Richard Spencer: The Trump Moment Is Over

Aside from Occidental Dissent, I remember how Richard Spencer was making these points during the transition. We were both very alarmed about the Cabinet picks, the Deploraball controversy (what it meant in terms of norms) and especially the legislative agenda of the incoming Congress:

For those who are just joining us, I have put together a timeline of Trump’s first year which includes all the things you may have missed which you were being prescribed 4D Chess arguments:

OD Timeline: Trump’s First Year (Part I)
OD Timeline: Trump’s First Year (Part II)
OD Timeline: Trump’s First Year (Part III)

Here are some more year in review posts:

Trump Trends: Social Media Censorship
Trump Trends: Leftwing Political Violence
Trump Trends: Trump’s Conservative Agenda
Trump Trends: Alt-Right Alienation

I wrote all of these posts around this time year. I will be working on updating them to cover what happened and how these trends continued in Trump’s second year over the next two weeks.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • The alt-right has been corrupted by Trump worship. Spencer will be relevant for decades. After 2020, we will never hear from Trump again.

  1. As the Anglin crew still cheerleaders for him. I think a commenter was right here on OD, Anglin being a bought GOP shill.

    • Anglin and his American Nationalist Stormer-fags have thoroughly discredited themselves. None of them are any longer relevant. The guys I respect and admire are Paul Nehlen, Patrick Little, Tom Metzger, HW, Doctor Hill and Art Jones.

      • As usual, I disagree with your analysis, Spawn. Yes, I am seeing that HW was right about the most important thing, when he wrote: “Trump seems to be too timid to challenge the reigning taboos, but at the same time too politically vulnerable to enforce them.”

        But AA had a very interesting observation in one of his latest columns: – “…What is interesting here is that these Jews – and I believe all Jews – are taking it for granted that Jared Kushner being in the White House is good for Israel – but that this is, in fact, the core of the problem. Even after the synagogue shooting – which the Jewish media universally blamed on Donald Trump – Jews are unable to form a united ethnic front against President Trump because Jared Kushner is doing things that are objectively good for Israel.’

        ‘So the question this article is actually asking is: is the fact that Trump is good for Israel good for Jews?’

        ‘The mainstream secular, liberal Jews of the West would prefer that the President was doing nothing for Israel, so as there would be no ability for him to divide the Jewish community.’

        ‘This is really a continuation of the old Zionist conflict within the Jewish community: many Jews were very uncomfortable with the formation of a Jewish state, because Jews understand what they are: a people that feeds off of the labor of other peoples through various schemes. They are a race incapable of true nationalism, because their entire evolution is based on parasitism.’

        ‘After the alleged Holocaust, however – something which Jews genuinely believe happened, not because of any facts, but because they are emotionally-driven creatures who, like women, believe that reality is created in their own minds – a much larger percentage of Jews believe that it is necessary for them to have a headquarters of operations that they can flee to if times get rough in the land of the goyim.’

        ‘But if Trump is causing a situation where things are more and more likely to get rough for Jews in the land of the goyim – and I think it is fair to say that this is indeed happening – then you have a math equation with unquantifiable variables: is it more important to mitigate potentially rough times for the Jews…’ “-

        My most recent conclusion (sadly arrived at, but almost impossible to ignore) is this: Trump is the big blowhard who, when push comes to shove, doesn’t have the cojones to truly ACT for the best interests of …the nation, even if it means (and it does, now) his own crucifixion for the cause.

        I was blinded by the actions of (what I now realize are/were apostate, graceless, heretical protestants- hey, old beliefs die hard!) i.e., the “Evangelicals,’ when they ‘prayed for Trump’ right before his Inauguration-

        Who (like me) hoped they saw in DT initially, as ‘like unto a latter-day ‘Cyrus” … but after reading that Sheldon Adelson was in the White House (with Trump) watching the recent midterm results, for me, it’s over. I could care less about where some stupid Embassy is, when the entire LAND of Palestine is just WAITING for an excuse to ‘spew out’ the godless, christ-killing [sic] ‘Jews’ [Lev. 18:28, Rev. 3:16]. Let’s be honest- Jews have no more ‘right’ to the land of [sic] Israel, than I do to the throne of England. But back to DT….

