Nikki Haley: “The Iranian Regime Is On Notice”

My eyes can’t roll further back in my head:

“We continue to monitor closely the protests and violence in Iran. The Iranian people have been expressing their desire for dignified treatment, an end to corruption, improved transparency, and increased economic opportunities. Protestors have also demanded that the regime stop diverting the nation’s wealth to fund military adventurism abroad. Unfortunately, the government continues to imprison and kill those who are brave enough to venture into the street. It is limiting the flow of information into Iran, restricting free speech, and attempting to prevent the outside world from observing its own repression. …”

What do you think our government does?

When Charlottesville restricted our free speech and freedom of assembly and imprisoned our people in a dungeon, we were unanimously condemned by the Republican Congress, which later voted to squander our wealth on the $700 billion NDAA. We don’t have the “the free exchange of ideas and information” in this country because of Antifa violence and corporate monopolies. If free speech is now the standard, why don’t we support regime change in Germany?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “…regime stop diverting the nation’s wealth to fund military adventurism abroad.”

    I couldn’t have said it better myself.

    Oh, wait. She’s speaking of Iran.

  2. They’re really sore about Iran contributing so much to defeat “our” AQ/ISIS pals in Syria, aren’t they?

  3. Re: free speech

    Have you heard about the Scot who taught his Pug (dog)to do the Hitler salute and is being prosecuted in the UK for posting the video? The usual suspects have weighed in.

  4. Before the ink was dry on the “nuclear deal”, China announced the New Silk Road which will run from Shanghai, through Tehran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon Turkey and Russia. They also have a southern route through Pakistan called the Karakorum Highway that will eventually link up with Iran as well.

    I fear that Afghanistan will heat up as the locals realize that they are getting iced out of this historic opportunity and that American bribes do not offset this loss. There are many parties in the region that will be happy to give Trump a bloody face under the guise of “Taliban” attacks (China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan).

    If white America had a government that represented us on the world stage, it would seek its own trans-global highway running from Britain, through the Chunnel to a liberated Europe, Russia, the Bering Strait Alaska, Canada and then the continental US. We would curry favor with Iran so that they could close off the New Silk Road, leaving the “Aryan Express” as the central artery of world trade.

    This is the problem with Trump; despite going to Wharton, he really isn’t smart enough to play this game.

    • I agree with your analysis.

      I’m sure Russia and china know, if the US was forced into total conventional war, US would last 3 days of world war 3 then run out of ammo, over reach is that erroneous.Nuclear bombs are not an option, the US would be discredited morally globally.

      A war with Iran, and an Afghan heating back up, would likely overextend the US to a stale mate. Very embarrassing. Invading Iran will also cause a much greater Muslim migration to Europe, which will see Europe flip to Russia in following electrol cycle or 2.. All of a sudden the US Industrial war machine snaps, so do the banks and wall street. The US occupation of Germany would cease and NATO would be reorganized.

      The Angloshpere stagnates economically. Jews start making the trip to Israel on mass from Europe and anglosphere. I wish ha.

      Israel would flip geopolitically to China, Russia and India for control of the middle east.

      The unintended consequences of an Iran war wouldn’t end the zio regime in the Anglo-sphere, but it’s legitimacy as being competent would be forever broken. Dissidents would likely be cracked down on as they need to blame someone.

      All these possibly fluid unintended consequences…

      No, the neocons are praying for a colour revolution as it’s the easiest laziest, safest route of maintaining their power and money at home, it’s what these scum care about the most. They are hoping trump and his neocon Zionist puppets can bullycide a colour revolution. As when Obama tried it flopped.

  5. A con man always speaks with great confidence and promises you the world as if he’s some magic genie.

    A honest person will say “I’ll TRY to build a wall.” He knows it wont be easy and that he will face great resistance and he does not want to make promises he’s not sure he can keep.

    A con man says “I WILL build a wall.” He does not really care if he is able to keep his promises, he may have no intention to at all. He just wants you to believe in him so you’ll give him what he wants. Whether or not you get what you want is no concern to him.

    • @Steve,
      Yes in politics its better to under promise then over deliver than to over promise and under deliver, as indeed 99% of politicians throughout the world do.
      I’m sure most Trump voters now feel that going to vote at all was a waste of their time and gas.
      Yep…democracy gets us nowhere. We need a pro-white dictatorship that can’t be voted out by bleeding hearts with ‘feels’ for poor minorities.

    • @Newmetrology,
      I take your point, but, I did say a-PRO WHITE dictatorship-thats the key. China has one. The result-Chinese in China are put first. If you keep your nose clean, you’ll generally have nothing to worry about, and the misfits are kept under control. Non Chinese are refused permanent settlement. Imagine a similar setup-for whites? Shouldn’t be that impossible given the Chinese can get away with it. Is China actually a dictatorhip? I’m not sure, but they’re certainly pro their own in a way I admire-and they can’t be voted out.
      When nothing else works, these extreme examples should be considered.

  6. Wow. Nimrata did sound like she was describing Merica, not Iran. We are not free, and the FedGov spends obscene sums on military interventionism and foreing exploits. And aid to the Z.O.G. We used to be free, but it was a long time ago…
    I hear there is to be a rally for Lt. Gen. Forrest in Memphis today. I pray all goes well and peaceful. Hail Forrest!

  7. This nimwit Nikki is unfortunately, a twofer for the cuckservative class. They get to have someone who sounds tough at the “dang” UN, and they get to virtue signal by supporting a non White woman.

  8. It could easily be a description of the (((USA))).

    We continue to monitor closely the protests and violence in America. The American people have been expressing their desire for dignified treatment, an end to corruption, improved transparency, and increased economic opportunities(Charlottesville). Protestors have also demanded that the regime stop diverting the nation’s wealth to fund neocon military adventurism abroad. Unfortunately, the government continues to imprison those who are brave enough to venture into the street(Christopher Cantwell). It is limiting the flow of information into America(RT required to register as foreign agent), restricting free speech(Google banning Daily stormer, Vdare and Amren banned from holding conferences in private and public venues, …”

  9. It’s disgraceful that they tried and murdered Milosevi? in The Hague (he was posthumously cleared) for imaginary war crimes while those bloodthirsty DC/Tel Aviv warmongers wrecked Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria, none of which had anything to do with 9/11, killed perhaps millions and spent trillions on “military adventurism.”

    A decent country would not tolerate this.

    They should all be in the dock.

  10. If America had an America First government, Dubya and his neocon gangsters would be arrested, tried and punished for treason and war crimes.

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