I’ve had my differences with the Southern heritage community.
It is important that these people understand we aren’t the ones who are doing this:
“A reward is offered for information leading to the arrests of persons responsible for destroying a Confederate statue in Sylvania.
The 109-year-old monument was toppled sometime overnight Thursday or early morning Friday, said Sylvania police Chief Shane Burke.
Landscapers working in the Screven County Memorial Cemetery noticed the statue early Friday morning when they arrived to work, finding the marble soldier on the ground in pieces. The landscaping crew had seen the monument the day before and it was whole, he said.
Burke said Sylvania Mayor Preston Dees issued a brief statement Friday about the vandalism, stating such disrespect will not be tolerated.
“The City of Sylvania does not condone destruction of any historical monument,” Dees said. …”
We’re on the same side.
These people are your real enemies:
Direct action is back baby, it's good again – Awoouu (wolf howl) ??? https://t.co/C9IG8yNG2k
— Chelsea E. Manning (@xychelsea) September 1, 2018
By vandalized we mean, corrected. https://t.co/ozBYybD1oN
— Zach D Roberts (@zdroberts) September 1, 2018
#AllOutAugust to the very last minute… welcome, #SolidaritySeptember! https://t.co/RLly5HNc4o
— bu_la_tao (@bu_la_tao) September 1, 2018
We SHOULD hate these violent communists and anarchists. They hate the South. They hate White people. They hate Christianity. They hate the police. They hate America.
What can you do to stop these people? Join your local chapter of the League of the South. Check out our new site Antifa Arrests and help us dox your local Antifa. We need to put aside our differences for the moment and unite to smash communism and anarchism.
Chelsea Manning is one manic episode away from suicide.
I’d love to “have a talk” with the commie traitors. I have something I’d like to give to them.
I understand, Mr. Dewey.
Though I know that their vandalistick deeds are good for us, to awaken our still sleepy-headed brethren, when I see this, in my heart of hearts I feel in such a way as cannot be said – or, at least, not online.
I think their heads should be examined by Drs. Hekler & Koch. Failing that, I’d setlle for those who bragged about this act on social media being arrested and charged for the monument’s destruction.
The problem is going to be securing these works of art. I think we are going to face a future where tall fence is going to be around every Confederate monument hurting the view yet preserving it. Oh and if you don’t think they aint coming for the Yankee ones yet, they burned a bust of Lincoln in Chicago last year and splashed green paint on the Lincoln Memorial. While I can’t say I shed a single tear trust me its coming. The Sherman Monuments will be easy to get ANTIFA to demand their removal, once his remarks about Niggers and Indians are made known.
Confederate Monuments were just the soft target
Like 15, 8mm lead balls delivered at 1345fps.
If this monument is on the SPLC’s hate map, they should be sued as an accessory to this crime and pay for the restoration …
Excellent thought, Turn, but, even better would be to sue The Jew England Yankee United States’ Government, for sponsoring this kind of stuff, and, as well, looking the other way and NOT enforcing the Law.
“Excellent thought, Turn, but, even better would be to sue The Jew England Yankee United States’ Government.”
The old Union States and the South should sue Massachusetts for overturning the Constitution, the Law, and the Republic. And for breaking the Union and leveling war against the states. all of them.
Yes, Jimmy – your sure got that right!
I don’t see how this is not a positive for white nationalism. I personally never cared for these types of monuments anyway. I would love to see the treasonous faces sand blasted right off of Mt. Rushmore while they are going at it.
I know this is a Southern Nationalist site, but how exactly is George Washington “treasonous”? To the British Empire I guess?
Fenris – that’s a damn good question, in a time in history when damn good questions sail right over peoples’ heads.
The whole dang country is founded on rebellion and secessionist thinking and local control by local men, and yet, when you talk of such, even on The 4th of July, folks look like they just saw Sasquatch appear…
I know this is a Southern Nationalist site, but how exactly is George Washington “treasonous”? To the British Empire I guess?
He refused to hand the country over to Massachusetts, whose people are the rightful rulers of America.