        DT is clearly more like Théoden in LOTR while under his enchantment, and the Grimma [Jew] Wormtongues are all over his throne room.

        Could he finally awaken, and enact Martial Law, and rid us of these god-damned corrupt Judges, who thwart him at every turn? Could he sign an executive order, stating that all true Americans could go bounty hunting for any and all non-Whites/aliens/moslems/sodomites, and NOT face criminal charges, in helping to purge the land of these sub-human invaders and abominations, who ‘deserve to die’
        [Rom. 1:32]? Could he disown the Kushners for all time, and cut off all aid to the Occupied State of Palestine, mistakenly known as ‘Israel’ …and freeze all Jewish assets in the USA, while not allowing the Deicides exit from LEGITIMATE White Jurisprudence, for their ‘crimes against humanity’?

        Yes, but it’s going to be a miracle akin to the Parousia. But that event already conclusively happened against apostate Jews, once before. In AD70. {see Book of Revelation} If God is going to act now, WE have to be His hands and feet, executing vengeance against the ungodly, and not wait for some heretical ‘Dispensationalist Armageddon.’

        “Live in peace with your enemies, but only with your personal enemies, and NOT the Enemies of God.” – St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves

        ‘Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
        Bring me my Arrows of desire:
        Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
        Bring me my Chariot of fire!’

      • I trust Anglin more than I trust Spencer. Anglin is simply an internet troll. He didn’t engineer the Charlottesville Debacle, Richard Spencer did. Of all the Charlottesville participants who have been the subject of lawsuits and imprisonment, why aren’t Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler in more trouble? Hmmm? Enquiring minds wanna know.

  2. I hope you and Spencer and others continue to push that you were right. It’s important for people to know who to listen to on political matters. The dissident right needs independent & free thinkers – not GOP party hacks doing analysis.

  3. No one person has all the answers. I think Spencer is right 90 %, but what we really need is him, Hill, Wallace, Taylor, Brimelow, John B. Wells, Duke and a few others to form a “think tank,” that meets at least monthly to get the secession ball rolling before it’s too late.

  4. Trump has failed to be the Leader we were hoping for, as has the Earl of Spencer. Just how powerful is ZOG? Can no one defeat it? It doesn’t have any charismatic figures possessed of superior intellects or abilities, it’s comprised of mediocrities like Cankles and Barry. Such unworthy opponents!

  5. Not really Trump’s disaster, no one on the right dealt with the word “racist” and it trumps all the essays you or any cuck will ever write.

  6. Trump was always BS. When a conservative stresses that he is against illegal immigration, and is silent on legal immigration, it means he is for massive non-White immigration with documents. All we had to do was listen to what came out of his mouth, instead of what we wanted to hear.

    The wall was always a sick joke, and I am glad that he won’t be able to build it. Beacause what is the point of building an expensive wall to separate a random sampling of brown humanity, from another random sampling of brown humanity?

    A wall would have been yet another way for the conservatives to put Whites to sleep, while they turn America brown using massive legal immigration. Conservatives are not our secret friends, they are the worst kind of enemy. They are a frenemy.

  7. we’re getting close to this inflection point, that’s certain. another 6 months, 9 months post election and we’ll know for sure whether trump is over. there’s still time to get solid traction on key issues, but post election, things are moving in the opposite direction steadily.

    having said that, richard spencer is not anybody to listen to about anything. he should be ignored. if you want to accomplish nothing and actually have a counteractive effect to whatever agenda you are trying to move forward, then richard spencer is your guy. if you’re serious about saving america or at least saving your state or some semblance of sane society, stay away from this guy. he’s in a zero stakes environment, operates on his family’s money, and is goofing around with this WN stuff. he can just disappear and go do something else whenever he feels like it. and he will. for the rest of us, this is life or death.

    not to mention, he’s actually bad at this stuff anyway. even if he was serious, he’d be somebody to ignore.

