The New Populist Political Center

Seriously, what would happen if someone running for president figured out that the “center” of American politics was actually near what used to be the “alt-right”?

“Over the past 40 years, we have thought of the business wings of the Democratic and Republican Parties as the political center in America because they support more moderate economic policies on taxation and regulation than the dominant Reagan paradigm and more socially liberal policies. However, a study by the Democracy Fund’s Voter Study Group shows that the real centrists are populists who are economically more progressive and socially more conservative.

This study focuses on policy positions rather than ideological self-identification because most voters don’t think ideologically but rather hold a mix of conservative and liberal policy positions. By comparing the positions of voters in the two parties, the study finds that the issues dividing the two parties concern government redistribution or the size and role of government and identity. Identity is a new cleavage that focuses on the meaning of being American and revolves around issues of race, immigration, and morality.

Their research also breaks down voters into four major groups based on these cleavages. Consistent liberals make up 45 percent of voters while consistent conservatives are 23 percent, libertarians, who are economically conservative and socially liberal, are 4 percent, and populists are 29 percent of the public. Thus, populists are the real centrists who determine which party win elections and the policy direction of the country. These populists are in both parties as almost half of Republicans are economic liberals, primarily working class voters, and most racial minorities are more religious and conservative than white Democrats. These divisions provide tensions within each party. …”

What if no one else knew because dumb leftwing journos had been wrong the entire time about the rise of the “far right” and Blompf’s victory in the 2016 election?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is why there needs to be a new party or new parties, to run the Democrats, Republicans and their Judeo-Communist-Plutocratic backers out of power.

    The New Populists will always be headed off and blocked by both parties and the interests they represent.

  2. Economically progressive? I support abolition of the Third Bank of the United States, aka, the Federal Reserve. I think the value of labor should be used as the basis of our currency, instead of paper money or jewish “precious metals”. And I believe in the establishment of state chartered banks, as well as the separation between investment and commercial banking. What’s more, all student loan debt should be forgiven and a guaranteed basic income gradually instituted.

    Socially conservative? I am a strong advocate of corporal and capital punishment, as well as the abolition of the XIX Amendment and the US Supreme Court. Senators should once again be appointed to serve by the legislatures of their respective states, not by popular vote. Negroes are but 3/5 human in the eyes of the law. And all gun control laws should either be completely abolished or at least reset to pre-1933 standards.

    So I guess you could call me a “Nazi”.

    • @spahnranch1969

      Economically progressive? I support abolition of the Third Bank of the United States, aka, the Federal Reserve. I think the value of labor should be used as the basis of our currency, instead of paper money or jewish “precious metals”. And I believe in the establishment of state chartered banks, as well as the separation between investment and commercial banking.

      I agree with you Spahn, 100%. This is what Hitler did for Germany, and what was done for Japan. An honest money system.

      That’s why the Jews had their Anglo and Russian golems destroy both countries.

  3. It’s well known that populism almost guarantees victory in American elections. I remember my political science professor in college saying this over a decade ago. But the politicians are not interested in winning elections as much as they are pursuing the American imperial agenda and reinforcing the narratives that keep that agenda alive, all for the benefit of oligarchs tied in to the financial system, media, and military-industrial complex. We saw this clearly during the 2016 election when most of the GOP was openly trying to give the win to Hillary.

    The American political system is two organizations bidding for the opportunity to enact the oligarch agenda. It’s the same agenda either way, with the only difference being which party gets the spoils and kickbacks from the graft.

  4. The influence of the new populist center is almost nil. The trump administration is slowly setting the stage for war against Iran. It designated the iranian revolutionary guard a terrorist group. Jewish organizations will soon demand the US attack Iran as part of the American war on terror.

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