The real traitor was Thomas Jefferson whose cabal forced Virginia to turn over her rightful land in the Northwest Territory to the US Government then Jefferson claimed he had the right to ban slavery there. Of course the worthless Virginia Aristocrats wouldn’t even think of setting up some sort of funded settlement program to actually help their military veterans relocate to Ohio en masse, they were on their own. They sold an entire section of land to a New England Consortium, The Ohio Company which settled opposite from Parkersburg, Va (WVA) almost to modern Hunington on the Ohio side. In fact George Washington considered the Massachusetts Officers who founded the settlement some of his closest friends. Their city, Marietta was established along the point where the Muskingum River enters the Ohio River and was named for Marie Antionette. In fact the city has the highest number of Revolutionary War officers buried in one place than any cemetery in America. Virginia sat idly by and allowed Massachusetts men to steal her land. George Washington ‘s words
“No colony in America was ever settled under such favorable auspices as that which has just commenced at the Muskingum. If I was a young man, just preparing to begin the world, or if advanced in life and had a family to make provision for, I know of no country where I should rather fix my habitation.”
George Washington, June of 1788
The Marietta settlement in the long run could barely be called successful as the mountainous terrain and extreme distance between Massachusetts and the Ohio River Valley made settlement difficult and after the War of 1812 when Northern OH opened up the men from New England merely followed the Mohawk Valley Path to Niagra Falls then down along Lake Erie into Ohio. Because of the railroads after the war, today the valley is in effect one place. Its really no differet than West Virginia
And to think at one time I regarded Bradley un-Manning as a hero who was being mistreated by the Army. They should have given him the Jim McDougall treatment in his cell, that effeminate little queer.
I was thinking about starting a LoS chapter here behind Union lines. I already know of several guys who would probably be interested in signing up.
Rabid Copperheads are always welcome Confederates, Spahn!
The thing is, real Marxist-Leninists believe in self-determination for all peoples except Jews and, per national question theory should support the Dixie national liberation movement. There was one Communist organization in the US that defended the Confederate struggle against Yankee imperialism, it was called NACAZAI, but it went defunct years ago. Looking back further in time we had groups like the Young Patriots Organization that used Confederate symbolism and defended the poor Whites of the South as an oppressed nation.
To the White proletariat in the South, the Confederate flag is a symbol of national pride and national resistance just as the pan-African flag is for Blacks. I think I can trust their judgement of an alliance of retards and pseudo-intellectual Trotsko-Jews who think they are “revolutionary” by wasting their time destroying anything Confederate. If you want direct action, why not bomb companies that do business with the Zionist occupation of Palestine or something else THAT WOULD ACTUALLY BE USEFUL like that?
Also, by destroying Confederate monuments they are simply enforcing through “direct action” what the Establishment is already trying to do through “legal” means. How can you be a revolutionary if you defend the same positions as the System but simply enforce them through extralegal means?
Semitism is antiWhite.
For the Grafitti “Artists” and the Vandalizers of Public and Private Property, I would like to see the favor returned to them. When they get home, it should be covered in spray paint and destroyed inside and out, all of their possessions in shards and tatters and their vehicle put out of commission. If they think it’s ok to tear the things up that they don’t like, then they should understand it when their belongings are trashed by people who disagree with them. In fact, I would like to see their faces and bodies spray painted and then watch as they’re forced to walk around with whatever ridiculous and insulting messages and images that we chose to decorate them with.
This would be the very epitome of poetic justice, the chickens coming home to roost, and what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
It is the media-lord ( jews ) who are anti-white , and will not evenhandedly report , the crimes and atrocities committed against , The Anglo / Saxons and their Related Kindred Groups – “The White Men” .
It is the lords of the “unspeakable” ring of fire – ( jews ) , who want to shut down all – “foreigner / alien invasion truth” . The ( jews ) also want the extermination ; of The Hidden Real and True White Men , in South Africa .
It is the “puppet-master” ( jews ) , whom direct the “cultural marxists / revolutionary provocateurs” – as their hateful footmen , to destroy and replace , The Grounded Christian White Men – with all Their Culture and Flags and Markers and Statues and Heritage Monuments .