    • A right wing respectie who is too frightened to use the word genocide, is not going to lead Whites out of the wilderness into the promised land. We need men who will stand in the face of public opinion, and call a spade a spade.

    • @glarg blarg:

      “having said that, richard spencer is not anybody to listen to about anything. he should be ignored. if you want to accomplish nothing and actually have a counteractive effect to whatever agenda you are trying to move forward, then richard spencer is your guy. if you’re serious about saving america or at least saving your state or some semblance of sane society, stay away from this guy. he’s in a zero stakes environment, operates on his family’s money, and is goofing around with this WN stuff. he can just disappear and go do something else whenever he feels like it. and he will. for the rest of us, this is life or death.”

      Thank you, thank you, thank you for saying what I have felt since “Sieg Heil Gate.”

  8. uh, except when it comes to richard spencer being ‘correct’ about this stuff. it’s the opposite. if you go back to read spencer’s writings on these issues 3 or 4 years ago, and in particular his talks and discussions with guys who actually know what they’re talking about, like brimelow, it’s evident that it’s young richard spencer who doesn’t really know what he’s talking about a lot of the time on these issues.

    once the enemy showed up, richard spencer folded in like 1 year of engagement with them. other guys like me have been doing this stuff for 20 years. jared taylor, peter brimelow, steve sailer, aware of this stuff for 30 to 40 years. spencer is an obvious entryist and and lightweight who made all the beginner mistakes then vacated the field of battle after a brief engagement with the enemy. he’s a soft trust fund boy.

    richard spencer wasn’t old enough, experienced enough, or smart enough to avoid the very obvious traps that he fell into with unite the right. and neither did our host. because they are young, and missed WN 1.0. they were kids, or weren’t even born, when that stuff was worked out – that it doesn’t work.

    hard to understand that hunter and richard don’t understand what an obvious trap they fell into last year at their really, really dumb rally. that hunter and richard and talking about how they were ‘right about all this stuff’ just shows how much they actually have to learn.

  9. Jeff Session cost the midterm election by recusing.Mueller is still on the hunt.GOP betrays its base.As for Trump,he’s walking a tight rope.

  10. Ou, please shit on Richard Spencer. Please continue. Really saving America. Spencer was right about Trump, he even predicted it like 8 years ago. He is intellectual. You can disagree with him. Now, that he will disappear there would be legion of other pro white advocates. BTW left is going to kill you. So make sure you complain about Spencer…. This is why I will never be involved in right wing politics. We do not have solders. We have whiny girls. Left march as one men. They do not tear each other. They know what is the goal. Right? I still remember how you shit on Hunter because of Trump. You have shut Jared Taylor because he do not mentioned Jews. You shit on Pat Buchanan. You shit on the TRS. You shit on Cantwell. You shit Ramz Paul, Nehlen, Little etc.

    • You don’t think Lenin and Trotsky ever had a serious falling out? Or Castro and Che? Mensheviks and Bolsheviks? Hitlerites and Strasserites? Political movements are replete with factions, rivalries and intrigues.

      • Lenin and Trotsky? Are you trolling me? First commies have to WIN! We are arguing about sitting table on train to Gulag. Just think about it. Why should you join right advocacy group? You will listen non-stop bitching about thinks you make bad. Man, if I remember shit Hunter need to receive. Some idiots are claiming that guys from Charlottesville now sitting on jail are FBI plants.

      • I was redpilled partly by RamzPaul. He is normie friendly. We are still less then 5% of the population. We need to be at least 20% of organised population to get somewhere politicaly. People like him can help us get there.
        Or you think, we can be like this small community to get us somewhere? Tearing down each other?
        Look, if you can not say anything nice about fellow right wingers, do not say anything. Left use this rule and it is working.
        Look, even in America, there is like 50 well know dissidents like Hunter or Spencer. We really do not have more people able to stick out their heads.

    • The reason the right loses is because the left goes 1000% when they attack us, while the right waters everything down to nothing.

      The left call us racist, naziwantstokillsixmillionjews, white supremacist over and over and over. They never get tied of repeating it.

