Update: President Trump has responded on Twitter. This is one area where we completely agree with what he is doing.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 16, 2018
The Boston Globe, which was sold to the the Failing New York Times for 1.3 BILLION DOLLARS (plus 800 million dollars in losses & investment), or 2.1 BILLION DOLLARS, was then sold by the Times for 1 DOLLAR. Now the Globe is in COLLUSION with other papers on free press. PROVE IT!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 16, 2018
There is nothing that I would want more for our Country than true FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. The fact is that the Press is FREE to write and say anything it wants, but much of what it says is FAKE NEWS, pushing a political agenda or just plain trying to hurt people. HONESTY WINS!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 16, 2018
Happening now … the so-called “free press” is publishing hundreds of editorials in which it denies President Trump’s charge of being “enemies of the people”:
“NEW YORK (AP) — The nation’s newsrooms are pushing back against President Donald Trump with a coordinated series of newspaper editorials condemning his attacks on “fake news” and suggestion that journalists are the enemy.
The Boston Globe invited newspapers across the country to stand up for the press with editorials on Thursday, and several began appearing online a day earlier. Nearly 350 news organizations have pledged to participate, according to Marjorie Pritchard, op-ed editor at the Globe.
In St. Louis, the Post-Dispatch called journalists “the truest of patriots .” The Chicago Sun-Times said it believed most Americans know that Trump is talking nonsense. The Fayetteville, N.C. Observer said it hoped Trump would stop, “but we’re not holding our breath .” …”
Here is a sample of this avalanche of sanctimonious bullshit from “journalists” who are laughably posturing as champions of the First Amendment:
Kudos to @BostonGlobe @nytimes and hundreds of other joining the call to protect our First Amendment freedoms. When this right is threatened, so is our democracy. We need a #freepress today more than ever to ensure credible voices not be silenced. https://t.co/voXDiCt5ln
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) August 16, 2018
A Free Press Needs You https://t.co/B4yPt0IxkA
— Veronika Lukashevich (@ronilukashev) August 16, 2018
A rare – and powerfully written – front-page editorial in tomorrow's Philadelphia Inquirer, joining 300-plus news orgs in calling out Trump for his war on a free press that threatens democracy. Please read it, share it, and let's get #FreePress trending https://t.co/f158i0qX7W
— Will Bunch (@Will_Bunch) August 15, 2018
EDITORIAL: The Fresno Bee is not the enemy. We are Americans, and part of the Valley, like you #FreePress https://t.co/tuRBFZa1yD
— Fresno Bee (@FresnoBee) August 16, 2018
This relentless assault on the #FreePress is a civic threat and it must end. From @GlobeOpinion: https://t.co/pRNS0KUKHW pic.twitter.com/tPuwYgOhvE
— The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) August 16, 2018
Freedom of press is freedom of speech. #media #PressFreedom #FreePress #FakeNews https://t.co/059JgJgZIO
— Jeremy Gibbon (@gibbon_jeremy) August 16, 2018
Please. If you read one thing tonight. Read this @TucsonStar opinion column – it is important. The free press is not the 'enemy of the people' https://t.co/ITGgiKLUxJ
— Joe Ferguson (@joeferguson) August 16, 2018
A majority of Republicans disagree:
A majority of Republicans (51%) now regards the media as the enemy of the American people pic.twitter.com/hgWaTOxAf8
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) August 14, 2018
Nearly half of Republicans want the free press to be shut down:
New Economist/YouGov Poll — by 45% to 20% Republicans favor having courts "shut down news media outlets" for "biased or inaccurate" stories pic.twitter.com/ltdpyeMfxA
— Will Jordan (@williamjordann) July 26, 2017
In the last week, Oliver Darcy of CNN has been campaigning to purge Infowars from the internet and “journalists” have piled on to demand that Alex Jones be suspended from Twitter:
People have been left wondering: What's the purpose of Twitter having rules if the platform isn't going to take any meaningful action to enforce them? pic.twitter.com/5hyu4T50Gm
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) August 12, 2018
The Free Press has even gone so far as to justify Antifa violence against Trump supporters. They publish a neverending stream of fake news, support gangs of thugs who assault people in the streets and demand mass censorship of social media. Then these people are like “why do they hate us”?
They’re not called the Jewsmedia for nothin’.
As an aside, speaking of AntiFa©
United Synagogue Youth have a sub organization.
613 Mitzvah Corps
613 Mitzvah Corps (commonly referred to as 613) is USY’s Social Action/Tikun Olam (Repairing the World) or SA/TO club.
The club was designed for USYers who wish to be more involved in social action and learn more about social activism within the context of Judaism.
I image their “social activism” includes active participation in Antifa© as Kommissars and Zampolits. No doubt, many an Antifa© action has been planned at a local 613 meeting, under the supervision of USY leaders.
It would be interesting and instructive to keep an eye on local 613 groups, leading up to public events that Antifa© are sure to attend.
It might be instructive to observe the relationship between the presence and absence of Synagogues, and the relative strength and effectiveness of the local AntiFa© chapters.
An insight into human nature: in this pre-war, both sides are calling for fascism in one breath, then crying for their rights in the next.
Hehe, good point.
It’s going to be an interesting situation once we get beyond the “pre-” part. Are we still going to be bitching about deplatformings and doxxings and nazi-punchings whilst we’re all running around putting bombs under each others’ cars?
I always like think that bloodshed will wash away a lot of the bullshit, but then it’ll probably be quite the opposite. Men never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.
Fascism, like tyranny, is a relative term. Laws against molesting children is tyranny against pedophiles.
In reality, you have actual fascists calling for freedom of speech.
Fascism is an economic ideology and has nothing at all to do with what you think it does.
Fascism rules for the interests of the majority, communism for an (((elite))) minority.
I hate it when people throw words around without having any idea what they really mean. Fascism is about glorifying the State, the way Mussolini did. It’s a political and economic ideology where the State is an end in itself, What is so difficult to grasp about that? And what is so terrible about it?
‘Freedom of press is freedom of speech’…..yes for leftwing Jewish media-not us. If they genuinely believe in freedom of speech, they’ll just leave alternative media alone-where free speech truly exists.
Common sense views on social media are now making an impact, and the soon to be not so mainstream media don’t like it. Antifa masquerading as ‘balanced’ journalists-thats all they are.
Methinks they doth protest too much. They’re pissed off because they no longer hold a monopoly on information/disinformation flow which they think they have a special right to hold.
Once again you have nailed it.
Joel Stein, columnist for the Los Angeles Times newspaper and regular contributor to Time magazine wrote in his column in the LA Times (Dec. 19, 2008) that Americans who think the Jews do not control Hollywood and the media are just plain “dumb.” “Jews totally run Hollywood.” Stein proudly proclaims. He then goes on to provide a long, long list of Hollywood/media chieftains-all Jews! — to prove his point.
Each is prepared to censor the other. There is no more discussion possible.