JESUS CHRIST “is not” a jew , and He “does not” approve , of the so called judeo-christian zionists . JESUS IS A PURE BLOOD – WHITE HEBREW ISRAELITE . ( HE IS OUR GOD AND NEAR KINSMAN . All Real And True Hebrews – are White-Men . However , “not” all white appearing men , are real & true Hebrews . ) JESUS is a direct descendant , from The Patriarch Judah ( The Son of Jacob , The Son of Isaac , The Son of Abraham ) , by His pure blood mother Mary ; JESUS IS A PURE BLOOD – WHITE JUDAHITE . On the other hand , a jew is a mix blooded – alien foreigner – a literal bastard : by illegitimate intermarriage and misbegotten progeny . ( According to The Old Testament , The True Hebraic , The Mosaic Law : concerning forbidden miscegenation . )
JESUS CHRIST was born by a virgin , in Bethlehem . His conception was a miracle – by THE GIFT AND POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST . He is THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF THE FATHER , singularly born , by and in , such a manner . He grew up , in the village of Nazareth , in the region of Galilee . Thus , His recognized identity , was and is , THE NAZARENE MAN FROM GALILEE – THE GALILEAN . ( On the other hand , the jew is named after , and for , and comes from – Jerusalem / Judea )
The religion that JESUS CHRIST adhered to , was The Mosaic Law of Moses , as found today , in The Old Testament of THE HOLY BIBLE ( kjv ) . He was and is , THE ONLY ONE , that could and did and does , keep The Law perfectly – with purity . After He died for us , and then resurrected , JESUS instituted THE NEW TESTAMENT GOSPEL : He offered Conditional Reconciliation ( if an individual will choose it ) , for All Mankind ( ideally kind to kind ) , to find GOD – so receiving Mercy and Future Glory , by Faith in JESUS and Repentance and Reformation .
On the other hand , the jews were His arch enemies – all throughout His ministry . The pharisees corrupted The Mosaic Law , and made it into “judaism” – with their mysticism & magic & traditions of men . JESUS confronted the money changers – trading & selling at their tables , in front of and within , HIS – GOD’S HOUSE AND HOLY TEMPLE . He overthrew and ruined , their evil business . In revenge , they conspired and accomplished , the crucifixion of THE SON OF GOD . The jews used the Romans , as their agents and instruments , for their murder of THE MESSIAH . The jews gladly claimed , their own responsibility – for the bloody killing . ( Matthew 27 : 24 – 25 , THE HOLY BIBLE , kjv . ) The jews ( as a group ) , were then and are today , GOD’S most implacable , hate filled enemies – and JESUS hates them back . GOD Himself say’s : “Jacob have I loved” , and then He say’s , “esau” ( another name for the jew ) “have I hated” . ( Romans 9 : 13 , THB , kjv . )
THE “I AM” – JEHOVAH OF THE OLD TESTAMENT , IS THE GOD/MAN – JESUS CHRIST OF THE NEW TESTAMENT . GOD’S TRUTHS ARE HOLY RIDDLES – that need to be searched out – and found – to be appreciated and cherished and judiciously shared .
There is much more to tell , on this subject , and the more the telling – the more compelling , the case for the truth , and a corresponding growing gratefulness , by wonderful understanding .
JESUS “is absolutely not” , a jew by His lineage . JESUS “is absolutely not” , a jew by His childhood residence , nor by the primary locality – of His mission activity . JESUS “is absolutely not” , a jew by His religion .
The jew is a mixed blooded – alien foreigner – a literal bastard : by illegitimate intermarriage and misbegotten progeny . ( According to The Old Testament , The True Hebraic , The Mosaic Law : concerning forbidden miscegenation . ) The jews took over the office’s of : ( The King & The Temple High Priest & The Sanhedrin ) , by spiritual philosophy , and actual infiltration ; in the cosmopolitain – Jerusalem of Judea . Their impure bloodlines , of direct descent , come from the “serpent seed men” – that wicked brood of vipers & traitors : cain – ham – canaan – ishmael – esau – and many others . For that “kosher mafia” , Salvation is still just possible ( withal not likely ) , for separating individuals , who surrender to , and who live by faith upon , THE LORD JESUS CHRIST . Nevertheless , judaism is the world’s , leading “secret combination” – against THE TRUE GOD . It is already cursed , to a black doom , and destined for , an ultimate oblivion , and will be finally given over , to the fires of hell .
