, anti-white crap.
    Anyhow, happy new year to all.

  2. It’s possible that 2018 will be the best year yet for this movement if we are humble and accept the chastisement of 2017 (as opposed to explaining it away).

    The Cold Equations are still working their dread effect, we just have to offer a palatable solution to most whites (ie not fascism, Nazism, etc).

    Imagine a movement that was laser focused on promoting a new ethnostate! If you can dream it you can do it!

  3. We were proud to be featured for 30 minutes on last Saturday’s End of 2017 “The Political Cesspool” with James Edwards where our theme was “It could have been worse”…. Could be raining:

    (Young Frankenstein)


    You can access our segment in the last our from THPC archive page


    The South’s best Populist Conservative Radio program

    In this show we discussed the best and worst things/people in 2017 and ended with hope and optimism over the fact that the Chicago born, miseducated Yale Law School feminist (rhymes with “Witch) Hillary – the Hildabeast was not elected President and we got such unexpected positive things like a heterosexual White guy appointed to the US Supreme Court.

    My pick for traitor of the year – American Division was Ivanka Trump. If she had just married a White guy we wouldn’t have Jared Kushner a Lib Left Goldman Sachs money changer Zionist dictating our foreign policy.

  4. Next year will be the jew year, 2019 too but then tide is finally turned. Jewish century will be over.

    1916 Brussilov Offence tended to save Russian Empire.
    2016 Hillary victory was almost clear.

    In the beginning of the 1917 tsar Nicholaus fell
    In the beginning og the 2017 tsar Obama fell

    1917 was one big mess until Lenin finally got the power, his was considered irrelevant at the time.
    2017 Trump finally got Republicans to support hes tax reform enforced hes will and now this is also irrelevant

    In march 1918 liberals finally dared to use violence, executed Tsar family and aristochrats.
    In march 2018 Trump finally dares to go after Obama Clinton crime syndicate.

    And then will be war

    In 1920 was clear that Lenin with hes comrades will stay on stage or a while. In 2020 will be clear that white people are back for a while.

    Prepare for war.

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