It has been a huge news day.
The first item on the agenda is news is because it is suddenly not on the agenda. The GOP started making noises about doing welfare reform in 2018. This idea was scrapped after Mitch McConnell torpedoed Roy Moore’s election. Afterwards, the consensus became that infrastructure would be the big legislative item of 2018, but now that too seems to be going nowhere:
“President Donald Trump’s $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan may not pass Congress this year, a key GOP lawmaker said Tuesday — shortly before a Trump-backed proposal to split up the Federal Aviation Administration collapsed as well.
Though expected, the two developments delivered major legislative blows for an administration that rolled into office banking on big populist wins on transportation.
Sen. John Cornyn, the Senate majority whip, said Tuesday that passing an infrastructure bill by the end of the year will be a tough task because lawmakers are facing a host of other priorities — news that would be a major blow to Trump’s hopes for another big legislative victory before the November midterm elections.
“I think it’s gonna be hard, because we have so many other things to do and we don’t have much time,” Cornyn (R-Texas) told reporters. …”
Mitch McConnell has announced the Senate is moving on to banking reform.
The good news is that DACA amnesty and gun control seem to be off the table. The bad news is that a lot of time was wasted on it and all the talk about a $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill has also died in the Senate. The highly touted infrastructure bill was also full of gimmicks anyway. The federal dollars that would have been spent on rebuilding our infrastructure were given away in the Trump tax cuts.
We can’t build a strong border wall to protect America from illegal alien invaders because they say there isn’t enough money. We can’t even rebuild our crumbling highways, schools and bridges. But start a huge military buildup against Iran, Syria and Russia? Now that’s more like it, goyim.
They don’t do anything except collect salaries and shill for the heebs, everyone of them is totally useless.