JESUS CHRIST “is absolutely not” a jew , and He will ultimately fully reject , all judeo-christian zionists , whom persist , in their shameful & guilty – delusions & sins . Their souls are being stolen , by connivance and by deception and by sophistry . They have the blood iniquity , of shared responsibility , for supporting all the violence and injustice , that the jews perpetrate . Turn away from , “The False Prosperity Gospels” – who’s promise is , a fool’s reward . Rather yet – stand on , GOD’S right side , to solely seek , purity and perfection – through only , THE LORD JESUS CHRIST – by His merits alone . Pray to GOD to obtain – THE GIFT AND POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST .
Jews are from Judah’s Canaanite son Shelah as stated in Malachi and in Romans 9 Paul explains that the sons of Esau, the edomites had also infiltrated Judea and had come to rule over the temple during Christ’s ministry. It is actually the sadducees that became Judaism. Christ died to save the twelve tribes only NOT everyone on the planet.
Zach D Roberts
“This twitter account kills fascists”
New York©, ZOGUSA
Being a New Yorker, he regards Georgians as animals that he has been made suzerain over. That’s why it bothers him not, that this is a cemetery.
Furthermore, he has his Jewish masters’ permission to say so.
“This twitter account kills fascists”
Fighting Fascism is a Jewish neurosis.
Side note. I’m not using ((( ))) to designate Jews anymore. I’m using “©.”
It’s quicker and simpler.
The Hysterian Kevin M. Levin© is a Jew who masquerades as a “Yankee.”
Modern day abolitionists destroyed that statue. They have a history of promoting murder/destruction in the South.
But God does allow for slavery. You can ever see the concept of men owning servants referred to in two of the Ten Commandments which were written down on stone by God and not by mortal man…
The North could not make slavery profitable but the South could. Mississippi was the richest state in the Union before the war and poorest after.
“Also there was the plantation; Brierfield, he [Jefferson Davis] called it. Here too he worked and learned, making certain innovations in the labor system. The overseer was a Negro, James Pemberton. No slave was ever punished except after a formal trial by an all-Negro jury, Davis only reserving the right to temper the severity of the judgment. James was always James, never Jim; ‘It is disrespect to give a nickname,’ Davis said, and the overseer repaid him with frankness, loyalty, and efficiency. Once when something went amiss and the master asked him why, James replied: ‘I rather think, sir, through my neglect.'”
–Foote, Shelby. The Civil War: A Narrative: Volume 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville
Yes they are called JEWS
If you want to blame anyone for the death of Slavery in the North, blame Thomas Jefferson who was a fool. He was the one in 1784 who forced Virginia to give up the entire Northwest Territory but for a sliver of land for her War veterans in Ohio. Most of which they never settled, as the Shawnee were so mean, no one wanted anything to do with that part Ohio till mostly after 1812 destroyed the Shawnee. Gen Bradley T Johnson brought up in his autobiography about Virginia ceding her land and that when she seceded the sale was in effect made null and void. In fact Virginia still owned her Ohio lands until 1851 when she finally sold the rest of them to Ohio.
Ohio Indiana Illinois, would have all been profitble slave states if not for the Jefferson cabal. In fact William Henry Harrison attempted to have the Northwest Ordinance Revoked to bring slavery to Indiana but it failed. Today if you look at a map of the Midwest, I-70 which is the road that replaced the National Road everything below I-70 is fit for tobacco and in Illinois, the very bottom was fit for Cotton. If not for Jefferson’s abolitionist sentiments this would have happened
Yes, when I first read about this give away of land, I thought it was foolish. I wish Virginia would have taken back her original land (and it was immense — “sea to sea”**) or at least have gotten rid of the nonsense of free vs slave states. The North was trying to bottle up Southerners who owned slaves so they could not move to free states which was detrimental to the slaves themselves yet those in the abolitionist North could move to any state in the Union stave or free.
** According to James I’s writ, the Virginia Colony in its original sense extended to the coast of the Pacific Ocean, in what is now California, with all the states in between (Kentucky, Missouri, Colorado, Utah, etc.) belonging to Virginia.
The religion of Abolition struck again.
Thomas Jefferson negotiated this deal when Virginia held all the cards. Virginia gave up this land in good faith. It should not have ceded one inch
@Turn Hearts
Shelby Foote is a cut above the rest. He did for the Southern narrative what Bruce Catton did for the North.