      The right instead of accusing the left of white genocide, water it down and call what the left are doing to Whites a replacement, which is not a crime in any country.

      The right accuse their enemy of doing nothing wrong, while the left accuse us of the most heinous crimes imaginable.

      It is no wonder that the left controls everything, while the right controls nothing.

      The left now control the speech codes on right wing Are you tired of winning yet?

  11. “The Trump Moment is over?”

    Dear Mr. Spencer,

    Tell that to all the European Nationalist movements that constantly consult with him and look to him as their North Star.

    You are a brilliant and brave man, Sir, but, you sure need to pull your head out of the American White Nationalist pigeon hole and look at the situation from 360 degrees.

    President Trump, like him or not, is the central hub around which the entire West is reorienting politically.

    And, whether we like it or not, that is happening, with or without a Wall.

    President Trump is the bridge to a new era, a midwife, if you will – not the baby.

    Before Trump nothing was possible, after Trump many things are.

    • Seeing as Trump is utterly despised in Europe, a lot of European Nationalists distance himself from him. Of course Jew-wise Nationalists distance themselves from him for other reasons. Unlike in the US, there has been no support for Trump from hardcore Nazis in Europe since April 2017.

      There was growing nationalism in Europe before Trump. The “central hub” you are referring to – I thought that was Putin and Russia? (For a lot of kosher “nationalist” groups, it’s actually Israel sponsoring them.)

      • I am sorry, Dear Jic, but, I hear, all the time, from European Nationalists, and most of them are very happy about President Trump.

        Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Spencer and virtually every other “leader” in this “movement” has ZERO discernment.

    I wouldn’t follow any of them anywhere.

    On the other hand, I have been correct about Trump and the entire jewish cabal all along and I don’t want a single fucking person “following” me anywhere. I am no leader, but by God, use my correct assessments, instead of the crazy bat shit stuff Spencer, et al uses.

  13. President Trump, like him or not, is the central hub around which the entire West is reorienting politically.

    And its all catering to the jew. THAT is what your hero does. Cater to jews.


  14. Richard Spencer has absolutely ZERO credibility to me. And trying to come in after the fact like some eerily prescient leader who was warning us all about Trump from jump street makes me laugh at his — dare I say it? CHUTZPAH! In thinking that WNs have shorter attention spans than the average beer-swilling Amerikwan out there.

    Trump is what he always was. He’s a civic nationalist who is hamstrung by his own personal foibles and that is negatively impacting his administration. Jarvanka is installed in the White House because Trump feels guilty because he dumped Princess Ivanka’s mommy for home-wrecking slut, Marla Maples. Trump had enough close Jewish business and personal associates – at that level of wealth – a lot of your friends and neighbors are going to be Jews – to be familiar with the Daddy Dynamics and set up Ivanka with one of their own to exploit them.

    Trump is not Anti-White, but he has never been particularly Pro-White. He is Pro-Trump and when a “White Supremacist” tries to hitch his wagon to Trump’s, Trump never had any compunction about throwing David Duke under the bus, so why would he hesitate over any other White Nationalist Leader Wannabe?!

    Any Pro-White movement is never going to get off the ground unless we finally learn from history and stop buying into the fake news commentariat agenda. Really, the discourse has become so dumbed down that the Democrats don’t even have to couch their basic Racist Republicans theme. “We don’t have to promise you shit about improving your lives; if you vote for our Nazi opposition, it’s because you’re racist.”

    Trump took the Republican modus operandi of what Richard Milhouse Nixon called “running to the right during the primaries and veering to the center during the general election” and what the Jews Media calls “dog whistling” to Whites and fed it steroids, that’s all.

    Trump’s only interest was both civic nationalist and Zionist. He wanted to bring back the factories to make America less vulnerable to China. He wanted to keep America strong enough to defend Israel. He wanted to bring back high-paying jobs. An open border with third worlders pouring in from every shit-hole on earth to suck up benefits and keep the wages down does not make Americans want to enlist and fight for “our freedoms.” That’s the only reason why he wanted stronger border enforcement. Not to launch a new White Supremacy.

