Blue Lives Matter and Antifa Square Off In Philadelphia


We’re up to 16 Antifa arrested now.

11 Antifa have been arrested in Philadelphia after engaging in violence against police officers to shut down a Blue Lives Matter rally:

“PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Arrests have been made, with several people reportedly taken into custody, following protests throughout Center City.

Organizers of the protest rallied dozens of anti-fascist groups to meet at City Hall to oppose the Blue Lives Matter March being held at the Liberty Bell.

Dozens Of Citizens, Police March To End Gun Violence In Southwest Philly

The Blue Lives Matter March, organized by a popular group called Sports Beer & Politics II, began at 10:30 a.m. Saturday on Market Street.

“In spite of all the negative press towards police, we want to show our support of our men and women in blue,” wrote Zachary Rehl, the Blue Lives Matter event organizer.

Rehl is the son of a deceased Philadelphia police officer Robert Rehl.

The event organizers stated that they did not condone any violence in association with the rally. In fact, “any violence, racism, or display of hate by any group or individual is extremely prohibited,” organizers added on the event page. …”

I will update this thread as more information becomes available.

Antifa chanting about killing the police:

Great optics here. Antifa chanting for the death of police officers.

Violent Antifa attacked the Philadelphia Police while screaming at a Jewish Republican House candidate and calling him a Nazi for supporting the cops:

Photographer reporting that 10 arrests are being processed:

Comrades, 11 more violent Antifa have been arrested in Philadelphia this afternoon for attacking the police. Plz support their bail fund via their Twitter and PayPal accounts:

Why are Antifa allowed to use Twitter to organize violence and crowdfund their bail funds?

Note: Antifa can be heard chanting about killing cops at 23:45 in this video:

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Comrades, 11 more violent Antifa have been arrested in Philadelphia this afternoon for attacking the police. Plz support their bail fund via their Twitter and PayPal accounts:”

    How come those two companies aren’t being flooded with protests by conservative groups, patriots, and police unions?

  2. Why are Antifa allowed to use Twitter to organize violence and crowdfund their bail funds?

    Well that’s just a fantastic question. So fantastic, in fact, that it would be criminal to not demand Jack Dorsey answer that question in fine detail when he testifies before the House Energy and Commerce Committee in two weeks(Sep. 5).

    Not only is it an easily provable fact that Dorsey/Twitter and other platforms purge people on the right when it’s claimed their presence could lead to violence(or using some bullshit TOS Hate Speech infraction), but it’s just as easy to prove that these companies don’t hold Leftists to the same standard. Even though Leftists—especially of the Antifa variety—account for an overwhelming majority of the political violence(violence against law enforcement, media, political opponents, etc.) in the country, they are very rarely held to the same TOS scrutiny compared to those on the Right.

    You cease to be “just a private company” when you use your immense clout and market dominance to influence elections and shape society by pandering, protecting and promoting a segment of the population that uses actual physical violence and intimidation to shut down political opposition.

    Russian meddling in our elections and on social media? hmmmmmm………. Considering Twitter, Facebook and the bulk of media is intent on propping up agitators and domestic terrorists who call themselves Marxists and flash their Communist symbols and rhetoric out in the open, I’m just wondering why nobody on the Right has really connected the dots. There’s Russian meddling. But it’s more like the Soviet-styled Russian meddling of the 20th Century, not the Russia of today.

  3. OMG! Why haven’t we thought of this before!? For now on every rally we hold, we title them all Blue Lives Matter!! Watch leftists bury themselves while attempting to counter our message, while media drowns the public with coverage of “Pro-Law & Order Nazis versus thug anti-fascists”!! It may end up as good as the “it’s okay to be white” promo.
    Feedback please…..

  4. “Great optics here. Antifa chanting for the death of police officers.”

    Violent Communist© revolutionaries always target the police and Judiciary for extermination.???

  5. I can’t fathem why they’d oppose a ‘blue lives matter’ rally. There’s no racial overtones in such an event. Just goes to show…..the peaceful tolerant ones don’t seem to tolerate much. Hopefully this will shift the cops more to our side in future gatherings.

  6. Antifa members always have this… “soyish” body language and posture. Even in still photos it’s noticeable. Along with being skinny-fat or just plain obese. They just look drastically unhealthy. The majority are likely habitual drug users. Drugs, including weed, mess with your hormones. If you want to seem like a weirded out freak, then using drugs will certainly get you there.

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