He’s hated by the propagandists and ideologues who call themselves historians. Hysterians would be more accurate.
Yes, I am glad I read his 3 volume narrative. I just wish some scholar would take on the task of going through the narrative and put footnotes in it to show the source for the information. He really did a good job and I am just starting to read it again and this time stop along the way to go off and study other reference books and fill in more of the details of the battles and documents.
Here are some comments from a forum that mostly agree with what you said.
” Welcome! I’m sure others much more informed will be along shortly but imho Shelby Foote is fairly accurate. He was a journalist/novelist and never considered himself an historian, which is why he subtitled his trilogy “A Narrative”. It was meant to be the Southern viewpoint of the Civil War. He always acknowledged a Southern slant to his work because he felt that viewpoint was under-represented by historians but I found him actually pretty fair. Quite a few scholars of the CW use him as reference and consider his work outstanding. Sometimes he couldn’t resist a good story even though it might be iffy, but overall he was quite good.”
“I have found his information to be good, but because he doesn’t include footnotes, etc. some people dismiss it as a source.”
“I tend to favor Mr. Foote and consider him a good source on the American Civil War. Put your doubts aside and enjoy what the man offered, as it is good history.”
“Allen Nevins is much more accurate, but not quite as much fun to read. Read Foote for a basic understanding and don’t worry much about details. He was mostly spot on.”
“I agree with what others say above. The lack of footnotes/endnotes is a problem for trying to track down his sources, so using him as a reference on this forum for a hot-button topic probably isn’t a good idea. But other than that he appears to be accurate in what he says and his Southern bias is only slight. I think he’ll always be my favorite Civil War author.”
“I like him. Read this work and found it quite fair and a great read. Great tale teller and that is good IMO. Just as much an historian as many who are “official” historians. Kinda a Southern Bruce Catton in some ways. “
I am glad I read his narrative. I am starting to read it again and stop along the way to read in more detail in reference books about the battles and men Foote is discussing. Below are some comments from a WBTS forum about Foote.
“I tend to favor Mr. Foote and consider him a good source on the American Civil War. Put your doubts aside and enjoy what the man offered, as it is good history.”
“Allen Nevins is much more accurate, but not quite as much fun to read. Read Foote for a basic understanding and don’t worry much about details. He was mostly spot on.”
“The lack of footnotes/endnotes is a problem for trying to track down his sources, so using him as a reference on this forum for a hot-button topic probably isn’t a good idea. But other than that he appears to be accurate in what he says and his Southern bias is only slight. I think he’ll always be my favorite Civil War author.”
“I like him. Read this work and found it quite fair and a great read. Great tale teller and that is good IMO. Just as much an historian as many who are “official” historians. Kinda a Southern Bruce Catton in some ways. “
The problem here is how in the world are you going to police everywhere? These statues are going to have to be watched with hidden cameras and everything. Will anyone really invest that much time and money? I hope so!
The problem here is how in the world are you going to police everywhere?
The advantage here is that nearly every county seat in Dixie, and quite a few small towns, have their own. memorials and cenotaphs.The people who are tearing down statues are from up North. They don’t know this. They think they know about Dixie, but they don’t.
They can’t get all of them. Only the prominent ones. In places where Northerners go.
Still some of this vandalism has happened in small towns. not major cities. I suggest enclosing them with spiked fence as ugly as that would be. Or putting motion detector cameras around them. Sylvania Georgia is off the beaten path though, its way over next to the South Carolina Border and has less than 3000 people in the town. This has escelated beyond where Northerners go, I suspect here it was local Negroes or teenage kids. Thing is now ANTIFA has small cells everywhere, this virus isn’t isolated now. Your formula James worked fine in 1970, but like I said before they have a breeding population now. 47 years is a long time
Have governors in the states that have Confederate memorials, monuments, flags, etc declare war on these anti-South terrorists and grant all citizens the right to shoot and kill on sight anyone attacking any Confederate monument/statue/memorial/flag/etc associated with the South with no penalty and instead give these heroes a bounty/reward/official recognition for doing their duty of destroying our relentless enemy and defending their history/heritage/ancestors.
We are in a war for survival.
Today’s Scalawags Are Pathologically Guilt-Ridden – ( The collaborators to the monument destroyers )
revisedhistorry , Posted on : September 2 , 2018