    When you look at Trump through those two lens; the Daddy Dynamics and economic nationalism, then his cabinet appointments make all the sense in the world to you. The average Amerikwan doesn’t care about draining the swamp as long as the swamp doesn’t engage in the kind of overreach that involves taking his job and taking his gun. And he doesn’t give two flying flips if Jews run that swamp, either.

    Now let’s take a close look at Richard Spencer who has displayed such glaringly bad judgment that one has to wonder if we don’t have another Hal Turner on our hands. No sooner than Trump gets elected and several weeks before Trump is even sworn into office, Spencer gives the media this wonderful little Neo-Nazi Show called “Sieg Heil gate.”

    He organizes Charlottesville with a dubious character and former Hillary Supporter, Jason Kessler. Do any of you know that Kessler also used to work for CNN? Between them, they organize a torch lit march where they have many bare-faced men on film shouting to Jews Media, “Jews Will Not Replace Us.” Everyone is surprised as shit that one of the men gets doxxed and a few weeks later, commits suicide because he is now an unemployable social pariah.

    Why wasn’t it enough to file a suit to establish the right to protest and then simply stay at home but have a televised conference and written protest over tearing down our country’s history – good, bad, or indifferent – to the media?

    I would strongly suggest that any young person with White Nationalist leanings read and memorize The Art of War by Sun Tzu which, encapsulated, advocates making the enemy believe you are weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak. Conning a minority of reckless young idealists at the start of what should be their careers into exposing themselves as “White Supremacists” exposed how weak, disjointed, disorganized and powerless the White Nationalist movement is. Especially when the authorities are still rounding them up and putting them in jail for years over the most harmless offenses.

    The internet, not torchlit marches, was our strongest weapon. Thanks to Charlottesville, that is being taken away from us as one site after another is being deplatformed even as we speak. By witnessing this, I am reminded of the Helot Class and how the Spartans kept them down. They’d find ways to flush out the bravest of Helot men so they could destroy them.

    That is why, AFAIC, anytime some Antifa punches Richard Spencer in that smug, supercilious, idiot face of his, AN ANGEL EARNS HIS WINGS!

  15. Richard Spencer has absolutely ZERO credibility to me. And trying to come in after the fact like some eerily prescient leader who was warning us all about Trump from jump street makes me laugh at his — dare I say it? CHUTZPAH! In thinking that WNs have shorter attention spans than the average beer-swilling Amerikwan out there.

    Trump is what he always was. He’s a civic nationalist who is hamstrung by his own personal foibles and that is negatively impacting his administration. Jarvanka is installed in the White House because Trump feels guilty because he dumped Princess Ivanka’s mommy for home-wrecking slut, Marla Maples. Trump had enough close Jewish business and personal associates – at that level of wealth – a lot of your friends and neighbors are going to be Jews – to be familiar with the Daddy Dynamics and set up Ivanka with one of their own to exploit them.

    Trump is not Anti-White, but he has never been particularly Pro-White. He is Pro-Trump and when a “White Supremacist” tries to hitch his wagon to Trump’s, Trump never had any compunction about throwing David Duke under the bus, so why would he hesitate over any other White Nationalist Leader Wannabe?!

    Any Pro-White movement is never going to get off the ground unless we finally learn from history and stop buying into the fake news commentariat agenda. Really, the discourse has become so dumbed down that the Democrats don’t even have to couch their basic Racist Republicans theme. “We don’t have to promise you shit about improving your lives; if you vote for our Nazi opposition, it’s because you’re racist.”

    Trump took the Republican modus operandi of what Richard Milhouse Nixon called “running to the right during the primaries and veering to the center during the general election” and what the Jews Media calls “dog whistling” to Whites and fed it steroids, that’s all.

    Trump’s only interest was both civic nationalist and Zionist. He wanted to bring back the factories to make America less vulnerable to China. He wanted to keep America strong enough to defend Israel. He wanted to bring back high-paying jobs. An open border with third worlders pouring in from every shit-hole on earth to suck up benefits and keep the wages down does not make Americans want to enlist and fight for “our freedoms.” That’s the only reason why he wanted stronger border enforcement. Not to launch a new White Supremacy.

    When you look at Trump through those two lens; the Daddy Dynamics and economic nationalism, then his cabinet appointments make all the sense in the world to you. The average Amerikwan doesn’t care about draining the swamp as long as the swamp doesn’t engage in the kind of overreach that involves taking his job and taking his gun. And he doesn’t give two flying flips if Jews run that swamp, either.

    Now let’s take a close look at Richard Spencer who has displayed such glaringly bad judgment that one has to wonder if we don’t have another Hal Turner on our hands. No sooner than Trump gets elected and several weeks before Trump is even sworn into office, Spencer gives the media this wonderful little Neo-Nazi Show called “Sieg Heil gate.”

    He organizes Charlottesville with a dubious character and former Hillary Supporter, Jason Kessler. Do any of you know that Kessler also used to work for CNN? Between them, they organize a torch lit march where they have many bare-faced men on film shouting to Jews Media, “Jews Will Not Replace Us.” Everyone is surprised as shit that one of the men gets doxxed and a few weeks later, commits suicide because he is now an unemployable social pariah.

    Why wasn’t it enough to file a suit to establish the right to protest and then simply stay at home but have a televised conference and written protest over tearing down our country’s history – good, bad, or indifferent – to the media?

    I would strongly suggest that any young person with White Nationalist leanings read and memorize The Art of War by Sun Tzu which, encapsulated, advocates making the enemy believe you are weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak. Conning a minority of reckless young idealists at the start of what should be their careers into exposing themselves as “White Supremacists” exposed how weak, disjointed, disorganized and powerless the White Nationalist movement is. Especially when the authorities are still rounding them up and putting them in jail for years over the most harmless offenses.

    The internet, not torchlit marches, was our strongest weapon. Thanks to Charlottesville, that is being taken away from us as one site after another is being deplatformed even as we speak. By witnessing this, I am reminded of the Helot Class and how the Spartans kept them down. They’d find ways to flush out the bravest of Helot men so they could destroy them.

    That is why, AFAIC, anytime some Antifa punches Richard Spencer in that smug, supercilious, idiot face of his, AN ANGEL EARNS HIS WINGS!

  16. “In Europe, almost as soon as the Nazis began to take on the Reds in the streets, Communists started losing. In fact, the elapse between the right beginning to show some testosterone and their taking power was, in historical terms, very very short.” @whitakerisms2

    My only issue with Spencer is as soon as he appeared, he started calling the crime of White Genocide a “replacement”.

    Every time you call a genocide a replacement, you are saying the perpetrators are NOT GUILTY!

    White Genocide was everywhere when Trump was propelled to victory. Thanks to Richard and Taylor, Replacement is now everwhere, and its all fallen apart.

    Its no coincidence.

  17. The thing is tho none of you have a plan to move on. Richard doesnt, Hunter doesnt and federal informant Chris Cantwell doesnt. It’s been pathetic to watch these “leaders” sputter impotently about how powerless we all are. They offer nothing. No plan. And they admit it. What does anyone get out of following these washed up e-celebs anymore? Those of us who knew all along that Trump was at best a stop gap to bide for time are not surprised by Trump’s failure and that’s why we dont succumb to Hunter’s brand of impotent, directionless outrage. We’re too busy setting up local networks. We dont have time to cry about Trump 12 hours a day on our blogs. Hunter should retire this blog until he comes up with a way to make positive contributions again. He is not capable of it in his current state of abject dependence on Trump to do something for him. Those of you still interested in DOING SOMETHING as opposed to whining on the internet, find your local group, get vetted and get involved. Theres plenty to do and if you spend more than 5 minutes a day reading people who do nothing but whine about daddy Trump letting them down, you need to reassess how you’re spending your time. And if you’re the one actually writing this crap, you would better serve the interests of white people by taking up a hobby to keep you busy and off the internet.

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